Saturday, April 20, 2019

Who is Larry Mitchell Hopkins aka Johnny Horton Jr arrested by FBI for felon in possession of a weapon? Criminal past

Larry Mitchell Hopkins, mugshot, booking photo, flora vista new mexico las cruces, johnny horton jr, ucp, united constitutional patriots, felon, criminal, arrested, booked, jail sheriff las cruces , donald trump

01/10/2020 Plea deal. Sentencing 04/2020. Court recommends the lower end of sentencing for Larry Hopkins. He had a few weapons.

01/10/2020 46 PLEA AGREEMENT as to Larry Mitchell Hopkins (vv) (Entered: 01/10/2020)
01/10/2020 47 NOTICE OF HEARING as to Larry Mitchell Hopkins: Sentencing set for 4/15/2020 at 08:30 AM in Albuquerque - 460 Vermejo Courtroom before District Judge James O. Browning. (cjw)

UPDATE: Benvie is being transported to a halfway house.

Father is sick child had been asking Benvie to stop asking for donations.

07/01/2019 Larry Hopkins claims to be mentally unfit. He's requesting an examination and hearing to see if he's well enough to go to trial. He says he's mentally ill.

"Reasonable cause exists to believe that Mr. LARRY MITCHELL HOPKINS presently
suffers from a mental disease or defect rendering him mentally incompetent to the extent he is
unable to understand the nature and consequences of the proceedings against him or to assist
properly in his defense.

Mr. LARRY MITCHELL HOPKINS recently suffered a jail beating in Dona Ana
Correctional on April 22nd, 2019, including blows to head and face, resulting in a bloody nose.

Mr. LARRY MITCHELL HOPKINS again suffered a standing fall, on Monday April
29th, 2019 directly to the back of his head. This occurred while fully chained after his
Albuquerque bond hearing which undoubtedly resulted in brain bruising, if not more serious
injuries, such as a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).

Mr. LARRY MITCHELL HOPKINS reported to his Counsel on a recent visit on June
3rd, 2019, that his fall knocked him cold for several minutes on the visitation room floor. Since
then he describes suffering recurrent headaches, nausea and frequent dizzy spells, where he
cannot safely stand without support for fear of another fall. Hopkins claims to have lost 70
pounds for lack of appetite and dizziness. He reports sustained memory loss, which includes
details of the days and events leading to his charges.

Mr. LARRY MITCHELL HOPKINS has yet to have a thorough physical, mental and
psychiatric exam after his injuries to help shed light upon his competency to stand trial. "

July 15, 2019 at 11:00 a.m. is the hearing.

06/21/2019 James Christopher Benfie indicted for impersonating an US employee.

Information about a friend of Larry Hopkins, James Christopher Benvie.

"Border Vigilante, Jim Benvie of United Constitutional Patriots was Accused of Running Child-Cancer Charity Scam !! United Constitutional Patriots livestreams grabbing migrants at the border. Its spokesman has a shady past. All the while, he’s been facing a criminal charge of his own in another state. Now, court documents reviewed by The Daily Beast raise serious questions about Benvie’s background in fundraising. He was arrested in an incident in which police said he was fraudulently claiming to be collecting cash for a child with cancer and was allegedly in possession of a stolen rental truck, according to the court records. Benvie was subsequently charged with stealing the truck, though prosecutors did not charge him regarding the charity work. The allegations against him are outlined in an affidavit filed in Logan County District Court in Oklahoma as part of an ongoing felony case. He was charged on July 6 in Logan County District Court with one count of possessing a stolen vehicle, a felony. “It’s believed that Benvie was committing fraud by collecting donations for [a] child with cancer that he was unable to provide any information about.”
Social Media Panhandlers."

Here is the docket. He has a pretrial hearing today. He claims he has no money, bank account or assets. He has a wife and two kids, pays $1,100/month in rent.

06/17/2019 I received this about Larry Hopkins.

"Hopkins was in the military, the US Army. 3 months after enlisting he deserted. Most of his time in the Army was spent in a military prison for desertion. He was booted with a dishonorable discharge in 1970 as a Private (E-1). he was never an officer, never Special Forces, and never left the US - which is hard to do when he was in a federal military prison."

