Elliot Rodger, Elliot Rodger's Retribution, Peter Rodger, Lichin Rodger, Georgian Rodger |
UPDATE: I just read the article below. I think all of these websites are what sent Elliot in the wrong direction. The websites are for men who have never had sex with women, men who don't like women, bodybuilding, how to pick up women... Elliot parrots what the misogynist sites state, i.e. women have inferior brains, women only want hunky looking guys, women are evil... A member of one group describes the amplification effect which spurs people on in that direction. I believe that is what happened here. A man with mental illness goes to a hate site then takes these thoughts seriously. The other men were probably just there to vent. Rodger was spurred on to do something about it. They even talk about a man who went on a killing spree of women for this same reason, George Sodini. These sites encouraged these thoughts and rage in Elliot. Because he was mentally unstable he actually acted on these thoughts and feelings.
http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/may/30/elliot-rodger-puahate-forever-alone-reddit-forumsUPDATE: I finished his manifesto. It was very sad and disturbing. Elliot Rodger was an intelligent man who was very mentally ill and miserable with his life. He believed if he looked "cool," wore expensive clothes, was good looking, had a nice car...women should automatically throw themselves at him. He believed if he had sex with a woman, that would mean he would be respectable. He thought being a virgin was the worst thing in the world.
He really wanted to be liked by the "popular" people. For this reason he would mimic what they did and how they dressed. He didn't understand that just having a nice car, clothes, being good looking will not automatically get you laid. You need to have a personality and be able to relate to people. Because of his Asperger's syndrome he was very socially awkward. He did not know how to socialize with people. He was mad that women and popular men didn't want to be his friends. He expected people to just come up to him and offer to be his friend. He never seems to have ever gone up to a woman and asked her out. He talks about being rejected but he wasn't actually rejected because he never asked them out.
It appears his parents really tried to help him. He had been seeing psychiatrists since he was nine. His parents even got him life coaches. I don't think there was anything they could have done to "cure" his mental illness. He needed to be living in a totally supervised environment to protect others and himself. I feel very bad for everyone. This is definitely a tragedy.
UPDATE: He now has a wiki page
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elliott_Rodger#PerpetratorHe killed three of his roommates. They just removed three dead bodies from where he lived.
A news office just received a 137 pg manifesto written by Elliot Rodger. If you read this, you will understand that he was mentally ill probably since birth. His Asperger's syndrome caused many huge social issues for him. In his mind he thought if he looked and acted "cool," i.e. perfect hair, in shape, expensive clothes, car...girls would instantly flock to him. He intentionally tried to look and act "cool" then felt it was not fair that girls did not flock to him. He was mad at the world because it was not fair. He was not just a spoiled rich kid suffering from "affluenza." This was true mental illness. I think the family really tried to make him happy and well but it just was not possible. Maybe if he lived at home with supervision, this might not have happened.
Here it is as a pdf.
http://marycummins.com/twisted_world.pdfHere it is as .epub which is a lot easier to read.
http://www.marycummins.com/Elliot_Rodger_My_Twisted_World.epubHere it is zipped for those of you without readers on your computer
http://marycummins.com/Elliot_Rodger_My_Twisted_World.epub.zipIf anyone has seen the news they will know that 22 year old Elliot Rodger made some videos stating he was going to kill people. Then he went on a killing spree near Santa Barbara in Isla Vista, California. I saw the original video earlier today which has since been removed. There are many copies online though I have a copy.
Seems we have a few friends in common on Facebook. I've always wondered why someone would go and mass murder complete strangers. It was interesting to see a small glimpse into his mind. Still, questions linger. What was his state of mind? Was he in counseling, taking psychotropic drugs? How was his upbringing? Some of these questions have already been answered. Some will never be answered.
Elliot Oliver Robertson Rodger was born in the UK July 21, 1991. His father is Peter A Rodger born April 6, 1965 in Kent, England of British descent. His mother is Lichin "Chin" Rodger nee Ong Li Chin born 1961 in Malaysian of Malaysian descent. His father Peter was an assistant director of "The Hunger Games." His mother was a nurse who used to work on movie sets. Elliot has a full sister Georgia Rodger born 1995. He has a half-brother named Jazz born 2007 to his step mother Soumaya Akaaboune. Soumaya was born in Morocco and is a French actress known for being on French version of "The Real Housewives." Peter Rodger's father is
George Rodger acclaimed photographer born 1908 in England, died 1995. His mother is Lois "Jinx" Witherspoon born 1925 and still alive. All of this is in ancestry.com I left this one tree public because journalists asked me to do so. There are birth, death, marriage documents from the UK but I have a free account and can't afford to pay for an International account. I see the records.
Elliot Rodger, Peter Rodger, Lichin Rodger, Georgia Rodger, George Rodger, Jinx Rodger |
I updated the tree. I will leave the old tree up so links won't be broken. Only slight modifications. The full tree is much, much larger.I go back another generation but that generation is not really relevant.
Elliot Roger, Peter Roger, Ong Li Chin, Chin Rodger, mass murderer, sad |
He lived in the UK until he was five. Then his family moved to Beverly Hills, Topanga Canyon, Woodland Hills and Canoga Park. They divorced and
Peter Rodger hooked up with the Morrocan French actress and moved to Calabasas.
I see no photos of his mother Lichin with Elliot though I do see pics of her with her daughter Georgia. The daughter is pretty, happy and well adjusted. I see no pics of Georgia with Elliot. I only see one pic of Peter Rodger with Elliot and Jazz.
Elliot did post his photos as a child online. He stated he originally was the shortest kid in his class which bothered him. I saved all his profiles and pics in case they go down. Here are the original links.
