Monday, January 14, 2019

Who was Michael Wesley Collins, Michael of Light, God? Mental illness, biography, family, history

Michael Wesley Collins, Michael Collins, New York, yogi, yoga, Michael of Light, One Diving Love, mentally ill, mental illness, suicide, homeless, schizophrenia, manic depressive, mary l collins, kristy miller, drew collins, anna collins, bailey collins, christine collins, demske, robert sanborn, buffalo, new york, mexico, thailand, israel, meditation, nyack, south caroline, software engineer, synacor, buffalo, university, one divine love, church of unity
Michael Wesley Collins took his own life January 9, 2019 in New York. He was a successful student, singer, software designer, yoga instructor who was much loved and traveled the world. He was also mentally ill allegedly suffering from schizophrenia and manic depression which made him believe he was God, Archangel Michael, the leader of Anonymous and Jesus Christ himself.

In the below unlisted video posted September 2018 he says "Michael of Light was poisoned by a government intelligence agency, and this is his Livestreamed farewell address before the poison took his life." I started it at the last few minutes. You can clearly see he is mentally ill and hurting even though he's trying to put on a good face. He also uploaded the file and added the text after he "died" as this was not a live stream. He'd been preparing for a dramatic exit for months.

A summary of what happens in the entire video is way below.

How did Michael Collins go from successful, charismatic, much loved person, father, husband to mentally ill, abandoning his family and talking about suicide for at least the last six months of his life? What happened to cause this? We may never know the full story but we have some clues.

He was born April 3, 1978, in Buffalo to Mary Lee Collins a financial advisor and  Michael Paul Demske who is in the family printing business. He has a younger sister named Christine. In 1996 he graduated from Amherst Central High School. In 2000 he graduated from State University of New York at Binghamton. In 2008 he graduated from the State University of New York at Buffalo. 

It appears his parents divorced when Michael and his sister Christine were younger. Michael Paul Demske then married Jacquelyne and had another child Virginia in 1992 when Michael was 14. This means Michael and his sister were even younger when his parents divorced. As young adults Michael and his sister Christine both used the last name Demske then started using their mother's last name Collins instead. It appears there was a contentious divorce which involved a lawsuit Demske v Demske. Mother asked for more child support to help pay for college. Father sued stating she didn't prove that her income and his child support weren't enough. At that time and since then Michael Paul Demske belongs to an expensive country golf club with his newer wife. This may have contributed to stress on the children though Michael's sister appears fine.

The mother's side of the family is very well educated and successful. The father's side is in the paper, lithography business and musically inclined. It makes sense that Michael would go into business and be a hobby musician, singer, dancer.

After college he worked as a Software Architect at Synacor from 2005-2014. He was also VP of Product Development at MedPath Solutions Inc and a Software Engineer at Airtime. He met and married Kristy Miller around 2002. Together they have three children, twins Drew and Anna born 2007, and Bailey born later. Here are some pics from that time. He looks like a determined business man maybe too determined especially the second pic.

Michael Wesley Collins, Michael Collins, New York, yogi, yoga, Michael of Light, One Diving Love, mentally ill, mental illness, suicide, homeless, schizophrenia, manic depressive, mary l collins, kristy miller, drew collins, anna collins, bailey collins, christine collins, demske, robert sanborn, buffalo, new york, mexico, thailand, israel, meditation, nyack, south caroline, software engineer, synacor, buffalo, university, one divine love, church of unity

Michael Wesley Collins, Michael Collins, New York, yogi, yoga, Michael of Light, One Diving Love, mentally ill, mental illness, suicide, homeless, schizophrenia, manic depressive, mary l collins, kristy miller, drew collins, anna collins, bailey collins, christine collins, demske, robert sanborn, buffalo, new york, mexico, thailand, israel, meditation, nyack, south caroline, software engineer, synacor, buffalo, university, one divine love, church of unity
2011. Michael Wesley Collins, Michael Collins, New York, yogi, yoga, Michael of Light, One Diving Love, mentally ill, mental illness, suicide, homeless, schizophrenia, manic depressive, mary l collins, kristy miller, drew collins, anna collins, bailey collins, christine collins, demske, robert sanborn, buffalo, new york, mexico, thailand, israel, meditation, nyack, south caroline, software engineer, synacor, buffalo, university, one divine love, church of unity

