Saturday, December 30, 2017

Who is Tyler Barriss who swatted a man in Kansas who was killed? Very long criminal history - Mary Cummins

Tyler Barriss, Tyler Raj Barriss, swatted, SWAT, Kansas, Los Angeles, California, dead, shot, killed, criminal Andrew Finch lapd

UPDATE: 03/29/2019 Tyler Barriss sentenced to 20 years in prison.

01/12/2018 Tyler Barriss gave an interview from jail in Kansas. He says he was paid to make the SWAT call. He says he was swatted in 2015 with his grandma.

Kansas booking photo.

Tyler Barriss, Tyler Raj Barriss, swatted, SWAT, Kansas, Los Angeles, California, dead, shot, killed, criminal Andrew Finch lapd
01/11/2018 Barriss was released to Kansas custody this morning Release Time: 0653       Release Reason: CUST       Reason Description: CUSTODY RELEASE

Release Agency: KS       Agency Description: KANSAS.

Even though the LA Sheriff disabled VINE for Barriss, I over road their block to set up the alert.

He's now in Kansas jail here. His middle name is "Raj" though his birth certificate says "Rai."

Race: W   Sex: M   Age: 25
Height: 603   Weight: 145
Facility: DETN   Pod: 001   Abbreviation Code Definitions
Booking Date and Time: 1/11/2018 3:14:50 PM
Arrest ID Date Arrested Statute Charge Status Warrant # Bond Amount Type

Now that I know Wendy Gregory is the grandma the grandfather is Blair Robert Bernbaum. He died in 1979 after they divorced. They have one daughter who is the mother of Tyler. She was born Sept 9 1972. She had Tyler when she was 20 and dumped the kid on the grandma.

01/06/2018 Tyler has a hearing .at 10:00 a.m. 01/17/2018 at Court Name: LOS ANGELES MUNI CT DIV 30. He has another scheduled for 02/02/2017 at 10:00 a.m. Could be a double entry.
Court Address: 210 W. TEMPLE STREET       Court City: LOS ANGELESUPT. He's now in men's central jail on Bauchet street, no visitors allowed.

He has been charged with 1551.1 which is extradition.

1551.1PC is part of the California Penal Code that refers to extradition either out of or from California. This could mean that you allegedly committed a crime or were convicted of a crime while in another state and then you escaped from imprisonment or you violated the terms of your bail, probation or parole. Then you proceeded to escape to California where you were discovered. Extradition means that you will then be transferred back to the other state where the criminal offense occurred. There are two different types of extradition that are recognized under the law including:

Committing a crime in California then leaving and being extradited back;


Committing a crime in another state and being found in California then extradited over to the "home" state.

In order for extradition to occur however, there must be a demand from the home state demanding your return along with probable cause. There must also be an issuance of a California Governor's warrant.

For update on the case info go to and use case # BA464000.

His grandmother raised him. The restraining order was from his grandmother Wendy Gregory. He threatened to beat her up if she turned him in to police for the bomb threats. Tyler here used his grandmother's phone and computer to send in the calls. What a horrible kid.

ORIGINAL: Tyler Barriss, full name Tyler Rai Barriss, Tyler Raj Barriss, was born November 9, 1992 in Los Angeles, California. His mother's maiden name is Bernbaum. He's 6'3" and weighs 150 lbs. His race is listed as "black" with brown eyes and black hair. Below is the info from his current arrest yesterday in South Los Angeles.

Yesterday Tyler Raj Barriss swatted Andrew Finch who ended up being shot dead by police. If you look at his criminal history below, he was supposed to still be in jail for previous crimes. Per these records there was domestic violence, violation of restraining orders, bomb threats, threats to harm and kill people... If they didn't release him early, this murder would not have happened. Here is his criminal history is Los Angeles County.

UPDATE: He was a fugitive from the law because of the previous bomb threat case. I guess he was supposed to report to jail but didn't. Obviously should not have released him on his own recognizance. Definitely no bond will be allowed now. I hope they lock him up for life now.

