Saturday, May 20, 2017

Who is Sheriff David Clarke friend of Trump, Russia? Plagiarism, lies, threats, prisoners died in his jail

David Clarke, David Alexander Clarke, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, sheriff, prisoners died in his jail, plagiarism, julie clarke, crazy, putin, donald trump, russia, foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov, spy, crazy, racist, democrat, republican
UPDATE: 09/27/2019 NRA confirms that trip to Russia was official trip. David Clarke of Trump campaign went along. Letter below.

05/29/2019 $6.75M to the family of an inmate who died after being denied water for six days. Everyone knows that you can't survive over five minutes without air, five days without water and five weeks without food. They shut off the inmate's water supply for six days then he died. He had children.

03/05/2019 Per the Daily Beast David Clarke has been banned from Fox News and Trump's campaign PAC. David Clark's involvement with Maria Butina and The Right to Bear Arms probably had something to do with it. “His rhetoric became crazier and crazier and most shows refused to use him,” one source familiar with the situation told The Daily Beast. People noted that David Clarke hadn't been on Fox since the Florida school shooting. Clarke stated the kids worked for George Soros to "spew anti-gun talking points." I believe David Clarke has some mental issues. He has truly done and said some horrible things in his life.

12/10/2018 Maria Butina will give up David Clarke, NRA, GOP and others who went to Russia to meet Putin et al in her plea deal.

08/03/2018 President of the NRA Pete Brownell resigned as President of the NRA in May soon after the raid on alleged Russian Spy Maria Butina's home. Brownell and Maria Butina's group paid Clarke to go to Russia. At this point I assume Brownell is being investigated.

More people picking up on ex Sheriff David Clarke's connection to the NRA, Right to Bear Arms and Russia. I posted about it over a year ago.

07/16/2018 Photo of David Clarke with Maria Butina in Russia with The Right to Bear Arms and the NRA. Here is the English translation of the Russian text that's with the photo.

Maria Butina, Sheriff David Clarke, russian, russia, the right to bear arms, nra, conspiracy, spy, traitor
Maria Butina, Sheriff David Clarke, russian, russia, the right to bear arms, nra, conspiracy, spy, traitor

Just fyi Russians can have guns. They have gun laws. They already have the right to bear arms so this organizations is clearly for another purpose, namely for Russia to help get puppet Trump elected.

"Meeting of the United States National Rifle Association and the right to weapons in Moscow.

The delegation of the world's largest public organization of arms supporters - the United States National Rifle Association (the NRA) visited Moscow with an official visit to Moscow and met with supporters of the "right to weapons"
This happened for the first time in Russia's history. On 11 December, in the framework of the meeting, the guests from nra met the asset of the Russian community of gun owners, discussed common problems for the weapons communities of Russia and the United States, which turned out to be a lot closer than it seems at In both countries, there are opponents of the rights to self-defense and legal weapons, causing, oddly, absolutely similar arguments about the specific aggressive mentality and who that more weapons are equal to the number of crimes with it, denying the obvious facts - Russia and the us's statistics are clearly showing the reverse - the increase in the number of legal owners of weapons helps ordinary citizens to defend themselves against criminals and reduces the level of criminal.
The event took part and gave a welcoming word to the honorary member of the "right to weapons", state secretary, Vice-Chairman of the bank of Russia Alexander Toršin. Mr. Toršin is also an honorary member of the United States National Rifle Association.
From The American side, the first vice-President of the National Rifle Association, the owner and head of the company " the brownells " Pete Bronell, the ex-President of the National Rifle Association of the American Union of conservatives, and now the editor of the newspaper " the washingnon times " David keen, The National Rifle Association "Golden Ring of freedom" Businessman Joe Gregory; the founding member of the women's movement of arms supporters Hilary Goldšlager, member of the board of trustees of NRA Dr. Arnold Goldšlager, one of the main speakers of NRA, Sheriff David Clarke, head of the channel channel, Jim
" there will be a lot of skeptics who will call the visit of Americans to Russia in a timely and non-consistent society, but it is important to understand that cooperation between countries should always be based on the common views of the protection of the - considers the founder and member of the board of the movement "the right to weapons" by Maria Butina. - in the face of the increased threat of world terrorism, security issues are more than ever before the first plan. The right of citizens to possession of weapons and self-defense is what today can save the lives of our citizens. Common ideas based on the security of citizens of Russia and the United States are the very rock on which the friendship of our communities should be built in the future ".
Let's remind that the NRA HAS OVER 5 000 members. The main task of the organization is to protect the rights of citizens to weapons and the second amendment of the us Constitution, which enshrines every united states citizen of the right to possession of"

