Saturday, January 19, 2019

Who is Nathan Phillips Native American veteran mocked by Catholic MAGA students in Washington? - Mary Cummins

Nathan Phillips at Keystone XL protest, Omaha, Nebraska, Washington D.C. Native American, India, Indigenous, protest, oil, pipe line, ceremony, sacred, pipe, tepee, mary cummins native youth alliance, maga 

UPDATE 03/17/2019 The two defamation suits against CNN and Washington Post appear to be mainly political in nature to support Trump and MAGA. As Trump hates CNN and Washington Post and the GOP uses the same spin doctor as the Convington teens I don't doubt that is the case.

02/19/2019 Covington teen sued the Washington Post for $250M. Kid will lose. The Post reported what they saw based on evidence. The church apologized immediately. Big deal family hired spin master PR firm.

01/29/2019 I had a feeling "Shoshana" Karen Beth Konstant was not Indian as she stated and it wasn't just the blue eyes and light skin. Did some more digging. She's a Russian Jew pretending to be Native American. Her mother was Joan Lipshutz 1935-2012 and her father is Raymond A Konstant b. 1933 real last name Konstantinovsky. He was an economist who worked for the dept of labor in New Jersey. "Shoshana" grew up well to do in Maryland. This also means Nathan's kids are half Indian and half Jewish. Karen here is a real Rachel Dolezal even posting memes about what it means to be Native American. Appears Karen is a story teller. She even told doctors she was Native American and they are using her cancer results to help "other native americans." So wrong.

01/24/2019 Nathan stated he started non-profit "Native Youth Alliance" in 1993. I see "Native Youth Alliance of Minnesota" started in 2014. I searched for charities and no "Native Youth Alliance" is an IRS recognized non-profit.

It appears the main Omaha Indians don't really recognize Nathan. They said he's out there finding out who he is. He doesn't represent them.


Great article about how the liars for hire RunSwitchPR turned the Covington students from pariahs to heroes almost over night. It's from UK's the Guardian of course. Spin doctors, gas lighting, flat out lies, rehearsed softball interviews, letter written by a spin master passed off as written by Sandmann...

Seems a Bishop Priest is the one who bought the MAGA hats for the kids to wear. Another member of the Diocese stated that MAGA ideals are not Christian.

01/23/2018 The Catholic church stated on Jan 19, 2019 Nathan led a group of protesters singing and playing drums up to the basilica of the church during mass. They tried to enter the church during mass but security stopped them then locked the doors. I'm not religious but I don't agree with people being sacrilegious. It's not okay for one religion to protest another during their religious services. It's hypocritical. Nathan then read a statement. Here is some of it.

“We demand that the Catholic Church hold itself responsible for the [indistinct] hundred-plus years of genocide that indigenous peoples have endured and endure persistently by implementing the following: with reparations of land and restorations to the indigenous peoples in the U.S. and across the world.”

Someone got Nathan's DD-214 card. His adopted name was Nathaniel Richard Stanard. He was discharged but it doesn't say honorable. May 20, 1972 to Nov 3, 1972 active duty for training. August 12 1974 to May 5, 1976 active duty. He was stateside in El Toro, California and Lincoln, Nebraska. His military education was basic electrician. Decorations and awards is expert rifle badge. He enlisted in Topeka, Kansas as he said. Separation was El Toro, CA. He was mainly in Lincoln, Nebraska where his family had lived since 1949. Previously he said he left Nebraska in 1972 and didn't go back until after his parents died after 1975. He was a "ReferMech" and "refrigmech." He went AWOL three times in El Toro. I didn't get these records from the government. One doc shows he was sent to the Brig after going AWOL.

Good article about Nathan's past. The Omaha tribe says he doesn't represent them. They don't agree with his activism. They said he is on his own mission to find his way.

01/22/2019 The family hired a "crisis" PR team to spin the story about 180 degrees. They're trying to make Nick Sandmann the innocent "victim hero."  The name of the PR team is RunSwitch.

"Scott Jennings, a conservative political commentator and a columnist for the Courier Journal, is the third partner in RunSwitch." Courier Journal is part of the USA Today family. This is how people skew the media in any direction they want. They hire paid promoters who get positive articles in newspapers and bots to tweet and comment on their behalf. Per their site "TO ENSURE THAT THE RIGHT PEOPLE KNOW THE RIGHT THING ABOUT YOUR ISSUE." Lobbyist much?

You know Adam Sandmann did not write the letter they alleged that he wrote. That kid was not praying when he was smirking. And this is how Team Trump and the Russians won the 2016 election, misinformation, total lies, half truths... In fact Scott Jennings and RunSwitch seen to be working for Trump and the White House. They brag about squashing a BuzzFeed article about the Mueller investigation. In fact they are working for Mitch McConnel Super PAC, GOP besides Team Trump.

"RunSwitch a GOP-aligned firm was founded by advisor to Sen. Mitch McConnel’s Super PAC." Scott Jennings also works for CNN. He got a friend Jack Tapper to push the fake story. If you look at what RunSwitch and Scott Jennings are promoting it's GOP and Team Trump. They are part of the misinformation plan. Hope Mueller is looking into them.

The people who work for RunSwitch go on TV shows such as MSNBC, CNN, Fox News and others to promote, lie about their clients. Shouldn't they have to release a disclaimer that they're basically paid lobbyists?

"Nate Stanard" 1972 tenth grade at Lincoln Southeast High School. He played fresh/soph football.

I clipped these criminal charges from You will find them there.

Another criminal record for Nathan A. Stanard Phillips, 23, 134 S 17 #6, two counts, one is driving suspended license. Lincoln, Nebraska.

1974 drunkenness, living at 2218 Q.

1974 assault. Pleaded guilty.

1974 charged with escaping from the Nebraska Penal Complex where he was confined.

1973 Minor posses alcohol, intoxication, destruction of property.

1973 listed as 18, sailor, lost driver's license.

1973 4401 Saylor, driving in negligent manner.

1972 minor possess alcohol, age 17, 5501 Saylor.

Washington Post issues a correction. Phillips didn't fight in Vietnam but he was in the Marines. I searched old articles. All he said previously was that he was a Marine. I don't see him stating he served in Vietnam. Okay, read the CNN transcript. He did say twice he was a Vietnam veteran. He was a veteran. Someone ran his dod and confirmed that. I sent in a FOIA request but because of shutdown don't know when I'd get a reply. Turns out it was a transcription error. The video clearly shows he said "Vietnam times veteran."

"Correction: Earlier versions of this story incorrectly said that Native American activist Nathan Phillips fought in the Vietnam War. Phillips served in the U.S. Marines from 1972 to 1976 but was never deployed to Vietnam."

More disparities in his story. He said he was taken away from his mother at age five. He said he went to a town to find her later using an old Indian name. His mother went by her American name her whole life. She went to the Indian school where she learned perfect English from elementary school to one year of high school. She can read, write English as could her father and grandfather. Nathan was living in the same town as his mother, father, all other relatives. He went to great grandmother's funeral and was a pallbearer 1971 at age 16. He was still involved with his family.

UPDATE 01/21/2019 Daughter posted her contact info and an email where you can send money. She said the money is to support her father but the paypal addy is the Native Youth Alliance.


ORIGINAL: Who is Nathan Phillips, Nathaniel "Nate" Alan Phillips who was mocked by a mob of students from Covington Catholic High School from Kentucky? 63 year old Nathan Phillips is from Omaha, Nebraska according to Phillips. He was born February 22 1955 and has lived in Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor, Michigan. I see a Nathaniel Phillips born in Manhattan, New York February 22, 1955. Maybe there are two Nathaniel Phillips, one born in Manhattan and the other in Omaha? I don't see an address for Nathan in Nebraska, only Michigan and Washington D.C. I also can't find his military record but maybe the search doesn't have documents from the late 1970's. Per Nathan he "served in the Marine Corps from 1972-76." Per his father's obituary he was in the Marines in 1974. He gave up alcohol in 1985. His father, brother and grandfathers were also in the military. His brothers served in Vietnam. In 1976 he was in El Toro which has a military base. I sent in a FOIA request for proof but with the gov shutdown I didn't get a reply and probably won't for a while. Just got a reply. I used his birth name and not adopted name and they found no records even though I gave DOB.

Per Phillips he "was removed from his mother's care at age five (1960)  and raised by a white family until 17 when he joined the Marines. As a result of his upbringing, he explains bitterly, he  has lost much of his Omaha culture." "He does a prayer of mourning with a ceremonial pipe on Thanksgiving in Washington D.C. He begins in his native tongue but his prayer will end in English." Phillips also is “keeper of a sacred pipe and holds an annual ceremony honoring Native American veterans in the Arlington National Cemetery,” it was reported.