1 BARRISS, TYLER RAJ 7SV01376 01/24/2017 San Fernando Courthouse (LAS)

He violated a domestic restraining order. Guilty, convicted. Sentenced to 364 days in county jail, probation. Jail term started January 27, 2017. Why was he released?

2 BARRISS, TYLER RAJ 7SV04443 07/20/2017 San Fernando Courthouse (LAS)

Three counts of violating a restraining order. Guilty, convicted. Sentenced August 17, 2017 to 210 days in county jail and probation for three counts or 630 days in county jail. Why was he released?

3 BARRISS, TYLER RAJ GA097330 10/15/2015 Glendale Courthouse (GLN)

Bomb Threats are Criminal Offenses. Under California Penal Code Section 148.1(c), persons who maliciously report a false bomb threat can be punished by one year in a county or state prison. Guilty, convicted, two counts.

422. (a) Any person who willfully threatens to commit a crime which will result in death or great bodily injury to another person, with the specific intent that the statement, made verbally, in writing, or by means of an electronic communication device, is to be taken as a threat, even if there is no intent of actually carrying it out, ... Dismissed.

(c) Any person who maliciously informs any other person that a bomb or other explosive has been or will be placed or secreted in any public or private place, knowing that the information is false, is guilty of a crime punishable by imprisonment in a county jail not to exceed one year, or pursuant to subdivision. One count dismissed, other guilty, convicted.

California Penal Code Section 136.1(B)(1) Intimidating a witness or victim charges are classified as "wobblers", which means they can be charged as either a felony or misdemeanor. Dismissed. Barriss allegedly made the threats on Sept. 30 and Oct. 9, and later threatened a relative to prevent her from reporting the incidents, prosecutors said.

He was sentenced to two years in county jail, probation, mandatory supervision, plus eight months county jail. If they didn't release him early from any of these sentences, Andrew Finch would not be dead right now.

Barriss was taken into custody in South Los Angeles, and had been living at a transitional recovery center, sources said.

The below are duplicates.

4 BARRISS, TYLER RAI GA097330 11/30/2015 Northeast District (XNE)
5 BARRISS, TYLER RAJ GA097330 11/30/2015 Northeast District (XNE)

Here is the audio of the 911 call. Notice he says it's a one story house when it's clearly a two story house. Maybe police should have paid better attention to make sure the house he described is the one they visited. Below that is interview with victim's family then an interview with Tyler Barriss. He admits to what he did. He admits he gets paid to swat people. He's bragging about the evil things he did. He loves the attention.

This is his arrest yesterday December 29, 2017.

Booking No.: 5190907       Last Name: BARRISS       First Name: TYLER       Middle Name: RAI

Sex: M       Race: B       Date Of Birth: 11/09/1992       Age: 25       Hair: BLK       Eyes: BRO       Height: 603       Weight: 150

Charge Level: F   (Felony)

Arrest Date: 12/29/2017       Arrest Time: 1515       Arrest Agency: 4203       Agency Description: LAPD-SOUTHWEST DIVISION

Date Booked: 12/29/2017       Time Booked: 2225       Booking Location: 4212       Location Description: LAPD - 77TH STREET

Total Bail Amount: NO BAIL       Total Hold Bail Amount: 0.00       Grand Total: NO BAIL

Housing Location: LAPD

Permanent Housing Assigned Date: 12/29/2017       Assigned Time: 2225       Visitor Status: N

Address:       City:

Public Visiting Guidelines

For County facility visiting hours, Please call (213) 473-6080 at Inmate Information Center.

Next Court Code:       Next Court Date:       Next Court Time: 0000       Next Court Case:

Court Name:
Court Address:       Court City:

No Information On Release Date.

Case No. Court Name Court Address Court City Bail Amt. Fine Amt. Court Date Sent. Date Sent. Day(s) Disp Code
99******** NO BAIL .00 0
Click on specific Case No. for detailed information.

