UPDATE 03/17/2019 The two defamation suits against CNN and Washington Post appear to be mainly political in nature to support Trump and MAGA. As Trump hates CNN and Washington Post and the GOP uses the same spin doctor as the Convington teens I don't doubt that is the case.
02/19/2019 Covington teen sued the Washington Post for $250M. Kid will lose. The Post reported what they saw based on evidence. The church apologized immediately. Big deal family hired spin master PR firm.
01/29/2019 I had a feeling "Shoshana" Karen Beth Konstant was not Indian as she stated and it wasn't just the blue eyes and light skin. Did some more digging. She's a Russian Jew pretending to be Native American. Her mother was Joan Lipshutz 1935-2012 and her father is Raymond A Konstant b. 1933 real last name Konstantinovsky. He was an economist who worked for the dept of labor in New Jersey. "Shoshana" grew up well to do in Maryland. This also means Nathan's kids are half Indian and half Jewish. Karen here is a real Rachel Dolezal even posting memes about what it means to be Native American. Appears Karen is a story teller. She even told doctors she was Native American and they are using her cancer results to help "other native americans." So wrong.
01/24/2019 Nathan stated he started non-profit "Native Youth Alliance" in 1993. I see "Native Youth Alliance of Minnesota" started in 2014. I searched irs.gov for charities and no "Native Youth Alliance" is an IRS recognized non-profit.
It appears the main Omaha Indians don't really recognize Nathan. They said he's out there finding out who he is. He doesn't represent them.
Great article about how the liars for hire RunSwitchPR turned the Covington students from pariahs to heroes almost over night. It's from UK's the Guardian of course. Spin doctors, gas lighting, flat out lies, rehearsed softball interviews, letter written by a spin master passed off as written by Sandmann...
Seems a Bishop Priest is the one who bought the MAGA hats for the kids to wear. Another member of the Diocese stated that MAGA ideals are not Christian.
01/23/2018 The Catholic church stated on Jan 19, 2019 Nathan led a group of protesters singing and playing drums up to the basilica of the church during mass. They tried to enter the church during mass but security stopped them then locked the doors. I'm not religious but I don't agree with people being sacrilegious. It's not okay for one religion to protest another during their religious services. It's hypocritical. Nathan then read a statement. Here is some of it.
“We demand that the Catholic Church hold itself responsible for the [indistinct] hundred-plus years of genocide that indigenous peoples have endured and endure persistently by implementing the following: with reparations of land and restorations to the indigenous peoples in the U.S. and across the world.”
Someone got Nathan's DD-214 card. His adopted name was Nathaniel Richard Stanard. He was discharged but it doesn't say honorable. May 20, 1972 to Nov 3, 1972 active duty for training. August 12 1974 to May 5, 1976 active duty. He was stateside in El Toro, California and Lincoln, Nebraska. His military education was basic electrician. Decorations and awards is expert rifle badge. He enlisted in Topeka, Kansas as he said. Separation was El Toro, CA. He was mainly in Lincoln, Nebraska where his family had lived since 1949. Previously he said he left Nebraska in 1972 and didn't go back until after his parents died after 1975. He was a "ReferMech" and "refrigmech." He went AWOL three times in El Toro. I didn't get these records from the government. One doc shows he was sent to the Brig after going AWOL.
Good article about Nathan's past. The Omaha tribe says he doesn't represent them. They don't agree with his activism. They said he is on his own mission to find his way.
01/22/2019 The family hired a "crisis" PR team to spin the story about 180 degrees. They're trying to make Nick Sandmann the innocent "victim hero." The name of the PR team is RunSwitch.
"Scott Jennings, a conservative political commentator and a columnist for the Courier Journal, is the third partner in RunSwitch." Courier Journal is part of the USA Today family. This is how people skew the media in any direction they want. They hire paid promoters who get positive articles in newspapers and bots to tweet and comment on their behalf. Per their site "TO ENSURE THAT THE RIGHT PEOPLE KNOW THE RIGHT THING ABOUT YOUR ISSUE." Lobbyist much?
