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Malcolm Casselle Malcolm W Casselle, tronc, tribune publishing, southern lehigh high school, pennsylvania, stanford, mit, dezzette valarie casselle, dezzette casselle, dawne casselle |
02/11/2021 I'm late to this news. He allegedly died in Mexico November 2020. Some believe he may have faked his death due to legal and financial issues. We shall see.
10/16/2019 Malcolm Casselle sued by investors. He filed a motion to dismiss stating he can't be sued because there is an arbitration clause in the contract. Everyone knows if a contract contains an arbitration clause the person who wrote the contract will rip you off. Arbitration keeps you from suing. You go to expensive mediators for years where you have to pay for at $500-$750/hour. Nothing ever happens. You lose.
This suit alleges crypto currency fraud by Malcolm Casselle. One, crypto currency is invisible money. Why would you invest in it? Two, if you were going to invest in anything, why would you invest with Malcolm Casselle who lies, commits fraud, has been fired numerous times and has gone bankrupt?
Here is the original complaint.
"Crypto Asset Fund LLC et al v. Worldwide Asset eXchange et al: Complaint
Complaint alleging cryptocurrency-related securities fraud in Crypto Asset Fund LLC, of Delaware, and Digital Capital Management LLC, of Delaware v. OPSkins Group Inc., d.b.a. Worldwide Asset eXchange, a Canadian company based in Santa Monica, California; Exposition Park Holdings SEZC, of the Cayman Islands; William Quigley, of California; Jonathan Yantis, of California; John Brechisci, of California, and Malcolm CasSelle, of California, at the U. S. District Court for the Central District of California."
"Law360 (October 15, 2019, 9:01 PM EDT) -- The cryptocurrency company behind the Worldwide Asset eXchange told a California federal court on Tuesday that a suit brought by angry investors should be dismissed, given their inability to defeat an arbitration clause. Worldwide Asset eXchange, or WAX, COO Jonathan Yantis and strategic adviser Malcolm CasSelle filed a reply memorandum in support of a motion to dismiss on Friday, and on Tuesday were joined by the company behind WAX — OPSkins Group Inc — to tell the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California that two investors in their token sale could not avoid arbitrating their claims as outlined.."
These are the main charges against Malcolm Casselle.
Investors are upset that Malcolm Casselle lied about the investment. When has Malcolm Casselle ever told the truth?
OPSkins CEO and WAX President Malcom CasSelle later claimed in a July 18,
2018 article by PC Games Insider that in 2017 Defendants “raised over $150 million
to launch the WAX platform.” CasSelle also claimed that “OPSkins is 10 or 20
times bigger than [their] nearest competitor . . .”4
31. For example, CasSelle represented to Plaintiffs that the $50B number
in the One Pager was based upon “extensive analysis” and claimed that OPSkins is
“the largest providing cash payouts and 10x larger than the next competitor.”
(Emphasis added). CasSelle represented that OPSkins’ annual revenue is
“substantial and very profitable.” After identifying Steam Marketplace as the
“largest major player” other than OPSkins, CasSelle again emphasized that “they
don’t cash out. They just provide credit you can only use on Steam. They do many
billions of dollars.” (Emphasis added). CasSelle and all the Defendants failed,
however, to explain the significance of that distinction: To run a successful and
profitable online gambling operation, users need to be able to realize their potential
gambling profits in the form of cash rather than be stuck with using such proceeds
only within the application itself.
Malcolm Casselle was sued again. He hired consultants and promised to pay them in cash and with tokens but never paid them. Read the token deals. It sounds like a pyramid scheme. Early investors get a certain multiple of their token numbers. Very early investors get a larger multiple of their initial investment. Malcolm Casselle also talks about their tokens being "locked up" because of the discount. This invisible money is very "creative." Malcolm Casselle told the people the company didn't have enough tokens to pay them. Sounds like the business is doing shitty. Before these people sued Malcolm Casselle offered to pay less than 1% of what they owed Defendants. Sounds like some Trump shit. Defendants were seeking $2,750,000. Malcolm Casselle settled with them for the plaintiffs to dismiss it with prejudice. I'm sure Malcolm Casselle didn't want their exhibits to ever become public which is why Paintiff didn't file them with the complaint. Good move. More leverage to settle.
