Sunday, January 26, 2014

Bikram Choudhury, Raja Shree, Bikram Yoga, home on 3172 Toppington, Beverly Hills, California

Bikram Choudhury, Bikram Yoga, home, 3172 Toppington, Beverly Hills, California
UPDATE: Bikram Choudhurty had his passport seized in Mexico because he didn't pay a very large hotel bill. Part of his auto collection has been seized to pay his debts. Multiple lawsuits against him for sexual assault were settled out of court. He's clearly on the run.

ORIGINAL: I happened to be in court when the copyright case of Bikram Choudhury and Bikram Yoga was heard. Bikram Choudhury was the plaintiff suing another yoga studio for using his series of yoga poses. The Judge ruled yoga poses can't be copyrighted. Judge further ruled that you can't copyright a "series of poses." You can only copyright what you specifically wrote such as a book, song, screenplay.

Earlier today someone had posted about Bikram Choudhury being sued for assault and rape. I then realized this was the same Bikram Choudhury (born February 10, 1946) who used to have a yoga studio on Robertson then one at 1832 LaCienega. Both of those are now closed. I remember in the Los Angeles Times they had building and safety, zoning issues. If you look at the reviews for that yoga studio, they all say the place was dirty, smell, facilities did not work. Nonetheless he seemed to do well financially in that studio. He now has studios elsewhere.

His wife Raja Shree born May 7, 1965 is also his partner. They were married in 1984. They own their home and residence at 3172 Toppington, Beverly Hills, California 90210. This is Beverly Hills post office which is actually Los Angeles. They are just south of Mulholland.

Bikram Choudhury, Raja Shree, Bikram Yoga, home 3172 Toppington, Beverly Hills, California

Bikram Choudhury, Raja Shree, Bikram Yoga, home 3172 Toppington, Beverly Hills, California

Bikram Choudhury, Raja Shree, Bikram Yoga, home 3172 Toppington, Beverly Hills, California
Their home is on a dead end cul de sac street on a large flag lot. It's never been in the MLS as far as I can tell so I have no interior photos. The home is 6,079 sf five bedroom, six baths, two stories on a 18,290 sf flag lot. They paid $605,000 for it in 1986. In 1995 they transferred it to the Choudhury Trust. It was built in 1977 and has a pool. Private lender has a $1,000,000 first.

Here's a recent article about him. He is really full of himself. Here is a quote from the article linked below.

"By outward appearance, Choudhury is a ludicrous character, a flashy showboat who wears crocodile shoes and gangster fedoras; owns dozens of Rolls-Royces, Bentleys, and the like (including Howard Hughes’s Royal Daimler, with a toilet in back); lives in an 8,000-square-foot Beverly Hills mansion seemingly built entirely from gold, stone, and mirrors; and has released a maudlin album, Bikram Love, on which he sings synthy ballads with titles like “I Feel Lonely” and “People Are Beautiful.” He claims to sleep only two hours a night, and he is given to swaggering pronouncements—e.g., “I have balls like atom bombs, two of them, 100 mega-tons each. Nobody fucks with me.” Fashioning himself as a kind of suicide-prevention sexual Samaritan, he once said of his female trainees, according to a Details-magazine interview, “If they say to me, ‘Boss, you must fuck me or I will kill myself,’ then I do it. Think if I don’t! The karma!” Choudhury regularly makes outlandish, non-F.D.A./F.T.C.-approved claims for his yoga, asserting that it cures cancer, rid Janet Reno of her Parkinson’s, and saved John McEnroe’s career, among other miracle tales. (Choudhury reserves his least palatable thoughts, on women, gay people, various ethnic groups, and leadership—“He said, ‘Hitler was a genius,’ ” Jane says—for the relative privacy of his teacher trainings, according to multiple sources.)"

I think I remember seeing him around town in the 1990s. I definitely remember seeing his studios getting off the 10 freeway to go home. This will be an interesting case to follow.

In 2000 in Beverly Hills he was charged criminally for apprentices California Code of Regulations 205. He was also charged under Beverly Hills City Code 10-3.1604(6) which I think is a building and safety permit violation, probably for the Robertson property. BH0BH00357-01Charges dismissed.