05/20/2019 Most of the "patriots" left the border. There are now three Latinx men left at the border. They got rid of their camp, guns and camo clothing. They are still harassing immigrants and begging for money to "protect the border." Most of these people have criminal records.

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that this matter will come on for Jury Selection/Jury Trial
on the Court's trailing docket commencing Monday, July 8, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. at the Pete V.
Domenici United States Courthouse, 333 Lomas Blvd. NW, “Vermejo” Courtroom, 4th Floor,
Albuquerque, New Mexico.

05/06/2019 Per a police report alleged members of a militia group stated “Why are we just apprehending them and not lining them up and shooting them,” a border militia member in New Mexico is alleged to have said of border migrants that the group had been monitoring. “We have to go back to Hitler days and put them all in a gas chamber,” the militia member, Armando Gonzalez, is also alleged to have said. This person was part of Hopkin's group. Another self hating Latino. Hopkins lies about being in the military, stolen valor.

04/30/2019 Larry Hopkins is being detained until trial because he's a violent flight risk with a history of using aliases to evade police.

04/26/2019 Case number has been changed from 1:19-mj-01042-KBM-1 to 1:2019cr01211.

04/24/2019 Larry just got beat up in jail. A white supremacist who hates immigrants put in with general population? He allegedly fractured some ribs and had some bruising.

"The American Civil Liberties Union last week accused Hopkins’ group of being a fascist, white nationalist militia illegally detaining and kidnapping Central American families seeking asylum."

“They put him in a pod cell with a group of people and they had just got done watching the article about the ACLU writing about him being racist, and as a result of that he was attacked,” UCP spokesman Jim Benvie said in a video posted online.

Attorney urged bail and insisted he's not a flight risk because 'he's definitely not going to run to Mexico, for obvious reasons.

Kelly O'Connell
Law Office of Kelly O'Connell
200 S. Water Street
Las Cruces, NM 88001
Fax: 575-708-2538

is the official attorney of record for Hopkins.

04/23/2019 Just when you think the story can't get any crazier it does. Larry here also uses AKA Scott A Curtiss. He has married a few women and fathered at least four children. He abandons them and doesn't pay child support. US tracked him down a few times and threw him in jail for not paying child support. He owes a ton of money. Here is just one claim. This is why he keeps moving from state to state and using different names.

He married Connie Frederick February 1994. She annulled the marriage when she realized he used many names including Johnny Horton Jr and Larry Hopkins. He also uses the names Pablo and Commander John. Larry was also still married to his previous wife. Connie gave birth to a child 1994/1995.

Here are just a few of his federal cases.

Hopkins, Larry M (dft) 4:2005mj05918 USA v. Hopkins - Larry M Hopkins Idaho District Court 09/22/2005 09/23/2005
Hopkins, Larry M. (dft) 5:2005cr50057 USA v. Hopkins - Larry M. Hopkins South Dakota District Court 07/20/2005 01/10/2006
Hopkins, Larry M. (dft) 5:2009cr50115 USA v. Hopkins - Larry M. Hopkins South Dakota District Court 12/01/2009 04/12/2011
Hopkins, Larry M. (dft) 3:2010mj04012 USA v. Hopkins - Larry M. Hopkins Tennessee Middle District Court 01/20/2010 01/25/2010
Hopkins, Larry Mitchell (dft) 1:2019mj01042 USA v. Hopkins - Johnny Horton Jr. New Mexico District Court 04/20/2019

Larry is extradited to South Dakota. This has to do with his many child support lawsuits from the US. He is listed as likely to flee and a danger to society.

Larry is again indicted for failure to pay child support.

"Hopkins is a "Vietnam veteran who was cooking meals for people at the camp. He was a victim in this," Benvie told the paper."

As far as many people can tell Larry was never in the military under any name. As far as I can see Larry was in prison, doing a musical act or working at John Horton Pole Co during the Vietnam War. I also see no travel out of the US by Larry from birth to after the end of Vietnam War. Military personnel were listed in passenger lists at that time. I see my grandfather who was in the military in those lists but I don't see Larry.

