Monday, March 11, 2019

Who is Jeanine Ferris Pirro of Fox News? Immigrant from Syria. Judge Jeanine, by Mary Cummins

Jeanine Ferris, Jeanine Pirro, Judge Jeanine, @JudgeJeanine, Fox News, hijab, head covering, catholic, albert pirro, prison, divorced, immigrant, syria, albert pirro, nasser ferris, calal joseph, awad, esther awad, juliette shaheen, new york, dna, ancestry, syrian, family tree, heritage, 

UPDATE: 04/04/2019 Possible corrections. A relative of Jeanine sent in some corrections.

Jeanine's birth date may be 1951. The 1946 birth date I listed may be the birth date of her sister. Jeanine listed her birth date as 1946 in two directories. There is no birth certificate available.

Jeanine's mother  Esther's birth date may be 1924. Her headstone shows a birth date of 1927. Esther listed her birth date as 1928.

Jeanine's maternal grandmother Julie Shaheen may have been born in New York or Lebanon and not Iran. The census lists her birth in Syria. California death certificate states "other country."

If I find documents to support any of these items, I will add them to this blog. Thanks for the tips!

03/16/2019 Jeanine Pirro's show episode was pulled tonight. Don't know if it's permanent. The show lost three advertisers because of Jeanine's racist comments last week.

ORIGINAL: Jeanine Ferris Pirro was born September 1, 1946 in Elmira, New York. Her father was Nasser Leo Ferris Jr 1923 - 1978. Below is his obituary.

FERRIS, Mr. Nasser Leo, Age 54 of 828 West Second St., Friday, July 14, 1978 after a prolonged illness. Friends are invited to call at the Hughes & Sons Funeral Home. Prayer service at the funeral home Monday at 9:30 a.m. followed by a Funeral Mass of Christian Burial in Our Lady of Lourdes Church at 10 a.m. Burial in Sts. Peter & Paul Cemetery. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Esther (Awad) Ferris; daughters, Mrs. Mary Louise Rusin of Seattle, Wash, and Atty. Jeanine Ferris-Pirro of Harrison, NY.; father, F. M. Ferris of Binghamton, N. Y. half-brother, Fred Joseph of Scranton, Pa. He was a communicant of Our Lady of Lourdes Church; a U.S. Navy veteran of W W II having served in the Pacific and Philippine Island Theatres of Operation. He was the Manager of Chemung County Transit System; former owner of Charlie's Cafe in Scranton, Pa.; part owner of the High Park Hotel in Scranton; a member of the Elmira Heights American Legion; and former manager of the C. Awad Mobile Homes. Star-Gazette, 15 Jul 1978. Transcription by Mary Cummins.

Jeanine Pirro's mother is Esther M Awad Joseph born 1928 in New York. Here is a pic of Esther and Nasser.

Jeanine Ferris, Jeanine Pirro, Judge Jeanine, @JudgeJeanine, Fox News, hijab, head covering, catholic, albert pirro, prison, divorced, immigrant, syria, albert pirro, nasser ferris, calal joseph, awad, esther awad, juliette shaheen, new york, dna, ancestry, syrian, family tree, heritage, 

Jeanine has a younger sister, Mary Louise Ferris-Rusin born 1951.

Jeanine graduated from private Catholic school Notre Dame High School. This photo is from 1968.

Jeanine Ferris, Jeanine Pirro, Judge Jeanine, @JudgeJeanine, Fox News, hijab, head covering, catholic, albert pirro, prison, divorced, immigrant, syria, albert pirro, nasser ferris, calal joseph, awad, esther awad, juliette shaheen, new york, dna, ancestry, syrian, family tree, heritage, 

Jeanine graduated from the University of Buffalo in New York in 1972 and Albany Law School. She became an Assistant Deputy Attorney.

August 23, 1975 Jeanine Ferris married Albert James Pirro Jr. a lawyer at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Elmira. His grandparents are from Italy. Together they have two children Christine b. 1986 and Alexander b. 1989. Albert "Al" Pirro was Donald Trump's highest paid lobbyist in the '80's and '90's helping him lobby for casinos and real estate.

"On February 23, 1999, Pirro's husband was indicted by the office of United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York on one count of conspiracy, four counts of tax evasion, and 28 counts of filing a false tax return for hiding over $1 million in personal income as business expenses between 1988 and 1997.That day, Pirro appeared with her husband at a joint press conference in response to the charges, criticizing the investigation as "invasive and hostile." New York Governor George Pataki released a statement saying that the Pirros had been personal friends for "a long time" and that he and his wife "wished them well." With the trial beginning on May 15, 2000, and closing arguments given on June 19, 2000, the jury found Pirro's husband guilty on June 23, 2000 on 23 of the charges brought against him and not guilty of 10.In November 2000, he was sentenced to 29 months in a minimum security federal prison but received some leniency in exchange for waiving his right to appeal. In the midst of the trial, Pirro had attacked the prosecution for bringing up matters which involved her, calling it a "desperate attempt by them to bring me into this wherever they can. The couple separated in 2007 with their divorce being finalized in 2013."