Early Life. Below is a photo of his mother in June 1951 with twin daughters Francine and Franciela. Mother is the one on the left. The article is from Lincoln Journal Star, Lincoln, Nebraska July 21, 1951. The article is pretty racist and degrading. They call her babies "pappooses." Article states the family came from Macy, Nebraska Indian reservation to Lincoln, Nebraska in 1950. Her husband Vernie works at Northwestern Metal Company. Siblings Alfred, Darwin and Rolin are mentioned. At this time the family had eight children. Mother attended Genoa Indian school which means she was totally indoctrinated in US history and language. Writer refers to babies at "redskin days." Mom is clearly not happy that she's forced to take a pic and her parenting is being questioned. She apologized for wearing braids to town. She said she'd carry them in a baby carriage if she had one. The newspaper referred to the babies as "mummified twins." They are clearly not "mummified."
Nathan Phillips at Keystone XL protest, Omaha, Nebraska, Washington D.C. Native American, India, Indigenous, protest, oil, pipe line, ceremony, sacred, pipe, tepee, mary cummins native youth alliance, maga 

In 1952 Nathan's father Vernie Phillips pleaded guilty to failure to support wife and children. Sentence suspended. Placed on probation. Father Vernie had quite a few run ins with the law as does Nathan and his siblings. Most are for drunk driving, petty larceny, speeding, drunk in public...which Nathan already admitted. Nathan was the youngest child born in 1955.

Nathan has eleven siblings, Alberta, Howard, Normalee, Rollie, Mary Delores, Darwin, Alfred, Truman, Vernon, Franciela and Francine all born in Nebraska. His parents were Vernon "Vernie" V Phillips 1917-1975 and Dorothy Hastings 1913-1974. They are part of the Omaha tribe An UMO^n HO^ n Aho which receives money from the casinos and used to get a ration. Nathan's siblings all stayed in Lincoln, Nebraska and worked at the Indian Center or for public health.

In June 1971 he was a pallbearer at his great grandmother's funeral in Lincoln, Nebraska.

Below is mother's obituary.

Mrs. Wrnie Phillips MACY. Neb. - Mrs. Vernie Phillips. 61, formerly of Macy, died Dec. 28 in a Lincoln hospital. Services will be at 2 p.m. Jan. 2 in the Community Building at Macy. The body will be at the Lloyd Nolan residence near Macy until 4 p.m. Wednesday. Burial will be in the Macy Cemetery under the direction of the Pearson Funeral Home of Onawa, Iowa. Mrs. Phillips, the former Dorothy Hastings, was born May 1, 1913, at Macy, She was married in 1941 at Macy, She spent most of her life in the Lincoln area. Survivors include the widower; five sons, Alfred of Grand Island; Truman and Rolland, both of Lincoln; Ver nie Jr., of Phoenix, Ariz., and Nathaniel of Altro, Calif.; two daughters. Miss Francine and Miss Franceline Phillips, both of Lincoln; a brother, Jimmy Hastings of Omaha, and a sister, Mrs. Betsey While of Omaha, and six grandchildren.

Below is father's obituary.

Vernie Phillips Sr. MACY, Neb. - Vernie Phillips Sr., 57, of Macy, died Nov. 4 at a Lincoln, Neb., hospital. He was ill several weeks. Services will be at 2 p.m. Nov. 9 in the Community Building. Burial will be in the Omaha Indian Cemetery at Macy under the direction of the Pearson Funeral Home of Onawa, Iowa. Robinson-Gleason post 345 of the American Legion will conduct military services at the cemetery. Mr. Phillips was born Oct. 19, 1918 at Macy. He married Dorothy Hastings in 1941 at Macy. She died Dec. 28, 1974 at Lincoln. He was a veteran of World War II and a member of the Native American Church. Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Mary Delores Hastings, Miss Francelia L. and Miss Francine D., all of Lincoln; six sons, Darwin, Alfred K. and Truman C. all of Lincoln, Vernie Jr. of Globe, Ariz., Rollie P. of Oklahoma City, Okla., and Nathaniel A. with the U.S. Marine Corps; seven brothers, Raymond, Valentine and Joseph Phillips, and William and Duane Camby, all of Lincoln and Frankie and Charlie Phillips, both of Macy; 10 sisters, Miss Annie Phillips, Mrs. Romona Long, Mrs. Myrtle Therien, Mrs. Irene Mitchell, Miss Iona Camby, and Mrs. Elizabeth Philbrick, all of Lincoln, Mrs. Charlotte Cervantez of Kearney, Neb., Mrs. Maggie Phillips of Fremont, Neb., and Mrs. Julia Walker and Mrs. Clevia Pappan, both of Omaha; and 15 grandchildren.

Nathan Phillips at Keystone XL protest, Omaha, Nebraska, Washington D.C. Native American, India, Indigenous, protest, oil, pipe line, ceremony, sacred, pipe, tepee, mary cummins native youth alliance, maga, family tree, 
Below is tree to grandparents. Had to cut off the siblings. Here is his mother's grave and father's grave.  If you go to, I clipped articles related to his family members. It's a pretty sad story which is normal for the reservation at this time. Many arrests for drunk driving, drunk in public, petty theft, speeding, death by alcohol poisoning, drunken fights, falling while drunk and dying.

The trees are a little complex because there are multiple husbands, wives without them dying and being widowed. Sometimes women didn't marry and just had kids. Nathan did not marry his wife until 2006. There are three different names here. There is the American name they gave the Indians or they took. There is the Americanized version of their name. For instance George A. Phillips Americanized name is "Live Buffalo." His daughter's Indian name spelled in English phonetically is Ma-ze-pa-wa.

Nathan Phillips at Keystone XL protest, Omaha, Nebraska, Washington D.C. Native American, India, Indigenous, protest, oil, pipe line, ceremony, sacred, pipe, tepee, mary cummins native youth alliance, maga, family tree, dna, heritage, ancestry, grave, shoshana phillips, alethea phillips, zakiah phillips, dorothy hastings, vernie phillips, george phillips, family tree

Below is a photo of his sister one of the twins Francine. She was a nurse and health director. She looks exactly like Nathan's daughter. In the article they give the Indians a hard time about strapping them to a board. They also seem to force them to use formula instead of breast feeding. That was common at that time as commercial formula makers were pushing hospitals to recommend formula. Francine says it's good to strap them to a board to support their back. Babies like to be swaddled.

Nathan Phillips at Keystone XL protest, Omaha, Nebraska, Washington D.C. Native American, India, Indigenous, protest, oil, pipe line, ceremony, sacred, pipe, tepee, mary cummins native youth alliance, maga 
This is his paternal grandfather's grave, George Raymond Phillips. He died falling down in his home. His father and grandfather were all in the military as were his brothers.

Below is obituary of Nathan's grandfather. Except for using baby boards they were Americanized.

"GEORGE R. PHILLIPS, 77, formerly of Macy, Neb. Died April 2 residence in Lincoln. Funeral 2 p.m. Wednesday Macy Community Building, Samuel Gilpin in charge. Burial Macy Cemetery, Pearson Funeral Home of Onawa, Iowa. Born Feb. 24, 1894, Macy, Married Lizzie Kemp Aug. 27, 1918, Pender. Lived Lincoln past 45 years, prior lived in Macy. Retired brick layer. Veteran World War I, member American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, in Lincoln. Survivors: Widow of Macy; sons, Frank, Raymond, Valentine, Vernon, all of Lincoln, Joseph and Charles of Macy; daughters, Mrs. Walter Mitchell, Mrs. Ernest Long, Mrs Charlotte Sfuentez, Mrs. Myrtle Thenen, Miss Anna Phillips, all of Lincoln, Mrs. Mary Garcia of Keamey. "

In 1996 he was involved in the civil and human rights march and rally to the Capital. Phillips performed the sacred pipe ceremony for the event. He is described as a warrior of the Omaha Nation. His message was that native Americans, Latinos are native and not immigrants. "It is appropriate that a Native American spoke those words. He spoke of the irony that it is the people of European extraction who question the loudest the right of those who are clearly of this continent to remain in these lands. Latinos are not foreigners. They can trace their ancestry to this continent back for thousands of years."

Starting in 1999 Phillips and his partner, Karen Beth "Shoshana" Konstant, 57, (Heritage of Healing) and their children, son, Zakiah, 21 and daughter, Alethea, 32 (all now live in Ypsilanti, Michigan since 2006), set up tepees on the Mall of America in Washington D.C. for Thanksgiving. "The purpose is to pray for those who are suffering, and to remind people than a lot of American Indians don't have too much to be thankful for." The vigil lasts for 30 days during Native American Heritage Month. Nathan stated that Shoshana died right before November 2016. She actually died early 2015. They were married in Indiana in 2006. There was a kickstarter for someone to do a documentary film about Nathan believing he will pray away his wife's cancer. The film was made but I can't seem to find it yet.

Karen Beth "Shoshana" Konstant Phillips, 1961-2015, Nathan Phillips

In 2000 Phillips was a construction worker living in Washington D.C. He was the founder of Native Youth Alliance, a small inter-tribal organization whose aims include promoting indigenous culture via vigils and ceremonies and the placing of Native American orphans in Native American homes.

"Nathan Phillips of the Omaha Tribe performs a grass dance at fifth annual Ponca sacred corn planting ceremony on the Tanderups' farm near Neligh, Nebraska on June 10, 2018. "

In 2013 he was involved in a documentary about his wife's cancer. In this video he appears to want money which they raise to make the movie to go to him?

In 2017 "Nathan Phillips of the Omaha Tribe in Nebraska beat a drum in Washington D.C. in front of Trump International Hotel during a protest against the Keystone XL pipeline and other projects they fear will destroy the environment."

Below is from an article in Daily Nebraska 1999. I think I've found Nathan's family. They were in Macy and Lincoln, Nebraska.