You know Adam Sandmann did not write the letter they alleged that he wrote. That kid was not praying when he was smirking. And this is how Team Trump and the Russians won the 2016 election, misinformation, total lies, half truths... In fact Scott Jennings and RunSwitch seen to be working for Trump and the White House. They brag about squashing a BuzzFeed article about the Mueller investigation. In fact they are working for Mitch McConnel Super PAC, GOP besides Team Trump.
"RunSwitch a GOP-aligned firm was founded by advisor to Sen. Mitch McConnel’s Super PAC." Scott Jennings also works for CNN. He got a friend Jack Tapper to push the fake story. If you look at what RunSwitch and Scott Jennings are promoting it's GOP and Team Trump. They are part of the misinformation plan. Hope Mueller is looking into them.
The people who work for RunSwitch go on TV shows such as MSNBC, CNN, Fox News and others to promote, lie about their clients. Shouldn't they have to release a disclaimer that they're basically paid lobbyists?
"Nate Stanard" 1972 tenth grade at Lincoln Southeast High School. He played fresh/soph football.
I clipped these criminal charges from newspapers.com. You will find them there.
Another criminal record for Nathan A. Stanard Phillips, 23, 134 S 17 #6, two counts, one is driving suspended license. Lincoln, Nebraska.
1974 drunkenness, living at 2218 Q.
1974 assault. Pleaded guilty.
1974 charged with escaping from the Nebraska Penal Complex where he was confined.
1973 Minor posses alcohol, intoxication, destruction of property.
1973 listed as 18, sailor, lost driver's license.
1973 4401 Saylor, driving in negligent manner.
1972 minor possess alcohol, age 17, 5501 Saylor.
Washington Post issues a correction. Phillips didn't fight in Vietnam but he was in the Marines. I searched old articles. All he said previously was that he was a Marine. I don't see him stating he served in Vietnam. Okay, read the CNN transcript. He did say twice he was a Vietnam veteran. He was a veteran. Someone ran his dod and confirmed that. I sent in a FOIA request but because of shutdown don't know when I'd get a reply. Turns out it was a transcription error. The video clearly shows he said "Vietnam times veteran."
"Correction: Earlier versions of this story incorrectly said that Native American activist Nathan Phillips fought in the Vietnam War. Phillips served in the U.S. Marines from 1972 to 1976 but was never deployed to Vietnam."
More disparities in his story. He said he was taken away from his mother at age five. He said he went to a town to find her later using an old Indian name. His mother went by her American name her whole life. She went to the Indian school where she learned perfect English from elementary school to one year of high school. She can read, write English as could her father and grandfather. Nathan was living in the same town as his mother, father, all other relatives. He went to great grandmother's funeral and was a pallbearer 1971 at age 16. He was still involved with his family.
UPDATE 01/21/2019 Daughter posted her contact info and an email where you can send money. She said the money is to support her father but the paypal addy is the Native Youth Alliance.
Donations NativeYouthAlliance@gmail.com
Daughter Alethea.M.Phillips@gmail.com
ORIGINAL: Who is Nathan Phillips, Nathaniel "Nate" Alan Phillips who was mocked by a mob of students from Covington Catholic High School from Kentucky? 63 year old Nathan Phillips is from Omaha, Nebraska according to Phillips. He was born February 22 1955 and has lived in Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor, Michigan. I see a Nathaniel Phillips born in Manhattan, New York February 22, 1955. Maybe there are two Nathaniel Phillips, one born in Manhattan and the other in Omaha? I don't see an address for Nathan in Nebraska, only Michigan and Washington D.C. I also can't find his military record but maybe the search doesn't have documents from the late 1970's. Per Nathan he "served in the Marine Corps from 1972-76." Per his father's obituary he was in the Marines in 1974. He gave up alcohol in 1985. His father, brother and grandfathers were also in the military. His brothers served in Vietnam. In 1976 he was in El Toro which has a military base. I sent in a FOIA request for proof but with the gov shutdown I didn't get a reply and probably won't for a while. Just got a reply. I used his birth name and not adopted name and they found no records even though I gave DOB.