2014-2016. Michael Wesley Collins, Michael Collins, New York, yogi, yoga, Michael of Light, One Diving Love, mentally ill, mental illness, suicide, homeless, schizophrenia, manic depressive, mary l collins, kristy miller, drew collins, anna collins, bailey collins, christine collins, demske, robert sanborn, buffalo, new york, mexico, thailand, israel, meditation, nyack, south caroline, software engineer, synacor, buffalo, university, one divine love, church of unity

Around 2009 Michael Collins took a keen interest in yoga. He's the type of person that would go deep into something he was interested in as he did with software design. He soon became a yoga master according to his sister. Eventually he taught yoga at different retreats. Here's a flyer from one retreat. He went by the name Michael Wesley Collins then Michael Yogananda Samadhi eventually becoming Michael Samadhi-Christ. During this time he's staying at expensive hotels having expensive meals and appeared to be enjoying life even with a girlfriend Jacqueline Nicole (not her real last name). They dated from about 2014 to end of 2016. She was a yoga teacher for children. At that time he was still somewhat clean cut and living in New York. He'd abandoned his wife and children in NY before that time. The last pic of him with his twins is beginning of 2014.

Michael Wesley Collins, Michael Collins, New York, yogi, yoga, Michael of Light, One Diving Love, mentally ill, mental illness, suicide, homeless, schizophrenia, manic depressive, mary l collins, kristy miller, drew collins, anna collins, bailey collins, christine collins, demske, robert sanborn, buffalo, new york, mexico, thailand, israel, meditation, nyack, south caroline, software engineer, synacor, buffalo, university, one divine love, church of unity, michael samadhi christ
October 2017 he was in Indonesia giving yoga classes and "healings." In this video he talks about being arrested for rage and mental illness. He said he was just defending himself. This is probably how he lost his job as a yoga teacher in Indonesia and elsewhere.

Early 2016 he was still with his girlfriend. She was invited to a posh wedding and he went with her. The wedding was in Trump's Mar-a-lago. Here Michael shows off these pics of him in wealth. Clearly this doesn't jive with the Jesus Christ image of himself.

Michael Wesley Collins, Michael Collins, New York, yogi, yoga, Michael of Light, One Diving Love, mentally ill, mental illness, suicide, homeless, schizophrenia, manic depressive, mary l collins, kristy miller, drew collins, anna collins, bailey collins, christine collins, demske, robert sanborn, buffalo, new york, mexico, thailand, israel, meditation, nyack, south caroline, software engineer, synacor, buffalo, university, one divine love, church of unity, michael samadhi christ

His life started to really unwind before he went to Israel in 2018. He started a church (not a real legal church) One Divine Love and asked for donations to pay for his travels. Some thought it was a scam just to make others pay for his vacations. His other followers gave donations and he went to Israel to visit the holy land. I've noticed the followers who supported him appear to also be mentally ill. These people are now posting stating he wasn't mentally ill. He was God just like them.

While in Israel he dressed like Jesus from Jesus Christ Superstar the movie and took photos and videos of himself at scenic spots and sights. He visited the holy sites. He allegedly made a scene at a couple of holy sites and was asked to leave. Later for unknown reasons he entered a stranger's home. They called police. Per his own words he told police he was there to save the family. They put him under another mental illness police hold then deported him back to the US. Michael stated he lost his money and passport at that time.

