Friday, June 14, 2024

Sheriff Chad Bianco Violates California Government Code, Riverside Code of Ethics, Campaigning in Sheriff Uniform

Sheriff Chad Bianco, @sheriffbianco Riverside County Sheriff, government code 3206, campaigning in uniform, mary cummins, california, riverside county policy manual, code of ethics, donald trump, convicted felon, president, johnny chad bianco

UPDATE 02122025 We knew this was coming. Chad Bianco says he will be running for Governor.

10/18/2024 This is exactly what I said Chad Bianco did to Vem Miller. Now Bianco is being sued for it. Riverside could also be sued because Chad Bianco stated this as the Sheriff. Bianco went to the press to state this.

"Vem Miller, a Las Vegas man arrested outside a Trump rally in Coachella with weapons, is suing Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco for defamation.

Bianco claimed deputies stopped a “third assassination attempt” on Trump, which Miller denies. The lawsuit argues Bianco fabricated the allegations to enhance his reputation.

Miller, released on a $5,000 bond, says the guns were for protection, and he had special entry passes from Trump’s campaign. Despite clearance from federal authorities, Bianco continued to make public accusations."

Here's Chad Bianco's instagram post when Donald Trump was nicked at a rally. He is using his platform as a Sheriff to campaign for a specific candidate. This is against ethics and regulations. 

"I’ll be as blunt as possible. The socialist left from bottom to top needs to be voted out of office at every election. The lies, propaganda, and speech inciting riotous behavior from our left politicians including the media who is truly complicit, has caused this to happen. I don’t care if you don’t like him as a person, President Trump is the only person standing between a free America and socialism. They know it, and this is the result. This picture says it all. Make America Great Again!"

From the lawsuit:

“Defendants intentionally, knowingly and with a wanton disregard for Miller’s constitutional rights used the media to spin a false and malicious narrative and unlawfully disclosed and disseminated said information for the purposes of humiliating him and destroying his livelihood,” he said.The lawsuit also names Riverside County, a deputy it refers to as “Deputy Coronado” and ten unnamed staff members of the sheriff’s department. Coronado is described as the deputy who conducted what Miller calls “an unlawful and unconstitutional search” of Miller’s car after he told officers at a parking lot checkpoint near the rally that he had firearms inside his vehicle. Miller alleges he intended to keep the firearms in the vehicle, not do any harm with them."

"Miller's lawsuit makes several claims, including failure to train, defamation, invasion of privacy and intentional infliction of emotional distress. Filed in U.S. District Court in Nevada, it seeks compensatory and punitive damages, the immediate termination of Coronado, a declaration from the court that the defendants violated his rights and a court order for the sheriff's department to implement new training, policies, accountability systems and hiring practices."

More here

Yesterday Chad Bianco tried to back off from his comments.

UPDATE: This is about the Sheriff but unrelated to the previous subject matter. Sheriff Chad Bianco said his deputies probably prevented ex President Donald Trump from being assassinated today at a campaign event. This is not true. Deputies pulled a guy over for plates then found guns in his car in Coachella. They arrested him. People were supposed to park then take a bus to the event. There's no way the guy could have gotten weapons on the bus then gotten in the event and shot him.

"A man was arrested outside of a campaign rally for former President Donald Trump in Southern California, and multiple guns were illegally in his possession, according to authorities.

The arrest took place at a checkpoint at the intersection of Avenue 52 and Celebration Drive in Coachella at 4:59 p.m. on Saturday, the Riverside County Sheriff’s Office said. The rally was scheduled to start at 5 p.m., but Sheriff Chad Bianco said at a news conference Sunday that the arrest took place before Trump arrived.

The driver of a black SUV, who was later identified as 49-year-old Vem Miller of Las Vegas, was found to be in illegal possession of a shotgun, a loaded handgun, and a high-capacity magazine."

ORIGINAL: Sheriff Chad Bianco, Johnny Chad Bianco, is campaigning for Presidential candidate Donald Trump in uniform, in what appears to be a Department vehicle and what appears to be during department time. Here is video of his campaigning. He says he's voting for Trump and wants everyone else to vote for him too because Trump's a convicted felon. "I think it's time we put a felon in the White House. Trump 2024, baby." Sheriff Chad Bianco also speaks about local politicians in a derogatory manner. Bianco allegedly wants to run for Governor and thinks this is how you do it. His second wife Denise Jo Williams Bianco seems to support this.