Maria Butina who started the Russian organization "The Right to Bear Arms" was just arrested for spying for the Russians. She has worked very closely with the NRA. It's believed she helped funnel money from Russia to the NRA which then gave the money to Trump's campaign.

"On 15 July, 2018 Butina was arrested in Washington, D.C, being charged with conspiracy to act as an agent of the Russian Federation within the United States without prior notification to the Attorney General. According to the affidavit in support of the complaint, from as early as 2015 and continuing through at least February 2017, Butina worked at the direction of a high-level official in the Russian government who was previously a member of the legislature of the Russian Federation and later became a top official at the Russian Central Bank. The court filings detail the Russian official’s and Butina’s efforts for Butina to act as an agent of Russia inside the United States by developing relationships with U.S. persons and infiltrating organizations having influence in American politics, for the purpose of advancing the interests of the Russian Federation. The filings also describe certain actions taken by Butina to further this effort during multiple visits from Russia and, later, when she entered and resided in the United States on a student visa. The filings allege that she undertook her activities without officially disclosing the fact that she was acting as an agent of Russian government, as required by law."

The Right to Bear Arms and the NRA gave money to ex-Sheriff Clarke to go to Russia December 2015. Ex-Sheriff David Clarke is a traitor to our nation. I sure hope he gets arrested.

06/11/2018 More evidence of collusion with Russia. "Here's a photo of #NRA leaders, including Sheriff David Clarke, meeting with #Russian leaders, such as Deputy PM Rogozin and banker Alexander Torshin. It's ILLEGAL to use **foreign** contributions (money or in-kind) for elections‼️"

04/06/2018 Major update! Rachel Maddow figured out the connection between Trump, Putin, NRA and the Russian organization Right to Bear Arms. I thought the Right to Bear Arms was a Russian organization which wanted Russians to bear arms. It's not. I knew Putin did not want Russians to have more access to guns. Right to Bear Arms appears to be a vehicle in which to get money from Russian to the Trump campaign via the NRA. The organization gave money to ex Sheriff David Clarke to go to Russia with Team Trump and talk guns and money.

One thing Maddow gets a little wrong is that Russians can have some guns. Here are their gun laws.

"Russian citizens over 18 years of age can obtain a firearms licence after attending gun-safety classes and passing a federal test and background check. The licence is for five years and may be renewed. Firearms may be acquired for self-defense, hunting, or sports activities. Carrying permits may be issued for hunting firearms licensed for hunting purposes. Initially, purchase is limited to smooth-bore long-barred firearms and pneumatic weapons with a muzzle energy of up to 25 joules (18 ft⋅lbf). After five years of shotgun ownership, rifles may be purchased. Handguns are generally not allowed. Rifles and shotguns with barrels less than 500 mm (20 in) long are prohibited, as are firearms that shoot in bursts and have more than a 10-cartridge capacity. Suppressors are prohibited. An individual cannot possess more than ten guns (up to five shotguns and up to five rifles) unless they are part of a registered gun collection."

If this relationship is correct, I see the NRA and Team Trump going down for treason. Who cares about collusion at this point.