In his photos you see over time that he is transforming into Jesus Christ, a God.
2017 Michael Wesley Collins, Michael Collins, New York, yogi, yoga, Michael of Light, One Diving Love, mentally ill, mental illness, suicide, homeless, schizophrenia, manic depressive, mary l collins, kristy miller, drew collins, anna collins, bailey collins, christine collins, demske, robert sanborn, buffalo, new york, mexico, thailand, israel, meditation, nyack, south caroline, software engineer, synacor, buffalo, university, one divine love, church of unity

2018 Michael Wesley Collins, Michael Collins, New York, yogi, yoga, Michael of Light, One Diving Love, mentally ill, mental illness, suicide, homeless, schizophrenia, manic depressive, mary l collins, kristy miller, drew collins, anna collins, bailey collins, christine collins, demske, robert sanborn, buffalo, new york, mexico, thailand, israel, meditation, nyack, south caroline, software engineer, synacor, buffalo, university, one divine love, church of unity

He returned home in October 2018 and that is when he started saying he was homeless, penniless and deserted by his family. Per his family he was not homeless. They always offered him help. He just refused mental health help. Below is a video where he talks about the fact that people have questioned his mental health. He said he can't possibly be a mentally ill schizophrenic manic depressive because he's God. Notice he keeps talking in this fake voice, fake posture.

As you can see from his Facebook page October 2018 he was in Israel then stated he was being deported. You can tell from the videos at that time that he was unraveling. His girlfriend left him during this time making things even worse for him. It doesn't appear he was a yoga instructor anymore most likely due to his worsening mental health.

November 2018 he wrote the now famous post about being homeless which everyone has seen. His family said he was not homeless. He came back home after he was deported from Israel. From there on out he was planning his suicide. He posted photos and videos from happier times. He wrote about his struggles real and imagined. That is how he wanted to be remembered, as a God, as a suffering homeless person and as a happy person living the life. If you watch the videos you will see that he admits that he might have been bad or selfish at times. He states this at the end of his September 2018 suicide attempt video above.

The only take away from this is that I feel he's finally at peace with the world and himself. Still, one question lingers. In his suicide video above he talks about reincarnation. On his FB page he talks about wanting to die, be reincarnated and come back with a fresh start. If you believe in reincarnation and kill yourself, is it really suicide? Whatever the case it's a sad tale.

Summary of "final" video.

If you watch from the beginning, he says if someone commits a crime, is it their fault? No, it's your fault for locking them up and pushing them until they snap. He states he's an alien who planned his birth, his life, his death, everything. He misses some words so maybe he took some sleeping pills. You can't kill yourself with over the counter sleeping pills. Maybe he didn't know that. He just appears to get a little tired. Notice he times his demise for sunset. Then he gets mad and screams "Zionists are fascists!" He says "we" hacked all bank accounts. He's part of a collective with space ships. He has blueprints for warp drives, nuclear fusion in his brain. Then he starts giggling crazily. He said when he dies he goes to his ship and presses the red button then everyone dies on earth like he hates everyone. "You" are arrogant for criticizing "me." "I was always right." "I was superman. I was really funny." He states he likes to tell jokes. When people ask him if he's Jesus, he says yes. They go "no way!" and he goes Ya, way!" as in Yaweh.

He starts crying saying goodbye to his kids. He never mentions his wife. I assume his wife besides his mother, sister tried to get him mental health help and he refused. He said his kids are intelligent. He says Bailey his son looks just like him and will be a god like him. He said his real name is "Bayley" as in the bay. His suicide video gets interrupted by safety messages about no lifeguards in a few different languages. This looks like Israel. Then he starts telling jokes. He forgives his father. He understood what he had to do. I assume that he meant leave his mother? He said his mother was overcome with demons who were trying to stop him like everyone else. Sounds like she wanted to help him, get him mental health care and he said no. He said someone gave him free coffee and that is where the poison was. Then he starts screaming at a little girl who doesn't speak English telling her to go. He tells her to "go away! I'm going to die!" Mom finally came and got her kid. He just sits there for a while.

Then he starts talking about rape. Paying for sex is rape. Taking money for sex, dating someone just for money makes you a prostitute. He said women should date men they are attracted to, who are cute. They shouldn't date for money. Then he starts talking in a baby voice giggling. Then he says looks like I have more time. Any questions? I am a god. I'm Zues, the king, lamb of god. It took me 39 years to get out of the prison of the mind. Churches are the apostasy. You're not supposed to worship dead bodies on a cross. God loves orgasms. Have them by yourself or with others. Another no lifeguards warning. Satan makes contracts like insurance, student loan debt, credit card debt. Sounds like he may have had debts. God is like a river. He said everything good in the world is in him. That's why he's god. "I had to give up everything, my family, my friends, my loved ones." Dogs are opposite of god. Cats are more enlightened than dogs. "God" is "dog" spelled backwards. It's better to be more like a cat. I'm a cat man. Then he said he'll take the final moments alone. Then he didn't die. In the video he gives a user name and password for people to use to see documents.  I did. They were the right user name, password but I couldn't answer security questions because I was on a different device.