Vestchain L.L.C. et al v. Opskins Group Inc. et al
Here is that complaint.
09/10/2017 Malcolm left, was fired from tronc during the recent August purge.
09/03/2017 It appears Malcolm Casselle is no longer at tronc. His name is no longer listed here.
Per his Linkedin page he left, was fired from tronc August 2017. He is now in a video game tech company which trades virtual tokens earned in video game via Blockchain.
Here is his current photo.
His departure may be directly related to this article stating tronc is performing very poorly year over year. Malcolm was supposed to improve things. Not only did he not improve things but he made things worse. Notice the date of this article. It's right before he was let go/fired.
In the meantime he appears to be upset by this page which shows his true history. For that reason he created a website called "who is" then his name. That website had the gall to email me and ask me to link my page to his. I said no.
I was looking at some video interviews with Malcolm on YouTube. The conclusion of these videos is...yes, it is hard to monetize clicks and make money on the digital side of media. This is odd as his job at tronc was to figure this out. He supposedly had all the answers. What happened to the funnel and videos that he was going to create to draw in customers? Well, New York Times and Fox News seem to have better success at this. Where did Tronc go wrong? Listening to Casselle and his ideas?
Per this March 7, 2017 article Malcolm Casselle is being demoted because he hasn't delivered any of his promises. He was also ridiculed about his silly tronc video. Many people foresaw that his strategy would fail. LA Times reporters, editors and many others besides myself stated he would fail and he did.
"diminishing roles for Malcolm CasSelle and Anne Vasquez, respectively chief technology officer and chief digital officer of Tronc. Ferro had chosen the two to lead his Tronc-ification of the company, but their much-ridiculed promotional video for the new Tronc (as the name replaced Tribune Publishing last summer) didn't do them any favors within the company or the wider news industry. Further, less word has been heard of their initiatives within the company. They had been the anointed leaders of Tronc's digital transformation, of which inside sources said they've seen little."
I posted this June 2016. "We shall see what happens to tronc. I think Malcolm will be gone within six months to a year max. They need to strip his name off their website, company profile, video..."
tronc.com website is down. The site robot blocked all. "User-agent: * Disallow: /" Is tronc dead?
Malcolm's divorce was final 12/27/2016 by default judgment. Malcolm posted the notice of divorce in the newspaper. Tribune? His wife never replied. Divorce by default judgment. If she's in China, did she even know she was served by publication in the US?
XU JIA - Respondent
Case Information | Party Information | Proceeding Information
Documents Filed (Filing dates listed in descending order)
12/27/2016 Notice-Entry-Judgment
Filed by Petitioner
12/27/2016 Judgment
Filed by Petitioner
12/08/2016 Declaration-Serv Pre/Final Dec Dis
12/08/2016 Decl-Deflt or Uncontested Jdgm
11/14/2016 Request-Enter Default
11/14/2016 Judgment-Package Received-2336
09/28/2016 Proof-Publication
Filed by Petitioner
08/25/2016 Order-Publication
Filed by Petitioner
07/05/2016 Application-Pub of Summons
05/06/2016 Notice-Status Conference-POS
02/04/2016 Petition
Filed by Petitioner
02/04/2016 Summons-Family Law
Filed by Petitioner
I finally decided to dig up the family history. Malcolm Casselle here gives many different people different stories about him being white and/or mulatto and/or black depending upon the audience. When he worked with the black media company he was "black." He tells other that he's basically "white." If being black could help him, he's 100% black. I'm mixed but I always tell people the exact mixture if they ask. I have never said I'm 100% Mexican, Asian, black, white because I'm not. Here is his real family and some history. There is no white family member in Malcolm's direct family of mother, grandparents, great grandparents and great great grandparents. All of his cousins look the same as do his mother, aunt, grandparents and great grandparents.