03/12/2018 David Clarke filed to divorce his wife. He is now dating a Muslim white woman. He is no longer on Fox. He's working on a pro Trump PAC.

Here are the divorce documents.

In RE the marriage of David A. Clarke Jr. and Julie Clarke
Milwaukee County Case Number 2018FA001032
Filed 02-21-2018
Clarke, David A., Jr.
Clarke, Julie
Date of Birth
Race 1
Address Updated On
11400 W. Calumet Road, Milwaukee,  WI  53224
Party Attorney(s)
Attorney Name
Exner, Daniel Albert
Clarke, Julie - Respondent
Date of Birth
Race 1
Address Updated On
11400 W. Calumet Road, Milwaukee,  WI  53224

Based on the texts with one of David Clarke's mistresses David wants to start a family. I guess his current wife didn't want kids or couldn't or already had some. I don't know.

I see 102 cases against Clarke here.

02/18/2018 People for some reason have been reporting this page as "dangerous or derogatory content." While I'm saying negative things about public figure ex Sheriff David Clarke every word is the truth backed up by evidence. I believe they're reporting it because I posted the relationship between David Clarke and the Russian government besides his cozy relationship with the NRA and the President of the NRA. Clarke was paid to go to Russia with Team Trump. The receipts for the payments are below. This is a public government document. Clarke had to report to his state that he received these funds.

12/31/2017 I was wondering why Clarke was attacking and threatening everyone on Twitter. Seems within the last two days some information came to light about Clarke abusing his powers to detain and harass someone who merely shook his head at him in an airport. Based on his texts and emails he most certainly did that.

UPDATE: 09/01/2017 Response to Clarke's resignation has been very positive.

"This is truly a good Thursday," Wisconsin state Sen. Lena Taylor said in a statement. "I want to thank Sheriff Clarke for his decision to step down. After years of abuse at his hands, the people of Milwaukee can sleep soundly tonight."

It's about time. Clarke told his constituents to buy guns to arm themselves when he was being paid by the NRA and gun, gun accessory dealers.

08/31/2017 "Milwaukee County Clerk George L. Christenson has confirmed that Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke's letter of resignation was received at 3:17 p.m. Thursday." Oddly he's at a police convention stating he's still the sheriff. He's also busy campaigning for Trump and Russia. His Twitter says he's still the Sheriff. Guess he'll go back to his book tour, pumping Russia and campaigning for Trump full time. It's not like he was actually working as the Sheriff anyway.

"Pursuant to Wis. Stat. §17.01," the letter reads, according to Clerk George L. Christenson, "this communication is submitted at the notice of my resignation as Sheriff of Milwaukee County commencing August 31, 2017, at 11:59 p.m."

07/01/2017 The NRA just released an outrageous ad about guns, Trump, GOP.

05/22/2017 Because Clarke lost his run for Mayor to current Mayor Barrett in 2004, he attacks Barrett any time he can. March 17, 2017 Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett chided Clarke for being largely missing in action  for a year while he campaigned for Trump, was on his book tour and visiting Russia. This was Clarke's response.

“The last time Tom Barrett showed up at a crime scene he got his ass kicked by a drunk, tire-iron-wielding man who beat him within inches of his life," Clarke said in the lengthy post. "The milquetoast mayor trying to play cop foolishly thought he could simply talk the man who beat him senseless into backing down. Bet he won't try that again!"

That post was removed but I saved the image.

“To dismiss and to minimize the actions the mayor took to protect the lives of a woman and child is unconscionable and a sad and true reflection of the sheriff himself," Curley said. "David Clarke can find no new lows, no new depths to sink to.”

"I think he's got a great gig going right now. He's fightin' crime one conservative cable TV show at a time," Barrett said. He added that most people in the know would agree that the sheriff "rode his horse out of town a long time ago."


David Clarke can deny that he plagiarized all he likes but facts are facts. CNN made this detailed comparative analysis. There are free software programs which detect plagiarism. This is the result of that analysis.

