Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Who is James J Little, James Jeffrey Little attorney, lawyer in Los Angeles, California? A convicted criminal

James J Little, James Jeffrey Little, James Little, attorney, lawyer, Los Angeles, California, Cleveland, Ohio, California Bar Association #123373, disbarred, criminal record, convicted felon, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, psychological evaluation, counseling, dui, dwi, 1956, Trial Advocacy Group, Playa del Rey, Marina del Rey, not eligible to practice law, failed to pay family child support, filing false tax return, IRS, Judge, Court, lying, unethical, unprofessional, art theft, insurance fraud, domestic violence, police, sheriff, methamphetamine habit, possession of cocaine, domestic abuse, fugitive, wanted fugitive from the law, bail, bond,

UPDATE: 09/18/2019 Someone asked whatever happened to California attorney and partner in crime of James Little, James Patrick Tierney. He used to live at 31478 Broad Beach Rd, Malibu with his wife Patricia A Tierney. James DOB is 08/23/1942. He is president of Shamrock Entertainment, Ltd. Brenden Tierney may be his son. I think this is his mailing address 844 6th St Apt 10, Santa Monica, CA. His last attorney is Peter J Anderson
Law Offices of Peter J Anderson PC
100 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 2010
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Fax: 310-260-6040

ORIGINAL: Below is the criminal record of James Jeffrey Little. Because he has a common name I made sure to use his birth date to confirm that he is the same James Little in the records. His DOB is October 13, 1956.

1989 Los Angeles County, Case #SM89M05118, PC 23152 (A) “under the influence of alcohol while driving a vehicle,” 23103 “reckless driving.” LITTLE, JAMES JEFFERY 89M05118 09/01/1989 Santa Monica Courthouse (SM) Convicted.

1994 Los Angeles County, Case #MAL94M01383 PC 242 “assault, battery." LITTLE, JAMES JEFFREY 94M01383 08/08/1994 Malibu Courthouse (Closed) (MAL)

1995 Los Angeles County, Case #MAL95M00728 PC 11550(A) “under the influence of a controlled substance,” 415.2 “disturbing the peace." LITTLE, JAMES JEFFERY 95M00728 05/09/1995 Malibu Courthouse (Closed) (MAL) Convicted. Probation.

1996 Ohio, Case #1996-CRB-001442 Ohio, “liquor in motor vehicle."

1997 Art Theft, Insurance Fraud. June 10, 1997 pg 36 “Stolen Paintings by Monet, Picasso Found in Cleveland,” “police in Rocky River, Ohio, responded to a domestic violence call and found a woman who said her companion, entertainment lawyer James J. Little, was in possession of paintings stolen from California." LA Times “2 stolen paintings found in Cleveland,”

Below is 2006 article about the fall of law firm Milberg Weiss. "The fall of America's meanest law firm. Milberg Weiss, the lawsuit factory that took corporations for $45 billion, is in the feds' cross hairs. Fortune's Peter Elkind reports on the saga." In the article James Little allegedly punched his girlfriend in the mouth and had a $1,000 a week crack habit.

"A domestic disturbance: The Cleveland lawyer confesses

When police showed up at 20563 Beachwood Drive in Rocky River, Ohio, an upscale Cleveland suburb, they were probably expecting to find just another domestic dispute. It was about 4 p.m. on Aug. 22,1996, and a 37-year-old woman named Pamela Davis had reported that her boyfriend had assaulted her, bloodying her mouth.

What the officers were not expecting was the dizzying tale that Davis began telling. She identified her attacker as James "J.J." Little, an attorney with Arter & Hadden, the big Cleveland firm. She said she'd met Little five months earlier at a bar and that although she was still married and had a young son, she and Little planned on tying the knot in December. She explained that Little had a $1,000-a-week crack habit, that it wasn't the first time Little had struck her, that one time she'd ended up in the emergency room, that Little was usually "a very gentle man," that she didn't really want to press charges, and that she was three months' pregnant with his child.

By this point it was clear to the officers that this was no ordinary lovers' quarrel. Davis turned out to be a local socialite on felony probation for buying clothes using stolen credit card numbers. In fact, she wasn't pregnant (and today denies ever telling police that she was). For his part, Little - who really did have a drug problem and who'd been calmly leaning against his Jeep in the driveway when the cops arrived, according to police - denied hitting Davis and claimed that he'd been trying to end the relationship.

Sometime during this dog day afternoon, according to the seven-page police report, Davis dropped another tidbit: Little, who had recently moved to Cleveland from California, was in possession of stolen paintings worth "millions of dollars" from Los Angeles. With that off her chest, Davis went back to complaining about her boyfriend's crack habit.

