Thursday, March 2, 2017

Who is Sherri Haughton who neglected her dog Henry. Sherri Yvonne Shaw, birth date, employer

Sherry Haughton, Sherry Yvonne Haughton, dog, Henry, animal cruelty abuse neglect Irvine California mugshot arrested tumor
UPDATE: Haughton pled guilty. Final court record is below.

From the LA Times, "The former owner of a golden retriever named Henry, who last year was left at a Newport Beach animal hospital while stricken with a 42-pound malignant tumor, was sentenced Thursday to three years’ informal probation.

Sherri Haughton, 53, of Irvine also was sentenced to 56 hours of community service and ordered to pay $7,346 in restitution to the Newport Beach Police Department’s Animal Services and the Pick A Pet Foundation for Henry’s veterinary care.

In addition, she was ordered to attend a 16-week animal neglect prevention program and prohibited from owning, caring for or living with an animal, according to the Orange County district attorney’s office.

Haughton was sentenced immediately after pleading guilty Thursday in Orange County Superior Court to one count of failing to care for an animal and a count of animal abandonment, both misdemeanors. Two other misdemeanor charges were dismissed, according to court records.

Haughton spent about three days in jail in March in connection with the case after she didn’t appear for an arraignment, court and jail records show.

Newport Beach animal-control officers launched an investigation into Henry's situation last year after Haughton took him to an animal hospital with the massive tumor on his right side. The growth nearly doubled his body weight and impeded his ability to walk.

According to investigators, when Haughton got to the hospital with Henry on May 12, 2016, she told employees she had found the dog on the beach.

Animal control staff took custody of Henry and he received thousands of dollars’ worth of veterinary care, which was paid for by donations.

Officials said the tumor started small but when left untreated grew to a size that made immediate treatment necessary to save Henry’s life.

The tumor was removed in June 2016, but Henry was still plagued with medical issues. He died this year at age 8 while living with a foster family.

“Henry seemed to make the most out of the weeks he had left,” said Valerie Schomburg, a Newport Beach animal-control supervisor. “He became a local celebrity as the media picked up his story. Soon he had fans all over the country and beyond.”

“No animal should be abandoned by its owner when they are suffering. Henry was thrown out by [Haughton], but one person’s trash is another person’s treasure. Henry will always be my treasure and he will never be forgotten,” Schomburg said."

Court record as of today 10/27/17

1005/12/2016597(b) PCMCruelty to animalsNOT GUILTY07/28/2017Dismissed10/26/2017
2005/12/2016597s(a) PCMAbandon domestic dog or catGUILTY10/26/2017Pled Guilty10/26/2017
3005/12/2016597.1(a)(1) PCMFailure to care for animalsGUILTY10/26/2017Pled Guilty10/26/2017
4005/12/201610.12.010 NBMCMFalse report to police/animal control officerNOT GUILTY07/28/2017Dismissed10/26/2017

2,310/26/20173 years Probation
2,310/26/20172 days Jail
2,310/26/201756 hours Community Service

State Institutions 
No institution records found for this case

One probation found.1
Sent Seq #TypeTermEnd DateStatus
1INFORMAL3 years10/25/2020
StatusStatus DateEnd Date

Pretrial continued to 10/26/17

10/26/2017 08:30 AM Pre Trial - H1

Heard Hearings
12 hearings found, displaying all hearings.1
Date Time Hearing Type - Reason Courtroom Hearing Status
01/13/2017 08:30 AM Arraignment - H7 Heard
03/03/2017 10:00 AM Arraignment In Custody CJ1 Cancel
03/30/2017 08:30 AM Arraignment - H7 Cancel
03/30/2017 08:30 AM Arraignment - H8 Heard
05/05/2017 08:30 AM Arraignment - H8 Heard
06/08/2017 09:00 AM Chambers Work - H8 Heard
06/09/2017 08:30 AM Arraignment - H1 Cancel
06/09/2017 08:30 AM Arraignment - H8 Heard
07/28/2017 08:30 AM Arraignment - H8 Heard
07/28/2017 09:00 AM Chambers Work - H8 Heard
09/14/2017 08:30 AM Pre Trial - H8 Cancel
09/14/2017 08:30 AM Pre Trial - H1 Heard

She was arraigned and plead not guilty. A pre-trial hearing was scheduled for 0914/2017 which was cancelled. The case is still open. I'm sure the preliminary trial will be rescheduled. The prelim is where the prosecuting attorney shows to the court that there is enough evidence to proceed to trial. I personally believe there is enough evidence. We'll see what the Judge says.