"There was a lot of prejudice against Indians and children being raised on reservations. The children were considered easily adoptable because they could pass for white."Nathan Phillips, a relative of Randy Reeves, said he was taken from his family at the age of five and placed in homes where he faced beatings and emotional abuse. His adoptive parents beat him for his grades, behavior - he once got beaten for coming home with a hickey - or for mentioning his birth mother.One Thanksgiving, Phillips' foster family dressed him up as an Indian brave, he said, while they all wore suits and mocked his heritage.In school, Phillips was constantly fighting to defend himself and was labeled a troublemaker."My foster families always told me my mom hated me, but that's a lie," Phillips said. "They said Indians were totally bad, heathen savages who were always drunk and completely worthless."While at Lincoln Southeast High School, Phillips and his friends started skipping school and hanging out downtown with homeless people.One day he met an American Indian woman and told her his Indian name. She gave him an address a few blocks away and told him to go there."I went there and knocked on the door, and this little head - my mom was barely 5 feet tall - looked out the window," Phillips said. "She knew me right away. When she opened the door we embraced and cried."But the reunion was cut short the next day when police arrived to take the 16-year-old Phillips back to his adoptive home.Before long, Phillips, tired of getting hit and being unable to visit his parents, ran.Phillips left his house on South Street and started running - soon he found himself in Nebraska City and turned south. He joined the Marine Corps in Topeka, Kan., instead of returning his abusive home in Lincoln.After four years in the Marines, Phillips returned to Lincoln after his biological parents and brother died.Phillips was overwhelmed by the loss of his family, his troubled upbringing and the lack of ties to his own culture and turned to crime and drinking.For the next 14 years, he used the skills he learned in the Marines to work as a thug-for-hire. He later rediscovered his heritage and sobered up."This is a part of me every day," Phillips said. "I could get angry, but then I would be drunk every day and probably sitting in Randy's place."

I searched classmates and couldn't find Nathan Phillips at the school. Maybe he used a different name?
Nathan Phillips at Keystone XL protest, Omaha, Nebraska, Washington D.C. Native American, India, Indigenous, protest, oil, pipe line, ceremony, sacred, pipe, tepee, mary cummins 

Nathan Phillips at Keystone XL protest, Omaha, Nebraska, Washington D.C. Native American, India, Indigenous, protest, oil, pipe line, ceremony, sacred, pipe, tepee, mary cummins 

Nathan Phillips at Keystone XL protest, Omaha, Nebraska, Washington D.C. Native American, India, Indigenous, protest, oil, pipe line, ceremony, sacred, pipe, tepee, mary cummins 
The boys at the event were wearing Covington Catholic school tshirts.

Covington catholic high school student hoodie
covington catholic high school student upper left in school shirt

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, real estate, appraiser, appraisal, instructor, teacher, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Pasadena, Brentwood, Bel Air, California, licensed, permitted, single family, condo, pud, hud, fannie mae, freddie mac, uspap, certified, residential, certified resident, apartment building, multi-family, commercial, industrial, expert witness, civil, criminal, orea, dre, insurance, bonded, experienced, bilingual, spanish, english, form, 1004, 2055, land, raw, acreage, vacant, insurance, cost, income approach, market analysis, comparative, theory, appraisal theory, cost approach, sales, matched pairs, plot, plat, map, diagram, photo, photographs, photography, rear, front, street, subject, comparable, sold, listed, active, pending, expired, cancelled, listing, mls, multiple listing service, claw, themls,

Monday, January 14, 2019

Who was Michael Wesley Collins, Michael of Light, God? Mental illness, biography, family, history

Michael Wesley Collins, Michael Collins, New York, yogi, yoga, Michael of Light, One Diving Love, mentally ill, mental illness, suicide, homeless, schizophrenia, manic depressive, mary l collins, kristy miller, drew collins, anna collins, bailey collins, christine collins, demske, robert sanborn, buffalo, new york, mexico, thailand, israel, meditation, nyack, south caroline, software engineer, synacor, buffalo, university, one divine love, church of unity
Michael Wesley Collins took his own life January 9, 2019 in New York. He was a successful student, singer, software designer, yoga instructor who was much loved and traveled the world. He was also mentally ill allegedly suffering from schizophrenia and manic depression which made him believe he was God, Archangel Michael, the leader of Anonymous and Jesus Christ himself.

In the below unlisted video posted September 2018 he says "Michael of Light was poisoned by a government intelligence agency, and this is his Livestreamed farewell address before the poison took his life." I started it at the last few minutes. You can clearly see he is mentally ill and hurting even though he's trying to put on a good face. He also uploaded the file and added the text after he "died" as this was not a live stream. He'd been preparing for a dramatic exit for months.

A summary of what happens in the entire video is way below.

How did Michael Collins go from successful, charismatic, much loved person, father, husband to mentally ill, abandoning his family and talking about suicide for at least the last six months of his life? What happened to cause this? We may never know the full story but we have some clues.

He was born April 3, 1978, in Buffalo to Mary Lee Collins a financial advisor and  Michael Paul Demske who is in the family printing business. He has a younger sister named Christine. In 1996 he graduated from Amherst Central High School. In 2000 he graduated from State University of New York at Binghamton. In 2008 he graduated from the State University of New York at Buffalo. 

It appears his parents divorced when Michael and his sister Christine were younger. Michael Paul Demske then married Jacquelyne and had another child Virginia in 1992 when Michael was 14. This means Michael and his sister were even younger when his parents divorced. As young adults Michael and his sister Christine both used the last name Demske then started using their mother's last name Collins instead. It appears there was a contentious divorce which involved a lawsuit Demske v Demske. Mother asked for more child support to help pay for college. Father sued stating she didn't prove that her income and his child support weren't enough. At that time and since then Michael Paul Demske belongs to an expensive country golf club with his newer wife. This may have contributed to stress on the children though Michael's sister appears fine.

The mother's side of the family is very well educated and successful. The father's side is in the paper, lithography business and musically inclined. It makes sense that Michael would go into business and be a hobby musician, singer, dancer.

After college he worked as a Software Architect at Synacor from 2005-2014. He was also VP of Product Development at MedPath Solutions Inc and a Software Engineer at Airtime. He met and married Kristy Miller around 2002. Together they have three children, twins Drew and Anna born 2007, and Bailey born later. Here are some pics from that time. He looks like a determined business man maybe too determined especially the second pic.

Michael Wesley Collins, Michael Collins, New York, yogi, yoga, Michael of Light, One Diving Love, mentally ill, mental illness, suicide, homeless, schizophrenia, manic depressive, mary l collins, kristy miller, drew collins, anna collins, bailey collins, christine collins, demske, robert sanborn, buffalo, new york, mexico, thailand, israel, meditation, nyack, south caroline, software engineer, synacor, buffalo, university, one divine love, church of unity

Michael Wesley Collins, Michael Collins, New York, yogi, yoga, Michael of Light, One Diving Love, mentally ill, mental illness, suicide, homeless, schizophrenia, manic depressive, mary l collins, kristy miller, drew collins, anna collins, bailey collins, christine collins, demske, robert sanborn, buffalo, new york, mexico, thailand, israel, meditation, nyack, south caroline, software engineer, synacor, buffalo, university, one divine love, church of unity
2011. Michael Wesley Collins, Michael Collins, New York, yogi, yoga, Michael of Light, One Diving Love, mentally ill, mental illness, suicide, homeless, schizophrenia, manic depressive, mary l collins, kristy miller, drew collins, anna collins, bailey collins, christine collins, demske, robert sanborn, buffalo, new york, mexico, thailand, israel, meditation, nyack, south caroline, software engineer, synacor, buffalo, university, one divine love, church of unity

2014-2016. Michael Wesley Collins, Michael Collins, New York, yogi, yoga, Michael of Light, One Diving Love, mentally ill, mental illness, suicide, homeless, schizophrenia, manic depressive, mary l collins, kristy miller, drew collins, anna collins, bailey collins, christine collins, demske, robert sanborn, buffalo, new york, mexico, thailand, israel, meditation, nyack, south caroline, software engineer, synacor, buffalo, university, one divine love, church of unity

Around 2009 Michael Collins took a keen interest in yoga. He's the type of person that would go deep into something he was interested in as he did with software design. He soon became a yoga master according to his sister. Eventually he taught yoga at different retreats. Here's a flyer from one retreat. He went by the name Michael Wesley Collins then Michael Yogananda Samadhi eventually becoming Michael Samadhi-Christ. During this time he's staying at expensive hotels having expensive meals and appeared to be enjoying life even with a girlfriend Jacqueline Nicole (not her real last name). They dated from about 2014 to end of 2016. She was a yoga teacher for children. At that time he was still somewhat clean cut and living in New York. He'd abandoned his wife and children in NY before that time. The last pic of him with his twins is beginning of 2014.

Michael Wesley Collins, Michael Collins, New York, yogi, yoga, Michael of Light, One Diving Love, mentally ill, mental illness, suicide, homeless, schizophrenia, manic depressive, mary l collins, kristy miller, drew collins, anna collins, bailey collins, christine collins, demske, robert sanborn, buffalo, new york, mexico, thailand, israel, meditation, nyack, south caroline, software engineer, synacor, buffalo, university, one divine love, church of unity, michael samadhi christ
October 2017 he was in Indonesia giving yoga classes and "healings." In this video he talks about being arrested for rage and mental illness. He said he was just defending himself. This is probably how he lost his job as a yoga teacher in Indonesia and elsewhere.

