![]() Chief David Beautiful Bald Eagle during the opening of the Days of '76 Museum in Deadwood, S.D. Bald Eagle died on Friday at the age of 97.Tom Griffith/Rapid City Journal via AP | ||
The ImDB audience score is rigged. You can get a few of your friends to write a great review and get a 9 rating. Also note that Steven keeps setting back the "release" date. He knows the movie will not be released and played in any movie theaters. It's a straight to DVD but an unknown person. Sickening to see Steven use David and his family in this way. Notice this is a paid ad "sponsored."
UPDATE: When I originally saw the first obituary of David Bald Eagle I was amazed at his life story. My original hope was to add documentation to support his life story. Instead I found out it wasn't true. He's not the grandson of Chief White Bull. His true military history is very different. He seems to have borrowed other people's stories and even names. Disappointing. On top of this a movie producer/director seems to be using this fake story to sell his movie which is not even about David.
08/05/2016: It gets even more interesting. David seems to have borrowed his brother Enoch's military history, story. He also borrowed his brother Wilbur's acting history, name and stories. Not like they were using their stories anymore as they were long dead. Here is "Chipps Warner" and "Buster." "May 1942: Name listed as WILBUR BALDEAGLE; Jan 1947: Name listed as THERIAULT T WARNER; Mar 1952: Name listed as TERRY WARNER; Oct 1958: Name listed as BUSTER BALDEAGLE; 04 May 1995: Name listed as WILBUR L BALDING."
Enoch Bald Eagle in Los Angeles Times December 5, 1948.
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David's brother Enoch was in the military. |
It turned out that Enoch Bald Eagle was the decorated military veteran. It now turns out that Wilbur Bald Eagle was the actor. Wilbur also enlisted in WWII. For some reason military types their last name as "baldceagle." My grandpa was in WWII out of Fort Rosecrans. Wilbur also completed four years of high school.
Name: Wilbur L Baldceagle
Birth Year: 1923
Race: American Indian, citizen (American)
Nativity State or Country: South Dakota
State of Residence: South Dakota
County or City: Dewey
Enlistment Date: 15 Jul 1942
Enlistment State: California
Enlistment City: Fort Rosecrans
Branch: Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers, USA
Branch Code: Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers, USA
Grade: Private
Grade Code: Private
Term of Enlistment: Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emergency, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherwise according to law
Component: Army of the United States - includes the following: Voluntary enlistments effective December 8, 1941 and thereafter; One year enlistments of National Guardsman whose State enlistment expires while in the Federal Service; Officers appointed in the Army of
Source: Civil Life
Education: 4 years of high school
Civil Occupation: Actors and actresses
Marital Status: Single, without dependents
Height: 64
Weight: 116
08/03/2016: Taylor Beautiful Bald Eagle enlisted in the draft in 1918 for WWI. He can write cursive fine. I don't know why David would want to say his dad only spoke Sioux and knew no English. Here is his draft card. He states his job is farming and raising farm animals.
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Taylor Beautiful Bald Eagle |
Here is the 1900 Federal Census for David Bald Eagle's father and grandparents. Month and year of birth, place of birth, they lived in a "fixed" house, not a tipi. They lived in Sterling County, South Dakota, Cheyenne River Agency Reservation. The grand parents were born in Montana. I'm uploading this full size so you can see the detail. These are facts. These aren't things I'm just saying. I would have been much happier if David Bald Eagle's life story had been true. I don't know why his real life was not good enough for him and he had to make up all those stories. This case makes me doubt all stories about American Indians. They had no written history. It was all just story telling. Anyone can make anything up. Thankfully there are some records here.
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David Bald Eagle, Taylor Beautiful Bald Eagle, Cora Good Woman, Beautiful Bald Eagle, South Dakota, Cheyenne Indian Reservation, census 1900 |
08/02/2016 David Bald Eagle claimed to be in Brussels, Belgium in the wild west show with Casey Tibbs in June 1958. David Bald Eagle was a three times married man with a child born January 1958 at that point. That means that David Bald Eagle proposed to Josee when he was married with children at home. Allegedly he told her about his cave back on the reservation and invited her. Again David states the wild west show was a great success. Per Casey Tibbs the show was a disaster which went bankrupt. Everyone had to basically "swim home" because there was no money. How did Dave get home? The failure broke Casey and left him miserable. He stated his competitions in 1959 were his worst because he was still upset by the huge loss in Brussels.
