Saturday, April 27, 2019

Who is John T Earnest who shot, killed people in Jewish synagogue Chabad of Poway today?

john t earnest, john a earnest, lisa christine, earnest, chabad of poway, shooter, killer, murderer, christian, 19, nurse, san diego, california, mary cummins, automatic rifle,, orthodox presbyterian church, jews, jewish, anti Semitic, hate, john timothy earnest

UPDATE: 06/17/2019 Judge granted a protective order over discovery items. Anything that happens or is said in open court is exempt.


Case was merged with case 19-CR-1850-AJB. State and federal cases will proceed simultaneously. 3:19-cr-01850-AJB All Defendants USA v. Earnest
Date filed: 05/21/2019
Date of last filing: 05/21/2019

He now has two public defenders.

Kathryn Neal Nester
Richard Deke Falls
Federal Defenders of San Diego Inc
225 Broadway
Suite 900
San Diego, CA 92101-5030
Designation: Public Defender or Community Defender Appointment

Here is the current docket as of today of the combined cases.

05/20/2019 16 NOTICE OF FILING OF OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings as to John Timothy Earnest held on 5/14/2019 before Magistrate Judge Michael S. Berg. Court Reporter/Transcriber: Ellen L. Simone. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER or the Court Reporter/Transcriber. If redaction is necessary, parties have seven calendar days from the file date of the Transcript to E-File the Notice of Intent to Request Redaction. The following deadlines would also apply if requesting redaction: Redaction Request Statement due to Court Reporter/Transcriber 6/10/2019. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 6/20/2019. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 8/19/2019. (akr) (Entered: 05/20/2019)
05/21/2019 17 NOTICE OF MERGED MAGISTRATE CASE as to John Timothy Earnest; All future filings related to John Timothy Earnest must be e-filed in criminal case 19-CR-1850-AJB. (no document attached) (als) (Entered: 05/21/2019)

05/21/2019 Indicted filed.

05/14/2019 10 Set/Reset Duty Hearings as to John Timothy Earnest: Preliminary Hearing set for 5/28/2019 01:30 PM before Magistrate Judge Michael S. Berg. Arraignment set for 6/4/2019 01:30 PM before Magistrate Judge Michael S. Berg. (no document attached) (mxn) (Entered: 05/14/2019)

05/10/2019 Feds released the complaint. John Timothy Earnest confessed to his crimes to the 911 operator. Earnest stated "I just shot up a snyagogue. I'm just trying to defend my nation from the Jewish people ... They're destroying our people ... I opened fire ona synagogue. I think I killed some people," "because the Jewish people are destroying the white race."

Earnest did write the manifesto. FBI got a search warrant for his home and electronic devices. A copy of the manifesto was found on his laptop.  in San Diego, CA.

Earnest picked up the legally purchased rifle April 26, 2019.

Earnest admitted to torching a mosque. People were sleeping in the mosque. At 3:15 a.m. they smelled gasoline and saw flames. A few of the people in the mosque were able to put out the flames with water. The fire burned, scorched half the length of the west wall of the mosque. The heat cracked a window. The gasoline was poured around the only exterior door on the west side of the structure.

Here is a pic of the make, model of gun used.

smith & wesson model M&P 15 sport ii john t earnest, john a earnest, lisa christine, earnest, chabad of poway, shooter, killer, murderer, christian, 19, nurse, san diego, california, mary cummins, automatic rifle,, orthodox presbyterian church, jews, jewish, anti Semitic, hate, john timothy earnest

05/09/2019 Federal charges were filed against John Timothy Earnest case # 3:19-mj-01900-KSC-1. Below are the only two docs which are public. They were both only a page so I turned them into images. Click to see bigger.

john t earnest, john a earnest, lisa christine, earnest, chabad of poway, shooter, killer, murderer, christian, 19, nurse, san diego, california, mary cummins, automatic rifle,, orthodox presbyterian church, jews, jewish, anti Semitic, hate, john timothy earnest

john t earnest, john a earnest, lisa christine, earnest, chabad of poway, shooter, killer, murderer, christian, 19, nurse, san diego, california, mary cummins, automatic rifle,, orthodox presbyterian church, jews, jewish, anti Semitic, hate, john timothy earnest

Below is the case info.