Early 2016 he was still with his girlfriend. She was invited to a posh wedding and he went with her. The wedding was in Trump's Mar-a-lago. Here Michael shows off these pics of him in wealth. Clearly this doesn't jive with the Jesus Christ image of himself.

Michael Wesley Collins, Michael Collins, New York, yogi, yoga, Michael of Light, One Diving Love, mentally ill, mental illness, suicide, homeless, schizophrenia, manic depressive, mary l collins, kristy miller, drew collins, anna collins, bailey collins, christine collins, demske, robert sanborn, buffalo, new york, mexico, thailand, israel, meditation, nyack, south caroline, software engineer, synacor, buffalo, university, one divine love, church of unity, michael samadhi christ

His life started to really unwind before he went to Israel in 2018. He started a church (not a real legal church) One Divine Love and asked for donations to pay for his travels. Some thought it was a scam just to make others pay for his vacations. His other followers gave donations and he went to Israel to visit the holy land. I've noticed the followers who supported him appear to also be mentally ill. These people are now posting stating he wasn't mentally ill. He was God just like them.

While in Israel he dressed like Jesus from Jesus Christ Superstar the movie and took photos and videos of himself at scenic spots and sights. He visited the holy sites. He allegedly made a scene at a couple of holy sites and was asked to leave. Later for unknown reasons he entered a stranger's home. They called police. Per his own words he told police he was there to save the family. They put him under another mental illness police hold then deported him back to the US. Michael stated he lost his money and passport at that time.

In his photos you see over time that he is transforming into Jesus Christ, a God.
2017 Michael Wesley Collins, Michael Collins, New York, yogi, yoga, Michael of Light, One Diving Love, mentally ill, mental illness, suicide, homeless, schizophrenia, manic depressive, mary l collins, kristy miller, drew collins, anna collins, bailey collins, christine collins, demske, robert sanborn, buffalo, new york, mexico, thailand, israel, meditation, nyack, south caroline, software engineer, synacor, buffalo, university, one divine love, church of unity

2018 Michael Wesley Collins, Michael Collins, New York, yogi, yoga, Michael of Light, One Diving Love, mentally ill, mental illness, suicide, homeless, schizophrenia, manic depressive, mary l collins, kristy miller, drew collins, anna collins, bailey collins, christine collins, demske, robert sanborn, buffalo, new york, mexico, thailand, israel, meditation, nyack, south caroline, software engineer, synacor, buffalo, university, one divine love, church of unity

He returned home in October 2018 and that is when he started saying he was homeless, penniless and deserted by his family. Per his family he was not homeless. They always offered him help. He just refused mental health help. Below is a video where he talks about the fact that people have questioned his mental health. He said he can't possibly be a mentally ill schizophrenic manic depressive because he's God. Notice he keeps talking in this fake voice, fake posture.

As you can see from his Facebook page October 2018 he was in Israel then stated he was being deported. You can tell from the videos at that time that he was unraveling. His girlfriend left him during this time making things even worse for him. It doesn't appear he was a yoga instructor anymore most likely due to his worsening mental health.

November 2018 he wrote the now famous post about being homeless which everyone has seen. His family said he was not homeless. He came back home after he was deported from Israel. From there on out he was planning his suicide. He posted photos and videos from happier times. He wrote about his struggles real and imagined. That is how he wanted to be remembered, as a God, as a suffering homeless person and as a happy person living the life. If you watch the videos you will see that he admits that he might have been bad or selfish at times. He states this at the end of his September 2018 suicide attempt video above.

The only take away from this is that I feel he's finally at peace with the world and himself. Still, one question lingers. In his suicide video above he talks about reincarnation. On his FB page he talks about wanting to die, be reincarnated and come back with a fresh start. If you believe in reincarnation and kill yourself, is it really suicide? Whatever the case it's a sad tale.

Summary of "final" video.

If you watch from the beginning, he says if someone commits a crime, is it their fault? No, it's your fault for locking them up and pushing them until they snap. He states he's an alien who planned his birth, his life, his death, everything. He misses some words so maybe he took some sleeping pills. You can't kill yourself with over the counter sleeping pills. Maybe he didn't know that. He just appears to get a little tired. Notice he times his demise for sunset. Then he gets mad and screams "Zionists are fascists!" He says "we" hacked all bank accounts. He's part of a collective with space ships. He has blueprints for warp drives, nuclear fusion in his brain. Then he starts giggling crazily. He said when he dies he goes to his ship and presses the red button then everyone dies on earth like he hates everyone. "You" are arrogant for criticizing "me." "I was always right." "I was superman. I was really funny." He states he likes to tell jokes. When people ask him if he's Jesus, he says yes. They go "no way!" and he goes Ya, way!" as in Yaweh.

He starts crying saying goodbye to his kids. He never mentions his wife. I assume his wife besides his mother, sister tried to get him mental health help and he refused. He said his kids are intelligent. He says Bailey his son looks just like him and will be a god like him. He said his real name is "Bayley" as in the bay. His suicide video gets interrupted by safety messages about no lifeguards in a few different languages. This looks like Israel. Then he starts telling jokes. He forgives his father. He understood what he had to do. I assume that he meant leave his mother? He said his mother was overcome with demons who were trying to stop him like everyone else. Sounds like she wanted to help him, get him mental health care and he said no. He said someone gave him free coffee and that is where the poison was. Then he starts screaming at a little girl who doesn't speak English telling her to go. He tells her to "go away! I'm going to die!" Mom finally came and got her kid. He just sits there for a while.

Then he starts talking about rape. Paying for sex is rape. Taking money for sex, dating someone just for money makes you a prostitute. He said women should date men they are attracted to, who are cute. They shouldn't date for money. Then he starts talking in a baby voice giggling. Then he says looks like I have more time. Any questions? I am a god. I'm Zues, the king, lamb of god. It took me 39 years to get out of the prison of the mind. Churches are the apostasy. You're not supposed to worship dead bodies on a cross. God loves orgasms. Have them by yourself or with others. Another no lifeguards warning. Satan makes contracts like insurance, student loan debt, credit card debt. Sounds like he may have had debts. God is like a river. He said everything good in the world is in him. That's why he's god. "I had to give up everything, my family, my friends, my loved ones." Dogs are opposite of god. Cats are more enlightened than dogs. "God" is "dog" spelled backwards. It's better to be more like a cat. I'm a cat man. Then he said he'll take the final moments alone. Then he didn't die. In the video he gives a user name and password for people to use to see documents.  I did. They were the right user name, password but I couldn't answer security questions because I was on a different device.

Below is his family tree. So far his ancestors are from England and Germany. Collins is the English side arriving in Virginia in the early 1600's. Demske is the German side arriving in New York in the late 1800's. The name Demske is East German slavic and means "oak."

2017 Michael Wesley Collins, Michael Collins, New York, yogi, yoga, Michael of Light, One Diving Love, mentally ill, mental illness, suicide, homeless, schizophrenia, manic depressive, mary l collins, kristy miller, drew collins, anna collins, bailey collins, christine collins, demske, robert sanborn, buffalo, new york, mexico, thailand, israel, meditation, nyack, south caroline, software engineer, synacor, buffalo, university, one divine love, church of unity

His ancestors are from Germany and Ireland. I'll post more tomorrow.

There was a contentious divorce of Michael's parents Michael P Demske and Mary Collins Demske. This is why she took her husband's last name off of their name. This must have been a long legal case because Michael P Demske already had another kid with someone else in 1992 Virginia "Ginnie" Demske.

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View Case Cited Cases Citing Case
245 A.D.2d 1031 (1997)

666 N.Y.S.2d 65

Mary C. Demske, Respondent, v. Michael P. Demske, Appellant

Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, Fourth Department.

December 31, 1997

Order unanimously modified on the law and as modified affirmed without costs and matter remitted to Supreme Court for further proceedings in accordance with the following Memorandum: Supreme Court erred in granting that portion of plaintiff's motion for an upward modification of child support. Plaintiff failed to establish "that the combination of her own income and the payments contributed by [defendant] does not adequately meet the children's needs" (Matter of Brescia v Fitts, 56 N.Y.2d 132, 140; see, McArthur v Bell [appeal No. 2], 201 A.D.2d 974, lv dismissed 83 N.Y.2d 906, lv denied 85 N.Y.2d 809). The court further erred in awarding plaintiff counsel fees without first conducting a hearing (see, McArthur v Bell, supra; McCann v Guterl, 100 A.D.2d 577). We modify the order, therefore, by denying that portion of plaintiff's motion for an upward modification of child support and counsel fees, and we remit the matter for a hearing on the issue of counsel fees. In view of our disposition, we vacate that portion of the order directing a reduction in defendant's child support obligation while defendant is contributing to the children's college education."

His instagram account

Another youtube channel.

October 2017 he says he was arrested and locked up in a mental institution for rage. Sounds like that's how he lost his job in Indonesia.

Extra information. It appears his sister sued him in December 2017. There is no case number or docs.

Short Caption: CHRISTINE COLLINS-SCHWINGER - v. - MICHAEL W. COLLINS Case Type: Special Proceedings - CPLR Article 78
Case Status: Pre-RJI

He allegedly has two cars registered in his name. Year: 2012 Make: Audi Model: Tt and a Year: 2005
Make: Mini Model: Cooper.

