Friday, August 18, 2017

Merritt Clifton, Merritt Robin Clifton, Washington, restraining order from his wife, Animals 24 7

Merritt Clifton, Merritt Robin Clifton, Animals 24 7, Beth Clifton, domestic violence, restraining order, divorce, island county, washington, 
I am posting legal court documents about Merritt Clifton, Merritt Robin Clifton which actually exist. These are not made up documents or non-existent documents unlike ones Merritt Clifton writes about. Merritt Clifton states he's a "real journalist." A real journalist would correct mistakes when notified and shown physical evidence.

Superior Court Case Summary

Merritt Robin Clifton
Date of Birth: September 18, 1953, Alameda, California

Court: Island County, Washington Clerk
Case Number: 06-3-00044-5
Sub   Docket Date   Docket Code Docket Description Misc Info
- 02-01-2006 FILING FEE RECEIVED Filing Fee Received 250.00
1 02-01-2006 CONFIDNTL REPORT IN SEALED ENVELOPE Confidntl Report In Sealed Envelope
2 02-01-2006 PETITION FOR DISSOLUTION Petition For Dissolution Of
3 02-01-2006 SUMMONS Summons
JDG0001 Temp Restraining Order
Judge Alan R. Hancock
5 02-06-2006 ACCEPTANCE OF SERVICE Acceptance Of Serv-merritt
Clifton, Summons, Petition, Etc
6 03-03-2006 PROPERTY SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT Separation & Property Settlement
7 03-06-2006 AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING Affidavit Of Mailing
8 04-18-2006 CERTIFICATE Certificates Of Completion Of Pet
& Resp
9 05-03-2006 REQUEST Request For Entry Of Decree & Dclr
Of Jurisdictional Facts
JDG0001 Parenting Plan (final Order)
Judge Alan R. Hancock
  Sent To Ose 5/12/06
11 05-03-2006 CHILD SUPPORT WORKSHEET Child Support Worksheet
Sent To Ose 5/12/06
  JDG0001 Judge Alan R. Hancock
12 05-03-2006 ORDER FOR SUPPORT
JDG0001 Order Of Child Support
Judge Alan R. Hancock
  Sent To Ose
13 05-03-2006 FINDINGS OF FACT&CONCLUSIONS OF LAW Findings Of Fact&conclusions Of Law
JDG0001 Decree Of Dissolution 271-266
Judge Alan R. Hancock
  Sent To Ose 05/12/06  
16 05-09-2006 AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING Affidavit Of Mailing

Here is a pdf of the legal court document.

Here are the other parties who are all adults.

 Case Number Judgment
Records Name File Date Participant Cause   Status 
1 06-3-00044-5 Clifton, Lydia Kimberly 02-01-06 PETITIONER  Dissolution with Children   Available
Docket Info
2 06-3-00044-5 Clifton, Merritt Robin 02-01-06 RESPONDENT  Dissolution with Children   Available
Docket Info
3 06-3-00044-5 Clifton, Wolf 02-01-06     Dissolution with Children   Available
Docket Info

You can find these documents here.

I didn't realize that Merritt Clifton was fired from Animal People News then the news part was shut down in 2013 due to funding. The funding problems were actually partially caused by Merritt. His ex wife who ran Animal People News Kim Rogers hired him in 1986. He eventually became the editor then was demoted as a writer only.

Merritt Clifton got married in 2014 to Beth Clifton. That is the same year he gave her half of the ownership of his house and started the non-profit Animals 24 7. There were Wikipedia pages for Merritt Clifton and Animals 24 7 which have been deleted as they were not deemed not worthy by Wikipedia editors.

I did not know the below about Merritt Clifton. I met him in 2006 after being introduced by Ed Boks. I'm shocked that he would ruin his 15 year marriage with a minor child for a fling. It's even worse as they were kind of in business together with Animal People though just as employees.

"In 2005 Merritt and Dana had a secret rendezvous at the beach in Southern California during a CHAMPS conference whilst Dana’s partner Rolando was in the hotel room suffering from a terminal illness. Shortly thereafter Merritt and his wife divorced . Email evidence provides information that Merritt’s relationship with Dana Costin was the instigator for the ending of Clifton’s 15 year marriage." Source:

Here is an email from his ex-wife saying she's firing and divorcing him.

