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David Jonathan Brown, USC professor Bosco Tjan alleged murderer killer 28 years old Los Angeles, California july 11 1988 Conneticut psychology |
UPDATE: 03/11/2018 Sanity proceeding rescheduled for March 20, 2018.
March 20, 2018 08:30 AM Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center 131 1026 PC (SANITY) PROCEEDINGS
January 2018 Judge ruled that Brown was not guilty due to insanity. The next hearing is to decide where he will be placed for treatment. He is receiving mental health treatment.
"Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Leslie A. Swain ruled Tuesday that former graduate student David Jonathan Brown was not guilty by reason of insanity for the first-degree murder of USC professor Bosco Tjan, according to the L.A. County District Attorney’s office.
The ruling was made after reviewing evaluation reports from two psychiatrists, including Risa Grand, a forensic psychiatrist who works with the L.A. County Superior Court and is a clinical assistant professor at the Keck School of Medicine and closely examined Brown’s mental state."
September 20, 2017 08:30 AM Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center 038 1368 PC RPT/NON-APPEAR
05/15/2017 Brown plead not guilty by reason of insanity.
01 187(A) Penal Code Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity Case Pending Case Pending
June 21, 2017 08:30 AM Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center 038 PRELIM SETTING/RESETTING
Daily Trojan covered the last hearing. Interesting that the psychiatrist was a professor at USC. As she represents the State, she would be the party that would have to object. I'm sure the Defendant is fine with the choice of an ex-USC professor.
"David Jonathan Brown pled not guilty by reason of insanity in the murder of professor Bosco Tjan on Wednesday. He also reaffirmed his not guilty plea in the use of a knife in Tjan’s death.
Brown’s mental state will be evaluated by Risa Grand, a forensic psychiatrist for the Los Angeles County Superior Court and former assistant clinical professor at USC.
Brown, a graduate neuroscience student, is charged with first-degree murder, including a special allegation of using a “deadly and dangerous weapon” to kill Tjan.
If Brown is found not guilty by reason of insanity, he could be sentenced to life in a state mental health institution, according to Deputy District Attorney Beth Silverman. If he is found guilty of first-degree murder, he could serve from 25 years to life in prison. If Brown is found guilty of second-degree murder, he could serve a lower sentence of 15 years to life in prison.
Brown was arrested at the scene of the crime in December, and police said Tjan’s murder was driven by a “personal dispute.” He worked in Tjan’s lab and had taken a leave of absence for “personal reasons” last year, according to the New York Daily News."
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David Jonathan Brown alleged murderer of USC professor Bosco Tjan, los angeles, california |
Previously the court stated Browon wore a blue quilted wrap with bare arms and legs. That's an anti-suicide garment. This means of course that Brown was suicidal.
04/02/2017 May 3, 2017 08:30 AM Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center 038 PRELIM SETTING/RESETTING.It'll probably be continued.
12/23/2016 I just read this "Brown, who was bundled in a blue quilted wrap belted by the shackles that secured his hands, with his arms and legs bare, will remain in custody in lieu of $2 million bail while awaiting the hearing to determine if there is sufficient evidence to require him to stand trial."
Was he not allowed to wear pants and a full shirt because he's on suicide watch? It's odd he didn't kill himself after the alleged murder. Maybe the police found him before he had the chance.
12/20/16 Prelim was reset to January 19. January 19, 2017 08:30 AM Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center 038 PRELIM SETTING/RESETTING
12/07/16: Bail was raised yet again to $2,020,000. I don't know why they added $20,000. Maybe it was for the extra charge of using a deadly weapon?
If you want to go to this public hearing, you can. Directions, parking ... Parking will probably run you $20. http://www.lacourt.org/courthouse/info/ccb Call the court the night before to make sure it hasn't been cancelled. Dept 38 is on the 3rd floor rm 3-301 (213) 628-7738. There is a metal detector you have to walk through. There is free wifi. You can keep your shoes on but must remove belts, everything out of pockets, purse, papers ... must go in a bin through the metal detector. There is sometimes a line in the morning so get there with time to spare. There's a cafeteria there on the first floor.
Next Court Code: M38 Next Court Date: 12/19/2016 Next Court Time: 0830 Next Court Case: BA45225701
Court Address: 210 W. TEMPLE STREET Court City: LOS ANGELESUPT
Found his high school pics. Read his senior year photo quote. He thought everyone hated him. What a sad quote.