He worked for various yoga retreats. Here's his bio from one. "Michael Yogananda
Michael Yogananda Samadhi is a renowned teacher, asana guru, spiritual leader, and global founder of One Love Yoga. He has 20 years of experience on the yogic path. A former leader in the high-tech industry of New York and Silicon Valley, Michael found his heart’s true calling to heal others and help those seeking their own spiritual journey through the practice of yoga and spiritual teachings. Michael deeply understands the stresses of corporate life and helps students navigate the confusing landscape of modern society for those on the path to a new way of holistic health and living."

Here is one of the retreats they offered featuring Michael. 

Here is his yoga instructor program. These things are expensive. Check out J P Sears and his new wife who offer these expensive programs, one on ones, selling products...

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, real estate, appraiser, appraisal, instructor, teacher, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Pasadena, Brentwood, Bel Air, California, licensed, permitted, single family, condo, pud, hud, fannie mae, freddie mac, uspap, certified, residential, certified resident, apartment building, multi-family, commercial, industrial, expert witness, civil, criminal, orea, dre, insurance, bonded, experienced, bilingual, spanish, english, form, 1004, 2055, land, raw, acreage, vacant, insurance, cost, income approach, market analysis, comparative, theory, appraisal theory, cost approach, sales, matched pairs, plot, plat, map, diagram, photo, photographs, photography, rear, front, street, subject, comparable, sold, listed, active, pending, expired, cancelled, listing, mls, multiple listing service, claw, themls,

Monday, January 7, 2019

Who is Marshall Medoff of Xyleco? An ex sports agent attorney involved in controversy, 60 Minutes with "world saving" Xyleco

Marshall Medoff, 60 minutes, Massachusetts, xyleco, bankrupt, new hampshire, constance medoff, maurice medoff, louis medoff, rose stiller medoff, medvidofsky, biography, history, ancestry, los angeles, california, mary cummins, malibu, @xyleco,
05/06/2019 More articles have come out stating Xyleco is most likely a scam. This one goes more into their product.

A thank you to all the people who sent in emails thanking me for my research. You're welcome. I just hate seeing people being scammed.

02/03/2019 This company turns avocado pits into biodegradable plastic utensils and straws that degrade in 240 days. They have a plant and already make product which they sell. They admit their utensils cost more than regular disposable ones. I assume it means it costs more to turn avocado pits into plastic just like turning corn cobs into plastic. They sell for .79 each fork, knife or spoon.

Their product retails for $7.49 for 24 knives. I just saw their product in the discount section at Ralphs for $1.09. Looks like it was another investment scam with no real marketable product.

UPDATE: HUGE RED FLAGS. Xyleco board members George Shultz and William Perry were board members of scam Theranos. George Shultz grandson Tyler Shultz blew the lid on Theranos. Tyler worked for Theranos. When he found out the tests were fake, he blew the whistle. He told his grandfather Theranos was a scam but George Shultz kept promoting it. "Tyler Shultz, his grandson, is a whistleblower who exposed falsified lab tests conducted at Theranos during his employment. At the time, George Shultz was a board member at the company."

George Shultz played a very active roll in the scam Theranos. He kept promoting and raising money for Theranos even after he knew it was a scam. This is why scam companies have these people on the boards, to try to lend some legitimacy to the company. Not helping this time.

Xyleco board member William Perry was also on Theranos board. There are numerous articles about these board members. They actively pushed total scam Theranos. And now they're on Xyleco board. William Perry had the nerve to state Marshall Medoff is "another Thomas Edison. A Genuis." People stated it didn't make sense to have Shultz or Perry on Theranos board as they had no tech or medical expertise. They were clearly there to try to legitimatize the scam. For the same reasons they shouldn't be Xyleco board.

Xyleco, Theranos, Marshall Medoff, William Perry, George Shultz, scammers, scam

FTR I sent all of my research to 60 Minutes and the reporter who did the story for 60 Minutes 01/07/2019. They know this is most likely a scam yet they have made no statement and the video is still online. People currently are posting "take my money!" after seeing the episode they just did on Xyleco. People want to invest in this alleged scam. Xyleco burned through millions with nothing to show for it.

People in Moses Lake said the Xyleco plant in Moses Lake was not finished. They didn't get an occupancy permit.

Comments from neighbors. They said they'll be sending letters to 60 Minutes about their "fraudulent report" on Xyleco.

"Everyone who has ever worked there knows this is crap....they laid off nearly everyone in Wakefield Mass too- no severance and some people had worked for them for over7 years!"

"Spoiler alert, the technology doesn't work, they never got permits, and they laid everyone off."

"Fake news- doesn’t 60 Minutes have any fact checkers? Steven Chu should be ashamed of himself"

The employees have stated Medoff is crazy and he spent all the investors' money already. The company only did research. It looks like a total scam. Per employees they shut down the plants and fired all employees before Christmas. They got pink slips dated 12/8/2018 and lost health insurance all with no notice or severance.

From husband of employee at Moses Lake. "They just laid off 90% of the work force on December 7. The Moses lake plant is permanently closed. It is a failing company because the technology did not work and they ultimately couldn't get investments from large companies due to technical shortcomings." They allegedly have 17 employees left which I assume are management.

From employee 12/22/18. "Absolutely awful company from top to bottom. No direction or leadership, horrible management, poor benefits, and a ridiculously high level of spending (which is not sustainable). The company proved this by laying off the majority of their employees just 2 weeks before the holidays with absolutely no warning, no explanation, and no severance. Blindsiding employees just weeks before the holidays is one of the lowest, … "

"The CEO, CFO, and CTO are driving the company into bankruptcy. No corporate vision. No organizational structure. Their systems are half-baked, as cheap as they can make it, with no logic to their madness."

"The CTO has no logical business sense. You can have a team of people arguing the most logical way to do something but it’s his way or the highway. They will bankrupt themselves before being successful. If the friends of the management doesn’t like you, then you’re taken off a project. They fire people without proper communication and blame everyone else for corporate mistakes. The Moses Lake plant has been locked … " because of lack of permits.

Reviews are from Glassdoor.

September 27, 1982 Marshall was sued by the Boston marathon and the state Attorney General. Medoff called a press conference in his office to state the lawsuit was intentionally filed on Yom Kippur to insult his religion Judaism. He went on to say he believed they were going to serve him the lawsuit while he went to temple. Drama queen. He knew they were going to sue him. They stated that for months publicly.

1982, 1983 Marshall Medoff was involved in a legal case where he took money from the trust account of the Boston Marathon charity and used it for himself. The Attorney General got involved and attached Medoff's bank accounts and real estate. In 1983 Medoff bought a $44,000 car and made a $130,000 personal money market investment in his name with trust funds. He also withdrew $150,000 via a check made out to himself. The AG stated the contract Medoff had with only one board member of the marathon was invalid. The marathon was a charity. Medoff raised $700,000 for the charity and was going to take all money in excess of $400,000. Marathon had to pay $400,000 in legal fees up to 1983. Their final bill I'm sure was higher.

1985 after he no longer represented the marathon he made a public plea to "save the race." The BAA stated "the race doesn't need saving." Medoff is a drama queen. This was in the Boston Globe newspaper.

Medoff went bankrupt in 1994. His creditors filed lawsuits against him in bankruptcy. His wife separately went bankrupt in Massachusetts the same year as a pro se. Medoff didn't even help her legally. Her bankruptcy was dismissed. Her home was foreclosed upon and she lost it. 1994 was a bad year for the Medoffs.

Below are from employees.

"The president is a nut-cake and spent the place into the ground. They laid off 80% of their workforce. Are the investors going to put more money in? The important patents now have at least 5 years on them and are almost burnt. Why put more money in?"

"poorly ran and bad management. Was lied to multiple times. Shut down both plants out of no where right before christmas. Also cancelled our insurance when we paid the premium."

"poor Management, slow-paced environment, company has no clear objective. There was no 401K or incentives to work here. Health insurance was poor. Management did not follow through with promised annual evaluations. unsafe environment, not osha regulated"

Below is 2017 annual corporation report for Xyleco.

Original 2002 corporation documents.

Annual report for 2002.

ORIGINAL: This is a very breaking story. I don't have TV and just saw a 60 Minutes segment on Facebook. I watched the video really wanting to believe.  Maybe 60 Minutes should have done more research? I sent emails to Xyleco asking for confirmation or denial but no reply so far. I will post any reply.

I have found a Marshall Medoff (real last name Medvidofsky) born December 30, 1937 in New Hampshire who was a lawyer in California and Massachusetts. He was involved in major controversy making money off the Boston, Massachusetts marathon with sponsors. He was a legal sports agent. Besides that I see nothing else until he founded Xyleco, filed a bunch of patents and got a ton of money in "investments." It appears after the Boston marathon fiasco which ended in 1985 he went into hiding. The only time his name is mentioned in the media is when someone mentions the two biggest mistakes of the Boston marathon.

Marshall's parents were Rose Gertrude Stiller 1913-1997 and Louis Israel Medvidofsky 1904-1959. He has a brother named Maurice. Below is his mother's obituary.