Here is an email written by Merritt. Beth girl, run! His current wife is wife number three.

Here is an email from the wife.

I just realized if I copy and paste, the redaction is removed. I re redacted it. As I read these things I remember Merritt being a little too friendly in emails with me in 2006. This is when his wife and girlfriend both dumped him. Now I understand. FTR Merritt Clifton is the one who gave me all the dirt on Ed Boks, Edward Boks. Merritt had known him for years and he told me every horrible thing about him. Merritt is the one who told me that Best Friends had handlers stay with, walk around with Ed Boks at their conferences because there were so many complaints of sexual harassment.

From: ***
Subject: Re: Fwd: objective perspective from an veterinarian
To: "Romania Animal Rescue"
Date: Saturday, May 27, 2006, 1:42 PM
Merritt is just so pathetic. However, my pity is tempered by the fact that I had to refinance the
mortgage and give him $111,000 as his half interest in the equity of his place so that I could keep
the home for Wolf and the animals here, and also the ANIMAL PEOPLE office. The money he has
given to her has come out of the money from the house that was meant for our family. He did give
up everything for her, including the love and respect of his wife and son, and all rights of custody
for his only child, but **** and I have suffered grievously because of it, and now I have a quartermillion dollar mortgage to pay so that Merritt could start his new life and get a new home he
thought Dana would be sharing with him.

I have to ask what kind of a woman would allow a 52-year-old man to leave his home and family
and jeopardize his career when she doesn't even want him? Forget her animosity towards me,
because Merritt has paid the bigger price. Merritt is a fool, but Dana is wicked. Her behavior goes
beyond immaturity."

This blog goes into his donor fraud. He helped a group sell a fake story about kiddie porn, kidnapping, orphans, animals to get donations. And this guy is supposed to investigate fraud in other non-profits? I would not trust his current non-profit. I think he's living off of it because he can't get a job with his reputation of being repeatedly fired for his own bad behavior.

Seems Merritt Clifton's reputation has not changed. "(1976) Samizdat was  run by a Marxist radical out of Berkeley, Merritt Clifton, who had a notorious reputation for being blunt and insulting in his interactions with writers and other publishers. When I mentioned anal sex twice in different submissions, he wrote "Talk to you shrink about fucking women in the ass, not me."

If you've ever disagreed with Merritt, you'll get the same language and response. Merritt is not a people person. If he doesn't like you or your message, you will get an explosive aggressive email.

Merritt wrote and printed a journal called "Samisdat." He had other listed contributors and editors. He finally admits that "Robin Michelle Clifton" is a nom de plum when he explores his "feminine side." Here he admits he hadn't had sex when he was 20 years old. During the wild, crazy, hippy Berkeley years? In this essay he discusses his sexual identity and thoughts on "mating." He writes "It says a lot about male confusion and insecurity that I subconsciously equated female social equality with nuclear war, even as I consciously and editorially embraced the idea (to the point of adopting the pseudonym Robin Michelle Clifton for editorial essays.)" Sounds like Merritt has "issues." His essays sound like his personal journal entries. He likes to write and read about himself?

Merritt goes on to say that he "prevented a potentially deadly gangfight in Berkeley, 1969, by allowing one of the leaders of the opposing gang to hit me, repeatedly, for over an hour, neither flinching nor taking my hands out of my pockets." He states "my opponent eventually ran away in tears, his gang melting into the night behind him in confused silence." I highly doubt that happened. Acid?

He states he's actually an "ecologist and environmental journalist by profession." It sounds like maybe he got out of going to war by moving to Quebec, Canada. He said circulation never topped 300. It was basically a personal project. When he finally got paid work he quit.

Seems Merritt Clifton told people he was a "Nixon staffer." People nicknamed him "Meritorious Clifton." Fitting. Seems Merritt loves to put down other people and their work. Based on the nasty things he told me about other people he's also a major negative gossip.

Seems most other writers hate him. "And Merritt (aka Robin Michelle) Clifton of Samisdat, as I suspected, is a real nut: a bearded, skinny freak spoiling for a fight."

Merritt Clifton and his second wife wrote for "Animal's Agenda." They were married January 26, 1990 at Cowansville, Quebec, Canada. "In 1992 the board of directors replaced Merritt Clifton, news editor since 1988. His wife, Kim Bartlett, editor since 1986, resigned. The board explained the shift due to declining circulation of the magazine and a feeling that it had become too much the vehicle of one couple's opinions. The board also felt there were problems from housing of thirty-three feral and stray cats in the office that were present at the time of the board meeting."