04/22/2019 Just fyi. This case doesn't show up in the Pacer system. You have to manually search New Mexico ecf in order to find the case. I posted these documents early this morning then tweeted it and put it on FB. Two hours ago around 1:00 p.m. I posted today's minutes and the schedule. Around 2:00 p.m. NBC, CBS, Daily Beast and New York Times picked it up. I see some of them copied my files with no credit. I put a watermark on my files so I can see where they end up.

Minutes from today's hearing.

04/22/2019 4 NOTICE OF HEARING as to Larry Mitchell Hopkins: Arraignment/Detention set for 4/29/2019 at 09:30 AM in Albuquerque - 320 Rio Grande Courtroom before Magistrate Judge Karen B. Molzen. (vh)

Here is the criminal complaint. This goes back to October 2017. FBI noticed alleged militia extremist activity located at Lakeside Ranch Trailer Park in Flora Vista, New Mexico. Larry is the "commander." There are about 20 members who are armed with AK-47 rifles and other firearms. They were allegedly training to assassinate George Soros, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama because they allegedly support "Antifa."

FBI agents went to Larry's home. They were invited in to his office where they saw 10 firearms leaning against the wall in plaint view. Larry said all the guns were owned by Fay Sanders Murphy whom he called his common law wife. Hopkins and Murphy signed a consent to search form. Dumb criminals.

November 15, 1996 Hopkins pleaded guilty to felon in possession of a loaded firearm. He was sentenced to 16 months minimum to two years maximum.

December 2006 Hopkins was convicted of felony possession of a weapon-firearm and was sentenced to 40 days in jail and 36 months probation. He was also convicted of criminal impersonation of a peace officer and sentenced to 20 days in jail and 24 months probation.

Here is the warrant for his arrest.

Larry appeared in court today.

"His lawyer said his client just thought he was "doing his American right in helping out."

“Helping to intercept people that they believe are coming across illegally and getting them to ICE or Border Patrol,” said defense lawyer Kelly O’Connell.

Hopkins pleaded not guilty.

He could face 10 years behind bars with three additional years supervised and $250,000 in fines if he's found guilty.

The trial will be in Albuquerque. Hopkins remains in custody until his next court date on April 29.

According to the criminal complaint, Hopkins unlawfully possessed nine firearms and ammunition in his home in San Juan County, N.M., in Nov. 2017.

The complaint alleges that Hopkins was prohibited from possessing firearms or ammunition because he previously had been convicted of at least three felony offenses, including possessing a loaded firearm in the state of Michigan in 1996; being a felon in possession of a firearm in the state of Oregon in 2006; and impersonating a peace officer in the state of Oregon in 2006."

They clearly missed his other felony offenses under his AKA Johnny Horton Jr and Pablo.

Below is the criminal docket.

U.S. District Court
District of New Mexico - Version 6.2.2 (Albuquerque)

Case title: USA v. Hopkins
Date Filed: 04/20/2019
Assigned to: Magistrate Judge Gregory B. Wormuth

Defendant (1)
Larry Mitchell Hopkins
also known as
Johnny Horton, Jr.

Pending Counts

Highest Offense Level (Opening)

Terminated Counts

Highest Offense Level (Terminated)

18:922g)(1) Felon in possession of a Firearm and Ammunition


Date Filed # Docket Text
04/20/2019 1 COMPLAINT as to Larry Mitchell Hopkins (1). (arn) (Entered: 04/22/2019)
04/22/2019 2 ARREST Warrant Issued by Magistrate Judge Gregory B. Wormuth as to Larry Mitchell Hopkins. Original ARREST Warrant with AO 442 Page 2 plus one certified copy of Complaint and ARREST Warrant hand-delivered to USMS by CRD Solis. (arn) (Entered: 04/22/2019)
04/22/2019 Arrest of Larry Mitchell Hopkins (bw) (Entered: 04/22/2019)
04/22/2019 Case unsealed as to Larry Mitchell Hopkins (bw) (Entered: 04/22/2019)
04/22/2019 Set/Reset Hearings as to Larry Mitchell Hopkins: Initial Appearance set for 4/22/2019 at 10:32 AM in Las Cruces - 340 Sierra Blanca Courtroom (North Tower) before Magistrate Judge Gregory B. Wormuth. (bw) (Entered: 04/22/2019)

04/21/19: Larry Hopkins committed many crimes as Johnny Horton Jr. He was arrested for passing bad checks to his employees in Missoula, Montana in 1978. Judge sentenced him to ten years in Montana state prison. Judge reduced it down to five years. He wrote eight bad checks for $2,452 as payment for wages to his employees. He ran "John Horton Pole Co." He was convicted of a felony.


