Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Who is Megan Sloan, Megan Nicole Sloan Oklahoma teacher arrested for drugs, needles? Birth date, history

Megan Sloan, Megan Nicole Sloan, Creek County, Oklahoma teacher arrested for methamphetamine, xanax, needles, stealing school property, endangering children, holmes park elementary school, sapulpa

Megan Sloan, Megan Nicole Sloan was born June 28, 1989. She was arrested May 1, 2017 at Holmes Park Elementary school where she works at 1231 E Dewey, Sapulpa, Oklahoma. The below is redacted. I removed her social security number and home address. She started working at that school July 2014.

She met her current boyfriend Clyde Brumley in January 2016. She started stealing and selling school items in February. Clyde Brumley has a criminal background since at least 2014. He's a welder. He's probably still in jail.

February 19, 2017 Clyde Edwin Brumley, 27, of Sapulpa, was arrested in the 200 block of State Highway 97 on a complaint of a warrant. He has a history of drug possession. ID: 150374621
Names / Aliases:
Clyde Edwin Brumley
ODOC#: 756036
Birth Date: 2/10/1990
Race: White
Gender: Male;
Height: 5′ 10″ (1.78 m)
Weight: 189 lb (86 kg)
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green
Scars / Marks / Tattoos: N/A
CRF# County Offense Conviction Term Term Code Start End
2016-3536 TULS Poss Of Controlled Substance 2 Y CSD Suspended 01/19/2017 01/18/2019
Facility Information:
Current Facility Phone# Reception Date Discharge Date Parole Hearing Date Address City State Zip Contact
Northeast District Office, Muskogee (918) 680-6600 01/27/2017 3031 N. 32nd St. Muskogee OK 74401 Teresa Mccoin, District Supervison

Clyde E Brumley, boyfriend of Megan Sloan.
June 2016 he was charged with larceny. Here is the bad influence.

Larceny From Retailer (Lmfr) Larceny - Merchandise - Retailer Hold/Creek County Poss Cd Sched I Ii 1st Offense

Clyde Edwin Brumley, boyfriend of Megan Sloan.
He also has traffic violations.
BOOKED: December 6, 2016
RACE: White
AGE: 26
possession of controlled drug (CF-16-3536). COURT: 12/07/2016. BOND TYPE: Surety Bond. BOND AMOUNT: $7,500.00
larceny from retailer (larceny of merchandise from a retailer) (CF-16-3536). COURT: 12/07/2016. BOND TYPE: Surety Bond. BOND AMOUNT: $3,000.00

2015 he was arrested again.
Description: DEFECTIVE VEHICLE (M) {UCR: } View Charge
Description: FALSE PRET OR BOGUS CHECK OVER $50 OR CO Bondamount: 25000
Description: POSS OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE Bondamount: 25000 View Charge


Below is the case against Megan Sloan

IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF CREEK COUNTY  STATE OF OKLAHOMA   STATE OF OKLAHOMA          )   Plaintiff, )     )   vs. )      Case No.     )   SLOAN, MEGAN NICOLE         )   Defendant.


Comes now the undersigned Affiant, and states upon Oath or Affirmation that the following information and facts are correct to the best of the Affiant's knowledge and belief. The undersigned believes that probable cause exists for the detention of the below named ARRESTEE for the below listed crimes committed on the below listed date, in the City of Sapulpa, CREEK COUNTY, Oklahoma.

SSN *******
DOB 06/28/1989  
Sex Female
Race White
Hair Blond or Strawberry
Eye Blue  Ethnicity Not Hispanic Origin
Build Medium Build
HGT 5  Ft.    7  In.
WGT 135  lbs.
Address ******* City Sapulpa State Oklahoma    74066
Date Of Arrest 05/01/2017        
Time Of Arrest   13:15
Arrest Location 1231 E. Dewey
Arrest City Sapulpa
Offense Location 1231 E. Dewey Offense City Sapulpa


1. 63 O.S. § 2­402(C)(1)  •  Possession or purchasing CDS within 1000 feet of public or private educational institution, public or park recreation area or in presence of child under 12, Schedule I or II (except marijuana and subsection D of 63 O. S. 2­206), first offense.

2. 63 O.S. § 2­402(C)(1)  •  Possession or purchasing CDS within 1000 feet of public or private educational institution, public or park recreation area or in presence of child under 12, Schedule I or II (except marijuana and subsection D of 63 O. S. 2­206), first offense.

3. 63 O.S. § 2­402(C)(1)  •  Possession or purchasing CDS within 1000 feet of public or private educational institution, public or park recreation area or in presence of child under 12, Schedule I or II (except marijuana and subsection D of 63 O. S. 2­206), first offense.