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Malcolm Casselle Malcolm W Casselle, tronc, tribune publishing, southern lehigh high school, pennsylvania, stanford, mit, dezzette valarie casselle, dezzette casselle, dawne casselle |
His great grandfather was actually an amazing man. He was very smart, had business savvy, a charismatic personality and worked very hard. He succeeded well in his middle class black community in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He helped his community and family grow. His great grandfather was Walter William Henry Casselle 1882 - 1956. I did the research, made the trees.
I personally feel he was upper class based on wealth, home value, income...but I'm quoting newspaper citations. Another odd thing about the newspaper articles is that the authors always say "the family just got back from a vacation and are well tanned." This is stated many, many times. WTH is that about? Are they hinting they have darker skin but think they are being politically correct by saying "well tanned?" No one has said that about my family but it's mainly white skinned Mexican with primary lineage from Europe.
Malcolm's grandfather was John "Jack" T Casselle. He was a barber. He had two wives. His first was Bernice Constance Smith Casselle. Bernice is the mother of Malcolm's mother Dezzette Valarie Casselle and his auntie Dawne Astride Casselle. Malcolm's grandma died in 1949 mysteriously at the age of 25 when her daughters were three and six. I can't find an official cause of death. It appears there was an official inquiry so I assume it was under suspicious circumstances. Malcolm's auntie Dawne is a smart, educated, licensed attorney. This I verified.
Looking at census records, photos of the family, they have always been lighter for generations. No family member has been listed as "white" going back five generations. Most of the time census says "negro." Sometimes it says "mulatto" and other times "colored" which covers a variety of races, colors. I'm mixed, do ancestry research so I know how the census reports are written.
I've looked far and wide and can't find a father for Malcolm. I believe his mother Dezzette was a single mother never married. That may be why he is so attached to her. He calls her his soulmate, best friend even in high school. Perhaps she is the reason why he keeps escaping relationships with women? Who can say.
Previously Malcolm or his mom stated his family was in the "produce business." As far as I can tell I don't see any evidence of this. If anyone has any info about this, let me know. Malcolm's mom wanted to be a secretary. His auntie because a licensed lawyer. His grandpa Jack was a barber. In fact if you look at his family, most were either morticians, barbers or manicurists.
Seems Malcolm has a loooooong history of lying to women about his age, companies he owns, where he lives, property he owns.... Seems he's been telling women he owns a house at 204 S Swall in Beverly Hills. Probably not a wise thing to do when the rental ad is still online. The owner of the home is also public. It's not Malcolm. On an aside this is south of Wilshire which is the cheapest part of Beverly Hills.
08/24/2016: Seems Malcolm doesn't just lie about his past. He also lies to women about his age. He says he's ten years younger to women. When he's finally caught he says his excuse is he's only attracted to women younger than him. If he says he's 47, only 40-50 year old women will reply to his many singles ads. He only wants to date 20-35.
07/13/2016 I just pulled up old resumes of Casselle. Years ago he stated he was merely (sic, copy/paste his own resume) an "assistant to THE Chairman at Pccw (1998 to 2002) Sales, online marketing, branding, interactive site development at CEO at Xfire..." This still isn't the truth. After he got away with these lies he made up bigger lies. He later said he founded PCCW...
07/09/2016: I did a bit more research and also received some research. Lots more information to share. I just found his February 2016 divorce filing from Jia Xu, an eviction from a place in Venice with a judgment from 2006 and a suit he filed against X-fire in 2013. He dismissed that suit. These were all filed in LA County, docs and data down below.
When I first started researching Malcolm Casselle I thought there was something off. He did not seem genuine or honest. All those jumbled buzz words in that tronc video was just too suspect. Plus, he's not that old and his resume is filled with so many different alleged "jobs."
The China connection seemed off to me. There are a lot of scammers in the US who claim to do business in China with major players. Because of the language barrier it's tough to verify their resume. They could say they started the 早晨好。 company and you wouldn't know that just means "good morning" in Chinese. With a little help this is Malcolm Casselle's true resume.