Here is link to the article in a book about Casey losing his ass in Brussels. It wasn't even Casey's show. It was Gene Autry's show.
More about Brussels sic. This is a microfiche scanned with a text scanner which is why the text falls apart. I don't have a subscription to newspapers so I can't get the full size version. "F O R T PIERRE (UPI) -Casey Tibbs, former all-around world champion rodeo cowboy is riding the rodeo trail once Tuesday" again this week after surviving a financial fiasco at t h e Brussels world's fair. Tibbs traveled to Brussels at the beginning of the summer as part of a troupe of 20 cowboys who were to ride in the rodeo part of the show. But an inflated "air building" designed to protect the arena from rain collapsed and poor weather washed the show into oblivion. Rains Came Tibbs says the show got off to a promising start June 18 when 8,000 people turned out to watch the riders, the Indians and a stagecoach holdup. But the rains came later and attendance figures nose-dived. "People wanted to see t h e rodeo, alright," Tibbs says, "but it rained nearly half the lime and we had to cancel a lot of performances. But t h e people there really liked to see contest." The privately financed show closed down July 13 and creditors attached the 200 head of cattle. other livestock used in the performances. None of the per- "ormers, including Tibbs, every ;ot their full pay. Keeps Horses "I hardly got a dime out of t," Tibbs says. His three horses vhich he took With him overseas are being shipped back at present along with the horsei owned by the other cowboys "I just hope they all get back alright," says C a s e y Along with his horses a r e prize saddles and other equipment he left behind him when he returned to the United .tales. The failure of the show de- ayed plans by Tibbs to get the..."
Many articles about the failure of the show.
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Casey Tibbs Brussels world fair belgium failure bankrupt |
Someone stated that maybe Chief White Bull was a hunka, i.e. adopted grandfather to David. In 1930 Chief White Bull was living with his wife Susan in township 8 range 23 Ziebach county. Only two people lived in that township and range in 1930. At that same time David lived with his parents in township 12 range 24 in the town of Eagle Butte in Dewey County. 84 people lived in that township and range. Township and range are how the US mapped the nation. It's a system of metes and bounds used to describe areas. A township is made up of 36 sections each one mile square. That means Chief White Bull and his wife lived by themselves in 36 square miles when David was a kid. David stated he was raised by his grandfather Chief White Bull. White Bull was an old farmer at that time in a different county miles away. David's grandparents did not live with him and his parents either. They had their own place.
The movie director, producer contacted me. He said he did not write the articles or obituaries. He merely posted what was given to him and what Dave told him. Even after he was notified that most of the obituary is false, he continues to send it around. Gotta sell those dvds of his movie.
I see that most of the falsehoods were made prior to 2009 by Dave Bald Eagle himself per media interviews. It's still shocking that no one ever bothered to verify this. My original hope was to add documentation to his life story to support it. Instead I found out it wasn't true. Disappointing.
Yesterday I realized that Dave's brother Enoch was actually the war hero. Enoch was injured in the military. Enoch was in WWII and Korean wars. Enoch was also in Minnesota. I think Dave lifted some of the stories from Enoch and others.
I've now watched a few videos of Dave here. Dave said he was made Chief of "United Indigenous Nations." There is a "United League of Indigenous Nations." He's not mentioned anywhere in that site. Dave said he went to Puerto Rico for a meeting where they named him Chief. He said he's the Chief of 143 nations. In the UNN site linked below it states they nominated him as the First Chief of United Native Nations. This is a small non-sanctioned private group, not a legal corporation or non-profit. He said a doctor, lawyer who runs the group nominated him. I don't think the guy is a lawyer or a doctor. Dave said even the tribes of Norway wanted him to be their chief. Then Dave said he went to Greenland during the war. The video was posted March 2016. This was made by the WoLakota Project. I think the goal of the project is commendable. I just personally feel they should verify what is said. Otherwise the kids might tell others that Dave was the grandson of Chief White Bull and the Chief of 143 nations when it's not true. I'm embarrassed for Dave watching these videos. His family knew this was not true. Why would they allow him to embarrass himself?
08/01/2016 The tributes from Senator Tim Johnson to David Bald Eagle April 28, 2009 Congressional Record, Senate Vol 155 Pt 8 are being removed from the Internet. I saved copies. I just read that tribute. The Senator calls him a chief in 2009. Senator repeats the false stories about him being grandson of Chief White Bull. He stated he was at "Days of '76" every year since he was ten. Think about it. If he was at the "Days of '76" every year July 21 to July 30 except for the two years he was in the war, how was he also in Brussels at the same exact time or in those Hollywood movies? David Bald Eagle just humiliated the Senator as well.
