Sunday, December 31, 2023

False Claims About Israel, Jews, Jewish People Clarified by Mary Cummins

The amount of false claims, fake news and propaganda being spread about Israel and Jewish people on social media and main stream media is out of control. A few of my Facebook friends are supporting Hamas, Islamic Jihad, PLO, Palestine and their false and disgusting propaganda and antisemitism. I have Latino friends saying that Palestinians are like Native Americans and Israelis are like the Spaniard colonialists who claimed and took the Americas by force. Nothing could be further from the truth. It's the exact opposite. I really hope they are merely uneducated and were just brainwashed by the Hamas, terrorist paid propaganda. I'm writing this post to help clarify and educate about a few things for non Jews so people will stop supporting lying terrorists.

FTR I was born and raised Catholic. I grew up in Beverly Hills, California and most of my friends were, are Jewish. Most of my friend's grandparents were in the Holocaust and concentration camps. They had ID numbers tattoo'd on their arms. There was a lot of Jewish education at Beverly Hills High School and in the City. The main Holocaust TV series aired when I was growing up. I went to my friends Bar and Bat Mitzvahs. While I'm no Jewish scholar I do know a little about Jewish history for this reason.

Below are some of the main lies about Israel and Jewish people.

1. Israel is an apartheid state. 

Apartheid means separation by race or ethnicity. There is NO separation of race or ethnicity in Israel. Arabs, Christians, Jews, white, black ... all go to the same public schools. They are allowed in all government positions. There is no segregation. Israel is the opposite of an apartheid state.

2. Israel is a colonialist state.

Colonialism is the policy or practice of acquiring full or partial political control over another country, occupying it with settlers, and exploiting it economically. Israel has existed for thousands of years in the same location. It used to be, still is called Judea. The name Judea comes from the Hebrew name Yehudah. The term "Judea" has been used since 700 BCE to describe the area where the population was mostly Jewish. They are and have been occupying and settling their own country and land for about three thousands years. If you challenge any of this, you are called a racist by Hamas, unless you are racist against Jews. Then you are a "faithful ally of the oppressed." The Hamas propaganda twists everything around so that the victim is the perpetrator. Propaganda against Jews has been happening for centuries and it continues.

3. Israel is white supremacy

White supremacy is the belief that white people constitute a superior race and should therefore dominate society, typically to the exclusion or detriment of other racial and ethnic groups. People in Israel are all different colors, ethnicities, cultures and religions. They are all treated equally. Most consider Israelis brown while some may have lighter skin because some were in Europe for generations. Here in the US they were never considered white. They were grouped with blacks, Mexicans, Italians, Native Americans, Asians... Real White Supremacists hate Jewish people and think they are inferior to whites. I'd consider Jews the opposite of white supremacy.

4. Zionism is terrorism.

Zionism is the movement for the self-determination and statehood for the Jewish people in their ancestral homeland, the land of Israel. Zion is the biblical term for the land of Israel. Jews have lived in Israel aka Judea for thousands of years. They have the right to exist. If you don't think they have the right to exist, you're an antisemite who wants them dead and gone. 

5. Israel bombs, kills women and children in Gaza

Israel is targeting Hamas who are hiding in hospitals, schools, refugee camps and private homes of Palestinian civilians. Hamas uses hostages, women and children like human shields.When Israel is going to target an area they warn the residents ahead of time telling them to move. They do this by dropping flyers and by loud speakers when able even though they know they are tipping off Hamas. Hamas on the other hand gives no warnings. They gave no warning on October 7, 2023 when they invaded Israel and raped, tortured, murdered, burned men, women and children. Hamas bombs, fires missiles at, kills Israelis every day. Israel has repeatedly asked for a cease fire and Hamas refuses. If Hamas were to stay away from civilians, no civilians would be killed. Israel's goal is not to kill civilians. Hamas intentionally surrounds itself with hostages, women and children in hospitals to protect Hamas.  If they die, even by the hand of Hamas intentionally or by misfires, they blame Israel to try to get sympathy for their terrorist cause.