U.S. District Court
Southern District of California (San Diego)

Case title: USA v. Earnest
Date Filed: 05/09/2019
Assigned to: Magistrate Judge Karen S. Crawford

Defendant (1)
John Timothy Earnest

Pending Counts

Highest Offense Level (Opening)

Terminated Counts

Highest Offense Level (Terminated)

18:247(a)(2),247(d)(1),247(d)(3); 18:249(a)(1)(B)(i)(ii); 18:247(a)(1),247(d)(3) - Obstruction of Free Exercise of Religious Beliefs Resulting in Death and Bodily Injury; and Involving Attempt to Kill, Use of a Dangerous Weapon; Hate Crime Acts; Damage to Religious Real Property Involving Use of a Dangerous Weapon or Fire

USA represented by U S Attorney CR
U S Attorneys Office Southern District of California
Criminal Division
880 Front Street
Room 6293
San Diego, CA 92101
Fax: (619)557-5917
TERMINATED: 05/10/2019
Designation: Assistant United States Attorney

John N Parmley
U S Attorneys Office Southern District of California
Criminal Division
880 Front Street
Room 6293
San Diego, CA 92101
Fax: (619)557-7381
Designation: Assistant United States Attorney

Caroline Pineda Han
U S Attorneys Office
880 Front Street
Room 6293
San Diego, CA 92101
Fax: (619)546-0831
Designation: Assistant United States Attorney

Peter G Ko
U S Attorneys Office Southern District of California
Criminal Division
880 Front Street
Room 6293
San Diego, CA 92101
Fax: (619)546-0831
Designation: Assistant United States Attorney

Rosanna E. Gibson
U.S. Department of Justice
601 D Street NW
Washington, DC 20045
Designation: Assistant United States Attorney

Shane P Harrigan
U S Attorneys Office Southern District of California
Criminal Division
880 Front Street
Room 6293
San Diego, CA 92101
Fax: (619)557-6741
Designation: Assistant United States Attorney

Date Filed # Docket Text
05/04/2019 Arrest of John Timothy Earnest (no document attached) (lrc) (Entered: 05/09/2019)
05/09/2019 1 COMPLAINT as to John Timothy Earnest. (Attachments: # 1 Info Sheet, # 2 Certificate of the Assistant Attorney General)(lrc) (Entered: 05/09/2019)
05/09/2019 2 Set/Reset Duty Hearings as to John Timothy Earnest: Initial Appearance set for 5/9/2019 before Magistrate Judge Karen S. Crawford. (no document attached) (jjg) (Entered: 05/09/2019)
05/09/2019 3 Order and Writ of Habeas Corpus Ad Prosequendum, as to John Timothy Earnest for 5/14/2019. Signed by Magistrate Judge Karen S. Crawford on 5/9/2019. (jrm) (Entered: 05/09/2019)
05/09/2019 4 NOTICE OF ATTORNEY APPEARANCE John N Parmley appearing for USA. (Parmley, John)Attorney John N Parmley added to party USA(pty:pla) (Entered: 05/09/2019)
05/09/2019 5 NOTICE OF ATTORNEY APPEARANCE Shane P Harrigan appearing for USA. (Harrigan, Shane)Attorney Shane P Harrigan added to party USA(pty:pla) (Entered: 05/09/2019)
05/09/2019 6 NOTICE OF ATTORNEY APPEARANCE Caroline Pineda Han appearing for USA. (Han, Caroline)Attorney Caroline Pineda Han added to party USA(pty:pla) (Entered: 05/09/2019)
05/09/2019 7 NOTICE OF ATTORNEY APPEARANCE Rosanna E. Gibson appearing for USA. (Gibson, Rosanna)Attorney Rosanna E. Gibson added to party USA(pty:pla) (Entered: 05/09/2019)
05/09/2019 8 NOTICE OF ATTORNEY APPEARANCE Peter G Ko appearing for USA. (Ko, Peter)Attorney Peter G Ko added to party USA(pty:pla) (Entered: 05/09/2019)

Prosecutors add 109 hate crime charges in synagogue shooting, including murder of Lori Gilbert-Kaye, charge for attempted murder of 53 other people there; no decision yet on requesting death penalty. The Governor has suspended putting people to death but you can still get sentenced for it.

"After the gunman fled the scene April 27, he told a 911 dispatcher he opened fire at a synagogue, thought he killed some people and said he did it because “I’m just trying to defend my nation from the Jewish people… They’re destroying our people,” according to the federal complaint."