"Libby District Judge Robert M. Holter, acting for District Judge E. Gardner Brownlee, sentenced Johnny Horton Jr., also known as Larry Hopkins, 28, Alsip, Ill., to 10 years in Montana State Prison Friday for issuing a bad check, a felony. Holter suspended five years of the prison term providing Horton make restitution. Holter also allowed credit for the nine months Horton has already served in the county jail."

May 9, 1981 he was exposed as a fraud by the late wife of Johnny Horton. This was carried in many articles in many states and even Canada. Article in Corvallis Gazette-Times. Larry admitted he was a lying fraud. Late wife still wanted to sue him in civil court. Late wife was so upset that she flew to Spokane, Washington to tell him he should not steal. Larry had just married a woman the day before. The woman quickly annulled the marriage due to fraud. He is referred to as a "drifter" from Tyler, Texas. Larry swore he'd never do it again but he did. He was found out because the drummer checked his background. The drummer! He found out that Johnny Horton Sr did not have any sons. In his singing act he talks about his "wonderful memories" with "daddy." Title of newspaper article is "Widow exposes singer's son as impostor."

Below is text of the article.

"Widow exposes singer's son as impostor. SPOKANE. Wash. (AP) - He said he was the son of the late country music star Johnny Horton, but his Nashville-style charade ended abruptly in a confrontation with Horton's angry widow. Before the denouement, however, the wavy-haired impostor had fooled more than a few local country-music buffs. The man, who later Identified himself as David J, Horton Jr., 32, a drifter from Tyler, Texas, discussed the hoax Friday at the Hanging Tree Tavern, where he was performing until being unmasked by Billie Jean Horton. "If I was wrong for what I did, for loving a man's music and what he stood for, then I guess I'm wrong," be said, "but I'll never do It again." Over the past two weeks, those taken in by the deception included KZUN radio, a country music station, as well as Virginia Iler, owner of the Hanging Tree. "He said he was in town when he started having troubles with his bus, which had broken down," Mrs Iler said. When he later asked to work as a singer, she said, "My mistake was not pulling his I.D., old gullible me. I was excited about someone that important coming in." He was hired to sing, and Iler advertised his act on KZUN, Disc jockey Wayne Stepp heard the news and inter viewed Horton, "We had never heard of Johnny Horton Jr.," he said. Program director Don Owen was skeptical and grilled the man about his knowledge of the country-music scene. "I was convinced he was who he said he was," Owen said. Then Bob Levan, a drummer in the backup band, became curious and checked the late country singer's background. Horton, who became famous In the early 1960s with "The Battle of New Orleans," died in a car accident in Milano, Texas, on Nov. 5, 1960. Levan found the singer had two daughters but no sons. Mrs. Horton was telephoned in Shreveport, La. "She was super hot about it," said Stepp, She was so hot, in fact, that she hopped the next plane and arrived to confront the bogus Horton a day after he was married to a 29-year-old Spokane woman. When the bride learned that her husband was not the son of the famous singer, she stormed out of the tavern. "I think maybe she married me for the name rather than for myself," Horton said. After listening to Horton's act, filled with "memories" of his "daddy," Mrs. Horton said, "I was choking. It hurt me a lot." She told the imposter she forgave him but added, "The Bible also says you should not steal, and you're stealing from Johhny Horton still a great name in country music and I hope they put you in prison for a long time." Local authorities said the imposter broke no laws, but a spokesman for the widow said she might file a civil suit to enjoin Horton from representing himself as her late husband's son."

Click to see the article larger.

Larry Mitchell Hopkins, mugshot, booking photo, flora vista new mexico las cruces, johnny horton jr, ucp, united constitutional patriots, felon, criminal, arrested, booked, jail sheriff las cruces , donald trump

Below is from 1993. He pretended to be Johnny Horton Jr up to today.