"MEDOFF-Entered into rest June 3. Rose (Stiller) of Brookline. Beloved wife of the late Louis Medoff. Devoted mother of Maurice Medoff of Needham and Marshall Medoff of Brookline. Loving sister of the late Bernard Stiller. Cherished grandmother of 5 grandchildren and 8 great-grandchildren. Services at The Stanetsky Memorial Chapels, 1668 Beacon St., BROOKLINE, Wednesday. June 4 at 2 PM. Memorial Observance Wednesday and Thursday from 6-8 PM at her late residence and on Friday from 4-7 PM at the home of Maurice Medoff. In lieu of flowers expressions of sympathy in her memory may be donated to: Hadassah, 2001 Beacon SL. Brookline, MA 02146 or Dana Farber Cancer Institute, 44 Binney St., Boston, MA 02215."

Below is his father's obituary.

"Departed Dec. 3. Louis of 90 Addington rd., Brookline, beloved husband of Rose (Stiller) and devoted father of Morris and Marshal Medoff, both of Brookline: loving brother of Lillian Solomon of Atlanta, Ga. Services at the Stanetsky Memorial Chapels, 1668 Beacon St., Brookline, Sunday, Dec. 6 at 10:30 a.m. Memorial week at his late residence. Expressions of sympathy may be donated in his memory to your favorite charity. Keene, N.H. papers please copy."

His first wife was Nancy Porcella who died in 1967. He then married Constance Conti in 1972 in Massachusetts.

He attended Brookline High School. Here is a pic from 1955.

Marshall Medoff, 60 minutes, Massachusetts, xyleco, bankrupt, new hampshire, constance medoff, maurice medoff, louis medoff, rose stiller medoff, medvidofsky, biography, history, ancestry, los angeles, california, mary cummins, malibu, 
His family are Polish/Russian/Ukranian Jews who came here 1880-1910 before things got really bad in those areas.

Marshall Medoff, 60 minutes, Massachusetts, xyleco, bankrupt, new hampshire, constance medoff, maurice medoff, louis medoff, rose stiller medoff, medvidofsky, biography, history, ancestry, los angeles, california, mary cummins, malibu,

Prior to his doing scientific, biological research he went to Tufts Univ; Medford MA for his Bachelor degree then the University of Chicago Law School. First question, is there any proof that his claims actually work in real life? I could file a patent for turning dog shit into gold but that doesn't mean I can actually turn dog shit into gold. I've covered many stock, investment capital scams (EZR, NPCT, UMCC, TMOT, The Vineyard...) since 1994 and this one is just like the rest of them. It reminds me of Nanopierce who bought broken machinery to show to investors. They placed an ad on craigslist looking for cheap machines with lots of levers and blinking lights. They are no more.

I searched patents. I see one granted for a "method" of breaking down biomass. It's pretty vague. The rest seem to be applications. I don't believe he has as many applications and granted patents as he states. In his chart he shows himself just below Johnson and Johnson in number of patents. One patent that explains the process a little.

If you search for patents in his name, I see 218 in the US Patent office search system. Some look like duplicates. His first was 1997. It's poly coated paper. His second was a pallet. This pallet is very complex and looks a lot more expensive than regular pallets. I'm talking about wooden pallets used for transporting lots of product. Most of these patents aren't very useful at all. Why make a pallet more complex and expensive? It's not cheap to file a patent and maintain it.

Medoff bragged that Xyleco ranked second in patent power report. I followed the link in the Xyleco site. The only mention was this,

"Elsewhere, well-known names continue to lead the way, with IBM taking top spot in Computer Systems, Microsoft in Computer Software, and Apple in Electronics. Meanwhile, other companies worth keeping an eye on, based on their high-impact smaller patent portfolios, include Sonos (Electronics); Xyleco and Sarepta (Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals); Gentherm (Automotive and Parts); and Kraton (Chemicals)."

I do see the chart. The ranking is based on increase in number of patent applications over previous year. It doesn't indicate quality or value of patents. Medoff or whomever then said if they were in the chemical category, they'd be number one. No, they wouldn't. He's trying to compare the score he got in the bio category which you can't do. The metrics are misleading. Who cares if they applied for more patents in following years if they're not worth anything. This explains the metric. The Patent Power report only indicates if a company applied for more patents than in previous years.

The company posted on their website the following,

"Xyleco is the world’s leading expert in unlocking the potential of non-food biomass."

No one had even heard of them until the 60 Minutes episode. They are the world's leading expert?

He was a lawyer in California with this data.

Marshall Medoff #165430License Status: Inactive
Address: P O Box 360, Brookline, MA 02446-0003
County: Non-California County
Phone Number: (617) 277-9500
Fax Number: (617) 277-5287
Email: Not Available
Law School: Univ of Chicago Law School; Chicago IL

Massachusetts law license
P.o. Box 360, Brookline, MA

He had a broker's license which expired in 1997.

License #:139828 - Expired
Issued Date: Apr 28, 1995
Expiration Date: Dec 30, 1997
Type: Broker

I just made a Wikipedia page for him.

Marshall was involved in the controversial Boston Marathon. He was allegedly hired in 1981 to take the race commercial and get sponsors. Seems most of the board members were not advised about this until 1982. They were against the race being commercialized. They stated that they didn't hire Marshall. There was a lawsuit.

From the Boston Globe 1982. "The Boston Marathon is for sale. It is being sold secretly and curiously by a Boston lawyer named Marshall Medoff, who signed on as agent for the Boston Athletic Association (BAA) the same way, secretly and curiously." "The Globe has been told that the Boston Marathon" "is being hustled not only commercially but, potentially, professionally." "he (Cloney the head of board of BAA) and Medoff became friends while attending Boston Rotary Club meetings several years back. He describes Medoff as a lawyer of international reputation with a background as a solid promoter." "Medoff will get to keep everything he raises beyond a certain figure." "On May 1, 1981, Marshall Medoff filed corporation papers at the State House under the name International Marathons, Inc." "Phone conversations with people at the law firm reveal that he is not employed by the firm, does not have an office there and is rarely seen. If you want to contact Medoff, you call the law firm; he calls for his messages, and then decides whether he is going to return the call." He included the name "Medoff Marathons" in the doc. He was only member of the corporation. He gave $2,500 to start the corporation at one cent per share for a total of 250,000 shares of stock. Per the Globe "Medoff is a perennial optimist, and a super salesman." This guy sounds very shady.

March 1982 William Cloney went public and said "The Boston Marathon is not for sale." He got too much flak from the public and board members. June 1982 the board got together and were going to kick Cloney off the board and sever all ties to Medoff. Cloney said there was a conspiracy against him by unknown people and the Boston Globe newspaper which was actually a sponsor. He states their goal was to harm him so he'd be kicked off the board. September 1982 the Boston Marathon stated they would sue Medoff. Medoff wouldn't even return a phone call. The contract stated Medoff could keep whatever funds he raised over $400,000. Cloney did not have the authority to sign the contract on behalf of the entire board. Boston Marathon asked the Attorney General to sue Medoff on their behalf to keep him from touching $690,000 raised from race sponsors. All of this info comes from You can see the clippings.

Marathon sued him and attached Medoff's bank accounts and real estate 1983. Medoff made a check to himself from the trust account for $40,000. The AG is seeking info to see if Medoff made the sponsors believe the money they gave Medoff was for charity. The newspaper stated Medoff has a "checkered past." He seems to be the laughing stock of the Boston Globe.

1983 Marshall started IMICO to negotiate as a promoter with China for soccer matches. I don't see that anything came of that.

1984 The Massachusetts Supreme Court ruled that the Boston Marathon contract with Marshall Medoff was void. Medoff then had the nerve to sue the marathon.

1984 Medoff is sued by his lawyers for nonpayment of $86,222. Medoff stiffed his former attorney James St. Clair who petitioned to be relieved of being Medoff's attorney. St. Clair also sued him for nonpayment. Attorney General ruled an agent can't get more than 15% of funds raised for charity. Medoff violated the law. Medoff tried to argue they weren't a non-profit.

1980 he tried to raise funds for a Boston International Film Festival. Nothing came of that either. So far Marshall Medoff appears to be a promoter who raises funds but doesn't deliver.

I see a bankruptcy under his name, California address and Massachusetts address. I won't post it until I don't get a reply or do get one confirming or denying. He has the following addresses.

No reply from Medoff. Here is the bankruptcy. It appears to be the same Marshall Medoff. I removed his social security number. It appears in 1993 he was renting a few places who filed to evict Marshall Medoff. Marshall filed his bankruptcy as a pro se. He had no attorney though he was an attorney. He was admitted to California Bar Association right before his bankruptcy. He's been inactive since 2005. His debtors filed for motion to evict, take Marshall's home. Marshall filed motion in reply and lost.

Phone Number: 547-5510
Address: 6636 Portshead Rd, Malibu, CA, 90265-4260 (1993) He owned this property with Constance Medoff in the '90's.
[1 Boston Pl # 2950, Boston, MA, 02108-4407]
[636 Portshead, Malibu, CA, 90265]
[29244 Greenwater Rd, Malibu, CA, 90265-4121 (1993)]

Here are some of his federal lawsuits including his bankruptcy.