He went on to tell the dispatcher that he did it because “the Jewish people are destroying the white race.”

John Earnest told 911 dispatcher he did it to "defend my nation."

05/02/2019 Finally Christian churches and Earnest's church are taking some responsibility.

"The Rev. Mika Edmondson, a pastor in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, which is a small evangelical denomination founded to counter liberalism in mainline Presbyterianism, told The Washington Post that even though Earnest does not blame his faith for his ideology, “It certainly calls for a good amount of soul-searching.”

“We can’t pretend as though we didn’t have some responsibility for him — he was radicalized into white nationalism from within the very midst of our church,” Edmondson said.

The OPC released a statement on their website. Here is part of it.

"Pastor Zachary R. Keele and the session of our hundred-member Escondido Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Escondido, California, issued the following statement concerning that horrific event:

"The atrocious crime of violence and hatred that took place at Chabad of Poway synagogue on Saturday, April 27, grieves us deeply and shatters our hearts. As a congregation of the Lord Jesus Christ, we devote our lives to the love and mercy of the Lord to all of God’s beautiful children, from every nation, language, and tribe. Our most sincere prayers, condolences, and cares go out to the victims, their loved ones, and the congregation of Chabad. We deplore and resist all forms of anti-Semitism and racism. We are wounded to the core that such an evil could have gone out from our community. Such hatred has no place in any part of our beliefs or practices, for we seek to shape our whole lives according to the love and gospel of Jesus Christ."

The rest is here.

If they truly felt that way, why have they been preaching that Jews are Satan in their website and literature? Earnest clearly got this hate against Jews from his church and bible. He quoted anti-Jewish bible verses in his manifesto. This church posted the same bible quotes in their website.

05/01/2019 John Earnest obtained the gun legally. There is video of the shootings. John Earnest called 911 on himself and admitted what he did, who he was and where he was located. CNN just stated that Earnest's manifesto shows, states that his religion condones his actions. If you read the bible, there are actually many violent passages where God instructs people to rape, kill, enslave, pillage, commit arson.... It's not all fluffy clouds in heaven. Earlier today I was temporarily blocked on Twitter for tweeting the bible quote Earnest wrote in his manifesto. The statement was allegedly made by Jesus Christ. Blocked for a bible quote.

A woman who went to school with Earnest stated he rarely spoke. He was very quiet. The only time he spoke out was in government class. He shared his conservative views especially about immigrants, abortion and taxes. That sounds like the manifesto. Turns out he was a swimmer. I was a swimmer. Swimmers are referred to as "thinkers." Earnest won talent shows doing piano solos.

04/30/2019 John Earnest appeared in San Diego County Superior Court today. Turns out he only managed to get off eight to ten shots before his gun jammed. He was carrying 50-60 rounds. He was wearing a tactical vest. There will be a May 30 readiness hearing and a July 8 preliminary hearing. His public defender is John O’Connell.

john t earnest, john a earnest, lisa christine, earnest, chabad of poway, shooter, killer, murderer, christian, 19, nurse, san diego, california, mary cummins, automatic rifle,, orthodox presbyterian church, jews, jewish, anti Semitic, hate
John Earnest is a registered Republican. He registered a month after his 18th birthday.

04/29/2019 It turns out this Church is known for being very "conservative." They broke away from Presbyterian Church in 1936 before the pogroms and Holocaust. That explains the articles they wrote in 1939 about the Jews. The articles make Jews out to be Satan who deserved the Holocaust because they didn't accept Jesus as God. There is a lot of Christian antisemitism in their website and teachings. I believe that is probably a reason why this young man committed this act against the synagogue.

I took a look at the alleged shooter's church Orthodox Presbyterian Church. They are not that friendly to Jews. They believe anyone who does not worship Jesus Christ as God is not going to heaven but hell. Jews believe Jesus Christ was a teacher and not God. FTR I was born and raised Roman Catholic but no longer practice any religion. I do know the bible very well. I grew up in Beverly Hills so 95% of my friends were Jewish. Went to many a seder and bar/bat mitzvahs.