Below is his family tree. So far his ancestors are from England and Germany. Collins is the English side arriving in Virginia in the early 1600's. Demske is the German side arriving in New York in the late 1800's. The name Demske is East German slavic and means "oak."

2017 Michael Wesley Collins, Michael Collins, New York, yogi, yoga, Michael of Light, One Diving Love, mentally ill, mental illness, suicide, homeless, schizophrenia, manic depressive, mary l collins, kristy miller, drew collins, anna collins, bailey collins, christine collins, demske, robert sanborn, buffalo, new york, mexico, thailand, israel, meditation, nyack, south caroline, software engineer, synacor, buffalo, university, one divine love, church of unity

His ancestors are from Germany and Ireland. I'll post more tomorrow.

There was a contentious divorce of Michael's parents Michael P Demske and Mary Collins Demske. This is why she took her husband's last name off of their name. This must have been a long legal case because Michael P Demske already had another kid with someone else in 1992 Virginia "Ginnie" Demske.

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View Case Cited Cases Citing Case
245 A.D.2d 1031 (1997)

666 N.Y.S.2d 65

Mary C. Demske, Respondent, v. Michael P. Demske, Appellant

Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, Fourth Department.

December 31, 1997

Order unanimously modified on the law and as modified affirmed without costs and matter remitted to Supreme Court for further proceedings in accordance with the following Memorandum: Supreme Court erred in granting that portion of plaintiff's motion for an upward modification of child support. Plaintiff failed to establish "that the combination of her own income and the payments contributed by [defendant] does not adequately meet the children's needs" (Matter of Brescia v Fitts, 56 N.Y.2d 132, 140; see, McArthur v Bell [appeal No. 2], 201 A.D.2d 974, lv dismissed 83 N.Y.2d 906, lv denied 85 N.Y.2d 809). The court further erred in awarding plaintiff counsel fees without first conducting a hearing (see, McArthur v Bell, supra; McCann v Guterl, 100 A.D.2d 577). We modify the order, therefore, by denying that portion of plaintiff's motion for an upward modification of child support and counsel fees, and we remit the matter for a hearing on the issue of counsel fees. In view of our disposition, we vacate that portion of the order directing a reduction in defendant's child support obligation while defendant is contributing to the children's college education."

His instagram account

Another youtube channel.

October 2017 he says he was arrested and locked up in a mental institution for rage. Sounds like that's how he lost his job in Indonesia.

Extra information. It appears his sister sued him in December 2017. There is no case number or docs.

Short Caption: CHRISTINE COLLINS-SCHWINGER - v. - MICHAEL W. COLLINS Case Type: Special Proceedings - CPLR Article 78
Case Status: Pre-RJI

He allegedly has two cars registered in his name. Year: 2012 Make: Audi Model: Tt and a Year: 2005
Make: Mini Model: Cooper.

He worked for various yoga retreats. Here's his bio from one. "Michael Yogananda
Michael Yogananda Samadhi is a renowned teacher, asana guru, spiritual leader, and global founder of One Love Yoga. He has 20 years of experience on the yogic path. A former leader in the high-tech industry of New York and Silicon Valley, Michael found his heart’s true calling to heal others and help those seeking their own spiritual journey through the practice of yoga and spiritual teachings. Michael deeply understands the stresses of corporate life and helps students navigate the confusing landscape of modern society for those on the path to a new way of holistic health and living."

Here is one of the retreats they offered featuring Michael. 

Here is his yoga instructor program. These things are expensive. Check out J P Sears and his new wife who offer these expensive programs, one on ones, selling products...

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

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