1 0 05/12/2016 597(b) PC M Cruelty to animals NOT GUILTY 07/28/2017
2 0 05/12/2016 597s(a) PC M Abandon domestic dog or cat NOT GUILTY 07/28/2017
3 0 05/12/2016 597.1(a)(1) PC M Failure to care for animals NOT GUILTY 07/28/2017
4 0 05/12/2016 10.12.010 NBMC M False report to police/animal control officer NOT GUILTY 07/28/2017

07/28/2017 09:00 AM Chambers Work - H8 Heard
09/14/2017 08:30 AM Pre Trial - H8 Cancel

UPDATE: Arraignment postponed again. 07/28/2017 08:30 AM Arraignment - H8

UPDATE: Arraignment postponed again. 06/09/2017 08:30 AM Arraignment - H1

Case Number: 16HF1750
Printable Version
OC Pay Number: 9025636
Originating Court: Harbor - Newport Beach Facility

Defendant: Haughton, Sherri Yvonne
Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown
One name found.1
Last Name First Name Middle Name Type
Haughton Sherri Yvonne Real Name

01/13/2017 08:30 AM Arraignment - H7 Heard
03/03/2017 10:00 AM Arraignment In Custody CJ1 Cancel
03/30/2017 08:30 AM Arraignment - H7 Cancel
03/30/2017 08:30 AM Arraignment - H8 Heard
05/05/2017 08:30 AM Arraignment - H8 Heard

03/31/3017 Arraignment 05/05/2017 08:30 AM Arraignment - H8.

You can search the orange county court records here. Use the case number above.

Sherri was arrested 03/01 and released 03/02. She is a delivery driver. She posted a bond. Her arraignment is 03/30/2017 08:30 AM Arraignment - H7. She posted bond. 03/03/2017 $10,000.00 Bail Hotline Bail Bonds Financial Casualty & Surety Inc

Results for booking number: 2983368
Date of Birth: 06-04-1964 Next Appearance Date:
Sex: Female Next Appearance Court:
Race: Black Custody Status: Released
Height: 5' 02" Bail Amount: $0.00
Weight: 140 Arrested on: 03-01-2017
Hair Color: Brown Housing Location: Central Womens Jail
Eye Color:  Brown Release Type: Bond Posted
Occupation: DEL DRIVER Release Date: 03-02-2017 18:58:00

0303/2017 Today was supposed to be her arraignment.It was cancelled.
03/03/2017 10:00 AM Arraignment In Custody CJ1 Cancel
It states she's still in custody, no bail. An OC reporter stated she is in the "central jail complex in Santa Ana, where records show she was being held in lieu of $10,000 bail."

4 0 05/12/2016 10.12.010 NBMC M False report to police/animal control officer
2 0 05/12/2016 597s(a) PC M Abandon domestic dog or cat
3 0 05/12/2016 597.1(a)(1) PC M Failure to care for animals
1 0 05/12/2016 597(b) PC M Cruelty to animals

Co Defendants
No co-defendants found for this case

2 professionals found, displaying all professionals.1
Role Badge Name
District Attorney Malone, Jennifer
Retained Attorney Kim, Christian

Sherri Haughton, Sherri Yvonne Haughton was born June 4, 1964. She also goes by the name Sherri Shaw, Sherri Manon, Sherri L Severs and Sherri Lynn Haughton. She's lived in Beverly Hills, Irvine, California, Georgia, Iowa, Minnesota and Ohio. She worked for Elite Companies International. She sometimes uses birth date June 11, 1965 and June 1, 1965. William Keith Shaw was her brother 1962-2002. Dorothy is her 78 year old mother.

Her real name is Sherri Yvonne Shaw born June 4, 1964 in Youngstown, Ohio to Dorothy L Rogers Shaw and Eugene Melvin Shaw deceased. She married Leslie Haughton in 1990 in Florida. They divorced in 1994 in Ohio. The husband filed for divorce for "gross neglect of duty." They had one child. Obviously this shows a pattern of neglect. I hope the husband has the child. She states she currently has a son Christian born July 1, 2000. He's almost an adult but I worry about him.