In the manifesto John Earnest states "My God understands why I did what I did." This is why he believes he's okay committing murder which is a sin because it was in the name of God. Then he includes these bible quotes. The OPC website has the same bible quotes as Earnest's manifesto, namely Matthew 27:24-25, John 8:37-45, Thessalonians 2:14-16, Revelation 2:9, Revelation 3:9 (From the church's teachings "In Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 we see that Jesus himself called them Synagogues of Satan. Now just imagine that! Some of the members of the early Christian churches were related to people in those Synagogues. But Jesus says, “Those people (Jews) are not members of a Synagogue of God, but of a synagogue of Satan.” So you can see, again, it was no use to imagine that all was well with these people (Jews) who stayed in the old church of the Scribes and Pharisees, instead of joining the Christians. It was no use pretending that they would still be acknowledged as God’s people.") The antisemitism can't be any clearer.

They are all very anti-Jewish quotes stating Jews are Satan and are going to hell. Keep in mind his father has been an Elder at this church for 20 years. For the family to say they didn't teach him these things might not be true. In their website they state "Yes—those who refuse to worship Jesus as God (Jews) are, in effect (even though they are not aware of it) serving demons." That church also talks about Jews and money lending which Earnest mentions in his manifesto. More quotes from their website. These are their own words. I was born, raised Catholic which is Christianity and never heard of antisemitism. My church didn't teach me that. Why did this church teach this young man this hate?

"Twenty-some years ago President Jimmy Carter, an evangelical Christian, got himself in trouble when a reporter asked him if God hears the prayers of Jews. He answered (I have to paraphrase, I don't recall his exact words) that God hears the prayers of those who come to him through Jesus Christ. This created a public furor. President Carter then took back what he had said and said something like God hears the prayers of all sincere people, whatever their affiliation, or something like that. He was right the first time."

John Earnest included these specific biblical quotes which are also in the teachings of this church in their website. This shows the connection to this church's hatred of Jews. This church includes a 1939 article about Jews and the pogroms, Holocaust. The church believes the Jews wouldn't have been killed if they just recognized Christ as God. So wrong.

Earnest went on to state that he wouldn't kill himself because it's a sin to take your own life. It is a sin to take your life. He thinks he's following God and the bible in his actions.

Someone stated that Christians believe all who don't accept Jesus Christ as God are going to hell. I realize this. Still, this church for some reason refers to Jews going to hell more than other religions. I searched the website for the names of three religions. Below are the religions and their number of mentions in their website. Next to that is the % of world population. Why is this church so consumed by the existence of Jews? Jews represent a very, very small percentage of people in the world yet this Church talks about the Jews 10-20x as much as other religions. I believe they are fixated on the Jews for some reason. Christians have more in common with Jews than Buddhists and Hindus. It just doesn't make sense. It also may have led this young man down the wrong path to hate and murder.

Buddhist 127 7%
Hindu 124 15%
Muslim 232 23%
Jew 2,520 0.2%

"STATEMENT FROM THE FAMILY OF JOHN T. EARNEST We are shocked and deeply saddened by the terrible attack on the Chabad of Poway synagogue. But our sadness pales in comparison to the grief and anguish our son has caused for so many innocent people. He has killed and injured the faithful who were gathered in a sacred place on a sacred day. To our great shame, he is now part of the history of evil that has been perpetrated on Jewish people for centuries. Our son’s actions were informed by people we do not know, and ideas we do not hold. Like our other five children, he was raised in a family, a faith, and a community that all rejected hate and taught that love must be the motive for everything we do. How our son was attracted to such darkness is a terrifying mystery to us, though we are confident that law enforcement will uncover many details of the path that he took to this evil and despicable act. To that end, our family is cooperating with investigators. We ask only that the media and the public respect our privacy and allow the criminal justice system to work. Our heavy hearts will forever go out to the victims and survivors. Our thanks go to the first responders who prevented even greater loss of life and the well-wishers who have supported us. And we pray for peace."

John Earnest's father John Earnest was an Elder at Escondido Orthodox Presbyterian Church. John had a 4.31 GPA and took 11 AP classes. Before he went to high school he was home schooled. Everyone said he was very quiet.

04/28/2019 John T Earnest is in San Diego County jail. He was charged with one count of murder in the first degree 187 (A) PC and three counts of attempted murder in the first degree. His next court date is May 1, 2019. He is not eligible for bail. He's in San Diego Central Jail at 1173 Front Street. He's 5'11: 150 lbs booking number 19726575. The link below has the full info.

John T Earnest's parents are both into second amendment rights. I bet they regret getting their son into guns now. Where did he get that gun?