4. 21 O.S. § 1451(A)(3)  •  Embezzlement: fraudulently appropriates any property to any use not intented or authorized by the owner where the property is possessed or controlled for the use of another person

5. 63 O.S. § 2­405(B)  •  Uses or possesses drug paraphernalia to plant, progagate, cultivate, grow etc to introduce into the human bady a controlled dangerous substance except the licensed person in the professions of podiatry, dentistry, medicine etc

Affidavit of Officer.

1. I, Philip Diehl (Affiant) am a certified police officer employed by the City of Sapulpa and assigned to the Patrol Division. I have been a police officer for 16 years and am currently assigned as the School Resource Officer for Sapulpa Public Schools.

2. On Monday, May 1st, 2017 at around 11:38 a.m. I received a telephone call from Sapulpa School's Assistant Superintendent, Johnny Bilby. Bilby asked if I could come to Holmes Park Elementary. He said a teacher, Megan Sloan (defendant) had left her Facebook account open on another teachers computer. He said the second teacher could see a conversation in which the defendant was talking about using and selling heroin as well as pawning items which belonged to the school.

3. When I arrived at Holmes Park, Deputy Chief of Police Pete Sellers and Detective Mark Swafford were already on scene. Swafford was looking at the school computer that contained the conversation. Bilby and Holmes Park Principal, Kathryn Stufflebeam were also present. Stufflebeam and Bilby went to Stufflebeam's office to interview the defendant. Swafford asked that I accompany them.

4. Inside Stufflebeam's office I listened as Bilby interviewed the defendant. During the interview with her employer she stated that her purse was inside her classroom and said she believed it may contain two "Xanax footballs". The defendant also admitted to Bilby that she had pawned two "I­Pad" computers belonging to the school. She also said she had taken money she had obtained from students for a field trip, and used it to buy gas and drugs.

5. Stufflebeam left the office to retrieve the defendant's purse from her classroom. I followed Stufflebeam but did not go into the defendant's class with her. Instead I waited in an adjacent empty classroom to avoid being a distraction to the children. Stufflebeam brought the defendant's purse into the classroom where I was waiting and sat it on a table. There was a large pink bag on top of the open purse. Stufflebeam lifted the bag and multiple syringes, some with exposed needles, spilled from it into the open purse. I instructed Stufflebeam not to reach into or search the purse further. I could see that one of the syringes contained a dark brown part liquid substance that I believed to be heroin.

6. I took the purse back to the principal's office. I asked the defendant to accompany me outside to my patrol car and she complied. Once out of view of the school I placed the defendant under arrest.

7. Upon arrival at the police station detective Swafford and I interviewed Sloan. Swafford read the defendant a Miranda warning and asked her to read along. The defendant said she understood her rights, signed a waiver, and agreed to talk to us.

8. During the interview Sloan confirmed that the substance inside the syringes was heroine. She also said that she had pawned two "I­Pad" computers without permission. She said she took them to a pawn shop in Broken Arrow Oklahoma which she said was possibly called "B.A. Gold and Pawn". Detective Amy Nichols later contacted the pawn shop and verified that Sloan had in fact pawned two I­Pads in February of 2017. The defendant also said she had taken about $125.00 (cash) "field trip money" from her class.

9. Detective Swafford began an inventory of the defendants purse while I began booking her into the city jail. I later learned that Swafford had located 0.4 grams of a substance which filed tested positive for methamphetamine, 0.2 grams of a substance which filed tested positive for Heroin (Swafford described as black tar) and a sublingual film identified as Suboxone 8mg/2mg a controlled substance.  Swafford also located multiple empty and loaded syringes some with exposed needles, multiple small empty plastic baggies, multiple small broken and empty balloons commonly used to store narcotics, and two bent metal spooks with burn marks. After the contraband was removed the purse and all contents were placed into the defendant's jail property.

10. A check of the defendant's criminal history revealed no previous criminal history.

11. Further your Affiant sayeth not.

AFCF: No   / Yes        Times (1)     (2)     or    Upon oath, I declare that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Officer's Name DIEHL, PHILIP 32 Badge No. 32                                                                                                            (Signature of Affiant) Subscribed and sworn before me this   05/01/2017

Her Facebook page. She must still be in jail unable to pay the $41,000 bail.

It appears she may have two little kids of her own.

Megan Sloan, Megan Nicole Sloan, Creek County, Oklahoma teacher arrested for methamphetamine, xanax, needles, stealing school property, endangering children, holmes park elementary school, sapulpa

Megan Sloan, Megan Nicole Sloan, Creek County, Oklahoma teacher arrested for methamphetamine, xanax, needles, stealing school property, endangering children, holmes park elementary school, sapulpa

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and GameMary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

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