Medoff, Marshall 0:1992bk02145 Medoff, et al v. NEMAC U.S. Court Of Appeals, Ninth Circuit - Bankruptcy Appellate Panel 10/27/1992 10/05/1993

Medoff, Marshall 0:1993bk01272 Medoff, et al v. Nemac, Inc. U.S. Court Of Appeals, Ninth Circuit - Bankruptcy Appellate Panel 03/24/1993 04/08/1993

Medoff, Marshall 0:1996cv16072 Medoff v. Rapozo, et al U.S. Court Of Appeals, Ninth Circuit 06/10/1996 07/11/1996

Medoff, Marshall 0:1996cv17122 Medoff v. First American Title, et al U.S. Court Of Appeals, Ninth Circuit 11/27/1996 04/04/1997

Medoff, Marshall 0:1997cv15195 Medoff v. Rapozo, et al U.S. Court Of Appeals, Ninth Circuit 02/05/1997 04/04/1997

Medoff, Marshall (db) 9:1994bk12309 Marshall Medoff California Central Bankruptcy Court 06/01/1994 09/19/1994

Medoff, Marshall (a) 2:1993cv02471 In Re: Medoff v. Medoff, et al California Central District Court 04/29/1993 11/29/1993

Medoff, Marshall (inre) 2:1993cv02471 In Re: Medoff v. Medoff, et al California Central District Court 04/29/1993 11/29/1993

Medoff, Marshall (dft) 3:1989mc00151 Rayhigh, Limited v. Silk, et al California Southern District Court 03/08/1989 10/09/2004

Medoff, Marshall (dft) 1:1993cv00604 Rapozo, et al v. Medoff, et al Hawaii District Court 07/30/1993 11/17/1993

Medoff, Marshall (pla) 1:1993cv00842 Medoff v. Rapozo, et al Hawaii District Court 11/01/1993 11/27/1996

Ventura County cases. He was evicted from Mirabella apartments during his bankruptcy.

37 7/7/1994 07/07/1994: Order ON MOTION OF DEFENDANT /S/ BY JUDGE HUNTER 7-5-95 filed
36 7/6/1994 07/06/1994: Request for Entry of CLERKS Judgment filed by MIRABELLA APARTMENTS
34 7/6/1994 07/06/1994: (M) Writ of Possession of Real Property issued for County of Ventura Receipt Number: 9407150386
33 7/6/1994 07/06/1994: Judgment entered on 07/06/94
32 7/6/1994 07/06/1994: Judgment for possession of premises located at 1890 W. HILLCREST DR. APT. 514 NEWBURY PARK CA. 91320
31 7/6/1994 07/06/1994: Judgment entered on COMPLAINT (UNLAWFUL DETAINER) of MIRABELLA APARTMENTS against MARSHALL MEDOFF
29 7/6/1994 07/06/1994: Judgment Ordered as follows:
Case Number: CIV144448
Case Category: Civil - Limited
Filed Date: 5/25/1994
Case Type: Unlawful Detainer - Residential
Case Status: Post Judgment
Location: Ventura

I decided to try to view the video again to try to confirm Medoff's statements and the explanation of how his technology works.

Medoff stated you can drink his ethanol or put it in your gas tank or both. You can't really drink ethanol unless you want to really harm or kill yourself. Next time someone interviews him someone should ask him to drink some on video if it's that safe.

You also can't put pure ethanol into your gas tank. Currently you can put gas mixed with ethanol into your gas tank. In the video he said the truck she was driving was driving on ethanol he put in the tank. He said you don't have to convert your car to run on it. Yes, you would. How did Medoff bamboozle the reporter? His ethanol was not in the tank of that car unless he just poured a little bit mixed with a full tank of gas. He either poured gas or nothing in the tank. How did that reporter believe all the bullshit?

Currently you can make ethanol from plant material from link above. "Grass, wood and agricultural waste can also be used to make “cellulosic” ethanol." This has been done for years.

Medoff states he uses electron accelerators to break electrons apart. He puts the biomass (corn cobs) into the electron accelerator and it "rips it apart." He said the electron beam accelerators are inexpensive.

He said he would save the "universe" from "global warming." Global warming only affects the earth. This guy thinks he's saving the universe. Reporter didn't even blink her eye at that.

Medoff states he's been given hundreds of millions of dollars.  Then why did he fire the employees and cancel their health insurance right before Christmas? That's pretty low. Someone who appears to be part of Xyleco on Twitter stated it was a kind thing to fire them before Xmas so they wouldn't buy Xmas gifts on credit.

Medoff stated he puts corn cobs into the accelerators mixed with his "proprietary enzyme mix" to release the sugar. He said he is making xylose which is wood sugar. Need to know about this magic enzyme. People have been making xylose for years. This sounds like a total scam to me.

Below is one patent that explains what he is trying to do. He's trying to easily breakdown biomass into base elements using an electron beam to make it easier to break apart with an enzyme or microorganisms. Has he done it? Obviously no or he'd be a billionaire.

In the video Medoff and the reporter walk up to then into a building. The building has a sign out front that says Premier Supply company. When they walk inside you see used copy machines stacked up high. The address is 271 Salem Street Unit L, Woburn, MA 01801, US. That is the address for the supply company. Why are they filming in the supply company? I assume he started there before Premier existed yet they still use the same address. Maybe this is like his law address in Boston that wasn't actually his address.

In the episode it's stated that he hired an MIT Chemistry expert ten years ago (2008) to build a lab. That means that Medoff didn't build anything until the earliest 2008. That means his previous patents were never built in real life. Then how would he know they actually work? Craig Masterman admitted that his job was to create what was in Medoff's mind. Again, nothing was built before 2008 at the earliest. I just looked at his LinkedIn account. The main thing he does is write and file patents.

He said he's making xylose. "Xylose has existed for a long time. "Xylose contains 2.4 calories per gram (lower than glucose or sucrose, approx. 4 calories per gram). Xylose was first isolated from wood by Finnish scientist, Koch, in 1881, but first became commercially viable, with a price close to sucrose, in 1930."

We have known that it's practically unfermentable by oral bacteria. People have been using Xylitol in gum and other products for many years. At high doses it causes diarrhea. This is no new invention yet he acts as if it is. Lesley Stahl acts like she's tasting xylose for the first time in her life. She's tasted it in gum. This woman does not come off well in this video.

He states he built a $45M testing facility in Wakefield. The building was already there. He just added the machines.

He stated he is making bio-plastic from plants. This already exists. "Ethylene is chemically similar to, and can be derived from ethanol, which can be produced by fermentation of agricultural feedstocks such as sugar cane or corn. Bio-derived polyethylene is chemically and physically identical to traditional polyethylene – it does not biodegrade but can be recycled."

Here is more. Some can biodegrade. They have existed for a long time. This is nothing new. The reporter acts all amazed.

"Bioplastics are plastics derived from renewable biomass sources, such as vegetable fats and oils, corn starch, straw, woodchips, food waste, etc. Bioplastic can be made from agricultural by-products and also from used plastic bottles and other containers using microorganisms. Common plastics, such as fossil-fuel plastics (also called petrobased polymers) are derived from petroleum or natural gas. Not all bioplastics are biodegradable nor biodegrade more readily than commodity fossil-fuel derived plastics. Bioplastics are usually derived from sugar derivatives, including starch, cellulose, and lactic acid. As of 2014, bioplastics represented approximately 0.2% of the global polymer market (300 million tons)."

He states his ethanol production produces 77% less greenhouse gas emissions than corn ethanol. He states there is some independent review of this somewhere. I'll try to find it. I found something. This is from Xyleco. It allegedly compares Xyleco who uses corn stover (cobs, stalks, everything but the actual corn) to corn to produce ethanol. I can agree that using stover would use less water than corn. I would agree it would have a lower carbon footprint. That said there is more energy in the corn than the stover. That's why they use the corn and discard the stover. I don't believe this comparison is relevant.

He said this company did the report. Xyleco is not mentioned in their site.

He said if you want info about the test, contact Xyleco not the "independent" company who did the test. Is this another fake test result like Theranos? I searched for "life cycle assessment." I found an explanation of what it is. I emailed and asked them if they tested Xyleco product.

Medoff states his invention is "very Einsteinian." First he thinks he's the Messiah and now he's Einstein who will save the universe. Ethanol releases less greenhouse gas emissions that regular gas. We already know that. If he is claiming that he is using wasted crops and crop residue instead of the actual corn, that would have less greenhouse gas emissions. This is nothing new.

His board member called him "another Thomas Edison, a genius." Board member Defense dept William Perry. Other board members are Steve Chu, Sir John Jennings, and George Shultz.

It appears this same reporter has gotten other episodes completely wrong. I think she's lost her judgment and is easily persuaded by con men or else she's taking money to tout these losers. She needs to hang up her reporter jacket.

HUGE RED FLAG. George Shultz was a board member of Theranos. His grandson blew the lid on Theranos. "Tyler Shultz, his grandson, is a whistleblower who exposed falsified lab tests conducted at Theranos during his employment. At the time, George Shultz was a board member at the company."

In the truck Medoff again states he can put his wood ethanol directly into existing gas station pumps and cars. No, you can't. There are some race cars that run on pure ethanol but regular cars run on gas mixed with ethanol. Most of the mixture is gas with up to 10% ethanol. Here's more on ethanol and gas. 98% of all gas already has ethanol in it. A lot of it is from plant material mainly corn. They've been doing this for years. This is nothing new.

Medoff states that turning agricultural waste into ethanol is a new thing. It's been around for years. This company turned corn stalks into ethanol in 2007. Others did it earlier. It would have a smaller carbon footprint. They mention enzymes. They're now dead.

2008 another plant doing the same thing from wood waste. They also used enzymes. They're now dead.