Malcolm Casselle states he is the co-founder of PCCW. That is false. PCCW was started up by Richard Li, son of Li Ka Shing, one of the richest men in the world, and the richest in Asia. Malcolm Casselle also stated he raised the money to take the company public. That is also false.
What Malcolm Casselle's resume tries to hide is that he tried to sell men’s erectile dysfunction pills and herbal enhancements after his stint at PCCW. This happened during the Quinton days. The product was Opus X, for a company he controlled called Elima. From the article below,
"Pfizer opened the door by putting erectile dysfunction on prime-time television," said Malcolm Casselle, chief executive of Elima Biotronic, the maker of Opus-X, an herbal concoction that is marketed as increasing sexual pleasure.
This company is owned by Casselle via his holding company "Light Entertainment." This is the same holding company which Casselle used right before bankruptcy to try to take money from a client to pay his bills. Here is a trademark lawsuit involving Casselle and his ED pills.
"Mr. Casselle was a founder of NetNoir, a Web site for blacks." "When NetNoir Online was launched in June 1995, it became one of the first major commercial online sites to focus on African Americans. In 1998, In These Times columnist Salim Muwakkil quoted co-founder Malcolm CasSelle, a computer scientist who was then 27, as saying, "The question is: How can African-Americans get a piece of that pie while still doing something good for black people?""
"Casselle was also an executive at Pacific Century CyberWorks, the highflying Hong Kong Internet company that crashed in 2001. Sex pills, he said, seemed like a natural opportunity."
This next bit is a doozy. I always wondered why his middle name is spelled differently in different places. It's because Malcolm Wesley (fake middle name Westley) Casselle intentionally changed his middle name to hide his past. Malcolm Casselle went bankrupt in Hong Kong. While working as a director/VP for Globalcast Networks per his resume, Malcolm Casselle was NOT the Director or VP for Globalcast Networks! Per this lawsuit linked below he was merely the assistant of Gregory Brown who worked at OLN Corporate Services Limited who worked FOR Globalcast Networks doing corporate paperwork! Gregory Brown controlled part of Globalcast corporate documents but Casselle did not. These are some huge lies. How is this guy not in jail?
Malcolm got into trouble and actually declared bankrupt in the courts of Hong Kong. Here is a link to a lawsuit about his bankruptcy filing.
https://webb-site.com/dbpub/natarts.asp?p=64882 By calling himself "Westley" and not "Wesley," he escapes detection in the US courts.
Oldham, Li & Nie v Malcom Westley CasSelle
HK Court of First Instance, 8-Mar-2011
Mr CasSelle is declared bankrupt.
Here is link to the lawsuit regarding the bankruptcy. Seems Malcom Casselle was trying to avoid service. He also told a few stories here. It's in English. This is a published legal opinion. The petitioner asked for it to be published. This case has now been cited in other bankruptcy fraud cases as "An honest belief on the part of the debtor that he has a substantial ground of defence is not sufficient to avoid a bankruptcy order: Re Malcolm Westley Casselle (unrep., HCB 1698/2010, [2011] HKEC 326) para.24 (Anthony To J)."
Here are the main issues in this bankruptcy, debt collection. Malcolm CasSelle per the Judge forged a money order. CasSelle then claimed he sent the money order to pay his legal bills. The attorney said he never received the money.
"40. In my view, the Debtor’s allegation was a bald and frivolous one. On the face, the Money Order did not appear to have been issued by any known bank. There was no instruction on the Money Order as to how to bank the Money Order. In particular, there was no instruction that the Money Order had to be presented to the processor, namely IRS Technical Support Division in Washington DC, for payment. In fact, it was absurd to suggest that the Petitioner had to go to Washington to obtain payment for services it provided to the Debtor in Hong Kong. Presentation of a bill of exchange or money order to a local bank is the normal way of obtaining payment from such an instrument. The Money Order had been verified by HSBC as not being an instrument by which one could receive money. It was the Debtor’s obligation to pay. If he purported to pay by the Money Order which was not an instrument by which the payee could receive money, he could not put the blame on the Petitioner or HSBC. He had never paid and it remained his obligation to pay. There is no substance in the Debtor’s defence."