She had a page on Facebook as Sherri Haughton.
Sherry Haughton, Sherry Yvonne Haughton, dog, Henry, animal cruelty abuse neglect Irvine California mugshot arrested tumor
Here is her Facebook.

Vindy page

Her Disqus page

Here she is trash talking and lying.

"beverlyhillsmom90210  Gordana Duic  4 years ago
No one is jealous of that trash! I look way better than she does and I have four children, live a lavish life in Beverly Hills and did not have to trick a man in to marrying me by getting pregnant! TRASH, TRASH, TRASH!!!!"

She can buy expensive Chanel handbags but can't pay for vet care for her dog.

"I just recently purchased my first Chanel Classic Flap Maxi in Lambskin and silver hardware and was very afraid to wear it until yesterday. I just wanted to protect from the world! I really want to purchase another Chanel this month, but I am not sure which one I should get. I love the GST in beige, but am unsure if I should get it in Caviar or Lambskin. Any suggestions?"

Here she is on TMZ saying she has four kids and lots of money.

"beverlyhillsmom90210 • 8 years ago
Some of you people need to get a life! First of all, its is always about the kids. They have eight children to love, feed and cloth. How many of you have eight children? It is stressful having just four and not to mention the fact that Jon is so childish and immature. Kate has drive and determination, to make sure that her children are taken care of. Jon just want to cheat and try to recapture his life from when he was in his twenties! He always talked about it. YOU CAN NOT GO BACK YOU DUMB FREAK!!! You should be happy that Kate stood up and took control of the situation. She has attitude and she tells Jon about his self, as she should. He has a lot to learn and his children will not for get that he cheated on their mother. They will find out from the children at their school. I appreciate Kate and hope that she finds a man that is not a CHEATER! Their is some one out there for Kate and she deserves a great man! Jon did not want the cameras following him around because he is a cheater.

He got caught with the TRAMP driving his car! She is a school teacher?!? What the HELL is she thinking about? Now the kids at her school will ask her questions about why she is a HOME WRECKER!!!! HOME WRECKER!!! TRAMP!!!

Take care of your business Kate, you look great for having eight children and you know what you need to do to make sure that they have a secure life. Don't let Jon take the money that you have earned for your family and spend it on that TRAMP! Fight long and hard!!! I know it is all about the children. Go on vacation and have a great time. You did not know that you married a CHEATER and life goes on. I bet his dad was a CHEATER! I know that his dad is not living anymore, but you learn by example. Did his dad leave him and his mom when he was a child? I bet he did. It just angers me so much that this so called man would do this to his family. How do you just leave eight children and a strong willed wife for a TRAMP?!? His loss! Don't be mad because Kate had to try and teach you how to be a good, responsible father, somebody had to do it. To bad that it did not work. Now you will learn your lesson the hard way, your children will NEVER forget what you have done. No matter what these idiots are saying about Kate, Jon is the real MONSTER here. You have chosen a TRAMP OVER THOSE EIGHT BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN. YOU ARE A HUGE 32 YEAR OLD WANT TO BE BACK IN MY TWENTIES BALDING FAT JOKE!!! You will have a horrible life, especially when your TRAMP leaves you for a younger, attractive man. You are so WRONG! Mothers who have children in this teachers class, you better watch your husbands, she is truly a serious HOME WRECKER!!! If she will cheat with a so called man that has eight children, your one or two mean absolutely nothing to her, and she will CHEAT on Jon. Thats called KARMA!!!

Kate I know that you will be successful in all of your future endeavors. It is always about the children, too bad all the parents don't know that. You are fabulous!!! Eight children later and you look fantastic! Way better than that TRAMP! Keep up the good work and who cares if you had a boob job! What does that have to do with any thing? People are absolutely crazy! Give me a break! They are just jealous. You are fabulous!!! You have done a 180* as far as your looks and you did a great job. You had eight children and you look like you are in your twenties! Jon has lost his mind! Too bad for him.

I know that you need lots of finances to take care of eight children, I have four and they are expensive. They want this and that and want to do this and that. Luckily we can afford to do what ever we want to and the kids are well taken care of, just as yours are. Having a wonderful home for them to grow up in is something that you have to work hard for, you have done that and more. Take care of your self and I know that the children are number one on your list. I hope that you find the peace that you so desperately need for yourself and your children. Brighter skies are just over the horizon.

