Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Who is Governor Kay Ivey? Married, divorced, no children, parents are blood related - by Mary CumminsGovern

Governor Kay Ivey, Kay Ellen Ivey, abortion, rights, bill, Mary Cummins, Alabama, ban, horrible person, votes, gay, homosexual, barren, married, divorced, no children, parents may blood related, husband Dr Genny Allan Laravia, Boarman Ivey, Barbara Nettles, Earl Nettles, Olive Burson, Thomas Ivey

UPDATE: 10/29/2019 The Court just reversed this ruling it is unconstitutional. Thank god.

ORIGINAL: I just did Governor Kay Ellen Ivey's family tree to see if she was married and had kids. She was married twice but had no children. Her first husband divorced her, married someone else then instantly had two kids. Husband could have kids. Kay Ivey remarried in 1991 to Tom Franklin Clement. They did not have children. Tom had two sons from a previous marriage. They appear to have divorced.

I found it odd that Kay Ivey was an only child. She was born in 1944 six years after her parents married in June 1938. Both her parents come from big families that had babies immediately after getting married. There appears to be multiple levels of inbreeding within the Nettles family. Her father and mother are both from the Nettles family. Maybe this is why they could only have one child. It's also possible Kay Ivey could be adopted. Below is the tree. I'll add another generation later. I added another generation.

Turns out they all lived in a town of only 1,000 people. Even in 2017 the population was only 2,000. There are two traffic lights, three banks and nine churches. Mother's side going back four generations from Monroe, Alabama. Father's side from Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina going back the same amount of time. All the great grandparents are from Monroe County, Alabama.

Governor Kay Ivey, Kay Ellen Ivey, abortion, rights, bill, Mary Cummins, Alabama, ban, horrible person, votes, gay, homosexual, barren, married, divorced, no children, parents may blood related, husband Dr Genny Allan Laravia, Boarman Ivey, Barbara Nettles, Earl Nettles, Olive Burson, Thomas Ivey
Kay's father was Boadman Nettles Ivey 1913 - 1997.  He got a degree in agriculture from the Alabama Polytechnic Institute. He was in the military, politics as the County Supervisor and worked with the Farmers Home Administration doing farm loans. Below is his obituary.

"IVEY, Boadman Netties, 63, a resident of Camden, AL died March 19, 1997, at J. Paul Jones Hospital, Camden, AL. Funeral services will be held on Friday, March 21, 1997, at 2:00 p.m. from Camden Baptist Church with Rev. Eddie Davidson officiating. Burial will be in Philadelphia Baptist Cemetery with Dunklin-Herndon Funeral Home directing. Survivors Include his wife, Mrs. Barbara Nettles Ivey, Camden, AL one daughter, Kay Ellen Ivey, Montgomery, AL one brother, Richard G. Ivey, Greensboro. NC: nieces, Laura Brice, Smiths Station, AL, Marty Alvarez, Columbus, GA, Carol Holder, Montgomery, AL Joanna Johnson, Camden, AL and Susan Girtman, Charleston, SC. Mr. Ivey was the son of the late Thomas Turner Ivey and Olive Burson Ivey of Beatrice. He was preceded in death by his brothers, Oliver Turner Ivey and Owen Ivey; sisters, Lorena Ivey McMillan and Olive Ivey; and niece, Nancy G. Vaughn. The family requests no flowers. Donations may be made to The American Heart Assoc., P.O. Box 518, Camden, AL 36726 or Camden Baptist Church, Lottie Moon, 300 Broad St., Camden, AL 36726. The family will receive friends on Friday, March 21. 1996, at the church, from 1:00 p.m. until time of service. Transcription by Mary Cummins."

Her paternal grandparents were Thomas Turner Ivey and Olive Burson. Below is Thomas Ivey's obituary.

"IVEY, Thomas Turner, 88, a native of Monroe County, and a resident of Beatrice, died Tuesday in Wilcox Memorial Hospital, Camden. Graveside services will be at 3:30 p.m. Thursday from Pineville Baptist Cemetery at Beatrice. Survivors include three sons, O. T. Ivey. Smiths Station, AL and B. N. Ivey, Camden, and R. G. Ivey, Greensboro, NC ; one daughter, Mrs Olive Becker, New Milford, Conn.; and six granddaughters. The body will lie in state at Johnson Funeral Home from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Thursday." Transcription by Mary Cummins.