I don't think we have to worry about David Clarke ever working for the White House. He would never get security clearance. He admitted he received money from a Russian entity. In December 2015 he received $14,000 and $6,000 from Russian entity "All--Russia Public Organization 'The Right to Bear Arms'." Pete Brownell also gave him money to go to Russia. Also note all these trips he took to get money to speak at GOP events when he's a Democrat and should have been working. I think this is the same trip with Mike Flynn. Mike Flynn didn't disclose this trip on his application at the White House. He knew if he did, he would not get security clearance or accepted. David Clarke was in Moscow, Russia December 8 to December 13. Mike Flynn was there the exact same time.

David Clarke, David Alexander Clarke, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, sheriff, prisoners died in his jail, plagiarism, julie clarke, crazy, putin, donald trump, russia, foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov, spy, crazy, racist, democrat, republican uniform pin award ribbon badge, russia, nra, pete brownell

"He made $150,000 in speaking fees, travel reimbursements, gifts and other items during 2015 — more than what he made as Milwaukee County sheriff, a job that pays $132,290 annually."

Here is Sheriff Clarke shooting guns in Russia.

sheriff david clarke russia guns donald trump
sheriff david clarke russia russian gun rifle donald trump traitor
This is from Time magazine. The NRA has cozied up to Russia.  "In 2015, a collection of NRA officials flew over to attend Butina's annual gun conference. Among them was Erickson; former NRA and ACU chief David Keene; gun manufacturer and NRA first vice president Pete Brownell; and Milwaukee County sheriff David Clarke, a Trump supporter and sensation among the conservative grassroots. One of their hosts was Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, who was sanctioned by the White House in 2014 in connection with Russia's invasion of Ukraine. According to a disclosure filed by Clarke, Butina's group shelled out $6,000 for the sheriff's meals, lodging, transportation and other excursions on the trip."

Here is more info on the Russian group "The Right to Bear Arms." They are trying to make it legal for civilians to have guns in Russia. Pete Brownell on the NRA board is also owner of largest gun accessory company.

"In a tweet posted on July 5, 2015, Clarke wrote, "17Jun1936 Hitler united all police forces under one commander. Obama trying to do the same using DOJ to federalize local police. Wake up!" - Washington Post

Clarke tweeted that "Obama is not a leader but Mr Bojangles."
I always thought David Clarke's uniform with all those medals and ribbons looked fake. At the time I had no proof. Fortunately this guy in Texas was able to show that David Clarke is not wearing real medals, pins. Furthermore some of the pins are just pins that you buy when you go to events or buy them online. The placement of these pins is also not appropriate or according to the Departments guide to dress uniforms and pins. Read down this Twitter thread.

From the Milwaukee County Sheriff Dept on uniforms. "Insignia, nameplates and pins should be worn in accordance with policy in the proper place on the uniform." Page two below.

"Protocol in the military and police is to wear only earned ribbons and medals."

@ItsTonyNow the pin under his badge here is for israeli traffic cops 🤔

David Clarke, David Alexander Clarke, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, sheriff, prisoners died in his jail, plagiarism, julie clarke, crazy, putin, donald trump, russia, foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov, spy, crazy, racist, democrat, republican uniform pin award ribbon badge

David Clarke, David Alexander Clarke, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, sheriff, prisoners died in his jail, plagiarism, julie clarke, crazy, putin, donald trump, russia, foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov, spy, crazy, racist, democrat, republican uniform pin award ribbon badge

David Clarke, David Alexander Clarke, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, sheriff, prisoners died in his jail, plagiarism, julie clarke, crazy, putin, donald trump, russia, foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov, spy, crazy, racist, democrat, republican uniform pin award ribbon badge
The "Ceasefire" pin above is not an award. He merely was on the "Ceasefire Violent Crime Reduction Program." The other pins appear to be mini-badges from other organizations, departments. They were not earned.