Senator refers to a book called "Blue Stars : A Selection of Stories from South Dakota's World War II Veterans." I assume David Bald Eagle is mentioned in it. Why didn't anyone bother to check the records? The military records are available for free.
The YouTube user Wo Lokata's channel is just Lakota Indian elders talking about their life and ways. I posted a comment stating David Bald Eagle was not a Chief or the grandson of Chief White Bull. He responded by saying they just let the elders speak their reality. They should have a disclaimer. Senator and many others look foolish repeating these ridiculous stories.
All of Chief White Bull's family members are known. I'll post his tree. This is not including his many wives and many children. I have the full tree but it doesn't post well enough. This is just Chief White Bull, his parents and grand parents. I'll try to find a way to post his wives, children and grandchildren. There must be books about Chief White Bull with his entire family in it.
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Chief White Bull family tree, ancestry, genealogy, heritage, history, family, wives, children, parents, grandparents |
From the site above, "Born in a tipi in 1919, Dave Bald Eagle lived with his grandfather, White Feather, and spoke only Lakota until he went to school when he was 12 years old. When World War II broke out, he joined the Army and became a paratrooper with the 82nd Airborne. He and his unit jumped behind the lines at Anzio and fought their way to the beachhead." All the newspapers ran those exact words.
Turns out he never lived with either of his grandfathers. They are not listed in the census as living together ever. Dave lived with his mom, dad and siblings.
This obit is basically a story. I'll start with the huge errors first. Don't get me wrong. David Bald Eagle is I think a good man who did some things. He just didn't do all of these things. The movie producer wants people to think he's the "most interesting man in the world" which he actually posted on his movie page. Notice that movie producer/director Steven Lewis Simpson controls the Facebook profile "Dave Bald Eagle" which is promoting these falsities and Simpson's films. Just not Simpson said there is one other person controlling the page. He obviously doesn't want to be blamed for the falsehoods. "Someone" keeps posting articles with the false obituary in it.
The rest of the above obit said Chief White Bull was one of his grandfather's. Chief White Bull is not David Bald Eagle's grandfather. David's grandfathers were paternal John Beautiful Bald Eagle born 1860 and maternal George White Feather born 1865. Chief White Bull was born April 1849 and died 1947. All of his children and grandchildren are known. David Bald Eagle was not one of them.
The obit stated this "Five years after White Bulls death, when he was 17 he convinced his father to let him join the US Army 4th cavalry at Ft. Meade where he participated in the last years of mounted cavalry before mechanization."
That would have been 1952 when David was 33. I blame this on the movie producer. David Bald Eagle did enlist in the military October 1940. He did not enlist at the age of 17 in 1936.
Here is his real family tree. I can't find the English wife Penny Rathburn the ballroom dancing instructor who died in a car accident pregnant with his child after they were both entered into the Ballroom Dancing Hall of Fame in Minnesota. There is no Ballroom Hall of Fame in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He also allegedly played pro baseball there. There are records for all of his other marriages. He has had quite a few.
On an interesting note I found out that David's father Taylor Beautiful Bald Eagle died November 12, 1964. I only know because he left a land patent to a section of land on the reservation. Only an Indian can inherit it. There was a will leaving it to Curtis Floyd Bald Eagle but the Indian Appeals Court denied it. The appeals court stated he was not a member of the tribe at the time. They gave the land patent to Taylor's seven surviving children. I also found another child Gertrude Marie Beautiful Bald Eagle born January 16, 1932. I assume she died between 1933 and 1935 per census records. A section is 640 acres. It appears on the map to have a river running through it.
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David Beautiful Bald Eagle April 8, 1919 - July 22, 2016- family tree, heritage, ancestry, not grandson of Chief White Bull |
Here is another "story" as told by David's son Remi. David was allegedly injured in Brussels performing in a wild west show. That is allegedly how David met Casey Tibbs. That's also how he met his current wife.