It gets worse. Malcom CasSelle directs a company where he didn't work to pay his legal bill. The Judge sees through this fraud.
"45. The Debtor was only an assistant to Gregory Brown who had control of Globalcast. It was clear that the funds were funds belonging to Globalcast and not the Debtor. It was appropriate that the Petitioner did not effect the transfer to the Debtor’s account. Besides, most importantly for the present Petition, the Debtor had never instructed that the funds be transferred from Globalcast to settle the professional fees owed by the Debtor to the Petitioner. The HSBC transfer was not related to the professional fees demanded. The alleged settlement was clearly a recent concoction by the Debtor. The Debtor was trying to mislead the Court by dressing up the transfer of funds by J & T Investment Limited to Globalcast as a transfer by him to the Petitioner in settlement of the professional fees he owed. The amount of payment did not even correspond."
It gets even worse. Malcolm CasSelle who by now seems to be a pathological liar stated the petitioner actually owed him money. CasSelle then makes up a one sided contract to his benefit. The Judge sees through the ridiculousness.
"48. Besides being incomprehensible, the terms in the Constructive Notice of Conditional Acceptance were unilateral terms which the Debtor set for Oldham. There was no evidence that those terms had been accepted by the Petitioner to form a binding contract. What was stated in the Constructive Notice of True Bill Due and Owing dated 8 January 2011 was garble and not capable of being understood. All those documents provided no basis for his claim of US$20,000 against Oldham. Besides, that alleged debt was not a debt due from the Petitioner as to be capable of constituting a counterclaim or set off against the petitioning debt. Again, the Debtor was unable to show he had a bona fide counterclaim or set off exceeding the petitioning debt."
Judge's conclusion, Malcolm CasSelle is a liar and a fraud. This appears to be sociopath behavior. I'm sure this is why he fled China. Malcolm CasSelle committed perjury. No one should ever do business with Malcolm CasSelle.
"49. The Debtor did not dispute that he had received the legal services from the Petitioner for which he was obliged to pay the professional fees. He disputed liability on the basis firstly that he had paid US$16,000 by his Money Order dated 17 November 2009. That defence had been clearly rebutted by the Petitioner. Then he disputed saying that he had paid a year earlier via the HSBC transfer. The transfer showed that US$17,250 had been transferred from J & T Investment Limited to Globalcast and became the funds of Globalcast which were applied to meet Globalcast’s debt owed to the Petitioner. It was not a transfer or payment by the Debtor to the Petitioner. In any event, the instruction given by the Debtor was to transfer the funds from Globalcast to his Light Entertainment account and not to settle the professional fees he owed to the Petitioner. This defence therefore also failed. His last defence was that he had a counterclaim or set off of US$20,000 against Oldham. There was absolutely no basis for this claim. The Debtor therefore has failed to show by credible evidence that he had a bona fide dispute about the debt on substantial grounds or a bona fide counterclaim or set off exceeding the petitioning debt. A statutory demand in the prescribed form had been served on the Debtor requiring him to pay, secure or compound the debt. Three weeks had elapsed. The demand had neither been complied with nor set aside. The Debtor therefore appeared to be unable to pay the petitioning debt. The conditions under section 6 of the Bankruptcy Ordinance for making a bankruptcy order are satisfied.
50. Accordingly, I issue the usual bankruptcy order with costs against the Debtor. The Official Receiver’s costs shall be deducted from the deposit paid by the Petitioner and recoverable from the estate of the Debtor."
After all of that September 30, 2014 it appears the court dismissed the previous bankruptcy. Casselle filed for bankruptcy March 5, 2010. It was confirmed January 21, 2011. It was annulled September 30, 2014.
Malcolm Casselle and Groupon China. Casselle states that he ran operations for Groupon in China to help them enter the market. In actuality Groupon did so poorly that they do not have a major presence in China anymore. This article talks about Groupon’s problems in China which stemmed from a management team headed up by people like Malcolm.