Alright, this may be a parody but you get the point ;-)

Sheriff David Clarke, resigned, fired, whatever, gone


David Clarke, David Alexander Clarke is the Sheriff of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. His claim to fame is hanging on Donald Trump's coattails while campaigning. David Clarke ran as a Democrat yet campaigned for Donald Trump as a Republican.

David Clarke was born August 21, 1956 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. His parents are David A Clarke Sr and Geraldine. His siblings are Julie Ann, John Michael, Patricia and Susan. His wife is Julie Anne Campshure born 1962. They were married in Milwaukee, Wisconsin March 9, 1996. They have no children.

David Clarke has a history of making up childish names to poke fun at people and programs which he doesn't like. He calls Planned Parenthood "Planned Genocide." He calls Black Lives Matter "Black Lies Matter." He says BLM is a "hate group" and their members are "subhuman creeps." He went so far as to say members of BLM want to join ISIS to destroy our nation. Clarke's stance on BLM has been highly criticized by NAACP. He went so far as to call Attorney General Eric Holden an "asshole" and Al Sharpton a "charlatan."

"In January 2013, Clarke was featured on a series of public radio ads that said citizens could no longer rely on the police for timely protection and should arm themselves. Later that month, Clarke appeared on the CNN program Piers Morgan Live, with Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, who "said it was irresponsible of Clarke to 'basically imply' that it won't help citizens to call 911 when they need help."

"In 2015, Clarke traveled to Moscow on a $40,000 trip, with all expenses paid by the NRA, Pete Brownell (an NRA board member and CEO of a gun-parts supply company) and the "The Right to Bear Arms," a Russian pro-firearms organization. During the meeting, Clarke met the Russian foreign minister and attended a conference at which Russian official Aleksander Torshin, a close ally of Vladmir Putin, spoke." (see photo above)

"In October 2016, Clarke tweeted, "It's incredible that our institutions of gov, WH, Congress, DOJ, and big media are corrupt & all we do is bitch. Pitchforks and torches time."

David A Clarke Jr "It's incredible that our institutions of gov, wh, congress, doj, and big media are corrupt & all we do is bitch. Pitchforks and torches time."
"Clarke has called for the suspension of habeas corpus in the United States in a December 2015 appearance on his radio program, where he asserted that there were "hundreds of thousands" or "maybe a million" people who "have pledged allegiance or are supporting ISIS, giving aid and comfort," and stated that "our commander in chief ought to utilize Article I, Section 9" to imprison them at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp "and hold them indefinitely under a suspension of habeas corpus."

While Clarke is registered as a Democrat he is considered altright. Some say he registered as a Democrat just to win the election for Sheriff. He frequently attacks Democrats and supports Republicans. NRA has donated heavily to his campaigns. Clarke has been criticized by his local Democratic party. Clark heavily promote himself on shows such as Alex Jones, Fox News.

He is no stranger to controversy in his local government. When the County Executive announced budget cuts Clarke stated he was a "vindictive little man" adding "Abele should be drug tested. He has to be on heroin or hallucinating with that statement." Clarke added that Abele had "penis envy" of Clarke. Clarke went so far as to sue Abele for violating Clarke's free speech in the budget process. The case was dismissed by the Judge. Clarke incurred more than $310,000 in legal fees for his private attorney who represented him in litigation against the county. The taxpayers ended up paying those legal fees and an additional $83,000 defending itself against Clarke's lawsuits.

On April 24, 2016 an inmate died from dehydration. The water was turned off for six days in his cell and staff refused to give the inmate water. Litigation is still pending.

"According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Clarke also attracted attention for temper-related incidents: "He once berated a 911 dispatcher for not being professional, threatened to arrest the new House of Correction chief and called a sergeant a 'terrorist' and 'cancer' in a two-hour, expletive-filled rant."

After the death of a child born in Clarke's jail a county supervisor and several Democratic state legislators called for his resignation.