Larry Mitchell Hopkins, mugshot, booking photo, flora vista new mexico las cruces, johnny horton jr, ucp, united constitutional patriots, felon, criminal, arrested, booked, jail sheriff las cruces , donald trump
Larry has a few daughters whom he abandoned. He tells people he knows/knew Elvis and talks to him. He also said he talks to Bush and Trump. He's a con man and a story teller. He uses these lies to rip people off. He claims he has DNA evidence that he is the son of Johnny Horton. Johnny Horton wasn't married until 1952. Larry was born 1949. So he's claiming he's a love child? The divorce docs in 1952 clearly show that his father is Daniel William Hopkins and not Johnny Horton.

Larry are pretended to be Elvis' cousin. Recently he again said he was the son of Johnny Horton. He said he was going to play at the Grand Ole Oprey in this video. He also says he's Native American. He is not.

Someone who knows him left this YouTube comment.

"Dave Oz
4 years ago (edited)
This man is a total fraud. His real name is Larry Hopkins, and he's nothing but a gypsie drifter who makes his living ripping off unsuspecting musicians to back him up. This man is NOT Johnny Horton's illegitimate son, has no relation only a tribute performer, and a bad one at that. He stole money from a band I used to play in, when setting up a concert 6/17/2012, at the Civic Center in Farmington, NM. He can't sing with a damn, and is a pathological liar. This man was investigated by the FBI, and nothing good was reported by them. He will deny everything said without conscious. Best advice is to avoid this man with mental disorder and stick to people with noted credentials. Only then will you not be sorry."

1986 in Michigan. Arrested for impersonating Johnny Horton Jr. He was arrested at the show. They proved who he was in jail but he'd been paid half up front. His story. He said he got a Governor's pardon.

2006 he wasn't impersonating a police officer. He was wearing a fugitive recovery uniform per Hopkins. He also believes he was pardoned. He said if you're clean for ten years, you're not longer a convicted felon. Whatever.

Radio guy asked him about "stolen valor" charge. He said it was a "stolen vehicle" charge. He said he was in the army. There was a case in California where someone with his exact name and age stole a car while going AWOL from military. Larry has been in Missoula. He was arrested for a felony for passing bad checks in 1977, 1978. This stolen valor charge seems to be true. I believe this is the same Larry Hopkins. He used AKA "Pablo" which he also used when he was "Johnny Horton Jr." This guy has had a felony criminal record since at least 1968 at the age of 19. I think Larry told his girlfriend he was in the military. Then he stole her car. She then told the police he was AWOL from the military. I don't believe this guy was ever in the military. I see no documentation at all. Just another lie.

"AWOL Serviceman Arrested at Polson . POLSON - Larry Mitchell Hopkins, 19, of Happy Camp, Calif., was picked up by Lake County Sheriff's officers Tuesday on a federal warrant for interstate transportation of a stolen vehicle. He has been transferred to Missoula. Hopkins reportedly is AWOL from the service and is charged with the auto theft in another state." November 1968.

"Suspect Under $2,000 Bond Larry M. Hopkins, 19, Pablo, charged with transporting a stolen car in interstate commerce, was ordered held in Missoula County Jail under a $2,000 bond Thursday after being arraigned by U.S. Commissioner J. E. Brodie. Hopkins allegedly transported a stolen automobile from Bremerton, Wash., to Gait, Calif. He was arrested Wednesday by Federal Bureau of Investigation agents." November 1968

He said he has 16,000 acres. He is on 3 acres which he doesn't own. He lives in a trailer park. The lies!

From this video.

Larry said he has the right to zip tie "illegals." He can shoot the "illegals." The law states you can't touch immigrants.

Larry says he's Elvis' cousin (and Elvis is still alive!). He also said he is the illegitimate son of Johnny Horton. He said he has an ID with that name that proves that ;-) Below is his family tree.

Larry Mitchell Hopkins, mugshot, booking photo, flora vista new mexico las cruces, johnny horton jr, ucp, united constitutional patriots, felon, criminal, arrested, booked, jail sheriff las cruces , donald trump

ORIGINAL: Larry Mitchell Hopkins was arrested by the FBI with the Sunland Park Police Department. He is currently jailed in Dona Ana County Detention Center in New Mexico. Below are booking details. Larry also goes by the AKA Johnny Horton Jr. He pretends to be the son of a famous singer which is totally false. He runs UCP United Constitutional Patriots which used to be United Constitutional Militants. He and his friends were out at the border with their loaded weapons rounding up immigrants. They are not associated with border patrol or the government. Larry is a convicted felon and has a lengthy criminal record. He's been arrested for felon with a weapon quite a few times. How did he buy these guns? Clearly not legally.