Below is Olive Burson Ivey's obituary. She died in a head on car accident.

"Beatrice. IVEY, Mrs. Olive Burson, died Friday in an automobile accident. Surviving are three sons, Turner Ivey, Auburn; Nettles Ivey, Camden; Richard Gay Ivey, Rochester, N.Y.; two daughters, Mrs. Hunter Vaughan, New York City, N.Y.; Mrs. James McMillan, Key West, Fla.; a brother. B. B. Finklea, Monroeville; two sisters, Mrs Eugene Burson, Montgomery; Mrs. Lawrence Stuart, Camden. Funeral services will be held at 1:30 p.m. today from the Beatrice Baptist Church. Burial will follow in Buena Vista Cemetery. Transcription by Mary Cummins.

Kay Ivey's mother was Barbara Nettles Ivey. Below is her obituary.

"IVEY, Mrs. Barbara Nettles, 82, died Tuesday, October 6, 1998 at her residence in Camden, Alabama. Funeral services will be held Thursday, October 8, 1998 at 1:30 p.m. at the Camden Baptist Church with Rev. Jay Spiller, Rev. Eddie Davidson, and Rev. Billy Lucas officiating. Graveside services will be held Thursday afternoon 3:00 p.m. from the Philadelphia Baptist Church cemetery at Tunnell Springs, Alabama. Dunklin-Herndon Camden directing. Survivors include her daughter Kay Ivey, Montgomery, AL; one brother, Sam D. Nettles, Decatur, AL; three neices, Mrs. Betty Ann Bronaugh, Decatur, AL, Mrs. Barbara Ashwander, Decatur, AL, Mrs. Nancy Harrell, Dothan, AL; one nephew, Thomas Earl Nettles, Jr., Mobile, AL; 6 grand neices and grand nephews. The family will receive friends from 12:30 until 1:15 pm at the Camden Baptist Church Fellowship hall prior to services. The family requests in lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Camden Baptist Church, 300 Broad Street, Camden, AL 36726 or to the Philadelphia Baptist Church, Route 1 Box 82, Peterman, AL, 36471 or to the University of Montevallo, Station 6000, Montevallo, AL 35115. Active Pallbearers will be David Ray, Jimmy Brock, Nick Baggett, Nell Wilder, Bill Albritton, Will Philpot, and Henry Mcintosh. Honorary Pallbearers will be the officers, directers, and retirees of the Camden National Bank, members of the American Legion Auxiliary, Girls State Staff, Girls State Delegates, members of Mrs. Ivey's Sunday School Class of the Camden Baptist Church, and members of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Dunklin-Herndon-Camden Directing." Transcription by Mary Cummins.

Kay Ivey's maternal grandparents were Earl Nettle and Ethel DuBose Nettles. Yes, they are blood related and marrying each other. Below is Earl Nettles obituary.

"Brother of Judge Nettles Dies In Monroe Hospital. News was received in Jasper Monday morning of the death in Monroe County hospital of Earl Nettles, 55, brother of Judge Malcolm S. Nettles, of Jasper. Judge Nettles left for Monroe immediately after being notified of his brother's death. Earl Nettles was a farmer, cattle raiser and merchant at Tunnel Springs, Ala. He was one of fifteen full brothers and sisters, ten sons and five daughters, who were born and lived to maturity in Monroe county, Ala. Only five of them are now living, three sons, two daughters. Funeral services were held Tuesday at Tunnel Springs. Earl Nettles is survived by his widow, Mrs. Ethel Nettles; two sons, Dr. Thomas E. Nettles, Samuel Nettles; one daughter, Mrs. Nettles Ivey. Daily Mountain Eagle, Jasper, Alabama. Transcription by Mary Cummins."

Below is Ethel DuBose Nettle's obituary.