Allegedly David Bald Eagle used a different name when he was acting with John Wayne, Marilyn Monroe and Errol Flynn as a young man in Hollywood. For some reason he never told anyone what that name was. If he's taking credit for being Errol Flynn's stunt double, you'd think he'd tell people the name he used unless it's not true. He also claims to have dined with the Kennedys, is good friends with Roy Rogers, Clark Gable, Buster Keaton, Tony Curtis... His screen name was "Chipps Warner." No such person in any of those movies or rodeos. If you notice the photos he shows of himself in Brussels, riding a bucking bronco in American cowboy gear, saddle are from a book and you can barely make out the face. I think David Bald Eagle got away with these stories for so long because the Internet didn't exist until more recently.
Dave said he was in the movie "River of no return" with Marilyn Monroe. It was shot in Canada June of 1953. Dave said he danced with Marilyn Monroe. This would have been during "Days of '76" which he said he only missed twice when he was in the war 1944, 1945. I realize Dave was losing it near the end of his life but these tales go back to 1980.
David Bald Eagle was not in the movie "Dances with Wolves." After being found out the movie person stated that he consulted with them. Again, no official record of that either. Costner gave everyone credit who actually had anything to do with the movie. He was very respectful of the people.
David Bald Eagle was not born in a tipi. His father had a fixed home, not movable. That is what they used for Indian home descriptions on the reservation to determine if it was a regular wooden home or a tipi. In 1910 his father lived in "civilized housing, not aboriginal." His grandparents got allotments from the government starting in 1902 and 1909. Here is a photo of a regular home on the Cheyenne Indian Reservation 1900's. His tribe is Cheyenne River Sioux. David Bald Eagle's father spoke English but his grandparents spoke Sioux. His grandparents could not read or write but his father Taylor Bald Eagle could. His father also went to school. His grandparents lived in a regular house in 1900. His grandmother Cora Good Woman had 11 children but only four survived. She had a previous husband.
David Bald Eagle stated he received a silver star medal from the military. He's not in the list of all silver star recipients. No one by the name of "bald," "eagle," "bald eagle," misspelling "baldceagle," "beautiful."
David Bald Eagle was sued by the US government in November 28, 1984 for taking VA disability pension to which he was not entitled 38 U.S.C. 502 and 521 Case 5:84-cv-05170. He ultimately settled and agreed to pay back the amount in monthly payments. Case was UNITED States of America vs David W. Bald EAGLE. The "W" shows this is Sr and not Jr. He was prosecuted by the Special Assistant U.S. Attorney in Sioux Falls, SD. His address was listed as P.O. box 155, Howes, South Dakota 57748.
Here are the documents.
Just seven years ago David Bald Eagle said he wasn't injured in the war. He also said he dined with President Kennedy and danced with Marilyn Monroe. How come no one bothered to check out these wild claims?
Someone said there is a video where David Bald Eagle states these things. If he is stating it as fact on his own, I'll believe it. Perhaps the movie producer told him to say these things for the movie or to get viral attention. I don't know. To say you're a professional baseball player, race car driver, ballroom dancer in the hall of fame, grandson of a famous Indian chief....when it's totally false is ridiculous.
Even more wild claims. He was on every sport team in his high school and excelled. At least here a friend of his comments that David Bald Eagle likes to give ridiculous stories to reporters. Here is that comment: "sonny j Oct 17, 2011 10:21am
I have known Dave for over sixty years, and I see he still enjoys pulling the leg of a reporter. I wonder what ever happened to his brothers, Buster and Curtis?"
David Bald Eagle claims he's a "Chief of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe." He's not a Chief. This little private group was formed in 2003 or so as a hobby for a female Asian web designer in California. It was started by a man in Puerto Rico and an Asian woman in California. They state that Indians don't have to abide by the law, US government or the Supreme Court. It fizzled out years ago. They named him first "Chief" of UNN. This is like me naming myself "Chief of Los Angeles." The Sioux haven't had a real Chief in a long time. To call yourself a Chief when you are not is blasphemous. To become an Indian chief, you had to prove that you were strong, brave, and a great leader. You had to be respected by your entire tribe. Here's more on the process of becoming a Chief. After you are no longer needed as Chief, you are no longer called the Chief. The tribe is actually governened by the Council. This small group which is not a non-profit or real corporation state they are an International United Nations of all Indigenous people of the world. We're all indigenous just to different parts of the world.
Here are the many independently verified documents which support all the names, dates, places, military...
Below are just a few of the documents linked in the file above. ALL of the items above are government documents, Indian reservation documents, county health dept marriage licenses then some public directory listings. Click to make them larger.