Larry was born June 15, 1949 most likely in Ashland, Oregon. He's lived in Michigan, Oregon, California, New Mexico and maybe Texas. State says he's 70 but FBI says he's 69. He is 69 turning 70 in June. He lives in Flora Vista, New Mexico 87415. He's 6' tall, 280 lbs, blue eyes, brown hair and light skin.

Larry Mitchell Hopkins, mugshot, booking photo, flora vista new mexico las cruces, johnny horton jr, ucp, united constitutional patriots, felon, criminal, arrested, booked, jail sheriff las cruces , donald trump, militia, immigrants, border, guns, semi automatic rifle

Per a newspaper article his parents may be His parents are/were Daniel William Hopkins 1921 - 1989 and Opal Bernie Edwards Hopkins 1928 - 1998. Sister is Dora Lee Hopkins. Parents divorced in 1952 in Oregon when Larry was three. From the divorce which was posted in the newspaper,

"SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION No. 52-65S-E IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR JACKSON . COUNTY OPAL BERNICE HOPKINS, Plaintiff, vs, DANIEL WILLIAM HOPKINS, Defendant. TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT DANIEL WILLIAM HOPKINS THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to appear and answer the Complaint filed against you in the above suit on or before the last day of four weeks from the date of the first publication of this Summons, said period of four weeks time prescribed for publication hereof, and if you fail to appear and answer said Complaint, for want thereof the Plaintiff will apply to the entitled court for the relief demanded in her Complaint succinct statement of which is as follows, to-wit: That a decree of the court be made and entered dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing between plaintiff and defendant; granting unto plaintiff the care, custody and control of Dora Lee Hopkins and Larry Mitchell Hopkins, minor children of plaintiff and defendant, with the right on the part of defendant to visit said children at reasonable times and places; ordering defendant to pay unto the clerk of the above entitled court the sum of $50.00 per month for the support, care and maintenance of each of said minor children, and the further sum of $50.00 per month for plaintiff's support and maintenance during her lifetime or until she remarries; decreeing plaintiff to be the owner of the 1948 Buick automobile now owned by plaintiff and defendant, free and clear of any right, title and interest of defendant therein; granting plaintiff her costs and disbursements, and such other and further relief as the court may deem just and equitable."

Opal then married Albert King. Larry lived with his mother in Ashland, Oregon in 1993 with her husband King. He may have been married and divorced Regina Gail Piper in the '70's.

Per newspapers someone with his exact name and age was arrested in Texas for escaping federal custody in 1975. Not positive it's the same person yet. He was arrested for impersonating a police officer in Odessa, Texas. From,

"Larry Mitchell Hopkins, 25, of Seymour. He had been charged with impersonating a peace officer in connection with an incident on June 7 at Eighth and Lee in which a man posed as a policeman." Nov 26, 1975, The Odessa American, Odessa, Texas.

"Indicted included: Larry Mitchell Hopkins, 25, for escaping from federal custody." The Odessa American, Odessa, Texas, Mar 8, 1975.

October 1977 he was arrested for passing a bad check in Missoula, Montana.

"Johnny Horton Jr., 28, Pablo, also known as Larry Hopkins, pleaded guilty Thursday to a felony charge of issuing a bad check."

I see arrest in California for someone same exact name and age for stealing a motor vehicle and crossing state line while AWOL from the service. Still verifying. Larry did once live in California because he got divorced there.

Larry Mitchell Hopkins, mugshot, booking photo, flora vista new mexico las cruces, johnny horton jr, ucp, united constitutional patriots, felon, criminal, arrested, booked, jail sheriff las cruces , donald trump, militia, immigrants, border, guns, semi automatic rifle

He doesn't just use the name Johnny Horton Jr. He pretends to actually be him. He said he was with his dad the singer Johnny Horton Sr when he was sworn into the hall of fame in this video. Johnny Horton only had two daughters, no sons at all. His daughters were born after 1953. This guy is a total con man. His entire life is a fraud. I bet he only got gigs by pretending to be Johnny Horton Jr. Some have noted that he doesn't even know the lyrics to Johnny Horton's songs which he sang.