"TUNNEL SPRINGS. NETTLES. Mrs. Ethel, Tunnel Springs, 74, died in a Monroe County hospital June 17. Services will be from the Philadelphia Baptist Church, Tunnel Springs, June 19 at 4 p.m., Rev, Wright officiating. Johnson Funeral Home, Monroeville, directing. Body will lie in state at her home Sunday from 9 until 2 and in the church until service time. Survivors are a son, Samuel D. Nettles, Bloom Field Hill, Mich.; a daughter, Mrs. E. N. Ivey, Camden; two brothers, Charles Nettles, and William P. Nettles, both of Monroeville; four sisters, Mrs. Thomas A. Nettles and Mrs. William Chappell, Tunnel Springs, Mrs. Charles Jackson, Monroeville, and Mrs. Charles Schreuier, Mobile; and five grandchildren. The Montgomery Advertiser. "Transcription by Mary Cummins.

August 1967 Kay Ellen Ivey married Dr. Benny Alan LaRavia 1940-1994 in Alabama. They divorced with no children. He remarried and had a son and a daughter so it appears he could have kids.

Kay Ellen Ivey, Dr. Benny Allan LaRavia marriage wedding 1967 Alabama, abortion, Governor, divorce, sin
September 7, 1991 Kay Ivey married Tom Clement. They have no children. They married at 47 so I could see why. I don't believe they are still married to each other. Kay only used the name "Kay Ivey Clement" until 1993. Tom had two sons from a previous marriage.

Kay Ellen Ivey, Tom Clement wedding marriage 1991 Alabama divorce sin abortion
If abortion is wrong because it's against Christian beliefs then so is divorce. If you divorce, you cannot remarry in the church. You cannot receive the host. Her second marriage was in the First United Methodist Church. Her first marriage was in the Camden Baptist Church. This woman is a major sinner besides a hypocrite. She even had the nerve to wear white at her second wedding.

Maybe Governor Kay Ivey wants to ban abortion because she is barren and can't have kids. I've seen many who are against abortion just because they can't have kids.

Turns out it's legal to marry first cousins in Alabama. That's why there is so much inbreeding in the Nettles family. They were a large prominent family in a small area of Monroe County, Alabama. Multiple Nettles married Nettles. They even list all the names in the obituaries. That should be something that you would hide, take to your death bed. I can't help but hear the soundtrack to the movie "Deliverance" when I look at this family tree.

Look at the far right. William J Nettles and wife Ann Johnson are listed twice. They are ancestors of both the bride and groom! Also William Thames Nettles is the brother of William J. B. Nettles who are great grandparents of Barbara Nettles on both her mother and father's side! When I spread the tree in regular view you see a lot more of that with much closer relationships in the same generation. I have to list them as separate people or the tree falls apart. Governor Kay Ivey's inbred family tree broke software. Everyone in her family on both sides of her family is basically the children of William Joseph Nettles Jr 1776-1849 from South Carolina.

Governor Kay Ivey, Kay Ellen Ivey, abortion, rights, bill, Mary Cummins, Alabama, ban, horrible person, votes, gay, homosexual, barren, married, divorced, no children, parents may blood related, husband Dr Genny Allan Laravia, Boarman Ivey, Barbara Nettles, Earl Nettles, Olive Burson, Thomas Ivey
Governor Kay Ivey was a member and leader of Future Homemakers of America. She clearly did not become a homemaker. Maybe she feels that she failed as a homemaker and mother which is why she signed that anti-abortion bill? She had the nerve to say "all life is precious." She's against abortion but she's for keeping all the Confederate statues. They didn't feel all life is precious.

Turns out all the Nettles are descended from the grandfather of Captain Thomas Alexander Nettles 1842 to 1917. Below is his obituary.