Malcolm was briefly the CEO of Xfire for about a year. His main achievement was signing a joint venture with a Chinese company to use Xfire technology. They are now out of business. http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20120409005880/en/Xfire-Appoints-CEO-Malcolm-CasSelle-Announces-Joint
Malcolm was the CEO of Mediapass for about a year. This company specializes in setting up paywalls for content on the internet and helps to monetize your content for media companies. The Tribune papers already have this set up for the LA Times. You get five or ten free articles a month then you need a digital subscription. They are running ads on Facebook for four weeks for 99 cents. They want you to subscribe with your credit card so they can auto-renew to make money. If you want to see more free articles, just toss your cookies. Make sure you are not logged into the LA Times free account when you do this.
Currently Malcolm merely states he is a bitcoin investor. No way to really verify. He now claims to be a bitcoin expert. I'm going to say he named himself as an expert.
Malcolm quickly left that job and became CEO of Timeline, a company that measures behavioral patterns in social media. After Seachange acquires Timeline, Malcolm moves again, and goes over to Tribune. He is involved with renaming it to tronc, and then issues the employee video that ends with pixels to Pulitzers.
By now you can see a pattern. Malcolm is at one job for a year or two then moves on. Is he a start up king, turn around master or does he just get found out to be a fraud within one to two years? From what I know of the Tribune, LA Times and now tronc, I think he's deluded Tribune corporate with his youthful enthusiasm, buzz word salad and being a minority. That is really important here in LA. If the city or large company hears you are anything other than a white male, you've got the job. When I worked for the city that was the most important thing in regard to appointing committee and commission members.
We shall see what happens to tronc. I think Malcolm will be gone within six months to a year max. They need to strip his name off their website, company profile, video...
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Malcolm Casselle lawsuits, divorce, marriage, Los Angeles, California |
Here is the divorce case. He'd been telling people he was single for a long time. He was finally found out. That's when I went looking for marriage documents. Turns out Malcolm here is quite the story teller with women as well as business people. In fact he didn't serve this divorce. He's going to publish it in a local newspaper. This woman probably has no idea he is doing this.
Look at the date? That was right before he signed the contract with tronc. Seems he doesn't want his wife to get tronc money. If I were to pull the file, I'm sure it'd say they were separated before tronc.
Case Summary
Case Number: BD634247
Filing Date: 02/04/2016
Case Type: Dissolution of Marriage (General Jurisdiction)
Status: Pending
Future Hearings
Documents Filed | Proceeding Information
In Pro Per
XU JIA Respondent
Case Information | Party Information | Proceeding Information
Documents Filed (Filing dates listed in descending order)
07/05/2016 ApplicationPub
of Summons
05/06/2016 NoticeStatus
02/04/2016 SummonsFamily
Filed by Petitioner
02/04/2016 Petition
Filed by Petitioner
This was an eviction from a place in Venice. They were evicted. Sheriff locked the door and got possession. There was a judgement against Malcolm and two others for $6,500 or so. To let an eviction go to this point you are probably a con with no money.
Case Number: 06R00948
Court: Santa Monica Courthouse
Original Case Number: 06U00948
Original Court: Santa Monica Courthouse
Filing Date: 05/03/2006
(Limited Jurisdiction)
Status: Unknown disposition
Future Hearings
History Information
House was 3954 GLENCOE AVE., VENICE, CA 90291. Here is an MLS listing for the place.
This case was for breach of contract. Casselle dismissed it.
Case Number: SC119863
Filing Date: 01/25/2013
Case Type: Other Contract (General Jurisdiction)
Status: Dismissed Other
I added updates on the bottom of the article. I fact checked his resume. A lot of companies he started failed. I also did a lien search. He owes state and IRS a bit of money. He also didn't pay his credit card bills. There is a lawsuit against him in California. Judgment against him and a woman in Florida. He has/had a wife in China. How many more wives does he have?
His mother believed in the May 21, 2011 End of Times. She was on Hollywood Blvd trying to convert people a week before judgment day so they wouldn't go to hell when the rapture comes.