United Constitutional Patriots has a Facebook page here. They have a location which looks like it's in the middle of nowhereville 7A Road 3547, Flora Vista, New Mexico, (505) 334-2492. It's a 784 sf studio trailer home built in 1977. It looks like a 12' x 45' trailer home. They used to be United Constitutional Militia. Larry says that is their militia training facility. Hope the FBI has already searched that facility. He probably has more guns there.

Below is satellite image of the place.

A woman named Jennie is now stating she is Larry's daughter. She was allegedly born in Illinois where Larry once lived.

Paypal has suspended their donation account. They're asking for checks sent to Mark Cheney, 7A Road 3547, Flora Vista, NM 87415.

These people are at the border next to vehicle blocks. They think that's the border "wall." They're upset there is no military there. Why would military be at the border? Border patrol would be there. I see no immigrants at all in the videos yet they're standing there aiming assault rifles at the vehicle block which is 100 meters away.

Larry Mitchell Hopkins, mugshot, booking photo, flora vista new mexico las cruces, johnny horton jr, ucp, united constitutional patriots, felon, criminal, arrested, booked, jail sheriff las cruces , donald trump, militia, immigrants, border, guns, semi automatic rifle

He goes by Johnny Horton Jr. on Facebook and YouTube.

Here is his YouTube channel.

In 2006 he was arrested for impersonating a police officer. If he wants to become a police officer so badly, why didn't he just sign up? Because felons can't be police officers.

In 2013 he was arrested for driving without a driver's license in New Mexico.

He was previously arrested in Michigan.

"The district court in Midland County, Michigan only had one page remaining on file from the 1986 case — a felony “register of actions” that gave few details on the arrest."

More photos. Taking pics with Border Patrol to try to make it appear he works with them.

Larry Mitchell Hopkins, mugshot, booking photo, flora vista new mexico las cruces, johnny horton jr, ucp, united constitutional patriots, felon, criminal, arrested, booked, jail sheriff las cruces , donald trump, militia, immigrants, border, guns, semi automatic rifle

Larry Mitchell Hopkins, mugshot, booking photo, flora vista new mexico las cruces, johnny horton jr, ucp, united constitutional patriots, felon, criminal, arrested, booked, jail sheriff las cruces , donald trump, militia, immigrants, border, guns, semi automatic rifle


Booking No: 1900002911
Booking Date/Time: 04-20-19 12:58



Address: FLOR-VISTA , NM 87415

Sex: M   Race: W

Hair: BRO   Eyes: BLU   Height: 600   Weight: 280   Skin: LGT

AGE: 69

Statute: 15E Firearms: Receipt, Possession by Felon Charge Type: FEL
Arrest Location: SUNLAND PARK PD
Arrest Date/Time: 04-20-19 11:55 Arrest Agency: FBI Judge: FEDERAL
Warrant No: Warrant: Warrant Type: ARREST WARRANT
Court Case: N/A Court: FED Court Date: NA
Bond Amount: 0 Bond Type: NO BOND Bail Amount:

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, real estate, appraiser, appraisal, instructor, teacher, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Pasadena, Brentwood, Bel Air, California, licensed, permitted, single family, condo, pud, hud, fannie mae, freddie mac, uspap, certified, residential, certified resident, apartment building, multi-family, commercial, industrial, expert witness, civil, criminal, orea, dre, insurance, bonded, experienced, bilingual, spanish, english, form, 1004, 2055, land, raw, acreage, vacant, insurance, cost, income approach, market analysis, comparative, theory, appraisal theory, cost approach, sales, matched pairs, plot, plat, map, diagram, photo, photographs, photography, rear, front, street, subject, comparable, sold, listed, active, pending, expired, cancelled, listing, mls, multiple listing service, claw, themls,

1 comment:

  1. He stole money $83,000 from me and others in Tennessee


LA Art Show at Los Angeles Convention Center by Mary Cummins

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