"In 2006, Clarke invited members of an Evangelical Christian organization, the Fellowship of Christian Centurions, to speak at several mandatory employee meetings, at which the group members proselytized. Several deputies complained about the Centurions' proselytizing, but Clarke refused to stop the presentations. The sheriff deputies' union and two individual sheriff's deputies (a Catholic and a Muslim) successfully sued Clarke in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin. Clarke appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, which upheld the lower court's ruling in 2009. The sheriff did not seek review in the U.S. Supreme Court."

"In February 2017, a Detroit-area man filed a harassment lawsuit against Clarke after Milwaukee deputies detained the man at the Milwaukee airport in January. The man had asked Clarke about his football team preference and shook his head at Clarke. After arriving at the airport, the man was "met by a group of six uniformed deputies and two dogs, all of whom were accompanied by the sheriff" who questioned him before releasing him. After the man filed a complaint with Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office, Clarke responded by taunting and threatening the man via Facebook. The man's counsel states that Clarke engaged in a "gross and arbitrary abuse of power," and the lawsuit alleges that the stop and detention was unlawful.

Milwaukee County auditors launched an investigation into whether Clarke abused taxpayer resources during the airport incident. Clarke blocked auditors to interview Milwaukee County sheriff's deputies as part of the investigation. Clarke's refusal to cooperate in the investigation prompted the Milwaukee County Board to authorize legal action against Clarke on the issue."

Clarke supported the illegal occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. He's been a guest host on The Sean Hannity Show, Fox News and Glen Beck's The Blaze Radio Network.

In February 2013 David Clarke ran the following radio ad "With officers laid off and furloughed, simply calling 911 and waiting is no longer your best option. You can beg for mercy from a violent criminal, hide under the bed, or you can fight back. But are you prepared? Consider taking a certified safety course in handling a firearm so you can defend yourself until we get there. You have a duty to protect yourself and your family. We're partners now. Can I count on you?"

This radio ad was in response to his budget being cut. A great article February 24, 2013 in the Green Bay Press Gazette stated that of the violent crimes committed in Milwaukee County the local police handled 98% of them in 2011. The Sheriff's Dept only handled 2% or 163 cases. The County Sheriffs only patrol the highway, staff the jails and watch the parks and courthouses.

Mike Nichols wrote "what he really meant was 'The county executive wants to cut my staff and I'm perturbed. And even though 98 out of 100 my guys aren't the ones responding to your emergency anyway, you should be up in arms, too-maybe literally."

David Clarke then went on crazy Alex Jones' show and said "The government don't really fear the criminal. They support the criminal after they've been arrested. But what they fear is a law-abiding person. I mean read the Declaration of Independence. It's right there, where law-abiding people say, 'enough is enough-you're exerting too much influence in our lives. This is tyrannical, and we're going to stop it.' That's what they're worried about." David Clarke forgets he IS the government. Here is a link to that article in

May 4, 2006 Arbitrator Stuart Levitan chastised Sheiff David Clarke in his 15 page decision that overturned a five-day suspension Clarke gave to Deputy Sharon Greer for her role in freeing Cesar Lira in June 2005.  Judge stated "There were no fewer than seven separate errors of omission or commission by no fewer than four different agencies. Yet rather than investigate why those failures occurred and take steps to protect the public by insuring they are not repeated, Sheriff Clarke simply chose to discipline the deputy who relied on the information she was given."

It gets worse. Clarke then released a statement attacking the Arbitrator saying Levitan lacked the courage to hold anyone accountable. "He has become an enabler in a culture where sub par performance has been standard."

This is interesting. March 19, 2002 the governor appointed city police captain David Clarke Milwaukee County sheriff. At that time he was a 24 year veteran of the force. He was the head of the police Special Operations Bureau's Intelligence Division. It was buried very deep in the paper. He was appointed Sheriff only because the then current Sheriff retired.