And this is why Merritt Clifton is pro TNR, because of his love of cats. It's odd that there are tons of independent research which shows TNR only works in a small vacuum yet he denies the research. He relies on a few anecdotal observations by cat rescuers. TNR is supposed to reduce a cat population to zero within seven years. The populations keep increasing. I am not pro killing cats. I practice trap, neuter and rehome indoors. I fully support spay and neuter. I just am willing to state that TNR will not reduce cat populations. I see these feral colonies all the time as I'm brought there by wildlife complaints.

On the pitbull issue he uses independent research and statistics and agrees with it. Then he calls out others for not agreeing with the research, statistics, reports by ER pediatrician doctors... While I've fostered and adopted out a pit before, I would rescue a different breed in the future. Many different breeds will die in the shelter. I would choose a safer breed.  I've seen too many horrible tragedies in person. It's just not worth the risk. I am not pro killing pitbulls. I know that not all pitbulls will cause tragedies. Unfortunately it's impossible to know which ones will under what circumstances. Better safe than sorry.

When I first met Merritt in an email exchange online in 2006 he confused LA Animal Services and Los Angeles County Animal Care and Control. They are two different very large shelters. I helped him get some shelter statistics for Southern California. He didn't realize Los Angeles City is an incorporated city. Los Angeles County is the physical county which includes all incorporated and unincorporated cities. The county does animal control for all unincorporated cities and a few incorporated ones by contract. Anyone who does not live in LA and is active in the local animal community would get those numbers confused. 

Merritt Clifton used to research non-profits and report about them. Since he started a non-profit in 2014 I decided to take a look. He used to point out the salaries in the budget thinking everyone should be a volunteer. He and his wife both take a salary and get other benefits. I looked at their 990's. They don't include the ad revenue on the website in their 990's. I wonder if Merritt is keeping that ad revenue for himself. The site is owned by the non-profit so the non-profit should get the money. Their 990's are here. EIN is 46-4933994. 

Here is Merritt Clifton's 990 for 2015. They took in $167K then spent $87K on salaries. Merritt took $35,000 in salary and benefits. 

990 for 2014

In 2016 Merritt Clifton gave himself $42K in salary and benefits. Beth Clifton gave herself the same amount. Most of the money is going toward salaries. It's also spent on electronics. How would one know what money is being paid on his personal computer or the non-profit one. He didn't include a list of assets. 

Merritt Clifton posted his home address on his website. I see the home selling in 2006 the year of his divorce. I just checked court records. He owns it with Beth. It was merely a transfer from his ex-wife.

2260 N Bluff Rd, Greenbank, Washington 98253. It's a trailer home which Merritt Clifton and Lydia Kim Rogers bought in 1996.

Merritt Clifton posts his bank account and bank routing number online on his website asking people to wire him money. I redacted the numbers.

"The ANIMALS 24-7 wire transfer instructions are:

ANIMALS 24-7 c/o Peoples Bank,  107 South Main St.,  Suite C101,  Coupeville, WA  98239;  360-678-3215.

Routing number:  ******

Account number:  ******"

Merritt Clifton likes to make pictures of the people he writes about. Here's one I just made. 

Merritt Clifton, Merritt Robin Clifton, Animals 24 7, Beth Clifton, domestic violence, restraining order, divorce, island county, washington, defamation, ein 46-4933994,, 2260 N Bluff Rd, Greenbank, Washington 98253

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, real estate, appraiser, appraisal, instructor, teacher, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Pasadena, Brentwood, Bel Air, California, licensed, permitted, single family, condo, pud, hud, fannie mae, freddie mac, uspap, certified, residential, certified resident, apartment building, multi-family, commercial, industrial, expert witness, civil, criminal, orea, dre, insurance, bonded, experienced, bilingual, spanish, english, form, 1004, 2055, land, raw, acreage, vacant, insurance, cost, income approach, market analysis, comparative, theory, appraisal theory, cost approach, sales, matched pairs, plot, plat, map, diagram, photo, photographs, photography, rear, front, street, subject, comparable, sold, listed, active, pending, expired, cancelled, listing, mls, multiple listing service, claw, themls,

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