After Jeanine's husband's arrest her political career was negatively affected. She blames all of her political failures on other people. She even blames her husband being arrested and charged with tax evasion on other people. Everything negative that happens in her life she has blamed on others.

While she was the District Attorney there were some questionable charges and lack of charges against certain wealthy well known individuals. Jeanine ran for Senate against Hillary Clinton but dropped out to run for Attorney General. Jeanine lost that election to Andrew Cuomo.

Albert's brother Anthony G. Pirro an accountant did Albert's tax returns. Anthony was also charged and sent to prison. Albert was so low that he blamed his tax return mistakes on his brother whom he tried to frame. Albert also claimed his brother was a cocaine addict. In turn Anthony claimed Al was admitted to a psych ward for depression and mood swings.

Al cheated on his wife and fathered another daughter with another woman. There was a paternity case. He was the father and paid child support.

Jeanine Ferris Pirro's paternal grandfather was Ferris Nasser Nathan Ferris 1895-1980 born in Beirut, Lebanon. Below is his obituary,

"Ferris N.Ferris of Binghamton. Ferris N. Ferris, age 84, of 140 Laurel Ave., died Monday at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Nora Hamdan Ferris, Binghamton; 2 grandchildren, Mary Louise Ferris, Jenine Ferris Pirro; 2 step sons, Fred Joseph of Scranton and Fred A. Hamden of Endicott; several cousins. Mr. Ferris was a member of St. Thomas Aquinas Church. Funeral services at 9 a.m. Wednesday at the Ernest H. Parsons Funeral Home, Inc., 71 Main St., Binghamton, and 9:30 a.m. at St. Thomas Aquinas Church where a Mass of Christian Burial will be offered. The family will receive friends at the funeral home, Tuesday 3:30 until 5:30 and 7-9 p.m. Burial in Floral Park Cemetery. Press and Sun-Bulletin, Binghamton, New York, Dec. 23, 1980. Transcription by Mary Cummins."

Jeanine Pirro's paternal grandmother was Rose Halabi/Halebe born 1895 in Lebanon, Syria died 1945 Scranton, Pennsylvania. Grandparents were divorced. It was contentious.

Jeanine Pirro's maternal grandfather was Calal/Caleb Charles Merod Joseph Awad Sr 1908-1961. His original last name coming to the US was Joseph. He later changed it to Awad. Below are his obituaries and a write up by me.

CHARLES M. AWAD. Awad, Real Estate Broker, Dies. Charles M. Awad Sr. of 3079 Arnold Ave., Horseheads; a prominent Horseheads business man, died at the Arnot-Ogden Hospital at 8:15 this morning following an extended illness. He was 53. Mr. Awad was a real estate broker and owned the Awad Trailer Sales Inc. of 3026 Grand Central Ave., Horseheads. A native of the Republic of Lebanon, he came to this country while still a boy and settled with his parents in Cortland in 1917. He was graduated from Cortland schools and attended Elmira College for two years. He entered the U. S. Navy in 1942 and saw action during WWII. He was injured in the battle of Salerno and was taken to the Jacksonville, Fla., naval hospital. He operated a Newburgh, N. Y., restaurant and a Scranton Supermarket before moving here in 1947. From 1947 to 1950, he was active in Athletic Promoters Inc., a group which sponsored athletic events in the area. In 1950 he returned to Lebanon for a year's visit. He then entered the real estate business here, and later established the trailer sales. Mr. Awad was married to the former Miss Ruth Bullis of New Haven, Conn., in 1944. A member of Harry B. Bentley American Legion Post at Elmira, Mr. Awad also belonged to the American Lebanese Federation of the Eastern Coast and the Elmira Heights and Horseheads auxiliary police organizations. During the past 10 years, he has visited Europe on several occasions. He has been active in several local drives to raise funds for St. Mary's Church, Baslim, Lebanon. For the past seven years, Mr. Awad delivered baskets of food to needy families on Christmas Eve. He was a communicant of St. Charles Borremeo Church, Elmira Heights. Star-Gazette, Elmira, New York. Transcription by Mary Cummins.

Charles M. Awad Sr. of 3079 Arnold Ave., Horseheads, Tuesday, May 16, 1961. He was a real estate broker and a communicant of St. Charles Borromeo Church, Elmira Heights. Survived by wife, Mrs. Ruth E. Awad; daughters, Mrs. Leo Ferris of Elmira, Mrs. Alex Mezhur of Lebanon, Mrs. Michael Shahin of Boston, Mrs. Donald Charles of San Francisco; sons, Charles M. Jr., and Joseph C. at home; sisters, Mrs. Joseph Abdou of Cortland; mother, Mrs. Helen Awad of Lebanon; brother, Joseph of Lebanon; 10 grandchildren. Body at Hughes Funeral Home. Calling hours: today 2 to 4 and 7 to 10 p.m., Thursday 3 to 5 and 7 to 10 p.m. Prayer service there Friday at 8:15 a.m.. Solemn Requiem High Mass at 9 in St. Charles Borromeo Church. Elmira Heights. St. Peter & Paul's Cemetery. Transcription by Mary Cummins.