He went to Lyman Hall High. In 2003 he was a freshman. Photo matches. He may have been on indoor track team and football team one season. I think a sport is mandatory in high school.
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David Jonathan Brown, USC professor Bosco Tjan alleged murderer killer 28 years old Los Angeles, California july 11 1988 Conneticut psychology 2003 yearbook of Lyman Hall High School. |
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David Jonathan Brown, USC professor Bosco Tjan alleged murderer killer 28 years old Los Angeles, California july 11 1988 Conneticut psychology 2004 |
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David Jonathan Brown, USC professor Bosco Tjan alleged murderer killer 28 years old Los Angeles, California july 11 1988 Conneticut psychology 2005 |
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David Jonathan Brown, USC professor Bosco Tjan alleged murderer killer 28 years old Los Angeles, California july 11 1988 Conneticut psychology 2005 |
He has been moved from the Sheriff jail to the Twin Towers. Facility: TWIN TOWERS CORRECTIONAL FACILITY Address: 450 BAUCHET STREET City: LOS ANGELES. Unless the Twin Towers recently added a psych ward, he appears to be in a regular jail.
The case is now in the online system at lacourt.org. Use this case number to find it BA452257. He has a preliminary hearing 12/19/16. It will most likely be rescheduled.
Case Number:
Violation Date:
December 2, 2016
Filing Date:
December 6, 2016
Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center
Case Information Events Bail Sentencing Information
Upcoming Scheduled Events
Date Time Location Dept/Room Number Event
December 19, 2016 08:30 AM Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center 038 PRELIMINARY HEARING
12/06/16: DA just released news. Case number is BA452257 but the case isn't in the system. When it is, you'll be able to find info here lacourt.org click "online services," click "case summary." That will show you the info and the calendar.
"A University of Southern California graduate student has been charged with fatally stabbing a professor on campus last week, the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office announced.
David Jonathan Brown (dob 7/11/88) was charged in case BA452257 with one count of murder as well as a special allegation that he personally used a deadly and dangerous weapon, a knife. He is scheduled to be arraigned today in Department 30 of the Foltz Criminal Justice Center.
Deputy District Attorney Beth Silverman of the Major Crimes Division is prosecuting the case.
On Dec. 2, Brown is accused of stabbing to death Siaufung “Bosco” Tjan, 50, inside of the victim’s office on the USC campus.
If convicted as charged, Brown faces a possible maximum sentence of 26 years to life in prison.
The case remains under investigation by the Los Angeles Police Department."
12/06/2016 it says permanent housing assigned today but it lists CSD which is County Sheriff Dept. Housing Location: CSD Permanent Housing Assigned Date: 12/06/2016 Assigned Time: 0714. No court date for arraignment.
12/05/2016 Bail just went from $1,000,000 to $2,000,000. The family is wealthy and this is an alleged murder. He could be a flight or suicide risk. Makes sense to increase the bail. I hope this young man gets help with his mental health while in jail. No court date yet.
Classmates have now said they knew David was deeply troubled. They also said they thought he was the most likely to fail the lab even though he's very bright. Some were shocked that he is the suspect. Others thought it would be him after hearing the name of the victim. It seems there was a dispute between David and Bosco.
I was just told that December 3 the day of the killing was the last day of class or lab before finals. This may have been the last day for David Brown to finish his labs and work.
David Jonathan Brown was born July 11, 1988. His mother is Meryl Eisenberg Brown 61 years old from Miami, Florida. Father is Leonard "Lenny" Gilbert Brown. He is 62, a CPA, works for PENSION BENEFIT CONSULTANTS, INC. and is from New York. The family has lived in Uniondale, NY, Wallingford, CT, Massapequa, NY. He has a brother named Matthew "Matt" Brian Brown who is 31, lives in Hartford, Connecticut and getting married next June. David and his parents live in Wallingford, Conneticut.
His USC email address was used to access his Facebook which included the photos and relatives. davidjbr@usc.edu PhD student Neuroscience Graduate Program. His USC advisor is Biederman. One of his friends is Rory Brenner who is in the same class and study. In 2013 he was a returning first year graduate student at USC. His Facebook is here. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009219939588 If/when it goes down, I saved all copies. UPDATE They've locked down their photos and friends lists on their profiles. I have copies.