Take Care!

Beverly Hills Mom 90210 Of Four"

"About: Mother of 4, business owner, yoga lover and shopping fanatic!
Why I've Joined Reboot with Joe: Having a hard time losing weight after gaining when my back started bothering me. I have herniated disks and can't hike or do strenuous exercise any more with my friends. I have started doing hot yoga and love it, I plan on joining a barre class in the near future and want to start walking three times a day. I hope that I find the support that I need to stick with only juicing for 60 days or longer and then to juice for breakfast, snacks and lunch and have a plant based dinner. WOW!! I know that it is possible and I will do it!
Favorite Juice? toxin flush at Nekter Juice bar
Food temptation? sweets"

Here are home designs she likes, expensive tastes in Newport. She seems to be a shopaholic.

Here is her Twitter page. She's clearly crazy probably making up the bit about finding a celebs cell phone next to her house in BH. She was renting or staying at a multi-family bldg on Clark St in BH which is in the cheapest part of town.

Sherry Haughton, Sherry Yvonne Haughton, dog, Henry, animal cruelty abuse neglect Irvine California mugshot arrested tumor

Sherry Haughton, Sherry Yvonne Haughton, dog, Henry, animal cruelty abuse neglect Irvine California mugshot arrested tumor

Here is the case information from Orange County Superior Court. It's listed as a misdemeanor.

Haughton                  Sherri                  Yvonne                  Defendant                  16HF1750                  Misdemeanor                  Dec 14, 2016

Case Number: 16HF1750
Printable Version
OC Pay Number: 9025636
Originating Court: Harbor - Newport Beach Facility

Defendant: Haughton, Sherri Yvonne

Case Status: Warrant
Case Stage: - Release Status: In Custody DMV Hold: N
Charging Document: Complaint Mandatory Appearance: Y Amendment #: 0

Here are the charges.

Seq S/A Violation Date Section Statute OL Violation Plea Plea Date Disposition Dispo Date
4 0 05/12/2016 10.12.010 NBMC M False report to police/animal control officer
2 0 05/12/2016 597s(a) PC M Abandon domestic dog or cat
3 0 05/12/2016 597.1(a)(1) PC M Failure to care for animals
1 0 05/12/2016 597(b) PC M Cruelty to animals

Case is being handled by District Attorney Malone, Jennifer

She missed her January arraignment which has been rescheduled for tomorrow
03/03/2017 10:00 AM Arraignment In Custody CJ1

Heard Hearings
One hearing found.1
Date Time Hearing Type - Reason Courtroom Hearing Status
01/13/2017 08:30 AM Arraignment - H7 Heard

She owes money to Capital One. 10/23/2006 JUDGMENT ENTERED AS A FINAL DISPOSITION ON 10/23/06 .
. PRINCIPAL $ 1226.56 . ATTORNEY FEES $ 0.00 .
INTEREST $ 0.00 . COSTS $ 218.00 . TOTAL $ 1,444.56 .

Case Number:  06CB0183

Court:   Chatsworth Courthouse
Original Case Number:   06C00183
Original Court:   Beverly Hills Courthouse

Filing Date:  02/02/2006
Case Type:  COLLECTIONS (Limited Jurisdiction)
Status:  Unknown disposition

Future Hearings

History Information


Attorney:   None

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, real estate, appraiser, appraisal, instructor, teacher, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Pasadena, Brentwood, Bel Air, California, licensed, permitted, single family, condo, pud, hud, fannie mae, freddie mac, uspap, certified, residential, certified resident, apartment building, multi-family, commercial, industrial, expert witness, civil, criminal, orea, dre, insurance, bonded, experienced, bilingual, spanish, english, form, 1004, 2055, land, raw, acreage, vacant, insurance, cost, income approach, market analysis, comparative, theory, appraisal theory, cost approach, sales, matched pairs, plot, plat, map, diagram, photo, photographs, photography, rear, front, street, subject, comparable, sold, listed, active, pending, expired, cancelled, listing, mls, multiple listing service, claw, themls,


  1. You're doing a great job of keeping on top of things. I haven't heard a word in the news, no new updates. I was happy to find that you've been investigating. What is up with her arraignments getting postponed? I'd love to find out what happens next!!

    1. Arraingment postponed to 07/28/2017 08:30 AM Arraignment - H8


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