Father, brother have removed their FB pages. I have copies. John Earnest was living with his parents. He sure put his parents and family through an awful lot. Their home was searched.

ORIGINAL: John T Earnest was born in San Diego, California June 8, 1999. His father is John A Earnest b. 1961 in Orange County, California. His mother is Lisa Christine Newberg b. 1965. She's listed as a Jewish Democrat into second amendment rights, Tea Party supporter and thinks taxes are too high. This may be incorrect. Original Newberg family name may have been "Andersson." The Andersson brothers changed their last names to Newberg and two other different Jewish sounding names. There were Jews in Sweden. Seems odd to change Andersson to a Jewish name. John T has an older brother James who graduated from UCLA in Physics. He has five siblings.

His Facebook account was here.

His last post on

john t earnest, john a earnest, lisa christine, earnest, chabad of poway, shooter, killer, murderer, christian, 19, nurse, san diego, california, mary cummins, automatic rifle,, orthodox presbyterian church, jews, jewish, anti Semitic, hate

John T Earnest's father John A Earnest is a science teacher for the Poway Unified School District at Mt. Carmet High School. John A Earnest is a Republican who supports second amendment rights and thinks taxes are too high. John T graduated from the same high school. He teaches AP Physics during the school year and is a life guard during the summer. He and his wife own their own home on Freeport Court, San Diego, CA.  It's a three bedroom, two bath average sized home on a large lot they bought in 1993 for $205,000.

John A Earnest is a very religious Christian. He's also an amateur radio operator, Amateur License - KG6EQU - Earnest, John A. John T Earnest per his father rarely cracks a smile and appears to be more of a loner. His father, siblings are into sports, life guarding but he doesn't appear to be involved at all.

John T Earnest's mother is Lisa Christine Newberg Earnest. She has a twin sister. Her father is Dr. Philip Frederick Newberg a psychologist and Susan Merrill Butler who graduated from UCLA. Dr Newberg went through Fuller Theological Seminary which is mainly for Christians. Interesting history.

Below is John T Earnest's manifesto which he posted. He seems to have copied the manifesto style of Tarrant who killed people in New Zealand. He does a Q&A at the end.

The link went down. Here is a new link. I don't support anything this man did or said. This is for educational purposes to try to understand his motive.

Here is the first paragraph to give you a hint to the tone. He is an angry racist young man who believes white Europeans are superior to all.

"My name is John Earnest and I am a man of European ancestry. The blood that runs in my veins is the same that ran through the English, Nordic, and Irish men of old. I am a descendant of one of the original colonists of Roanoke—John Earnest. What happened to him I do not know, and nor does anyone. But I do know that he left his wife and son, James Earnest, back in England. This son shortly after made the same daring journey across the Atlantic to the New World. From my mother’s side I inherited the blood of very wealthy Yankees—intelligent, resourceful, uncompromising. From my father’s side I inherited the blood of poor Southern farmers—intelligent, musically gifted, self-sufficient. A part of my ancestors lives within me in this very moment. They are the reason that I am who I am. Their acts of bravery, ingenuity, and righteousness live on through me. Truly, I am blessed by God for such a magnificent bloodline."

It appears the killings by Brenton Tarrant inspired him.

Below is the beginning of his family tree. I decided to look at it because he mentioned it in his manifesto. He is correct that so far father side comes from poor farmers. His mother sides comes from better educated, wealthier people some of whom come from Sweden and Germany.

john t earnest, john a earnest, lisa christine, earnest, chabad of poway, shooter, killer, murderer, christian, 19, nurse, san diego, california, mary cummins, automatic rifle, family tree ancestry, dna, heritage, jews, jewish, germany sweden, california, salt lake city utah, john t earnest, john a earnest, lisa christine, earnest, chabad of poway, shooter, killer, murderer, christian, 19, nurse, san diego, california, mary cummins, automatic rifle,, orthodox presbyterian church, jews, jewish, anti Semitic, hate

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

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  1. Free interesting read. FTR, I am a Christian with a deep love for the Jewish people and nation. Everyone I know who is a Christian and a follower of Jesus would say the same thing, that they are lovers of Jewish people and respect their faith immensely.

    1. I was born and raised Roman Catholic. We weren't taught to hate Jews either. This specific church seems interested in Jews in a very negative light.

  2. How'd you discover Johnnie K. Earnest's ancestors?


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