In 2010 in Los Angeles he was charged criminally for LAA6CA00226-01 57.33, 91.109, 12.21 Los Angeles municipal code violations. There are more charges. Dismissed. Looks like he got his lawyers on these cases to get them dismissed.

The  number of civil cases he has against his is staggering. This is just in Los Angeles.

NameCase TypeFiling DateLocationAvailable Imaged Documents
BIKRAM CHOUDHURY YOGA INC.Other PI/PD/WD (Unlimited)08/18/2004Stanley Mosk Courthouse1
BIKRAM CHOUDHURY YOGA INCCONTRACT (Limited)04/01/2004Beverly Hills Courthouse
BIKRAM CHOUDHURY YOGA INC.Wrongful Termination (Unlimited)06/13/2013Stanley Mosk Courthouse93
BIKRAM CHOUDHURYSmall Claims08/10/1993Beverly Hills Courthouse
BIKRAM CHOUDHURYUNLAWFUL DETAINER (Limited)09/30/2005West Los Angeles Courthouse
BIKRAM CHOUDHURYQuiet Title (Unlimited)05/31/2000Stanley Mosk Courthouse
CHOUDHURY BIKRAM AN INDIVIDUALOTHER NON P/IWD (Limited)08/07/1995Stanley Mosk Courthouse
CHOUDHURY BIKRAM MRS.Othr Breach Contr/Warr-not Fraud (Unlimited)12/03/1999Santa Monica Courthouse
CHOUDHURY BIKRAMIntentional PI/PD/WD (eg. assault) (Unlimited)05/07/2013Stanley Mosk Courthouse12
CHOUDHURY BIKRAMOther PI/PD/WD (Unlimited)08/09/2013Stanley Mosk Courthouse16
CHOUDHURY BIKRAMOthr Breach Contr/Warr-not Fraud (Unlimited)12/03/1999Santa Monica Courthouse
CHOUDHURY BIKRAMDeclaratory Relief Only (Unlimited)05/17/2007Santa Monica Courthouse
CHOUDHURY BIKRAMCommrcial Compl-Not Tort or Complx (Unlimited)11/26/1996Stanley Mosk Courthouse
CHOUDHURY BIKRAMIns Coverage (not Complex) (Unlimited)04/29/2009Santa Monica Courthouse
CHOUDHURY BIKRAMSmall Claims04/17/1996West Los Angeles Courthouse
CHOUDHURY BIKRAMMotor Vehicle - PI/PD/WD (Unlimited)06/07/1990Torrance Courthouse
CHOUDHURY BIKRAMOther Compl-not Tort or Complex (Unlimited)06/11/1998Stanley Mosk Courthouse
CHOUDHURY BIKRAMQuiet Title (Unlimited)05/31/2000Stanley Mosk Courthouse
CHOUDHURY BIKRAMUNLAWFUL DETAINER (Limited)07/24/2003West Los Angeles Courthouse
CHOUDHURY BIKRAMUD/Commercial (not Drugs/Evict) (Unlimited)02/20/2007Santa Monica Courthouse
CHOUDHURY BIKRAMUD/Commercial (not Drugs/Evict) (Unlimited)07/07/2003Santa Monica Courthouse
CHOUDHURY BIKRAMOther Commercial/Business Tort (Unlimited)03/07/2013Stanley Mosk Courthouse39
CHOUDHURY BIKRAMOTHER PI/D/W TORT (Limited)03/03/1995Beverly Hills Courthouse
CHOUDHURY BIKRAMWrongful Eviction (Unlimited)06/29/2006Santa Monica Courthouse
CHOUDHURY BIKRAMUNLAWFUL DETAINER (Limited)04/18/1995West Los Angeles Courthouse
CHOUDHURY BIKRAMOther Commercial/Business Tort (Unlimited)12/01/2005Santa Monica Courthouse
CHOUDHURY BIKRAMContractual Fraud (Unlimited)09/14/2009Santa Monica Courthouse
CHOUDHURY BIKRAMIntentional PI/PD/WD (eg. assault) (Unlimited)05/06/2013Stanley Mosk Courthouse21
CHOUDHURY BIKRAMWrongful Termination (Unlimited)11/25/2013Stanley Mosk Courthouse4
CHOUDHURY BIKRAMCivil Rights (Unlimited)05/18/2011Stanley Mosk Courthouse238
CHOUDHURY BIKRAMAUTO TORT (Limited)01/09/2009Beverly Hills Courthouse