Within a few months the FBI had linked her story to an unsolved art theft back in L. A. Confronted by a pair of agents in February 1997, Little struck an immunity deal, then led the feds to a storage locker outside Cleveland rented by his mother, using the name of the family gardener. Inside were two cardboard boxes. The first contained Pablo Picasso's "Nude Before a Mirror," painted in 1932 and once owned by Henry Ford. The second held "The Customs Officer's Cabin in Pourville," painted by Claude Monet in 1882.

Little explained that he had brought the artwork to Ohio after having been given it to hold for "safekeeping" several years earlier by his former boss in L.A., James Tierney, an entertainment lawyer whose clients had included actor Timothy Hutton and singer Gloria Estefan. Where had Tierney gotten the paintings? He'd taken them, as part of a cunning insurance scam, at the behest of a friend who owned them: a retired eye surgeon named Steven Cooperman, who would become the feds' first big link to the alleged fraud at Milberg Weiss."

1997 The Newark Advocate, Ohio, “Rocky River police charged Little on Thursday with a misdemeanor for allegedly breaking the stove at his former girlfriend’s Rocky River home." Domestic violence was also alleged.

1998 “Meanwhile, Little, 42, has his own problems. He was convicted in 1997 of driving under the influence and, earlier this year, of attempted possession of cocaine. He once appeared in court shaved of all body hair in what the judge said was an attempt to dodge a drug test. (Police typically require a hair sample to test for drugs.) With Little's credibility in doubt..." LA Times “Little has problems of his own,”

1999 Indicted Case #2:99-cr-00359-GHK-1 “subscribing to a false tax return, Felony." USA v James J Little. $50,000 bail, surrender passport, travel restricted, alcohol/drug testing, residence on a boat, no drug use, boat must remain docked. Bench warrant. Motion for bail denied. Re-release, $75,000 bond, mandatory drug testing, may reside on boat, psychiatric evaluation and counseling, must participate in residential drug/alcohol treatment program, no firearms, must pay for cost of treatment, bench warrant reissued, bench warrant returned executed. This has to do with his 1992 tax returns. Little produces immunity material of Gerald Gold.

Here is the docket for this case so you can see all the charges against James Jeffrey Little. Every time he gets in trouble with the law it looks like he rats out a client, coworker, friend. That's how he was able to get immunity in the art theft case and this false tax return case. Maybe that's why they went after him, i.e. so he would turn on a bigger fish. He is the reason they found the stolen art and charged the original person with insurance fraud.

1999 Little was even a fugitive from the law with a warrant out for his arrest Dec 30, 1999 “Wanted Fugitives."

James Little, James Jeffrey Little, J. J. Little, attorney, lawyer, Los Angeles, California, California Bar Association 123373,,, felon, convicted, dui, dwi, drugs, domestic violence, stolen art, art theft, insurance fraud, sexual harassment, Ohio, James J Little, James Jeffrey Little, James Little, attorney, lawyer, Los Angeles, California, Cleveland, Ohio, California Bar Association #123373, disbarred, criminal record, convicted felon, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, psychological evaluation, counseling, dui, dwi, 1956, Trial Advocacy Group, Playa del Rey, Marina del Rey, not eligible to practice law, failed to pay family child support, filing false tax return, IRS, Judge, Court, lying, unethical, unprofessional, art theft, insurance fraud, domestic violence, police, sheriff, methamphetamine habit, possession of cocaine, domestic abuse, fugitive, wanted fugitive from the law, bail, bond,

James Little, James Jeffrey Little, J. J. Little, attorney, lawyer, Los Angeles, California, California Bar Association 123373,,, felon, convicted, dui, dwi, drugs, domestic violence, stolen art, art theft, insurance fraud, sexual harassment, Ohio,James J Little, James Jeffrey Little, James Little, attorney, lawyer, Los Angeles, California, Cleveland, Ohio, California Bar Association #123373, disbarred, criminal record, convicted felon, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, psychological evaluation, counseling, dui, dwi, 1956, Trial Advocacy Group, Playa del Rey, Marina del Rey, not eligible to practice law, failed to pay family child support, filing false tax return, IRS, Judge, Court, lying, unethical, unprofessional, art theft, insurance fraud, domestic violence, police, sheriff, methamphetamine habit, possession of cocaine, domestic abuse, fugitive, wanted fugitive from the law, bail, bond, 

2001, June 15, Little was reproved by the California Bar Association, case 01-O-00523 for violating state bar act 6068(a).