Per Phillips he "was removed from his mother's care at age five (1960) and raised by a white family until 17 when he joined the Marines. As a result of his upbringing, he explains bitterly, he has lost much of his Omaha culture." "He does a prayer of mourning with a ceremonial pipe on Thanksgiving in Washington D.C. He begins in his native tongue but his prayer will end in English." Phillips also is “keeper of a sacred pipe and holds an annual ceremony honoring Native American veterans in the Arlington National Cemetery,” it was reported.
Early Life. Below is a photo of his mother in June 1951 with twin daughters Francine and Franciela. Mother is the one on the left. The article is from Lincoln Journal Star, Lincoln, Nebraska July 21, 1951. The article is pretty racist and degrading. They call her babies "pappooses." Article states the family came from Macy, Nebraska Indian reservation to Lincoln, Nebraska in 1950. Her husband Vernie works at Northwestern Metal Company. Siblings Alfred, Darwin and Rolin are mentioned. At this time the family had eight children. Mother attended Genoa Indian school which means she was totally indoctrinated in US history and language. Writer refers to babies at "redskin days." Mom is clearly not happy that she's forced to take a pic and her parenting is being questioned. She apologized for wearing braids to town. She said she'd carry them in a baby carriage if she had one. The newspaper referred to the babies as "mummified twins." They are clearly not "mummified."
In 1952 Nathan's father Vernie Phillips pleaded guilty to failure to support wife and children. Sentence suspended. Placed on probation. Father Vernie had quite a few run ins with the law as does Nathan and his siblings. Most are for drunk driving, petty larceny, speeding, drunk in public...which Nathan already admitted. Nathan was the youngest child born in 1955.
Nathan has eleven siblings, Alberta, Howard, Normalee, Rollie, Mary Delores, Darwin, Alfred, Truman, Vernon, Franciela and Francine all born in Nebraska. His parents were Vernon "Vernie" V Phillips 1917-1975 and Dorothy Hastings 1913-1974. They are part of the Omaha tribe An UMO^n HO^ n Aho which receives money from the casinos and used to get a ration. Nathan's siblings all stayed in Lincoln, Nebraska and worked at the Indian Center or for public health.
In June 1971 he was a pallbearer at his great grandmother's funeral in Lincoln, Nebraska.
Below is mother's obituary.
Mrs. Wrnie Phillips MACY. Neb. - Mrs. Vernie Phillips. 61, formerly of Macy, died Dec. 28 in a Lincoln hospital. Services will be at 2 p.m. Jan. 2 in the Community Building at Macy. The body will be at the Lloyd Nolan residence near Macy until 4 p.m. Wednesday. Burial will be in the Macy Cemetery under the direction of the Pearson Funeral Home of Onawa, Iowa. Mrs. Phillips, the former Dorothy Hastings, was born May 1, 1913, at Macy, She was married in 1941 at Macy, She spent most of her life in the Lincoln area. Survivors include the widower; five sons, Alfred of Grand Island; Truman and Rolland, both of Lincoln; Ver nie Jr., of Phoenix, Ariz., and Nathaniel of Altro, Calif.; two daughters. Miss Francine and Miss Franceline Phillips, both of Lincoln; a brother, Jimmy Hastings of Omaha, and a sister, Mrs. Betsey While of Omaha, and six grandchildren.
Below is father's obituary.
