Saturday, December 22, 2018

Who is Rev. William Thomas Faucher who was arrested for child pornography in Boise, Idaho?

William Thomas Faucher, Rev. Thomas Faucher, St. Mary's Church, child pornography, boise, idaho, sisters, oregon, bernard faucher, florence kern faucher, 

This is a disturbing story. I will not post what this priest actually did. You can read it in the linked news article below. My only reason for writing this article is to try to understand why he did those things. It's unimaginable. Based on his history, health issues, age, drinking, I believe he has dementia and suffered great loss of judgment. He did these things publicly. He tweeted these things publicly. Online he asked odd questions showing he didn't understand basic things. The things he said at his sentencing hearing didn't even make any sense. This coming from a man with many advanced degrees who had written I think six books makes it appear to be dementia. That said that doesn't mean his behavior is excusable. Perhaps it's best he stays in prison for everyone's sake.

Pastor Emeritus Ret. William Thomas Faucher was born October 4, 1945 in Boise, Idaho. His parents were Bernard Faucher 1906-1987 and Florence Kern 1908-1989. His parents owned a tire and battery store in Boise, Idaho. He has two brothers, John Dennis Faucher born 1936 who is a successful attorney and James Anthony Faucher born 1943. They are both married with children.

His family on the father's side is French Canadian. His mother's side is Irish and French Canadian.

William Thomas Faucher, Rev. Thomas Faucher, St. Mary's Church, child pornography, boise, idaho, sisters, oregon, bernard faucher, florence kern faucher, canada, french, ireland, irish, florence kern, bernard faucher, antoine faucher, mary o'neill, william kern, cliff minnie cheuvront

William Thomas Faucher aka Rev. W Thomas Faucher went to seminary school starting at the age of 13. I can only imagine that maybe he was gay in an strict Catholic family and thought the priesthood could cure that. From the article, "At 13, he left home to go to Mountain Angel Seminary in Oregon. He studied there through his second year of college, then finished his degree at Saint Thomas The Apostle Seminary in Seattle. After completing graduate school at Catholic University, he was ordained in 1971. He spent most of his priesthood at Idaho churches. But he also pastored a church in Sisters, Oregon, for six years and did shorter stints at churches in Wales and Scotland. He was a student and instructor at a sabbatical center in England.

Faucher has six academic degrees in philosophy, theology and canon law. He's an expert in liturgy, or Catholic worship, and has served on several national church committees.

The Diocese of Baker needed a canon lawyer in the late 1990s. They sponsored Faucher's schooling at Catholic University in Washington, D.C., in exchange for him working in Oregon from 1996 to 2002.

Faucher was a prolific writer, publishing six books. They included "Describing Color to the Blind: A Novel to Stir the Soul," which had a main character who was repeatedly sexually abused. He also wrote columns on faith, politics and a variety of timely topics for the Statesman, Bend Bulletin, Idaho Catholic Register and the U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops news service.

He was a progressive priest who spoke out against the death penalty, advocated for immigrants and highlighted the contributions of women in the church.

He drew fire for a 2006 column in the Statesman that criticized Idaho lawmakers' efforts to block same-sex unions through a constitutional amendment to define marriage, calling it an "anti-gay movement.

"The gay lifestyle is criticized for its lack of structure, its promiscuity, its disregard for convention. But society has worked very hard to deny homosexual people opportunity to have structure," Faucher wrote.

In 2010, in response to the church sex abuse scandal, he wrote in a column that many American bishops "should have been retired" a decade earlier for "terrible errors in administrative judgment." He also called for Pope Benedict to step down.

"He is much too old to lead the church through this mess," Faucher wrote."

In his latest book in 2015 he stated he was a "well-known storyteller, author, architectural designer, and art critic with over 40 years of experience dealing with fascinating people." Perhaps he should have written a memoir after he retired.

Thomas Faucher stated he is suffering from hemochromatosis. It causes the body to absorb 4x as much iron as normal. Symptoms are depression, memory fog, dementia. Treatment is blood draws. He stated he was also drinking too much. If you look at his Twitter account, he posted a photo which was deleted from Tumblr Here he is tweeting to no one. He is referencing user Demonicuss who is "The EVIL HYDE within every good Jekyll. Corrupting good boys into EVIL MEN."

 7 Jun 2017
I have tried to contact you,  Demonicuss says you can solve my virginity problem.  Email:, phone: 208-331-0138.  Tom

Here he is tweeting to someone named Master Thomas who is an S&M Master. These are public tweets. No sane priest would publicly tweet those things.

 12 Apr 2017
Replying to @MasterThomasUK
No, the need to give you a dinner at Maggie Jones is my need.  I do hope you will accept.  Tom Faucher

@MasterThomasUK replies and says okay to dinner.

Clearly this is not someone with a sane mind. He's on Ancestry asking support questions like a great grandpa with serious dementia issues. He's asking how to edit wrong information in other people's trees. It'll be interesting to see what finally happens to him. I expect he'll just die in prison from dementia. At least he's giving mass in prison. They should help his mind and maybe others can have some type of solace.

If this story has done one thing, it's made it known that priests have mental health issues which the church needs to handle. The church really needs to work on priests mental health before, during and after they serve the church. Maybe they need an annual mental health exam. Faucher here clearly fell deep within the cracks of the system. He basically just stayed at home since he retired in 2015 all by himself. Idle hands (and mind) are the devil's workshop.

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