Israel is following the law in the war. They are fine targeting the enemy. Two civilians are sadly killed per each enemy combatant. While any civilian death is horrible the average in modern warfare is nine to one. This shows Israel is doing all it can be prevent civilian deaths. They even warn the civilians weeks in advance where they will be targeting and tell them to move. They even provide tents and food for the civilians.

It is a travesty than any civilians or any people die in this conflict. Hamas could end it by stopping their attack, releasing the hostages or surrendering but they don't. What gets me is people who say "Israel is killing children in Gaza." What about the children killed in Israel? They don't count? Their lives don't matter? Israel is being bombed almost every single day. Jews, Israelis die every day. I don't want anyone to be killed on either side. 

6. Palestine should be free

Palestine has never existed as a true nation. They are considered part of Southern Syria by Arabs. Those in what is referred to as the state of Palestine rule themselves. They allegedly voted to allow the PLO and Hamas to rule them. They are as free as PLO and Hamas allow them to be. It's not up to Israel. The surrounding countries refuse to allow Palestinians to enter. Tell Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria ... to let them into their country. They have refused.

7. South African filed a suit with the UN against Israel stating they committed "genocide."

Any nation can file any suit for any reason. It doesn't mean it has merit or is based on fact. US President Biden stated it was "meritless." "U.S. National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby last week called the lawsuit “meritless, counterproductive, and completely without any basis in fact whatsoever.” 

South African did not even mention the October 7, 2023 attack in their suit. SA didn't include any video from the Oct 7 attack. They only included unverified and generally false video clips from TikTok as their "evidence." SA clearly supports terrorists Hamas and antisemitism. Israel is engaged in a war with Hamas. They want to stop Hamas. Hamas is using Palestinians as human shields. They are not committing "genocide." 

"The word “genocide” did not exist prior to 1944. It is a very specific term coined by a Polish-Jewish lawyer named Raphael Lemkin (1900–1959) who sought to describe Nazi policies of systematic murder during the Holocaust, including the destruction of European Jews. He formed the word genocide by combining geno-, from the Greek word for race or tribe, with -cide, from the Latin word for killing." 

Below are some truths about the situation.

1. Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, ISIS are terrorists organizations whose main goal is to kill all the Jews and remove them from Israel. They are support the destruction of the West, US, Britain...just about everyone except Arab states and some Muslims. They clearly, publicly and loudly state this every day. If you support those groups or their actions, you support terrorism and antisemitism.

2. "From the River to the Sea" means you want all Jews killed and removed from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea aka all of Israel. There is no other meaning. 

3. Israel has offered cease fires to Hamas many times and they refuse or they violate them. The current offer is a permanent cease fire by Israel if Hamas releases all hostages, stops bombing Israel and surrenders. Hamas said no. Keeping power in the area of Palestine is financially lucrative to the leaders who aren't even living in the area. They are billionaires living in Europe making money off the conflict. They make money maintaining control and having their people wage war against Israel. They personally take the "aid" money and supplies. The cease fires Hamas has agreed to in the past were broken by Hamas and not Israel. 

4. "Bring the intifada!" Intifada is attacking, terrorizing Jews, Israel and destroying Israel. 

5. I wrote this article before the campus protests. The leaders of Hamas are thanking the "students" and outside agitators for their help terrorizing, attacking, trying to destroy Israel. When Hamas is thanking you, you know you're on the wrong side. See my recent articles which show Hamas entities are behind the campus uprising. They are behind all the misinformation and propaganda spread on social media around the world. 

I will add to this list as more issues and fallacies arise.

Mary Cummins of Cummins Real Estate is a certified residential licensed appraiser in Los Angeles, California. Mary Cummins is licensed by the California Bureau of Real Estate appraisers and has over 35 years of experience.

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