I personally believe this guy is an all around nut. He has major issues with anger management. He believes he's above the law. He's also a hypocrite attacking BLM and Democrats. Fortunately his local approval rating is so low that he most likely won't be reelected Sheriff. While he claimed Trump will appoint him as the Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security for Partnership and Engagement the White House declined to comment. The prospective appointment has been highly criticized by the Milwaukee County Executive, former Homeland Security official Juliette Dayyem and Senator Kamala Harris who is a member of the Senate Homeland Security Committee.

I'm going to give a quick personal assessment, opinion of Sheriff David Clarke's issues. He is a self-hating black person as he attacks black people and black civil rights activism and activists. He attacks black people calling them lazy and violent. My Mexican Nana also had a Mexican chip on her shoulder so I know. She acted super white, did all the American rituals, was a Republican even though GOP is against Mexicans, immigrants and women. At least she didn't hate Mexicans. White people love him because he eats his own. They praise him for attacking his own race and community. This guy is YUGELY insecure. That stupid joke about "penis envy" is a major tip off. The fact that he married a white woman later in life is another tip off.

I will go on to say that Sheriff David Clarke is a fake Democrat just to get more votes to be Sheriff. He is actually an alt-right Republican. Heck, he not only supported but heavily campaigned for Trump who has called black people the n word. Trump discriminated against blacks for rental units yet David Clarke loves him? He's against pro-choice. I notice he became more anti-abortion after he got married. He and his wife love kids. They get big smiles holding their family member's kids...yet they have no kids. He's pro guns, NRA. They donate heavily to his campaigns, funds, trip to Russia. He's very insecure which is why he dyes his hair, wears a military uniform when Sheriffs don't wear military uniforms. What are all those medals for? He salutes when he's just a Sheriff. He likes to ride his horse with a big cowboy hat in parades to get applause and attention just like Trump. They're pretty similar in a lot of ways and not good ways.

Below are some more scandalous acts by David Clarke.

David Clarke on January 2012 told the Orlando Sentinel that government handouts are a "latter-day form of slavery entrapping people in dependency." "Government handouts and big entitlement programs are used like an intoxicating drug" said David Clarke, the sheriff of Milwaukee County in Wisconsin. "The more government gave to help me, the less responsible I was for myself." So David Clarke received welfare, food stamps, housing?

David Clarke Sr on the Korean War. "Most people don't even know the Korean War happened," said David Clarke, 57, of Milwaukee, who fought in Korea during the chaotic 1951 retreat after the Chinese poured into the conflict. "Nobody 45 or younger knows what it was." "I still wonder what it was all about," he said. "It started at the 38th Parallel and that's where it ended."

When he ran to be a candidate for Mayor in 2004 he didn't have enough valid signatures. Correction: He didn't have enough valid signatures. They gave him time to collect more. He lost the primary. The first two people had 38% then 33% of the vote. He only got 17%. I've noticed he attacks the Mayor of Milwaukee all the time. I think it's because he lost to him in 2004.

August 3, 2005 in The Oshkosh Northwestern Sheriff David Clarke punished a deputy sheriff for speaking out against him in the union newspaper. Sheriff David Clarke as punishment reassigned 55 year old Michael Schuh who was a court Bailiff to "one-man foot-patrol in a high crime area." He's been instructed to go door to door in his police uniform in a high crime area. Sounds like Sheriff wants to get the deputy attacked.

August 3, 2016 Sheriff David A Clarke stated that President Obama is a liar. Obama said "black males are two times more likely to be shot by a law enforcement officer than white males." Clarke said "That's a lie. There is no data." Reporters corrected Clarke and said it's the truth and there is data. Obama quoted data.

2002 David Clarke tried to push out an Officer he didn't like by giving him night shift and weekend hours. That person filed an equal rights claim.

David A Clarke Jr "I am tired of this jigaboo telling black people who they should be,what they should do. He's a lacket for Democrats."

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

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