Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Who lives at, owns 111 N Beverly Glen just raided by LAPD and ATF? Mistress of Gordon Getty, Getty Oil

lapd atf raid home at 111 N Beverly Glen Blvd Los Angeles CA 90077 mary cummins, california, real estate, guns, rifles ammunitions, cynthia beck

UPDATE:  08/13/2019 February 3, 2020 is prelim trial setting in Airport Courthouse room W31 8:30 He was arraigned July 15, 2018 in the same court room.

1 SAENZ, GIRARD DAMIAN 01 SA100880 07/12/2019 Airport Courthouse (LAX)

"Saenz is charged with 23 counts of possession of an assault weapon, 17 counts of unlicensed transfer of a handgun, 15 counts of unlawful assault weapon/.50 BMG rifle activity, seven counts of possession of a short-barreled rifle or shotgun and two counts of possession of a destructive device.

Saenz, who was freed on $50,000 bail after his May arrest, pleaded not guilty Monday during a hearing at the Airport Branch Courthouse. His bail was increased to $100,000, which he posted."

Case Number:
Violation Date
April 24, 2019
Filing Date:
July 12, 2019
Airport Courthouse
Case InformationEventsBailSentencing Information

Count Charge Section Charge Statute Plea Disposition Disposition Date
01 30605(A) Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
02 30600(A) Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
03 27545 Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
04 30605(A) Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
05 30600(A) Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
06 27545 Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
07 30605(A) Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
08 30600(A) Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
09 27545 Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
10 30605(A) Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
11 30600(A) Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
12 27545 Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
13 30605(A) Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
14 30605(A) Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
15 30605(A) Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
16 30605(A) Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
17 30605(A) Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
18 30605(A) Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
19 30605(A) Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
20 30600(A) Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
21 27545 Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
22 18710(A) Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
23 30605(A) Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
24 30600(A) Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
25 27545 Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
26 33215 Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
27 30605(A) Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
28 30600(A) Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
29 27545 Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
30 33215 Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
31 33215 Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
32 27545 Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
33 33215 Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
34 27545 Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
35 30605(A) Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
36 30600(A) Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
37 27545 Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
38 30605(A) Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
39 30600(A) Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
40 27545 Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
41 30605(A) Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
42 30600(A) Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
43 27545 Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
44 30605(A) Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
45 30600(A) Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
46 27545 Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
47 30605(A) Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
48 30600(A) Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
49 27545 Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
50 30605(A) Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
51 30605(A) Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
52 30600(A) Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
53 27545 Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
54 30605(A) Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
55 30600(A) Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
56 27545 Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
57 30605(A) Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
58 30600(A) Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
59 33215 Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
60 30605(A) Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
61 33215 Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
62 33215 Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
63 27545 Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending
64 18710(A) Penal Code Not Guilty Case Pending Case Pending

05/14/2019 Girard Saenz may face Federal gun charges. He used an obscure federal license intended for collectors of antique firearms to build up his massive collection. The curio and relic license that Mr. Saenz possessed is issued by the federal government for antique firearm collectors. It streamlines the purchases of historic or novel guns and would have allowed Mr. Saenz to avoid California regulations including a 10-day waiting period and a minimum 30-day span between purchases of handguns, according to the law-enforcement officials. I don't see that he's been charged in Los Angeles County Court. Perhaps LAPD just assisted the Federal Government with the search warrant and arrest.

Photo of suspect.


05/10/2019 Girard Saenz was once married to Francoise Marie Verges Saenz. He filed for divorce Nov 12, 1991 in San Diego. Case info here.

Case Number:  D333676    Case Location: San Diego   
Case Type: Domestic  Date Filed: 11/12/1991
Category: FL40 Dissolution

Last Name or Business Name  First Name  Primary (P)

Last Name or Business Name  First Name  Primary (P)

Imaged Case
Documents are available for viewing at all Older Records Kiosks
Select [File Location] button above for location details

Microfilm ID  Location  Reel Number  Frame Number
1    SD-OREC     

There is a well known Francoise Verges who was at the University of San Diego during this time. She's a little older than him but we know he likes older women. This may or may not be that person. She's a
pretty amazing person.