That last bit with Walden Pond is really overly dramatic. Major eye roll. In the video he said it's real close by. No, it's not. It's 22 miles away from the MA plant. And exactly how is thinking at Walden Pond better than thinking at the beach or at home? Is that where he found the magic enzymes?

Below are corporate documents. Medoff stated Xyleco started 25 years ago. They started in 2002, were revoked in 2008 then 2012 they were reinstated. That would be six to 16 years max.

ID Number: 043270160    
Summary for:  XYLECO, INC.
The exact name of the Foreign Corporation:   XYLECO, INC.
Entity type:   Foreign Corporation
Identification Number: 043270160 Old ID Number:
Date of Registration in Massachusetts:   06-05-2002 Date of Reinstatement:   10-30-2012
Date of Involuntary Revocation:   03-31-2008 Last date certain:
Organized under the laws of: State: DE Country: USA on: 11-15-1994
Current Fiscal Month/Day: 12/31
The location of the Principal Office:
Address: 360 AUDUBON ROAD
City or town, State, Zip code, Country: WAKEFIELD,   MA   01880   USA
The location of the Massachusetts office, if any:
Address: 271 SALEM ST., UNIT L
City or town, State, Zip code, Country: WOBURN,   MA   01801   USA
The name and address of the Registered Agent:
Address: 84 STATE STREET
City or town, State, Zip code, Country: BOSTON,   MA   02109   USA
The Officers and Directors of the Corporation:
Title Individual Name Address

Below is the corporate report for 2017. They have $180,000 worth of shares outstanding.

Identification Number: 043270160 1. Exact name of the corporation: XYLECO, INC. 2. Jurisdiction of Incorporation: State: DE Country: USA 3,4. Street address of the corporation registered office in the commonwealth and the name of the registered agent at that office: Name: CORPORATION SERVICE COMPANY No. and Street: 84 STATE STREET City or Town: BOSTON State: MA Zip: 02109 Country: USA 5. Street address of the corporation's principal office: No. and Street: 360 AUDUBON ROAD City or Town: WAKEFIELD State: MA Zip: 01880 Country: USA 6. Provide the name and business street address of the officers and of all the directors of the corporation: (A president, treasurer, secretary and at least one director are required.) Title Individual Name First, Middle, Last, Suffix Address (no PO Box) Address, City or Town, State, Zip Code PRESIDENT MARSHALL MEDOFF 360 AUDUBON ROAD WAKEFIELD, MA 01880 USA TREASURER MARSHALL MEDOFF 360 AUDUBON ROAD WAKEFIELD, MA 01880 USA SECRETARY MARSHALL MEDOFF 360 AUDUBON ROAD WAKEFIELD, MA 01880 USA DIRECTOR STEVEN CHU 360 AUDUBON ROAD WAKEFIELD, MA 01880 USA DIRECTOR JOHN JENNINGS 360 AUDUBON ROAD WAKEFIELD, MA 01880 USA DIRECTOR ROBERT ARMSTRONG 360 AUDUBON ROAD WAKEFIELD, MA 01880 USA DIRECTOR GEORGE SHULTZ 360 AUDUBON ROAD WAKEFIELD, MA 01880 USA DIRECTOR MARSHALL MEDOFF 360 AUDUBON ROAD WAKEFIELD, MA 01880 USA DIRECTOR MARIO MOLINA 360 AUDUBON ROAD WAKEFIELD, MA 01880 USA DIRECTOR WILLIAM PERRY 360 AUDUBON ROAD WAKEFIELD, MA 01880 USA DIRECTOR GREGORY BEECHER 360 AUDUBON ROAD WAKEFIELD, MA 01880 USA MA SOC Filing Number: 201883318930 Date: 2/16/2018 8:13:00 AM DIRECTOR RICHARD SCHROCK 360 AUDUBON ROAD WAKEFIELD, MA 01880 USA 7. Briefly describe the business of the corporation: RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT AND MANUFACTURING 8. Capital stock of each class and series: Class of Stock Par Value Per Share Enter 0 if no Par Total Authorized by Articles of Organization or Amendments Num of Shares Total Par Value Total Issued and Outstanding Num of Shares CWP $0.00010 300,000,000 $30,000.00 285,213,852 CWP $0.00010 1,500,000,000 $150,000.00 556,001,556 9. Check here if the stock of the corporation is publicly traded: 10. Report is filed for fiscal year ending: 12/31/ 2017 Signed by MARSHALL MEDOFF , its PRESIDENT on this 16 Day of February, 2018

2008 the corporation was revoked by the secretary of state. 2012 he applied to have it reinstated.

He made another corporation which I assume is just to hold the real estate.

ID Number: 001161232    
The exact name of the Domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC):   XYLECO REALTY MA LLC
Entity type:   Domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Identification Number: 001161232
Date of Organization in Massachusetts:   02-17-2015

You can search here to see all the corporate documents.

Medoff trademarked the word "xyleco" in 1999 for yarn/thread. "Yarns and threads for textile use made of composites of polymeric resin and cellulosic fibers and/or lignocellulosic fibers" Address used is the storage garage and his home address, his father's house. Xyleco was then a Delaware corporation, Xyleco Global LLC.

They trademarked a few more names. They also filed their foreign Delaware corporation in Texas and California.

There are two Delaware corporations, i.e. Xyleco Inc and Xyleco Global. Their service person is CORPORATION SERVICE COMPANY in Delaware.
3150284 XYLECO GLOBAL, LLC 2000
2452671 XYLECO, INC. 1994. It has been 25 years since this one corporation in Delaware was filed. It didn't do anything from 1994 until 2012 or so.

Here is their California corporation filing.

He had plans to remodel the MA plant. He had designs drawn.

Medoff also controls these Massachusetts corporations. International Marathons is a for profit business to promote the Boston marathon which he started in 1981.

WAKEFIELD, MA 01880 USA XYLECO, INC. 043270160
WAKEFIELD, MA 01880 USA XYLECO, INC. 043270160
WAKEFIELD, MA 01880 USA XYLECO, INC. 043270160

Below is real estate data about Xyleco's properties.

360 Audubon Road • Wakefield, MA 01880. In 2004 Xyleco Realty MC LLC purchased it for $2,000,000. In 2014 they tried to lease out the entire bldg.

03/04/2015 it appears Xyleco Realty had Saint Real Estate LLC quit claim it to Xyleco for 03/04/2015? At the same time it says IRS is the lender and USDA was the previous lender. 2013 the owner got a $1.4M loan. In 2004 it was sold for $2M and someone got a $2M loan on it? Odd transactions.

3741 Road N NE, Moses Lake, Washington.

2015 Xyleco Realty bought this property. Tax value is $800,000. There must be a reason why Medoff put the property in the name of Xyleco Realty and not Xyleco. Medoff controls Xyleco Realty. Maybe he used Xyleco investment money to buy this property for Xyleco Realty which is actually just himself? 04/2018 Xyleco applied for a permit from Washington Dept of Ecology to build a manufacturing plant there.

Here it's listed in 2015 for $28M.

They filed for a permit to discharge waste water. I thought he said there would be no waste or pollutants? His product would "save the planet." He doesn't just think it. He "knows it."

NOTICE: ANNOUNCEMENT OF AVAILABILITY OF APPLICATION PERMIT NO.: ST0501306 APPLICANT: Xyleco Inc 360 Audubon Road Wakefield, MA 01880-6249 FACILITY: Xyleco Moses Lake 3741 Road N, Moses Lake, WA 98837 Xyleco, Inc. has applied for a State Waste Discharge (SWD) permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 90.48 Revised Code of Washington (RCW), Chapter 173-216 Washington Administrative Code (WAC). Xyleco Moses Lake facility manufactures sugars, ethanol and lactic acid from cellulosic feedstocks, such as corn cob. The facility discharges industrial wastewater to the City of Moses Lake Larson POTW and is designed for a maximum daily flow of 108,000 gallon per day (gpd) and an average monthly flow of 86,400 gpd. The wastewater, following treatment, must meet the requirements of the Washington State Water Pollution Control Act and applicable regulations for a permit to be issued.

This is pretty amazing. He still owned his father's home in 2006. He previously converted the old large Victorian home into two condos. He then wanted to convert the garage into another living space. The variance was granted.

At the moment I would love to believe that his discovery will save the planet. I will keep an open mind. Based on his history this claim may not be real. He appears to love media attention and money. If anyone has any info of any type, please, send it to me. I find it really hard to believe that 60 Minutes wouldn't have found the basic data which I found. Maybe we all just really want a solution to global warming and Medoff wants a ton of money.

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, real estate, appraiser, appraisal, instructor, teacher, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Pasadena, Brentwood, Bel Air, California, licensed, permitted, single family, condo, pud, hud, fannie mae, freddie mac, uspap, certified, residential, certified resident, apartment building, multi-family, commercial, industrial, expert witness, civil, criminal, orea, dre, insurance, bonded, experienced, bilingual, spanish, english, form, 1004, 2055, land, raw, acreage, vacant, insurance, cost, income approach, market analysis, comparative, theory, appraisal theory, cost approach, sales, matched pairs, plot, plat, map, diagram, photo, photographs, photography, rear, front, street, subject, comparable, sold, listed, active, pending, expired, cancelled, listing, mls, multiple listing service, claw, themls,

LA Art Show at Los Angeles Convention Center by Mary Cummins

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