Vernie Phillips Sr. MACY, Neb. - Vernie Phillips Sr., 57, of Macy, died Nov. 4 at a Lincoln, Neb., hospital. He was ill several weeks. Services will be at 2 p.m. Nov. 9 in the Community Building. Burial will be in the Omaha Indian Cemetery at Macy under the direction of the Pearson Funeral Home of Onawa, Iowa. Robinson-Gleason post 345 of the American Legion will conduct military services at the cemetery. Mr. Phillips was born Oct. 19, 1918 at Macy. He married Dorothy Hastings in 1941 at Macy. She died Dec. 28, 1974 at Lincoln. He was a veteran of World War II and a member of the Native American Church. Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Mary Delores Hastings, Miss Francelia L. and Miss Francine D., all of Lincoln; six sons, Darwin, Alfred K. and Truman C. all of Lincoln, Vernie Jr. of Globe, Ariz., Rollie P. of Oklahoma City, Okla., and Nathaniel A. with the U.S. Marine Corps; seven brothers, Raymond, Valentine and Joseph Phillips, and William and Duane Camby, all of Lincoln and Frankie and Charlie Phillips, both of Macy; 10 sisters, Miss Annie Phillips, Mrs. Romona Long, Mrs. Myrtle Therien, Mrs. Irene Mitchell, Miss Iona Camby, and Mrs. Elizabeth Philbrick, all of Lincoln, Mrs. Charlotte Cervantez of Kearney, Neb., Mrs. Maggie Phillips of Fremont, Neb., and Mrs. Julia Walker and Mrs. Clevia Pappan, both of Omaha; and 15 grandchildren.
Here is his mother's grave and father's grave. If you go to newspapers.com, I clipped articles related to his family members. It's a pretty sad story which is normal for the reservation at this time. Many arrests for drunk driving, drunk in public, petty theft, speeding, death by alcohol poisoning, drunken fights, falling while drunk and dying.
The trees are a little complex because there are multiple husbands, wives without them dying and being widowed. Sometimes women didn't marry and just had kids. Nathan did not marry his wife until 2006. There are three different names here. There is the American name they gave the Indians or they took. There is the Americanized version of their name. For instance George A. Phillips Americanized name is "Live Buffalo." His daughter's Indian name spelled in English phonetically is Ma-ze-pa-wa.
Below is obituary of Nathan's grandfather. Except for using baby boards they were Americanized.
"GEORGE R. PHILLIPS, 77, formerly of Macy, Neb. Died April 2 residence in Lincoln. Funeral 2 p.m. Wednesday Macy Community Building, Samuel Gilpin in charge. Burial Macy Cemetery, Pearson Funeral Home of Onawa, Iowa. Born Feb. 24, 1894, Macy, Married Lizzie Kemp Aug. 27, 1918, Pender. Lived Lincoln past 45 years, prior lived in Macy. Retired brick layer. Veteran World War I, member American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, in Lincoln. Survivors: Widow of Macy; sons, Frank, Raymond, Valentine, Vernon, all of Lincoln, Joseph and Charles of Macy; daughters, Mrs. Walter Mitchell, Mrs. Ernest Long, Mrs Charlotte Sfuentez, Mrs. Myrtle Thenen, Miss Anna Phillips, all of Lincoln, Mrs. Mary Garcia of Keamey. "
In 1996 he was involved in the civil and human rights march and rally to the Capital. Phillips performed the sacred pipe ceremony for the event. He is described as a warrior of the Omaha Nation. His message was that native Americans, Latinos are native and not immigrants. "It is appropriate that a Native American spoke those words. He spoke of the irony that it is the people of European extraction who question the loudest the right of those who are clearly of this continent to remain in these lands. Latinos are not foreigners. They can trace their ancestry to this continent back for thousands of years."
Starting in 1999 Phillips and his partner, Karen Beth "Shoshana" Konstant, 57, (Heritage of Healing) and their children, son, Zakiah, 21 and daughter, Alethea, 32 (all now live in Ypsilanti, Michigan since 2006), set up tepees on the Mall of America in Washington D.C. for Thanksgiving. "The purpose is to pray for those who are suffering, and to remind people than a lot of American Indians don't have too much to be thankful for." The vigil lasts for 30 days during Native American Heritage Month. Nathan stated that Shoshana died right before November 2016. She actually died early 2015. They were married in Indiana in 2006. There was a kickstarter for someone to do a documentary film about Nathan believing he will pray away his wife's cancer. The film was made but I can't seem to find it yet.
