Saturday, February 4, 2017

Earl Roger Curry, wife Mary Jo and son Kevin Curry - Story of money, evil, deceit

Earl Roger Curry, Roger Curry, Kevin Curry, Mary Curry, money, england, whittier california
This is a breaking story. Check back for updates.

UPDATE: 04/29/2019 From the conservator filings. Probate is normal for conservatorships. He is alive.

Case Information | Register Of Actions | FUTURE HEARINGS | PARTY INFORMATION | Documents Filed | Proceedings Held

05/22/2019 at 8:30 AM in Probate Department 5 at 111 North Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012
Order to Show Cause Hearing

09/11/2020 at 8:30 AM in Probate Department 5 at 111 North Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012
Order to Show Cause Hearing

Case Information | Register Of Actions | FUTURE HEARINGS | PARTY INFORMATION | Documents Filed | Proceedings Held

CURRY EARL R. - Subject

CURRY MARY - Petitioner




SIAS WILLIAM CARL - Attorney for Petitioner for Petitioner

TAFOYA LORRAINE - PVP Attorney for Subject

Case Information | Register Of Actions | FUTURE HEARINGS | PARTY INFORMATION | Documents Filed | Proceedings Held

Documents Filed (Filing dates listed in descending order)
Click on any of the below link(s) to see Register of Action Items on or before the date indicated:
07/21/2017   09/20/2016 

03/14/2019 Proof - Mailing (Court Investigation Report )
Filed by Court

03/14/2019 Report - Court Investigator

03/14/2019 Minute Order

12/14/2018 Minute Order

10/05/2018 Minute Order

08/13/2018 Order (Order Approving First Account Current )
Filed by Petitioner

07/06/2018 Petition Granted

07/06/2018 Minute Order

07/02/2018 Report - Court Appointed Counsel
Filed by Subject

05/25/2018 Minute Order

05/04/2018 Minute Order

05/03/2018 Notice - Hearing
Filed by Petitioner

05/02/2018 Notice - Filing Inventory/Appraisal & How to Object
Filed by Petitioner

05/01/2018 Inventory & Appraisal
Filed by Petitioner

04/27/2018 Report (No Fee) (Status Report. )
Filed by Petitioner

04/19/2018 Accounting - Conservatorship/Guardianship (1st account current )
Filed by Petitioner

04/18/2018 Miscellaneous Document (Fee Waiver (Tally Sheet) $ 973.00 Applicant: Public Guardian )
Filed by Court

02/02/2018 Miscellaneous Document (Los Angeles County Lettergram )
Filed by Petitioner

02/01/2018 Minute Order

02/01/2018 Report - Court Appointed Counsel (Brief )
Filed by PVP Attorney

12/27/2017 Notice - Hearing
Filed by Petitioner

12/01/2017 Minute Order

09/29/2017 Minute Order

09/15/2017 Minute Order

Click on any of the below link(s) to see Register of Action Items on or before the date indicated:
TOP   07/21/2017   09/20/2016 

07/21/2017 Minute Order

07/13/2017 Conservatorship Care Plan/Determination
Filed by Petitioner

07/07/2017 Minute Order

07/05/2017 Report - Court Appointed Counsel (Re: Request for Continuance of the Status Hearing )
Filed by PVP Attorney

06/28/2017 Notice - Conservatee's Rights
Filed by Petitioner

06/27/2017 Notification - Cons/Guard Address

06/27/2017 Letters (Initial)
Filed by Petitioner

06/23/2017 Request (for Copies )
Filed by Petitioner


05/31/2017 Nunc Pro Tunc Minute Order

04/14/2017 DISP: Granted-Initial Petition-After Crt Hrg/Trial

04/14/2017 Disqualified From Voting

04/14/2017 Minute Order

04/13/2017 Doctor's Capacity Declaration
Filed by Petitioner

04/11/2017 Report - Court Appointed Counsel (3rd )
Filed by Subject

02/17/2017 Notification - Cons/Guard Address

02/17/2017 Letters - Temporary (Extended Letters )
Filed by Petitioner

02/17/2017 Declaration (of Urgency )
Filed by Petitioner

02/17/2017 Order - Extending Temporary Letters

02/10/2017 Proof of Service (Via Mail/Parties Served: Kevin And Mary Curry )
Filed by Petitioner

02/07/2017 Notice (of Order Extending Temporary Letters of Conservatorship )
Filed by Petitioner

01/13/2017 Minute Order

11/28/2016 Notification - Cons/Guard Address

11/28/2016 Letters - Temporary (Extended )
Filed by Petitioner

11/22/2016 Order - Extending Temporary Letters (of Conservatorship )

10/26/2016 Substitution of Attorney
Filed by Petitioner

09/22/2016 Minute Order

Click on any of the below link(s) to see Register of Action Items on or before the date indicated:
TOP   07/21/2017   09/20/2016 

09/20/2016 Report - Court Appointed Counsel (Re Petition for Conservatorship of the Person and Estate of Earl R. Curry )
Filed by Subject