It's a violation of Riverside County Code of Ethics and California Government Code to campaign for a specific candidate while in uniform, on Department property or during work hours. This is a violation of the Riverside Police Department manual here. This is also one reason Los Angeles Sheriff Alex Villanueva had problems. I reported him then he removed his uniform when he campaigned. He still ended up with a ton of problems then thankfully lost the election.


(a) Employees shall not engage in improper political activity as described in state law.

Applicable Government Code sections are:

4. 3206 G.C - An employee shall not participate in political activities while in

uniform.CA Govt Code § 3206 (2023)

Standards of Conduct pg 138 316.5.8 Performance

(g) Improper political activity including:

1. Unauthorized attendance while on-duty at official legislative or political sessions.

2. Solicitations, speeches or distribution of campaign literature for or against any

political candidate or position while on-duty or, on department property except

as expressly authorized by County policy, the memorandum of understanding,

or the Chief of Investigators.

(h) Engaging in political activities during assigned working hours except as expressly

authorized by County policy, the memorandum of understanding, or the Chief of


(i) Any act on- or off-duty that brings discredit to this department.

This is what Chad said in the video per Daily Mail.

'I think I am going to change teams,' Bianco said. 

'I think they're on to something, but I don't think they're doing enough,' he added of state leaders.

'Trump 2024, baby, let's save this country and make America great again.'

The statement came after the officer explained what he framed as a 'love affair' between state leaders and criminals.

This, he said, is based on a 'belief that criminals are not responsible for their own actions' after the crime rate in Riverside County reached 39.04 per 1,000 residents last year  - one of the highest in the country.

'They're a victim of society,' Bianco continued, before citing a supposed belief sported by state leaders that 'criminals are not responsible for their own actions.

'It's society's fault,' he went on, speaking sarcastically. 'It's businesses' fault. It's cops' fault. It might be my fault.'

He went on to note how some state leaders have criticized their respective judicial systems and law enforcement for being 'systemically racist' - a claim that has seen some repeat offenders released to combat supposed 'bias.'

They 'let them out,' the sheriff continued, lamenting how leaders in California and Washington give criminals 'housing... money... ' and even 'drugs and alcohol now.'

Bianco said he was 'tired' of such treatment, conceding that his colleagues in the Golden State have 'been wrong' to implement such guidance. 

Bianco, a well-known conservative who governs the city between LA and Palm Springs, said he liked some things state leaders doing, but expressed disapproval on certain decisions. Just before, he explained what he framed as a 'love affair' between state leaders and criminals

Bianco, a well-known conservative who governs the city between LA and Palm Springs, said he liked some things state leaders doing, but expressed disapproval on certain decisions. Just before, he explained what he framed as a 'love affair' between state leaders and criminals

This, he said, is based on a 'belief that criminals are not responsible for their own actions' after he crime rate in Riverside County reached 39.04 per 1,000 residents last year - one of the highest in the country

The grizzled vet went on to claim that he  has done all in his power over the past three decades to 'keep our community safe by arresting criminals and putting them in jail,' but leaders at the state level have stood in his way. 

He lamented how these leaders and the once great state California have become somewhat pro-criminal in recent years, due to laws that have allowed violent offenders, by and large, to exploit the legal justice system. 

'For the last five years I've been very critical about our governor for slashing our budgets from corrections, for letting prisoners out early, for closing our prisons,' he said, four years after taking a knee in solidarity with Riverside protestors following the murder of George Floyd. 

'I've been critical of our state legislature for passing laws to make it harder to put people in prison.  I've been critical for their changing laws that let prisoners out early. And I've been critical of our attorney general for seemingly not caring about crime.

'I think it's time we put a felon in the White House,' the officer went on to assert."

Here is Chad promoting specific candidates on what appears to be his Sheriff page on Facebook. He's in uniform.

Let the Riverside Board of Supervisors and the Riverside District Attorney know you don't approve of local county employees campaigning in uniform. Guess Bianco thinks being a Trumper will help him in the next elections. It sure didn't help Sheriff Villanueva.

Mary Cummins of Cummins Real Estate is a certified residential licensed appraiser in Los Angeles, California. Mary Cummins is licensed by the California Bureau of Real Estate appraisers and has over 35 years of experience.

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