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Karen Beth "Shoshana" Konstant Phillips, 1961-2015, Nathan Phillips |
In 2000 Phillips was a construction worker living in Washington D.C. He was the founder of Native Youth Alliance, a small inter-tribal organization whose aims include promoting indigenous culture via vigils and ceremonies and the placing of Native American orphans in Native American homes.
"Nathan Phillips of the Omaha Tribe performs a grass dance at fifth annual Ponca sacred corn planting ceremony on the Tanderups' farm near Neligh, Nebraska on June 10, 2018. "
In 2013 he was involved in a documentary about his wife's cancer. In this video he appears to want money which they raise to make the movie to go to him? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c37RfqEFayM
In 2017 "Nathan Phillips of the Omaha Tribe in Nebraska beat a drum in Washington D.C. in front of Trump International Hotel during a protest against the Keystone XL pipeline and other projects they fear will destroy the environment."
Below is from an article in Daily Nebraska 1999. I think I've found Nathan's family. They were in Macy and Lincoln, Nebraska. http://www.dailynebraskan.com/a-split-feather/article_eb7ce78a-33b3-569b-9ccb-cee26e0570a4.html
"There was a lot of prejudice against Indians and children being raised on reservations. The children were considered easily adoptable because they could pass for white."Nathan Phillips, a relative of Randy Reeves, said he was taken from his family at the age of five and placed in homes where he faced beatings and emotional abuse. His adoptive parents beat him for his grades, behavior - he once got beaten for coming home with a hickey - or for mentioning his birth mother.One Thanksgiving, Phillips' foster family dressed him up as an Indian brave, he said, while they all wore suits and mocked his heritage.In school, Phillips was constantly fighting to defend himself and was labeled a troublemaker."My foster families always told me my mom hated me, but that's a lie," Phillips said. "They said Indians were totally bad, heathen savages who were always drunk and completely worthless."While at Lincoln Southeast High School, Phillips and his friends started skipping school and hanging out downtown with homeless people.One day he met an American Indian woman and told her his Indian name. She gave him an address a few blocks away and told him to go there."I went there and knocked on the door, and this little head - my mom was barely 5 feet tall - looked out the window," Phillips said. "She knew me right away. When she opened the door we embraced and cried."But the reunion was cut short the next day when police arrived to take the 16-year-old Phillips back to his adoptive home.Before long, Phillips, tired of getting hit and being unable to visit his parents, ran.Phillips left his house on South Street and started running - soon he found himself in Nebraska City and turned south. He joined the Marine Corps in Topeka, Kan., instead of returning his abusive home in Lincoln.After four years in the Marines, Phillips returned to Lincoln after his biological parents and brother died.Phillips was overwhelmed by the loss of his family, his troubled upbringing and the lack of ties to his own culture and turned to crime and drinking.For the next 14 years, he used the skills he learned in the Marines to work as a thug-for-hire. He later rediscovered his heritage and sobered up."This is a part of me every day," Phillips said. "I could get angry, but then I would be drunk every day and probably sitting in Randy's place."
I searched classmates and couldn't find Nathan Phillips at the school. Maybe he used a different name?
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Nathan Phillips at Keystone XL protest, Omaha, Nebraska, Washington D.C. Native American, India, Indigenous, protest, oil, pipe line, ceremony, sacred, pipe, tepee, mary cummins |
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Nathan Phillips at Keystone XL protest, Omaha, Nebraska, Washington D.C. Native American, India, Indigenous, protest, oil, pipe line, ceremony, sacred, pipe, tepee, mary cummins |
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Nathan Phillips at Keystone XL protest, Omaha, Nebraska, Washington D.C. Native American, India, Indigenous, protest, oil, pipe line, ceremony, sacred, pipe, tepee, mary cummins |
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Covington catholic high school student hoodie |
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covington catholic high school student upper left in school shirt |
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I have been to this place several times. The perfect event starts with an extraordinary location, like this. Thanks to my friend for introducing me to venues in Los Angeles. I will definitely be coming back.