Bankruptcy Results
Party Name CourtCaseChDate FiledDate ClosedDisposition
1BIKRAM YOGA COLLEGE OF INDIA (db)cacbke9:04-bk-10201701/27/200405/24/2004Standard Discharge 05/05/2004
2BIKRAM YOGA COLLEGE OF INDIA (db)cacbke8:05-bk-19530710/11/200504/11/2006Standard Discharge 03/02/2006
3Bikram Yoga College of India El Cerrito (db)canbke4:05-bk-47075710/12/200501/27/2006Standard Discharge 01/11/2006
4Bikram Yoga College of India Lahaina (db)hibke1:05-bk-00756703/29/200512/10/2006Standard Discharge 07/12/2005
5BIKRAM YOGA OF WOODBURY (db)mnbke3:11-bk-379471312/28/2011
6Bikram Yoga Palm Desert (db)cacbke6:11-bk-19472703/23/201108/03/2011Standard Discharge 07/27/2011
7Bikram Yoga Palm Desert (jdb)cacbke6:11-bk-19472703/23/201108/03/2011Standard Discharge 07/27/2011
Civil Results
Party Name CourtCaseNOSDate FiledDate Closed
8Bikram Yoga Tempe LLC (pla)azdce2:2011-cv-0112111006/03/201109/08/2011

Civil Results
Party Name CourtCaseNOSDate FiledDate Closed
1Choudhury, Bikram (cd)cacdce2:2008-cv-0340784005/23/200801/06/2010
2Choudhury, Bikram (cd)cacdce2:2011-cv-0550682007/01/201104/04/2013
3Choudhury, Bikram (cd)cacdce2:2011-cv-0737782009/07/201108/19/2013
4Choudhury, Bikram (cd)cacdce2:2011-cv-0799882009/27/201111/30/2012
5Choudhury, Bikram (pla)cacdce8:2002-cv-0056582006/10/200206/30/2003
6Choudhury, Bikram (pla)cacdce2:2011-cv-0550682007/01/201104/04/2013
7Choudhury, Bikram (pla)cacdce2:2011-cv-0737782009/07/201108/19/2013
8Choudhury, Bikram (pla)cacdce2:2011-cv-0799882009/27/201111/30/2012
9Choudhury, Bikram (dft)candce4:2003-cv-0318282007/09/200305/05/2005
10Choudhury, Bikram (cd)hidce1:2012-cv-0000819001/05/201201/03/2013
11Choudhury, Bikram (pla)hidce1:2012-cv-0000819001/05/201201/03/2013
Appellate Results
Party Name CourtCaseNOSDate FiledDate Closed
12Choudhury, Bikram (pty)09cae12-80142107/10/201209/11/2012
13Choudhury, Bikram (pty)09cae12-56672382009/11/201202/22/2013
14Choudhury, Bikram (pty)09cae13-55070382001/11/201302/19/2013
15Choudhury, Bikram (pty)09cae13-55763382005/03/2013

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, real estate, appraiser, appraisal, instructor, teacher, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Pasadena, Brentwood, Bel Air, California, licensed, permitted, single family, condo, pud, hud, fannie mae, freddie mac, uspap, certified, residential, certified resident, apartment building, multi-family, commercial, industrial, expert witness, civil, criminal, orea, dre, insurance, bonded, experienced, bilingual, spanish, english, form, 1004, 2055, land, raw, acreage, vacant, insurance, cost, income approach, market analysis, comparative, theory, appraisal theory, cost approach, sales, matched pairs, plot, plat, map, diagram, photo, photographs, photography, rear, front, street, subject, comparable, sold, listed, active, pending, expired, cancelled, listing, mls, multiple listing service, claw, themls,

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