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471, 472, 472 David's dad, mom and David. They did a census every year because these Indians lived on rations. They received money from the government. Notice Dave did not live with his grandparents. |
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Line 78, 79 and 80 are David's dad, mom and David. His parents weren't uneducated. They spoke English. I have this for David, his siblings, his parents, his grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins. |
Every document listed in the fact page is linked to one of these documents in ancestry.com.
A friend shared an obituary someone wrote for David Bald Eagle a Sioux Indian who died at 97 on July 22, 2016. I read his life story and I was amazed if this is true. This man packed so much into his 97 years. I decided to look up his ancestry to see how many records I could find to verify his life story.
He did indeed do some of these things though definitely not all. Thankfully they did census of Indian reservations.
I see a few more marriages for David Bald Eagle with the same birth date, location. The obit admits to two other wives besides Josee with whom he had children. I also see him on the reservation as a truck driver up to 1935 at least. I haven't found any travel docs for him to go to Brussels, Belgium as he claims. I don't see him enlisting in the army at the age of 17. Some of this story is off but I don't blame it on David Bald Eagle. It could be the fault of other people.
Here's another story, allegedly David Bald Eagle didn't have a passport. Casey Tibbs the rodeo star gave him a fake passport to go to Belgium. I researched the rodeo exhibition at the Belgium world fair in 1958 in Brussels. It was a disaster. The tent collapsed. The person Casey Tibbs paid for the site rental took his money and fled. It rained for five days and they had no tent. Very few people showed up. At the end of the event there was no money to pay anyone so they could go back to the US. They had to sell their hats and boots to get enough money for food. David said it was wonderful with many people attending. David doesn't mention any of the things that really happened. Casey Tibbs was going to take 60 Sioux Indians from South Dakota to be part of his show as actors. Casey Tibbs is from Central South Dakota. During this time allegedly Casey Tibbs called David "Chips Warner." That is the name he competed professionally in bronco busting allegedly. He was also a professional baseball player in Minnesota allegedly. I can't find any reference to support that.
His obit said he was in the movie "Flaming Arrow" with Errol Flynn. The movie's title was "The Flame and The Arrow." It was shot in Los Angeles, California in 1950. He's not listed as one of the many stunt actors. He's not listed in any credits.
He was in these three movies, River of Fundament (2014), Neither Wolf Nor Dog (2016) and Skins (2002) which I verified.
In Ancestry military section he did enlist in the army. As far as I can see so far he was not wounded in the war. In fact previously David Bald Eagle admitted he wasn't injured in the war. He said he was injured in Belgium riding broncs. He also claims to be a rodeo star himself and gun master.
I think maybe other people built up his story. In fact it seems the person who produced, directed a movie he was in may have padded the story for media purposes. I can't find the John Wayne, Marilyn Monroe stories. I also see his grandfathers as John Beautiful Bald Eagle and George White Feather. He had no grandfather by the name of White Bull. White Bull's full name is Joseph Lazy White Bull.
I did find this interesting bit of info from the newspapers. This is true. There was a previous article affirming this. Josee Kesteman is very white, light blue eyes with light hair. She was an actress. I think one of her children Luc Francois may have been the baby of the French national who kidnapped her kids and took them to Africa. With real history like this why did they have to make up all that fake movie history?
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David Bald Eagle, Josee Kesteman Bald Eagle photo. Recent pic. |
Someone stated that this info below was not public. It is public info. Josee and Dave gave this information to the newspaper so they would publicly post it. They wanted the info shared far and wide to get help getting the kids back home. Here is the link where it was found. To see the text scroll down to where the text is located. Put your cursor in the box. Click "find" and search for any word in the article.
"Feb 2, 1980 - Bald Eagle first met his wife (actually his 4th wife) in 1958 during the World's Fair in Brussels .... The Bald Eagles said Andre, a friend of Josee, came to Eagle Butte. Rapid City Journal Three children taken from their mother on the Cheyenne River Indian Reservation more than six years ago have been found in Africa and will soon be reunited with their mother, The Belgian Consulate General in Chicago notified Josee Kesteman Bald Eagle, of Cherry Creek, that her son, Luc, and two daughters, Ines and Eve, were found in Ouagadougou Upper Volta, a former French colony on the Ivory Coast of Africa. The children, who were 10, 8 and 3 when abducted, are in the custody of Belgian authorities pending their return to the United States. Mrs. Bald Eagle is Belgian. On Friday, Mrs. Bald Eagle flew to Chicago to sign necessary documents for her childrens' return, which is expected in about two weeks She said the Belgian government is loaning her $3,400 which has been co-signed by her sister in Brussels to pay the transportation costs. After six years, the waiting will be hard, she said. "I'm still uptight but I have hope now." She and her husband, David, have not seen the children since they were taken from Eagle Butte on October 23, 1973, while the Bald Eagles were in Pierre. The next day, Josee Kesteman filed a kidnapping complaint with Dewey County authorities against Frank Andre, a French national, according to Dewey County Sheriff Ted Schweitzer. The Bald Eagles said Andre, a friend of Josee, came to Eagle Butte hoping to persuade her to return to Belgium."