2003 Los Angeles County, Case #ING3IW02448, PC 242 “assault, battery.” LITTLE, JAMES JEFFREY 3IW02448 06/23/2003 Inglewood Courthouse (ING)

2004 Misuse of Dept. of Treasury Symbol, USA v James J Little, 5:04-cr-00421-SO-1. Plead guilty. All docs are sealed. This might be someone else.

2009, January 3, suspended from the California Bar Association for lying about criminal history, case # 06-O-11656. "The Application for Admission that Respondent filled out and submitted to the United States District Court, Western District of Oklahoma on August 30, 2005 asked applicants to disclose all legal proceedings in which they had been charged with the commission of any crime. At the time Respondent filled out and submitted his Application, he did not have any of his personal records or other memory aids with him to refresh his recollection, and he could not independently recall the several individual instances, between 1989 and 2003, in which he had been charged with the commission of a crime. Respondent admits and acknowledges that, under the circumstances, he should have stated in his Application that there were several instances, between 1989 and 2003, in which he had been so charged; that he did not have immediate access to any records that would enable him to list specific dates/charges; and that he would supply that information to the District Court as soon as he could obtain or retrieve document necessary for him to be able to fully and accurately disclose that information."

"In 2005, Little represented a defendant in federal court in Oklahoma although he was not a member of that state’s bar. He and his co-counsel incorrectly believed Little could be admitted if the co-counsel sponsored and “waived” him in. When they learned that was not the case, Little filed a formal application for admission to the Oklahoma District Court Bar.

As part of the application, he was required to disclose all legal proceedings in which he had been charged with the commission of a crime. Although Little disclosed he had pleaded no contest to a charge of driving under the influence in 1996, he did not disclose that between 1989 and 2003, other criminal charges, including reckless driving and disturbing the peace, had been filed against him. Some were dismissed and some resulted in conviction.

Little stipulated that by filing an incomplete application, he failed to maintain the respect due to the courts."

2011 Los Angeles County, Case #LAA1CA13714 PC 41.27 (C)
“drinking alcohol in public." LITTLE, JAMES 1CA13714 07/27/2011 Central Arraignment Courthouse (LAA) 3 days Los Angeles County Jail, 24 months probation. This James Little has the same birth year as James J Little. I assume it's him. He was convicted.

2017, March, suspended from the California Bar Association for not paying child support.

2017, May, Little was sued for sexual harassment and over time, Noemi Bernal v. Little PC et al, case number BC571188 and lost recently, “Little’s conduct “was malicious and was intended to oppress, humiliate and denigrate plaintiff and was totally without justification,” Bernal said. During that case it was shown that Little's mother set up his corporation because he wasn't trusted with money. There were dual organizations in order to shield Little from having to pay child support and to hide assets per Plaintiff. "In her suit, Bernal originally claimed Little would touch her leg and backside in public and frequently expressed an interest in a romantic relationship."

"During opening statements on April 25, one of Bernal’s attorneys, Makoa Kawabata of Kermani LLP, told jurors that Little established J.J. Little & Associates and Law Offices Administrators “to avoid creditors, taxes and child support.”" JJ's mother JoAnn Remington in Naples, Florida set this up for her son. She aids and abets his horrible behavior towards others. Thankfully her husband Charles Bradford Remington is wealthy.

"La Partner Has to Pay Secretary's Overtime,"

James Little owes Bernal $121,496 plus $12,776 costs of the suit and $831,498.75 in legal fees for a grand total of  $965,770.

Here are suspensions and probation from the California Bar Association.

He was suspended from the Ohio Bar Association in 2005 and reinstated in 2015. He is listed as inactive.

Bar Number:123373
Address:Trial Advocacy Group, LLC
215 Culver Blvd
Ste 5008
Playa del Rey, CA 90293-7773
Map it
Phone Number:(310) 882-8531
Fax Number:Not Available 
County:Los AngelesUndergraduate School:Univ of Arizona; Tucson AZ
District:District 2
Sections:NoneLaw School:Emory Univ SOL; Atlanta GA

Status History

Effective DateStatus Change
3/29/2017Not Eligible To Practice Law in CA
9/16/2003Not Eligible To Practice Law in CA
9/4/2002Not Eligible To Practice Law in CA
8/12/1996Not Eligible To Practice Law in CA
6/10/1986Admitted to The State Bar of California

Actions Affecting Eligibility to Practice Law in California

Disciplinary and Related Actions
Effective DateDescriptionCase NumberResulting Status
1/3/2009Discipline, probation; no actual susp.06-O-11656
Administrative Actions
Effective DateDescriptionCase NumberResulting Status
3/29/2017Suspended/Child & Fam Supp noncomplianceNot Eligible To Practice Law in CA 
9/16/2003Admin Inactive/MCLE noncomplianceNot Eligible To Practice Law in CA 
9/4/2002Suspended, failed to pay Bar membr. feesNot Eligible To Practice Law in CA 
8/12/1996Suspended, failed to pay Bar membr. feesNot Eligible To Practice Law in CA 

Copies of official attorney discipline records are available upon request.