I was a psych major at USC. You know what they say about Psych majors. Someone in their family, someone they know well probably has a psych issue which is why they are interested in psychology. If they don't know someone with an issue, they may be the one with the issue. I will throw out a theory. This is a young mentally ill man who has probably never had a real girlfriend. He is mad at the world. He may also be mad that he didn't get his PhD and he's 28 years old. He decided to take it out on one of the few people who befriended him and tried to help. He reminds me of so many other mentally ill young men who go on to kill, Elliot Rodger Isla Vista, Adam Lanza Sandy Hook...While he physically looks a little similar to his brother Matt you can see the huge difference between the two. His brother is healthy, happy, socially involved, has a fiance, a job... David is taller than his brother, darker hair, darker eyes, heavier. David has obviously been struggling with life for a long time. A witness who saw him arrested said he had a very blank emotion less expression. Maybe he was taking medication for his issues?
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David Jonathan Brown, USC professor Bosco Tjan alleged murderer killer 28 years old Los Angeles, California july 11 1988 Conneticut psychology, 2011 photo |
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David Jonathan Brown, USC professor Bosco Tjan alleged murderer killer 28 years old Los Angeles, California july 11 1988 Conneticut psychology photo january 2011 |
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David Jonathan Brown, USC professor Bosco Tjan alleged murderer killer 28 years old Los Angeles, California july 11 1988 Conneticut psychology photo |
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David Jonathan Brown, USC professor Bosco Tjan alleged murderer killer 28 years old Los Angeles, California july 11 1988 Conneticut psychology photo |
David is FB friends with his mom and brother but not his dad. Here is the profile pic of the mom. The grandmother's comment is "My lovely family." David is not in the pic. It's only mom, dad, son Matt and his fiance. That has been mom's profile pic since May. Notice all their big smiles and David rarely smiles. I think perhaps dad was getting down on him for being 28 and not getting his PhD. USC is a very expensive school. It's possible he had a fellowship. Here's some info on that. As he took time off I'm not sure they would consider that "timely progress."
"It is the policy of the university and of the Psychology department to support students who have been accepted and are making timely progress in their graduate studies. The standard package provides five years of support, consisting of a stipend, specified units of tuition remission, and health benefits. The package may be structured using fellowships that are provided by or administered by the university, research assistantships (RAs) that most often come from faculty research funding, teaching assistantships (TAs) that require duties as a laboratory or discussion section instructor, and various other sources of funding."
He probably may also has Aspergers syndrome. Thanksgiving, Christmas, not graduating...all were too much for him. I'm amazed he didn't kill himself after he killed Tjan. If he's found guilty, he's an adult so he would get life in prison.
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Here is happy smiling mom, dad, Matt and his fiance. The rest of the family is happy, appear very well adjusted but not David. He's not even in the pic which his mom uses as her profile photo. |
Booking No.: 4848220 Last Name: BROWN First Name: DAVID Middle Name: JONATHAN
Sex: M Race: W Date Of Birth: 07/11/1988 Age: 28 Hair: BRO Eyes: BRO Height: 601 Weight: 250
Charge Level: F (Felony)
Arrest Date: 12/02/2016 Arrest Time: 1645 Arrest Agency: 4203 Agency Description: LAPD-SOUTHWEST DIVISION
Date Booked: 12/03/2016 Time Booked: 0020 Booking Location: 4273 Location Description: LAPD - JAIL DIVISION
Total Bail Amount: 1,000,000.00 Total Hold Bail Amount: 0.00 Grand Total: 1,000,000.00
26.3019 Sparse Coding under Saccade-Confounded Statistics
David Brown1
(davidjbr@usc.edu), Bosco Tjan1,2; 1
Neuroscience Graduate
Program, University of Southern California, 2
Department of Psychology,
University of Southern California
Image encoding in visual cortex is thought to be adapted to natural scene
statistics. Spatial attention may selectively enhance the acquisition of these
statistics. The effect of such attention-gated learning may be especially pronounced
in peripheral vision, as the shift of attention to a peripheral visual
location is tightly coupled to the initiation of a saccade. We hypothesize
that this attention-saccade link biases peripheral visual input, introducing
an eye-movement-related confound to the veridical image statistics (Nandy
& Tjan, 2012). This, in turn, is predicted to shape learned spatiotemporal
receptive fields and lateral interactions in ways that predict deficits of
peripheral form vision such as crowding. To model the effect of saccade-confounded
statistics on image encoding in V1, we simulated saccades across
natural image data and mapped the resulting videos to a model cortical
surface with eccentricity-dependent magnification and resolution. We then
learned a space-time sparse coding dictionary on samples from a circular
patch of model cortex – representing a target location and a laterally-interacting
surround, all under an attentional spotlight centered on the target
– in a temporal window adjusted to the duration of a transient spatial attention
episode (Sperling & Weichselgartner, 1995). This peripheral spacetime
dictionary is spatially similar to foveal dictionaries, but with a preference
for movement toward the fovea. For a given basis trained on peripheral
inputs, only a subinterval in time contains a structured pattern. This subinterval
can appear at any time in the basis. The unique features of this dictionary
– anisotropic movement preference and a narrow temporal window
with variable onset delay – point toward a role for peripheral vision that
may differ more substantially from foveal vision than previously thought.