"Feb 6, 1980 - She and her husband David Bald Eagle will need about $3,-400 to repay the Beglgian Consulate for the children's transportation from Africa to ...
L&K CHERRY CREEK, S.D. (AP) -Josee Kesteman Bald Eagle will eventually get her children back from Upper Volta, Africa where they were found last week, but now she's worried about paying for their transportation. She and her husband David Bald Eagle will need about $3,-400 to repay the Beglgian Consulate for the children's transportation from Africa to Chicago. Her sister in Brussels added $1,000 to help pay the remainder of the transportation costs. "They said I must repay it as soon as possible," Mrs. Bald Eagle said. "I hope it does not delaying sending the children back." Mrs. Bald Eagle, who is Belgian, was notified by the Belgian Consulate last week that her children had been found after they had been missing seven years. Officials predicted the youngsters would be back with their mother within two weeks. The three children, aged 10, 8 and 3 when they were taken, were taken by a man named Frank Andre, a French national who did not want her to marry Bald Eagle, the woman said. "
Otherwise the only things I see in the newspapers are about his son David Dakota Bald Eagle Jr born in 01/21/1958. This son is from a previous marriage to an Indian woman. David Dakota is a convicted and registered sex offender. He allegedly tried to rape an 18 year old woman in 1995. Rearrested for failing to register as a sex offender. He fled town. There was a warrant out for his arrest. He was rearrested. I also see a DUI which may be Jr. There are seven mugshots. He also uses name Donald Flying Elk.
Interestingly David Bald Eagle said people were less discriminatory against Native American Indians in the '30's and '40's. They were more discriminatory after WWII. I wonder why. I thought we as a nation are less discriminatory than older generations but I'm obviously wrong.
While I thank the US government for having census of Indians so they can have a better history of their ancestry I think this was done for a different purpose. It appears census takers asked names. If they didn't get a first and last name, the census takers appear to have given the people American English first names such as David, William, Violet... Keep in mind census takers back in the day recorded names by how they sounded. They also seem to have taken census in order to give the Indians their payments. I haven't added his children.
Here is his military enlistment information. He enlisted in October 10, 1940 for three years. He was 5'6" 129 lbs. This is from US military but for some reason they did not use the forms they use with American military. Maybe it's a city, county thing. This is the legal citation. National Archives and Records Administration. U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2005. I went there and corroborated the records.
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David Beautiful Bald Eagle military obituary history biography life story |
The below is from the obituary and mainly false. I did not write this.
"Native American Chief David Bald Eagle, who appeared in the Oscar-winning 1990 film Dances With Wolves, has died aged 97.
The grandson of Chief White Bull, who fought in the Battle of the Little Bighorn in 1876, Bald Eagle appeared in more than 40 films.
He went on to become the face of South Dakota's Lakota people.
He died at his home on the Cheyenne River Indian Reservation on 22 July, according to a local funeral home.
Born in a tepee in 1919 on the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Reservation, his native Lakota name translates as Wounded in Winter Beautiful Bald Eagle.
He served in the US Army during World War Two where he fought in the landings at Anzio in Italy and won the silver star.
After being severely wounded by German fire while parachuting into Normandy during D-Day, Bald Eagle pursued a music career as a drummer for Cliff Keyes Big Band.
Following a foray into ballroom dancing, which ended with the tragic death of his dance partner and wife, Penny Rathburn, in a car crash, Bald Eagle established a career in Hollywood.
He trained a range of stars including John Wayne in horse and gun handling, and served as Errol Flynn's stunt double.
In the late 1950s he joined a rodeo display team and while in Belgium met his second wife, Josee."
Read the rest here. Again, it's not true. I didn't write it.
Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.
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