State Bar Court Cases

NOTE: The State Bar Court began posting public discipline documents online in 2005. The format and pagination of documents posted on this site may vary from the originals in the case file as a result of their translation from the original format into Word and PDF. Copies of additional related documents in a case are available upon request. Only opinions designated for publication in the State Bar Court Reporter may be cited or relied on as precedent in State Bar Court proceedings. For further information about a case that is displayed here, please refer to the State Bar Court's online docket, which can be found at:
DISCLAIMER: Any posted Notice of Disciplinary Charges, Conviction Transmittal or other initiating document, contains only allegations of professional misconduct. The attorney is presumed to be innocent of any misconduct warranting discipline until the charges have been proven.
Effective DateCase NumberDescription
1/3/200906-O-11656Stipulation [PDF]

California Bar Journal Discipline Summaries

Summaries from the California Bar Journal are based on discipline orders but are not the official records. Not all discipline actions have associated CBJ summaries. Copies of official attorney discipline records are available upon request.
January 3, 2009
JAMES J. LITTLE [#123373], 52, of Los Angeles was suspended for one year, stayed, placed on two years of probation and was ordered to take the MPRE within one year. The order took effect Jan. 3, 2009.
In 2005, Little represented a defendant in federal court in Oklahoma although he was not a member of that state’s bar. He and his co-counsel incorrectly believed Little could be admitted if the co-counsel sponsored and “waived” him in. When they learned that was not the case, Little filed a formal application for admission to the Oklahoma District Court Bar.
As part of the application, he was required to disclose all legal proceedings in which he had been charged with the commission of a crime. Although Little disclosed he had pleaded no contest to a charge of driving under the influence in 1996, he did not disclose that between 1989 and 2003, other criminal charges, including reckless driving and disturbing the peace, had been filed against him. Some were dismissed and some resulted in conviction.
Little stipulated that by filing an incomplete application, he failed to maintain the respect due to the courts.
He also was privately reproved in 2001.

James Little's mother is JoAnn Remington in Naples, Florida. His father who is very similar to James in terms of his psyche, alcohol and drugs died at age 42 in an accident.

More James J Little lawsuits in Cuyahoga County, Ohio.


Below is a list of a few claims against the estate of James Little in his probate case 18STPB01508. His estate has $645.50 when he died. Then how was he paying for air fare, hotel rooms, videographer, court reporter, court fees...for my case? He died January 13, 2018. His mother JoAnn L. Remington is the executor. He owned no property at time of death in California. This is crazy. He died intestate. A lawyer in hospice would die without a will? His mom put it in probate to clear the creditors. She also thought he may have some contingency fees due.

State Franchise Tax Board $273,330.
Fire Deprt $150.
Vapor LLP $452,813.
Mayman and Mayan $1,325.

This doesn't include the judgment against him from his ex legal aide. I think it was about $700K with $100K in legal fees.

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, real estate, appraiser, appraisal, instructor, teacher, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Pasadena, Brentwood, Bel Air, California, licensed, permitted, single family, condo, pud, hud, fannie mae, freddie mac, uspap, certified, residential, certified resident, apartment building, multi-family, commercial, industrial, expert witness, civil, criminal, orea, dre, insurance, bonded, experienced, bilingual, spanish, english, form, 1004, 2055, land, raw, acreage, vacant, insurance, cost, income approach, market analysis, comparative, theory, appraisal theory, cost approach, sales, matched pairs, plot, plat, map, diagram, photo, photographs, photography, rear, front, street, subject, comparable, sold, listed, active, pending, expired, cancelled, listing, mls, multiple listing service, claw, themls,


  1. Finally. He destroys everyone in his path. His mother is lethal. Little should be in jail. He almost killed me in a bathroom punching my head.

  2. Finally. He destroys everyone in his path. His mother is lethal. Little should be in jail. He almost killed me in a bathroom punching my head.

    1. His mother is an enabler. She supports his behavior. She even made an LLC knowing JJ is bad with money, books, taxes, business.....

  3. Hi Mary - I was involved in litigation in which Little was opposing counsel. Do you have any idea where Littles former partner Jim Tierney is? He was the one debarred for the art fraud scam.

  4. Flynn is a scumbag I have heard. Don't tell him beans


LA Art Show at Los Angeles Convention Center by Mary Cummins

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