Acknowledgement: Grant: NIH / NEI R01 EY017707
His father runs a non-profit organization called Connecticut Butterfly Association. http://www.ctbutterfly.org/ He runs it out of his house. They have barely any income.
They bought their home in 1996 for $173,000. I needed the address to see which school he went to. He would have gone to Lyman Hall High School if he went to public school.
Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.
Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, real estate, appraiser, appraisal, instructor, teacher, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Pasadena, Brentwood, Bel Air, California, licensed, permitted, single family, condo, pud, hud, fannie mae, freddie mac, uspap, certified, residential, certified resident, apartment building, multi-family, commercial, industrial, expert witness, civil, criminal, orea, dre, insurance, bonded, experienced, bilingual, spanish, english, form, 1004, 2055, land, raw, acreage, vacant, insurance, cost, income approach, market analysis, comparative, theory, appraisal theory, cost approach, sales, matched pairs, plot, plat, map, diagram, photo, photographs, photography, rear, front, street, subject, comparable, sold, listed, active, pending, expired, cancelled, listing, mls, multiple listing service, claw, themls,
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You're good.
ReplyDeleteIs it SOP that suspects can't be photographed in court? Is it up to the digression of the judge as in this case it wasn't allowed?
ReplyDeleteIt's up to the Judge. I'm sure the media requested permission to take photos at his upcoming hearing. I would bet the Judge will allow it.
DeleteI'm really grateful you could dig into this. I was incredulous when details were so sparse on the suspect. It is especially worrisome in light of how close it happened to the attack at OSU, which received massive press. Since that attacker was immediately scrutinized for their religion, I wondered if you had any information on religious background for suspect and/or victim in this incident. Also, an "unrelated incident" was supposed to have happened in the library at USC a few hours later. Do you have any information on this?
ReplyDeleteThank you for investigating and digging into this. I have heard rumors that the school knew about the dispute between Prof. Tjan and David Brown but thought it was just a demanding Asian professor working his nerdy student too hard. The school has blocked all sources of information and no details are given to Prof. Tjan's family and colleagues and friends. I did not know him personally but knew a lot of people who did. If USC has mishandled this, it needs to be addressed and the entire academia need to be aware of similar incidents.
ReplyDeleteMC thanks for your work on this story. I don't watch TV so I might have missed a lot but the whole episode seems to be downplayed. The story dies on the internet after Dec.6.
ReplyDeleteIs there a reason you're publishing so much information about the address, and employment information of David's parents? That seems invasive of their privacy. I'm sure they're hurting right now.
ReplyDeleteI can understand trying to make sense of David's personal motivations (I'll point out that finances probably had little to do with them, since all PhD students at USC have tuition covered, and living stipends, through either research grants, or TA-ships.)
The parents posted all that information publicly. They posted it on their public profiles. I always show my research and underlying evidence to support my statements.
DeleteWhat is the status of this case?
ReplyDeleteThe updates are always at the top. There is a prelim hearing coming up May 3, 2017 08:30 AM Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center 038 PRELIM SETTING/RESETTING