05/09/2019 The man arrested was a personal friend of Cynthia Beck. He is her contractor whom I mentioned below yesterday, Girard Damien Saenz, 57, aka Gerry Saenz. He owns a property on Sunset with Beck and two of her daughters. He lived in San Diego in 1990. He led the design team for the restoration and remodeling of the Lawrence’s Crown Manor. He dated an older woman who was Lawrence's aide. He appears to like older wealthy women. Below is from booking. He was arrested by "fugitives" division? Was he a fugitive? $50,000 bail is low because they must feel he's not a threat to society or flight risk.

Booking No.: 5623669       Last Name: SAENZ       First Name: GIRARD       Middle Name:

Sex: M       Race: W       Date Of Birth: 06/09/1961       Age: 57       Hair: BLK       Eyes: BLU       Height: 510       Weight: 160

Charge Level: F   (Felony)

Arrest Date: 05/08/2019       Arrest Time: 1730       Arrest Agency: 4248       Agency Description: LAPD-FUGITIVES

Date Booked: 05/08/2019       Time Booked: 2240       Booking Location: 4273       Location Description: LAPD - JAIL DIVISION

Total Bail Amount: 50,000.00       Total Hold Bail Amount: 0.00       Grand Total: 50,000.00

Housing Location: LAPD

Permanent Housing Assigned Date: 05/08/2019       Assigned Time: 2240     

He had a prior.

Booking No.: 5091229       Last Name: SAENZ       First Name: GIRARD       Middle Name: DANIEN 

Sex: M       Race: W       Date Of Birth: 06/09/1961       Age: 56       Hair: BRO       Eyes: HAZ       Height: 509       Weight: 160 

Charge Level: F   (Felony)

Detained Date: 09/04/2017       Detained Time: 1620       Detained Agency: 2201       Agency Description: LASD-LOST HILLS STATION PATROL 

Date Booked: 09/04/2017       Time Booked: 1720       Booking Location: LHS       Location Description: STA - LOST HILLS

Total Bail Amount: 50,000.00       Total Hold Bail Amount: 0.00       Grand Total: 50,000.00

Housing Location: - 

Permanent Housing Assigned Date: 09/04/2017       Assigned Time: 1720       

Address:       City: 

            Schedule A Visit 

For County facility visiting hours, Please call (213) 473-6080 at Inmate Information Center.

Next Court Code:       Next Court Date:       Next Court Time: 0000       Next Court Case: 

Court Name: 
Court Address:       Court City:

Actual Release Date: 09/04/2017       Release Time: 2120       

Release Reason: 49B1       Reason Description: RLSED PER 849(B)(1)PC A DETENTION ONLY

(a) When an arrest is made without a warrant by a peace officer or private person, the person arrested, if not otherwise released, shall, without unnecessary delay, be taken before the nearest or most accessible magistrate in the county in which the offense is triable, and a complaint stating the charge against the arrested person shall be laid before the magistrate.

(b) A peace officer may release from custody, instead of taking the person before a magistrate, a person arrested without a warrant in the following circumstances:

(1) The officer is satisfied that there are insufficient grounds for making a criminal complaint against the person arrested.

He was involved in a car accident lawsuit as defendant which was dismissed after mediation. He or his insurance company may have settled the case.

He has a contractor's license since 1994 in Coronado, California.
License # 686759
Association Date 04/06/1994

UPDATE: One man was arrested. We don't know who yet. "A man was placed under arrest at the scene for violating Penal Code 30600, California's law regarding assault weapons and .50 BMG (Browning Machine Gun) rifles. It prohibits the manufacture, distribution, transportation, importation and sale of any assault rifle or .50 BMG rifles, except in specific circumstances, according to the California Legislature." The cars at the location are registered to Cynthia Beck. We still don't know it there was a tenant or squatters. There were people coming and going allegedly to care for the home.