I made two vines of the most important parts of the video. First, Malcolm CasSelle's "from pixels to Pulitzers." If the Tribune has won Pulitzer's for investigative reporting, how come they didn't investigate Casselle? Maybe my friend and I deserve a Pulitzer for our "investigative" work? ;-)
Vines are gone? Let me try video.
Anne Vasquez, "We're a content company first, last and always." Vasquez is very talented and experienced. I'm sure she didn't realize Malcolm had a sordid business history. She probably assumed HR checked out his resume and legal history. Apparently they didn't.
Let me try video.
The infamous video.
A new tronc video intended for LA Times employees features Malcolm CasSelle the new CTO of tronc formerly Tribune Publishing. Malcolm Casselle in the video comes across as an overly enthused young intern bobbing his head in excitement, hopping in his seat, babbling marketing speak. The video has been blasted by everyone on Twitter, Facebook, you name it. Personally I thought it was a parody video. I thought the "pixels to Pulitzers!" gave it away. It is real! Buzzword salad! Here is a funny article which translates the uber enthused marketing speak.
These two people and tronc are clueless. You can't just add shitty video in a new player to get more income. People already hate the LA Times video stories. It's just a few stock photography photos mixed with some quotes from the written articles. No one wants to see that. You can get better content from a seven year old on YouTube reading the newspaper.
In the video they state they must add a specific brand of video player in order to monetize their content. A non-profit I founded years ago has used YouTube video players to monetize video content for over ten years. Ya, they don't get 100% of revenue but it would have been better than nothing. Ads have been available on private videos by other providers for years.
Of course after seeing this video I had to know who was this Malcolm CasSelle. The capitalization of his last name is eye roll inducing. I of course had to see if that really was how the name was capitalized like "O'Cummings" or "DeNero." That is not the original capitalization of his name. That said Malcolm Casselle adopted that capitalization as a senior in high school in 1987. Digging up that information led me down the strangest twists and turns about his family and upbringing.
According to Wikipedia Malcolm is not noteworthy enough to be included. Article is up for deletion. Supposedly "Malcolm CasSelle is an international entrepreneur and current Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and President of New Ventures at tronc, Inc. (formerly Tribune Publishing). Prior to tronc, Inc., he was Senior Vice President and General Manager, Digital Media of SeaChange International. He joined SeaChange International in 2015 as part of the company's acquisition of Timeline Labs, where he served as CEO. Previously, Mr. CasSelle led startups in the digital industry, including MediaPass, Xfire and Groupon's joint venture with Tencent in China."
Here is some real information I dug up from facts, data, real things. Malcolm Wesley Casselle (correct capitalization) was born March 22, 1970 in Allentown, Lehigh, Pennsylvania. He went to Southern Lehigh High School starting in 1984 and graduated in 1987. Southern Lehigh High School services Center Valley and a few other small towns in the area.
When Malcolm Casselle was at Southern Lehigh High School he was on the track team, Honors club, yearbook, cheerleading and other clubs. Here are some photos from his yearbook on classmates.com. He's a good looking kid who appears to have been popular, very smart and was involved in many activities. If you look at the group photos in the school he is just about the only black person. I can only imagine what it was like to grow up in that environment.
Malcolm Casselle freshman at Southern Lehigh High School
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Malcolm Casselle Malcolm W Casselle, tronc, tribune publishing, southern lehigh high school, pennsylvania, stanford, mit, dezzette valarie casselle, dezzette casselle, dawne casselle |
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Malcolm Casselle Malcolm W Casselle, tronc, tribune publishing, southern lehigh high school, pennsylvania, stanford, mit, dezzette valarie casselle, dezzette casselle, dawne casselle |
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Malcolm Casselle Malcolm W Casselle, tronc, tribune publishing, southern lehigh high school, pennsylvania, stanford, mit, dezzette valarie casselle, dezzette casselle, dawne casselle |
Malcolm Wesley Casselle's mother is Dezzette Valarie Casselle born October 9, 1946 in Pennsylvania. This was her name all through high school which makes me believe she was a single mother. Kudos to single mothers and their children. She graduated in 1964 and had Malcolm in 1970.