His original name was Calale/Caleb Merod Joseph. His parents were Merod Joseph and Helen Hakeel both born in Lebanon. His first wife was Juliette/Julia Marie Shaheen 1911-1984. She and Calale Merod Joseph are the parents of Esther, Edna, Jennie and Nellie Joseph. They were married October 6, 1926 in Niagara Falls. 1928 Charles was involved in a car accident while driving his bakery delivery truck. He was burned and injured in the accident. In 1929 he filed for bankruptcy. Charles abandoned his family in 1936. Juliette filed for divorce due to "non support and extreme cruelty." Divorce was granted 1937 in Bay County, Michigan. Charles changed his name before 1940 to Awad. He remarried and had two sons. His daughter Esther told the Times that the father divorced her mother as she only bore him daughters and he wanted sons. He is the grandfather of Jeanine Ferris Pirro.

Here's a photo of him.

Jeanine Ferris, Jeanine Pirro, Judge Jeanine, @JudgeJeanine, Fox News, hijab, head covering, catholic, albert pirro, prison, divorced, immigrant, syria, albert pirro, nasser ferris, calal joseph, awad, esther awad, juliette shaheen, new york, dna, ancestry, syrian, family tree, heritage, 
Jeanine Pirro's maternal grandmother is Juliette "Julie" Shaheen Wainwright born 1911 in Kuzestan,  Iran, died 1984 in San Francisco, CA.

Her obituary,

"WAINWRIGHT, Juliette. In So SF, Sept. II, 1984; beloved mother of Esther Ferris, Edna Mezher, Jeanine Shahin and Najala Charles; dear sister of William Shaneen, Jeannie Batrouny, Sylvia Haick, Nellie Elias, Ethel and the late Helen Anthony; also survived by many grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Friends may call after 3 p.m. Wed. and are invited to attend services Fri. at 1 p.m. at DUGGAN'S SERRA MORTUARY, 500 Westlake Ave. DC. Interment Olivet Cem. Transcription by Mary Cummins." Juliette's parents were Abraham Shaheen June 14, 1878 - Oct 13, 1964 and Shafika Fadel 1888 - June 7, 1922.

Jeanine Pirro's paternal great grandparents were Nathan Ferris 1872-1927 born in Turkey,  Libbie/Libby Schere 1879 - 1947 born in Syria.

Jeanine Pirro's maternal great grandparents were Merod Joseph 1877 - 1931 born in Syria, Helen Hakeel 1881-1961 born in Syria, Abraham Shaheen 1878-1964 born in Lebanon and Shaafika Fadel 1888 - 1922 born in Lebanon, Syria.

Based on this research Jeanine Ferris Pirro is 100% Syrian. Her kids are 50% Syrian and 50% Italian. Her family came here poor from Syria and worked hard to attain the American Dream. Now that Jeanine is in the country she doesn't want any other immigrants to enter. She's an immigrant hating immigrant.

Another thing to note is that Jeanine wore a religious head covering in church and Catholic school. Here she is wearing her religious head covering just outside of church. Why is she against Iilan Omar wearing religious head covering? Jeanine claims Omar is a Muslim and her religion comes before the Constitution. That is incorrect but what is true is Jeanine is a Catholic. God, the bible and the Pope come before the law or Constitution. That's why some didn't want to let Irish Catholics in the US. They didn't think they'd follow the law or the Constitution. That didn't happen.

Jeanine Ferris, Jeanine Pirro, Judge Jeanine, @JudgeJeanine, Fox News, hijab, head covering, catholic, albert pirro, prison, divorced, immigrant, syria, albert pirro, nasser ferris, calal joseph, awad, esther awad, juliette shaheen, new york, dna, ancestry, syrian, family tree, heritage, 

I've actually communicated with a couple of Jeanine's relatives. They are nice down to earth people. I don't believe Jeanine is reflective of her entire family. She appears to be an overly driven Type A personality who loves to attack people like immigrants and Muslims. What's odd is that her grandparents helped immigrants. She's like a Stephen Miller but for Syrians instead of Jews.

* This information comes from public documents and

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, real estate, appraiser, appraisal, instructor, teacher, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Pasadena, Brentwood, Bel Air, California, licensed, permitted, single family, condo, pud, hud, fannie mae, freddie mac, uspap, certified, residential, certified resident, apartment building, multi-family, commercial, industrial, expert witness, civil, criminal, orea, dre, insurance, bonded, experienced, bilingual, spanish, english, form, 1004, 2055, land, raw, acreage, vacant, insurance, cost, income approach, market analysis, comparative, theory, appraisal theory, cost approach, sales, matched pairs, plot, plat, map, diagram, photo, photographs, photography, rear, front, street, subject, comparable, sold, listed, active, pending, expired, cancelled, listing, mls, multiple listing service, claw, themls,

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