CAPT. T.A. NETTLES, LEADING RESIDENT OF MONROE IS DEAD.  Head of Prominent Family Laid to Rest This Afternoon. TUNNEL, SPRINGS, ALA.. Aug. 4 - This community today is mourning the death of one of its oldest and most substantial citizens, a member of one of the most prominent families in this section of Alabama. Captain T. A. Nettles as he was universally known in this section of the state died at 11:15 o'clock last night, and his remains will be laid to rest in the cemetery at Tunnel Springs at 1:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Captain Nettles was born at Pineville, Monroe county, Alabama, Sept. 24, 1842 and had lived his entire life time in the county, and for the past 50 years has resided at the family's present home one and one half miles from the town of Tunnel Springs. He was first married on August 9, 1865 to Miss Mattie A. Robins from which union there were born 14 children. He was married a second time on August 9, 1893 to Miss Mary E. Lee who survives him. From that union was born one child . Captain Nettles enlisted in the service of the Southern Confederacy on September 29, 1861, at Mobile, Alabama becoming a sergeant in Captain Maiden's company Wirt Adams' Regiment. Miss. Mounted volunteers known as Company B, 3rd Alabama Cavalry, C. S. A. He was captured June 27, 1863 at Sheltyville, Tenn., and paroled at Camp Douglass Illinois being forwarded for exchange to Point Lookout, Md.. February 20, 1865. On Hooper'a Staff. For several years Captain Nettles was an enthusiastic member of the United Confederate veterans, and for a number of years has served on the staff of General Hooper, commander of the Alabama Division, U. C. V., his rank being that of major. Captain Nettles had been a consistent and consecrated member of the Baptist church since boyhood and a loyal member of the Masonic lodge since early manhood, he being treasurer of his lodge at the time of his death. He had always been vitally Interested in all matters of political or civic interest to the state and community, but had never sought political preferment for himself. He was a consistent Christian a loving father, husband and friend. No worthy cause of charity appealed to him without arousing his interest and aid. The history of this man is but the narrative of a well spent life. The father of five daughters and ten sons by his splendid example he taught them how to live and above all, how to die. Before his death Captain Nettles called his family to his bedside and expressed his appreciation of the fact that he had been permitted to rear so large a family to maturity, all of whose lives are above reproach, and admonished them to continue as useful and upright citizens. Leaves Large Family. He leaves surviving him a wife, Mary Lee Nettles, and four daughters, Mrs. S. J. Stallworth and Mrs. W. A. Stallworth, Beatrice, Ala.; Mrs. J. E. Crook, Montgomery and Mrs. W. S. Nash, Tunnel Springs. Ala., and ten sons, W. J. Nettles, Tunnel Springs, Dr. D. R. Nettles, Peterman; S. B. Nettles, T. A. Nettles Jr.. J. R. Nettles, A. S. J. Nettles, Tunnel Springs; M. E. Nettles, Jasper, Ala., Dr Robbins Nettles, Bell Ellen, Ala; Earle Nettles, Tunnel Springs, and George Lee Nettles, the last named being the only child by the second wife. One other daughter, Mrs C. J. Jackson, died several years ago. The remains will be laid away in a Confederate uniform, and Confederate gray casket, in accordance with the request of the deceased, and with Masonic and Confederate Veteran honors. The honorary pall bearers will be Gen. C. W. Hooper, Selma; Senator B. P. Ellis, Orrville; Judge J. N. Stanford, Camden; Dr. R S. Dally, Tunnel Springs; J. J. Finkles, Buena Vista; John Lee Marshall, Perdue Hill, Philip Kyser, Pine Apple, Capt. T. M. Riley, Beatrice, Capt. J. H. McCreary, Beatrice; P.C. Fountain, Tunnel Springs. The active pall bearers will be Judge M. M. Fountain, Monroeville; Dr. J. W . Rutherford, Franklin; Dr. W. G. Hairston, Burnt Corn; J. B. Barnett, Monroevllle: J. T. Newberry, Tunnel Springs and W. M. Newton, Evergreen. The Montgomery Advertiser, Montgomery, Alabama. Aug 5, 1917. Transcription by Mary Cummins.

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, real estate, appraiser, appraisal, instructor, teacher, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Pasadena, Brentwood, Bel Air, California, licensed, permitted, single family, condo, pud, hud, fannie mae, freddie mac, uspap, certified, residential, certified resident, apartment building, multi-family, commercial, industrial, expert witness, civil, criminal, orea, dre, insurance, bonded, experienced, bilingual, spanish, english, form, 1004, 2055, land, raw, acreage, vacant, insurance, cost, income approach, market analysis, comparative, theory, appraisal theory, cost approach, sales, matched pairs, plot, plat, map, diagram, photo, photographs, photography, rear, front, street, subject, comparable, sold, listed, active, pending, expired, cancelled, listing, mls, multiple listing service, claw, themls,

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