I'm sure Malcolm Casselle owes a great part of his success to his smart and driven mother. She was born and raised in the same area as her son. Here are a few of her high school photos. She wanted to be a teacher, bookkeeper, involved in business and was in the young teachers club. If you look at this pic, she is the only darker person there.
I'm from LA where we have all colors, all races, all religions... Dezzette Casselle stated on classmates.com the following, "Life. I spent forty years wondering why my memories of Southern Lehigh were jaundiced. I have finally put things in their proper perspective and look at those years of growth with understanding and love. The Da Vinci Code is a great read for all those great fiction lovers." I can only surmise that skin color was an issue where she lived.
Dezzette is a very religious person supporting the bible. I found a divorce in 1986 from Dezzette Casselle and a man named Lewis. There was no last name for Lewis.
This photo was posted by Dezzette Casselle in her classmates website. She looks great.
Dawne Astride Casselle born April 16, 1943 in Pennsylvania, USA is a lawyer but is retired. I couldn't verify her law license because you have to be a member to see a member's law license. Dawne stated she's been a lawyer for many years and is a member of the bar. I believe this. She is also a minister. She filed for bankruptcy in 1993, 1994, 1995 and 2015. She was granted bankruptcies in 1999 and 2015. She claimed to be penniless. There was a criminal judgment against her besides a few civil judgments.
After doing my research Malcolm Casselle is a smart, gifted man who comes from a family of strong women. He was very blessed by his mother. Still, that video is beyond condescending to LA Times and other employees who will be fired. Whoever made that video needs to be fired based on the content, words and low class quality.
I personally don't see tronc working out that well. Tribune Publishing needed to do something similar to this many years ago. Print media died eons ago. I used to get the LA Times daily but I stopped when news went digital. They do have great content. They just need to figure out a better way to make money off their content.
Malcolm recently deleted his MySpace page.
Found some images in cache from April 20, 2016.
http://netnoir.com/ He stated he started xfire but his name is nowhere in their website. They are also out of business xfire.com. If you search "malcolm casselle" on Wikipedia, he's not mentioned in those other businesses pages.
Here is the judgment info.
Local Case Number: 2015-007253-CC-05 Filing Date: 05/11/2015 State Case Number: 132015CC007253000005 Case Type: Evictions < $15,000 Consolidated Case No.: N/A Judicial Section: CC02 Case Status: CLOSED
Parties Number of Parties: 5
Party Description Party Name Attorney Information Other Attorney(s)
Plaintiff Aimco Select Properties LP
Defendant Casselle, Malcolm
Defendant Kaawar, Fadia
Eviction Property Address Casselle, Malcolm
Plaintiff AKA Bay Parc Plaza Apartments LP
Here is the eviction notice, lease info. Malcolm added Fadia to leave 08/2014.
I don't know if this is real or not. It appears that Norway is investigating Malcolm Casselle for fraud in regard to his corporation and offshore accounts.
Someone in the tech field said that Casselle was the "Shingy of the '90's." I had no idea what that meant. I Googled it and found this. This crazy looking buzz word spewing man just said weird shit and old men in suits believed him. Too funny! People are saying that all Casselle does is spew techspeak jibberish. It seems people have known this about Casselle for a long time.
From the article.
"This guy may be the absolute King of Bullsh*t, a modern day snake oil salesman, a living breathing SNL skit character. The Asian-y look. The big hair. The painted nails. He even has an accent to make him sound smarter. And, of course, AOL — the desperately-clinging-to-life shell of a dying internet giant — fell for this guy’s game hook, line and sinker, probably to the tune of a high six-figure salary. It’d be so much funnier if it wasn’t kinda sad."
I think Malcolm Casselle just did the same con on the Tribune. Malcolm instead tried to come across as an educated professional instead of a bizarre caricature like this guy. Old school Tribune people had no idea.
Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.
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