Here is his YouTube page. They have removed the main video but the rest are there.
https://www.youtube.com/user/ElliotRodgerHis Google+ page
https://plus.google.com/u/0/112420115103149734170/postsHis Facebook page. Update. It's now gone. Peter Rodger and Georgia Rodger also removed their pages. I saved copies of all but I won't post them.
https://www.facebook.com/elliot.rodger.3?fref=tsThe family saw his videos on his YouTube and Google page three weeks. He was talking about how lonely he was. He said he had no friends and girls didn't like him. He said he hated "girls" for not liking him. He hated men for having a better life than him. He stated he would make them "pay" for that. He said he hated everyone.
The family worried about the videos called the police who investigated. Police said he had no history of gun use. Family admitted he was seeing a few therapists. The police could do nothing more. Elliot took down the videos for three weeks then put them back up right before he started his killing spree.
In his pages he takes many selfies on himself in mirrors and driving. He then oddly enough "likes" his own photos and videos. He's not bad looking. If you compare his pics to those when he was a kid, he hasn't had plastic surgery. That is the way he looks. He is Eurasian.
While he talked about being lonely I still wonder what was the final straw on the camels back that he could not take. What set this off? I can only imagine it was rejection by "girls" or friends. Still he seems to like talking about himself and his loneliness. He likes filming himself talking about this.
If you look at his pages, he gets a few "likes." He doesn't get many comments until he kills those people then himself. He probably should have not enabled comments before he died. Then again maybe this is what he wanted. Then yet again he obviously thought of himself in a very different light than the rest of the world. Everyone is calling him a "worthless sack of shit" and far, far worse.It'll be interesting to see the results of the final investigation.
UPDATE: Family said he had
Asperger's syndrome, had trouble making friends and was seeing therapists. Based on all I've seen and read I agree. Asperger's is on the autism scale. People with Asperger's are clumsy, have difficulty making eye contact, can't pick up on non-verbal communication cues, can be obsessive, have repetitive behaviors... Elliot had all those problems. The symptoms lessen a little as the person becomes an adult. See link above.
Based on what's I've read he never tried to talk to people, men or women. People did not reject him. He just would not talk or interact with people. This reminds me of the guy who shot up another college. He wrote about not having friends but if people reached out to him, he would reject them. In letters he said he was rejected. Obviously mental illness.
Georgia Rodger, Chin Rodger, Elliot Rodger |
Elliot Rodger, Peter Rodger, Georgia Rodger |
Elliot Rodger fifth grade with dyed hair |
Peter Rodger, Jazz Rodger, Elliot Rodger |
Elliot Rodger fifth grade Topanga Canyon school fifth grade, smallest kid in class |
First part of the video. I copied the entire video but I'm sure anyone can find it online.
Transcript of the video "Elliot Rodger's Retribution.
"Hi, Elliot Rodger here. Well, this is my last video. It all has to come to this. Tomorrow is the day of retribution, the day I will have my revenge against humanity, against all of you.
"For the last eight years of my life, since I hit puberty, I've been forced to endure an existence of loneliness, rejection and unfulfilled desires, all because girls have never been attracted to me. Girls gave their affection and sex and love to other men, never to me.
"I'm 22 years old and still a virgin, never even kissed a girl. And through college, 2 1/2 years, more than that actually, I'm still a virgin. It has been very torturous.
"College is the time when everyone experiences those things such as sex and fun and pleasure. In those years I've had to rot in loneliness, it's not fair.
"You girls have never been attracted to me. I don't know why you girls aren't attracted to me but I will punish you all for it. It's an injustice, a crime because I don't know what you don't see in me, I'm the perfect guy and yet you throw yourselves at all these obnoxious men instead of me, the supreme gentleman. I will punish all of you for it. [laughs]
"On the day of retribution, I am going to enter the hottest sorority house at UCSB and I will slaughter every single spoiled, stuck-up, blond slut I see inside there. All those girls I've desired so much. They have all rejected me and looked down on me as an inferior man if I ever made a sexual advance toward them, while they throw themselves at these obnoxious brutes.
"I take great pleasure in slaughtering all of you., You will finally see that I am, in truth, the superior one, the true alpha male. [laughs] Yes, after I have annihilated every single girl in the sorority house, I'll take to the streets of Isla Vista and slay every single person I see there. All those popular kids who live such lives of hedonistic pleasure while I've had to rot in loneliness all these years. They all look down upon me every time I tried to join them, they've all treated me like a mouse.
"Well, now I will be a god compared to you, you will all be animals, you are animals and I will slaughter you like animals. I'll be a god exacting my retribution on all those who deserve it and you do deserve it just for the crime of living a better life than me.
"The popular kids, you never accepted me and now you will all pay for it. Girls, all I ever wanted was to love you, be loved by you. I wanted a girlfriend. I wanted sex, love, affection, adoration.
"You think I'm unworthy of you. That's I crime I can never get over. If I can't have you girls, I will destroy you. [laughs] You denied me a happy life and in turn I will deny all of you life, it's only fair. I hate all of you.
"Humanity is a disgusting, wretched, depraved species. If I had it in my power I would stop at nothing to reduce every single one of you to mountains of skulls and rivers of blood and rightfully so. You deserve to be annihilated and I will give that to you. You never showed me any mercy so I will show you none. [laughs]
"You forced me to suffer all my life, now I will make you all suffer. I waited a long time for this. I'll give you exactly what you deserve, all of you. All you girls who rejected me, looked down upon me, you know, treated me like scum while you gave yourselves to other men. And all of you men for living a better life than me, all of you sexually active men. I hate you. I hate all of you. I can't wait to give you exactly what you deserve, annihilation."
Mary Cummins of
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