ORIGINAL: At 2:00 p.m. LAPD and ATF raided a home at 111 N Beverly Glen Blvd, Los Angeles, California 90077. It is just barely north of the intersection of Sunset Blvd and Beverly Glen Blvd right next to UCLA campus. 1,000 + guns were retrieved. LAPD and ATF still on site processing the evidence.

The home is owned by 65 year old Cynthia Dianne Beck born 1954, 728 N Bunker Hill Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90012. She does not live at the Beverly Glen property. She lives at 728 N Bunker Hill, Los Angeles, CA 90012 is her mailing address. She lives in Pacific Palisades. She owns other properties with Gordon Getty of Getty Oil. Turns out Cynthia Beck was Getty's mistress. They had three daughters together. Cynthia owns a few abandoned mansions in Malibu and Bel Air. Here's an article that mentions them including this home. The article states Cynthia Beck lives there. Allegedly she was involved in litigation with her neighbor over a property line. I do see in permits she tried to build a retaining wall. Clearly Beck is a multi-millionaire and doesn't need to sell guns. I'm sure it's a tenant. I could be wrong about the tenant. Beck appears to leave her properties vacant.

FTR I lived up the street two blocks until 2015. I'd drive by that home every day.

Per the above link,

"Of note about this Bel Air house is that Ms. Beck was involved in a lengthy — and extremely costly — disagreement with her next-door neighbors, apparently stemming from a boundary dispute. In 2009, after a protracted eight-year legal war that ultimately ended with a jury trial, Ms. Beck was ordered to pay the couple next door a whopping $6 million in compensatory and punitive damages. Two years later, her neighbors won another award against her for attorneys’ costs totaling $446,302.21."

Here is more from the lawsuit. Beck appealed and lost. Seems the original neighbor to the north 141 N Beverly Glen built a pool, reflecting pond and wall on Beck's property. Beck told her neighbor to remove those improvements. They entered into a settlement agreement to remove the improvements. Beck then violated the agreement. Neighbor won on appeal. I bet the neighbor at 141 Beverly Glen turned in the person at 111. They are the only ones who can see into the property.

Is a friend or friend of the family living in that home? Maybe squatters? There is a friend named Girard Damien Saenz, 57, aka Gerry Saenz a contractor.

It seems Gordon Getty's second family was an open secret per the LA Times. "Nicolette, Kendalle and Alexandra are my children," Getty wrote in a statement released to the media. "Their mother, Cynthia Beck, and I love them very much." Their full names are Kendalle Pauline Getty, Nicolette Michelle Getty.

The property is rented to, had the following people living there. I don't know if these are the guilty parties. I'm just stating they lived there recently. I'm not going to post the alleged tenants. They are the names of the past owners.

The home is 8,229 sf Colonial with 5 beds, 8 baths on a 38,973 sf lot. There is a pool. It was built in 1930. It last sold in 2001 for $2,600,000. It appears to be free and clear. Below is past MLS listing. No interior photos. No work has been done on the home since 1965.

lapd atf raid home at 111 N Beverly Glen Blvd Los Angeles CA 90077 mary cummins, california, real estate, guns, rifles ammunitions, cynthia beck
Below is the street view.

lapd atf raid home at 111 N Beverly Glen Blvd Los Angeles CA 90077 mary cummins, california, real estate, guns, rifles ammunitions, cynthia beck

Mary Cummins
of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, real estate, appraiser, appraisal, instructor, teacher, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Pasadena, Brentwood, Bel Air, California, licensed, permitted, single family, condo, pud, hud, fannie mae, freddie mac, uspap, certified, residential, certified resident, apartment building, multi-family, commercial, industrial, expert witness, civil, criminal, orea, dre, insurance, bonded, experienced, bilingual, spanish, english, form, 1004, 2055, land, raw, acreage, vacant, insurance, cost, income approach, market analysis, comparative, theory, appraisal theory, cost approach, sales, matched pairs, plot, plat, map, diagram, photo, photographs, photography, rear, front, street, subject, comparable, sold, listed, active, pending, expired, cancelled, listing, mls, multiple listing service, claw, themls,

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