Seems Tyler Barriss swatted Andrew Finch over a $1.50 bet while playing Call of Duty online. Here he admits that he swatted Andrew Finch. It seems the bet was between two other people. The loser hired Barriss to SWAT the person. Then for some reason he gave someone else's name and address. Andrew was not even a gamer. He's was a totally innocent person.

Tyler Barriss, Tyler Raj Barriss, swatted, SWAT, Kansas, Los Angeles, California, dead, shot, killed, criminal Andrew Finch lapd, swautistic

This is allegedly his twitter account. He admitted he did it.

Tyler Barriss, Tyler Raj Barriss, swatted, SWAT, Kansas, Los Angeles, California, dead, shot, killed, criminal Andrew Finch lapd, swautistic

His previous one was just suspended. I saved a copy. Here it is in Google cache which will be gone soon. He admitted to what he did but thinks he's innocent.

In 2015 Tyler Barriss was unemployed and living with his grandmother in Chatsworth. That is where he was arrested for making bomb threats.

On soundclick he claims to rap. His name is GuCCiFloyd. He claims to be interracial, lives in Chatsworth. This kid is so messed up. I bet he was living with granny as his parents kicked him out of the house.

marital status: Single
sexual orientation: Straight
smoker: I smoke and I love it
drinking habit: I drink socially
socially: I'm fine being by myself
:: the outer me
ethnicity: Interracial
body type: Slim / Slender
5 - Quite good (depending on the crowd around)
:: the inner me
religion: Not religious
humor: Clever / quick witted

He has a myspace page.

Here he is on Facebook

Tyler Barriss, Tyler Raj Barriss, swatted, SWAT, Kansas, Los Angeles, California, dead, shot, killed, criminal Andrew Finch lapd, swautistic
The phone above is probably the phone he used to SWAT the guy. It's an iPhone 4 or 4s. A mere 14 weeks ago the phone was confiscated per Tyler. Why would they allow a man with his history to have a phone in a transitional home? He committed the bomb threats via a phone.

He was living in Chatsworth and North Hills, CA.

10121 Montgomery RD
Chatsworth, CA 91311

Seems a girlfriend or family member got a restraining order against him in 2015. Now it's called Domestic Violence Prevention.

Case Number:  PQ017220

Filing Date:  10/20/2015
Case Type:  DV Prevention w/o Minor Children (General Jurisdiction)
Status:  Statistical Disposition 11/10/2015

Future Hearings

Documents Filed | Proceeding Information


BARRISS TYLER - Respondent

GREGORY WENDY - Petitioner

Case Information | Party Information | Proceeding Information

Documents Filed (Filing dates listed in descending order)
11/10/2015 Minute Order

10/20/2015 Petition - DV Prevention w/o Minor Child (- On Behalf of: Petitioner: Gregory, Wendy )
Filed by Petitioner

10/20/2015 Notice - Hearing (- On Behalf of: Petitioner: Gregory, Wendy - Hearing Set on 2015-11-10 )
Filed by Petitioner

10/20/2015 Temporary Restraining Order (Form 110) (- On Behalf of: Petitioner: Gregory, Wendy )
Filed by Petitioner

10/20/2015 Declaration - Ex Parte Notice (No Notice Given) (- On Behalf of: Petitioner: Gregory, Wendy )
Filed by Petitioner

Case Information | Party Information | Documents Filed

Proceedings Held (Proceeding dates listed in descending order)

11/10/2015 at 8:30 AM in Chatsworth Dept. - F51, Loomis, Lloyd C., Presiding
Restraining Order Hearing - Off Calendar - No Appearance, TRO Dissolved

This is from a previous arrest.

Booking No.: 4471513       Last Name: BARRISS       First Name: TYLER       Middle Name: RAJ

Sex: M       Race: W       Date Of Birth: 11/09/1992       Age: 22       Hair: BRO       Eyes: BRO       Height: 603       Weight: 135

Charge Level: F   (Felony)

Arrest Date: 10/13/2015       Arrest Time: 2020       Arrest Agency: 1925       Agency Description: GLENDALE PD

Date Booked: 10/13/2015       Time Booked: 2227       Booking Location: 1925       Location Description: PD - GLENDALE

Total Bail Amount: 0       Total Hold Bail Amount: 0.00       Grand Total: 0.00

Housing Location: -

Permanent Housing Assigned Date: 01/19/2017       Assigned Time: 2142       Visitor Status: N

Address:       City:

Public Visiting Guidelines     

For County facility visiting hours, Please call (213) 473-6080 at Inmate Information Center.