09/09/2016 Letters - Temporary
Filed by Petitioner

09/09/2016 Notification - Cons/Guard Address

09/08/2016 Order - Appointing Conservator
Filed by Petitioner

08/30/2016 Notice - Hearing (Pet for Appt of Probate Consor )
Filed by Petitioner

08/25/2016 Minute Order

08/22/2016 Report - Court Appointed Counsel
Filed by Subject

08/18/2016 Citation
Filed by Petitioner

08/18/2016 Notice - Hearing (Pet for Appt of Temp Consor )
Filed by Petitioner

08/17/2016 Order - Appointing Counsel
Filed by PVP Attorney

08/09/2016 Doctor's Capacity Declaration
Filed by Petitioner

08/09/2016 Notice - Hearing
Filed by Petitioner

08/09/2016 Notice - Hearing (August 25, 2016 - Petition for Appointment of Temporary Conservator )
Filed by Petitioner

08/05/2016 Cover Sheet - Initial (PRO 010)

08/05/2016 Notification - Cons/Guard Address

08/05/2016 Confidential Supplemental Info Sheet
Filed by Petitioner

08/05/2016 Petition - Appoint Conservator of P&E (Initial)
Filed by Petitioner

08/05/2016 Petition - Appoint a Temporary Conservator (Subsequent)
Filed by Petitioner

November 7, 2015 Kevin Curry, his father Earl Roger Curry who suffered from dementia and mother Mary Curry landed in England. The son Kevin would end up dumping his father Roger Curry at a bus bench according to this article. Eventually his identity was known and the story unfolded.

Earl Roger Curry was born May 22, 1940. Wife Mary Jo Otters, Mary Joan Otters was born June 20, 1951 in Ohio. Son Kevin Daniel Curry was born in Los Angeles, California May 21, 1981. Daughter Jessica Marie Curry born June 12, 1990. Earl and Mary Jo were married November 22, 1975 in Los Angeles. As I look at the birth dates I bet Kevin has been pretending to be Roger. Below is a photo of Kevin and the mother. I believe the mother is also a victim. She doesn't look 100% to me. Roger was the class of 1958

There is currently a conservatorship case pending. The mother Mary is a petitioner. If she wanted conservatorship why did she allow her son to dump him in England? The father Roger needed 24/7 care which would be very expensive. I'd like to think they dumped him in England hoping he'd get the care he needed which they couldn't afford.

Case Number:  16STPB03054

Filing Date:  08/05/2016
Case Type:  Conservatorship (General Jurisdiction)
Status:  Pending

Future Hearings

04/14/2017 at 10:30 AM in Probate Department 5 at 111 North Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012
Appointment Hearing - Conservator/Guardian

Documents Filed | Proceeding Information


CURRY EARL R - Subject

CURRY MARY - Petitioner


SIAS WILLIAM CARL - Attorney for Petitioner for Petitioner

TAFOYA LORRAINE - PVP Attorney for Subject

In 2000 Roger got a restraining order against his son. Roger must have been sane at the time.

Case Number:  VD040346

Filing Date:  02/24/2000
Case Type:  Civil Petition - TRO/Dom Violence (General Jurisdiction)
Status:  Petition/Request Granted 04/10/2000

Future Hearings

Documents Filed | Proceeding Information



CURRY EARL ROGER - Petitioner In Pro Per


Case Information | Party Information | Proceeding Information

Documents Filed (Filing dates listed in descending order)
04/10/2000 Order-After Hearing
Filed by Petitioner

03/13/2000 Petition
Filed by Petitioner

02/24/2000 Petition

Case Information | Party Information | Documents Filed

Proceedings Held (Proceeding dates listed in descending order)

04/10/2000 at 08:30 AM in Department SEY, Paul, Roy L., Presiding
OSC-Temporary Restraining Order - Order-TRO granted

03/13/2000 at 08:30 AM in Department SEY, Paul, Roy L., Presiding
OSC-Temporary Restraining Order - Granted-Order signed & filed

This just gets more bizarre. Jeannette Curry stated she was Kevin's sister. Nope, she's his wife. She was most likely involved. It says "w/o children." That means a couple. If it were his sister, it would be civil and not domestic.

Case Number:  VQ028863

Filing Date:  11/01/2016
Case Type:  Civil Petition - TRO/Dom Violence (General Jurisdiction)
Status:  Dismissed - Lack of Prosecution 12/30/2016

11/01/2016 Request-Order-DV w/o child(ren)

A note to the reporter, in the US only the postal office can put items in a mail box. You can put a letter on top, in the gate, at the door but not in the mailbox. Just don't want him to face federal charges if he does it again to someone who reports him.

With the help of another I obtained the address where the BBC investigator went to look for a Curry family member. The address is 23202 76TH AVE, EDMONDS,  WA  98026. Earl Roger Curry's name is associated with this address. It appears he may own it in a fashion. It was in the name of Earl Roger Curry with his birth date. Now it's in the name of Roger C Bueing with the same birth date. That could be Roger Curry Bueing. Roger C Bueing is also listed somewhere else as being 58 years old instead of 76. This could just be an error. I will try to find out more. As it's a one bed, one bath home, I doubt this is the home he grew up in. He may have owned this as an adult. Oddly enough a Roger Bueing was in the same class as Roger. Could just be a huge coincidence.

Below are the professional licenses of Earl Roger Curry. It appears he has a concealed weapon permit, exposed weapons permit and probably owned some guns. His son Kevin must have the guns.

License Number: 245726 Current Date: 02/05/2017 01:16 PM
License Type: Registered Nurse
License Status: Delinquent
Expiration Date: 06/30/2010
Original Issuance Date: 01/01/1974

License Number: 304830 Current Date: 02/05/2017 01:17 PM
License Type: Firearm Permit
License Status: Cancelled
Qualification: 357 magnum
Qualification: 22
Qualification: 38
Qualification: 9 millimeter
Expiration Date: 02/28/2011
Original Issuance Date: 02/02/2009

License Number: 1415146 Current Date: 02/05/2017 01:18 PM
License Type: Security Guard
License Status: Cancelled
Expiration Date: 02/28/2011
Original Issuance Date: 10/06/2003

Qualifying Firearm Permit
Licensee's Role: Business or Professional License
Related Party Role: Exposed Firearm Permit
Related Party Name License/Registration Type Address
Exposed Firearm Permit

Roger is currently staying at the Simla Villas in Bellflower, California at 16623 Ardmore, Bellflower, CA 90706, phone is 310 483 6965. I called them. He has no food allergies. You can send him what he likes which is chocolate muffins. I doubt they'd allow sherry.

Previously he was staying at Credenhill Court Rest Home in Credenhill, Herefordshire UK. Address: Credenhill Ct, Credenhill, Hereford HR4 7DL, UK
Phone: +44 1432 760349

The father Roger Curry has a military pension and from his work as a nurse besides social security. The BBC reporters stated that the son did not do this for money. I believe they may be wrong. They didn't look at the burned down home in Whittier, California.

Earl Roger Curry bought the home at 14817 Janine Dr, Whittier, CA 90605 in 1979 for $87,500. Any purchase loan would have been paid off.  For some reason the property transferred from Roger to Roger and Mary then to the Curry Trust in 2007. Since Roger has dementia and his wife Mary Jo has Parkinson's these transfers may not have been proper. The more troubling issue is that someone took out big loans on the property. I doubt Roger was mentally able to understand the loans which were for $319,000 in 2004, $100,000 in 2005, $500,000 refinance in 2006, 2nd loan of $15,000 and a new loan in 2011 for $551,000.

The home is, was 4 bed, 3 bath 1,561 sf on 10,845 sf lot. It was listed for sale allegedly by Roger and Mary Curry February 2009 for $675,000. The phone number for contact is actually a real estate agent. The listing was cancelled.

This is the home as of 2009 and today 2017. It burned down in November 2014 after Kevin moved in with Roger and Mary Jo.

14817 Janine dr, whittier, ca 90605 roger curry, mary jo curry, kevin curry

14817 Janine dr, whittier, ca 90605 roger curry, mary jo curry, kevin curry
The articles stated they lived on an air mattress in the backyard after their home burned down. Beyond sad. Below are documents showing the sale, refinance, default and trustee sale in 2010. The home was foreclosed upon and sold but they didn't transfer title. They could have done that so it wouldn't be reassessed for property tax purposes. They could have done it to try to cover up the refinances. Hard to say. If the property had a loan before it burned down, there was fire insurance money but that money would first go to pay off the loan. Someone said the property is being rebuilt. By whom? I see no permits. The owners are the trust. That I assume is Kevin Curry. The broker is Millicent Kennedy

14817 Janine dr, whittier, ca 90605 roger curry, mary jo curry, kevin curry

14817 Janine dr, whittier, ca 90605 roger curry, mary jo curry, kevin curry
Here are the documents for when it was for sale.

14817 Janine dr, whittier, ca 90605 roger curry, mary jo curry, kevin curry

14817 Janine dr, whittier, ca 90605 roger curry, mary jo curry, kevin curry

14817 Janine dr, whittier, ca 90605 roger curry, mary jo curry, kevin curry

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, real estate, appraiser, appraisal, instructor, teacher, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Pasadena, Brentwood, Bel Air, California, licensed, permitted, single family, condo, pud, hud, fannie mae, freddie mac, uspap, certified, residential, certified resident, apartment building, multi-family, commercial, industrial, expert witness, civil, criminal, orea, dre, insurance, bonded, experienced, bilingual, spanish, english, form, 1004, 2055, land, raw, acreage, vacant, insurance, cost, income approach, market analysis, comparative, theory, appraisal theory, cost approach, sales, matched pairs, plot, plat, map, diagram, photo, photographs, photography, rear, front, street, subject, comparable, sold, listed, active, pending, expired, cancelled, listing, mls, multiple listing service, claw, themls,


  1. Wow, Kevin Curry what a scumbag.

  2. This was investigated by Darragh MacIntyre of the BBC. and you should be giving credit to him for the find.

    1. If you had read the article, you would have seen that I linked to his article. I did the rest of the research for this story.

  3. I was wondering if Jeanette was not in fact Roger's daughter. Was the daughter Jessica ever located and questioned as to why she wasn't looking after her parents?


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