Next Court Code: NEE       Next Court Date: 06/21/2016       Next Court Time: 0830       Next Court Case: GA097330RM

Court Address: 300 E. WALNUT STREET       Court City: PASADENAUPT

Actual Release Date: 01/20/2017       Release Time: 0232   

Case No. Court Name Court Address Court City Bail Amt. Fine Amt. Court Date Sent. Date Sent. Day(s) Disp Code
PA******** PASADENA SUPERIOR CT DEPT E  300 E. WALNUT STREET  PASADENAUPT 0 .00 03/15/2016 03/15/2016 0 CSLD
GA******** PASADENA SUPERIOR CT DEPT E  300 E. WALNUT STREET  PASADENAUPT 0 .00 05/10/2016 05/10/2016 972 SENT
GA******** 0 .00 06/21/2016 0
Click on specific Case No. for detailed information.

Here's another arrest.

Booking No.: 4887541       Last Name: BARRISS       First Name: TYLER       Middle Name: RAJ

Sex: M       Race: B       Date Of Birth: 11/09/1992       Age: 24       Hair: BLK       Eyes: BRO       Height: 603       Weight: 150

Charge Level: M   (Misdemeanor)

Arrest Date: 01/21/2017       Arrest Time: 0630       Arrest Agency: 4217       Agency Description: LAPD-DEVONSHIRE DIVISION

Date Booked: 01/21/2017       Time Booked: 0850       Booking Location: 4279       Location Description: LAPD - VALLEY JAIL (VAN NUYS)

Total Bail Amount: 0       Total Hold Bail Amount: 0.00       Grand Total: 0.00

Housing Location: -

Permanent Housing Assigned Date: 08/24/2017       Assigned Time: 1023       Visitor Status: N

Address:       City:

Public Visiting Guidelines     

For County facility visiting hours, Please call (213) 473-6080 at Inmate Information Center.

Next Court Code: NVA       Next Court Date: 08/14/2017       Next Court Time: 0830       Next Court Case: 7SV0444301

Court Address: 900 THIRD STREET       Court City: SAN FERNANDOUPT

Actual Release Date: 08/24/2017       Release Time: 1230   

Case No. Court Name Court Address Court City Bail Amt. Fine Amt. Court Date Sent. Date Sent. Day(s) Disp Code
7S******** NO. VALLEY SUPERIOR CT DEPT B  900 THIRD STREET  SAN FERNANDOUPT 0 .00 01/27/2017 01/27/2017 364 EXP
7S******** NO. VALLEY SUPERIOR CT DEPT A  900 THIRD STREET  SAN FERNANDOUPT 0 .00 08/14/2017 08/14/2017 210 SENT

4471513 BARRISS  TYLER  RAJ  M W 11/09/1992 22
4887541 BARRISS  TYLER  RAJ  11/09/1992  24
5190907 BARRISS  TYLER  RAI  11/09/1992  25

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, real estate, appraiser, appraisal, instructor, teacher, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Pasadena, Brentwood, Bel Air, California, licensed, permitted, single family, condo, pud, hud, fannie mae, freddie mac, uspap, certified, residential, certified resident, apartment building, multi-family, commercial, industrial, expert witness, civil, criminal, orea, dre, insurance, bonded, experienced, bilingual, spanish, english, form, 1004, 2055, land, raw, acreage, vacant, insurance, cost, income approach, market analysis, comparative, theory, appraisal theory, cost approach, sales, matched pairs, plot, plat, map, diagram, photo, photographs, photography, rear, front, street, subject, comparable, sold, listed, active, pending, expired, cancelled, listing, mls, multiple listing service, claw, themls,

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