Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Robert HenryYoung, R.H.Young Inc., process server reported to police for assault, 23001, 1965, california

UPDATE: After I posted this page Robert Henry Young pretended to start a new business. He got a new private investigator license because his old one had my complaint on it. It also had his name on it. He doesn't want people to know who he really is. He is from Greenville, Illinois and graduated from high school there in 1983. Everyone else was in a club, sport, team, was involved in some high school event. Robert Henry Young of R.H. Young Inc was not involved in one club, sport or team. Here are his pics. I attached the guy next to him so you can see the clubs a regular student is involved in. He attended this high school 1980 to 1983.

Robert Henry Young, R.H. Young Inc, california, private investigator, process server, actually just a security guard
In his online website he claims he worked in Northern California. I only see addresses for him in SoCal. Same with his wife last name Chavez. She graduated high school 1985. They had a child in 1990. It appears he's been in SoCal since at least 1988. Here are a few more pics.

Robert Henry Young, R.H. Young Inc, california, private investigator, process server,

Robert Henry Young, R.H. Young Inc, california, private investigator, process server,

Robert Henry Young, R.H. Young Inc, california, private investigator, process server,
He eventually came to California as a security guard. In his website he claims to have worked for another PI company as a PI then started his own in 1999. He went bankrupt in 1999 chapter 7 claiming no assets when he actually owned a house.

License Type: Guard/Patrolperson Registration
License Number: 1399842
License Status: CLEAR Definition
Expiration Date: August 31, 2015
Issue Date: June 17, 2003
County: ORANGE
Actions: No
Related Licenses/Registrations/Permits

Number Name Type Status Actions
266734 YOUNG ROBERT HENRY Firearm Permit CLEAR No

He has two criminal cases for tinted windows.

February 24, 2013: Today at 7:00 a.m. CA time it looks like *** posted a still from the video of me being assaulted last Sunday. There is a time/date stamp on the still. 02-17 09:26:38. That is when he was there. In the still I'm looking at the guy while his video guy videos. I can tell from where she took the still it's the same process serve. This proves she ordered the guy to pretend to serve me so he could assault me. I believe *** is seriously mentally ill. She ordered the hit from Texas so it's time to call the FBI.
Here is the guy's face.
Robert Henry Young, R.H. Young Inc, Private investigator, california, orange, anaheim, process server, criminal
He posted pics of his wife, daughter, grandson, family in the same directory as his work photos. These photos are public. I blurred out his wife and grandson. This photo is for the police and my neighbors. I've now given them a full description of this guy.
February 20, 2013: The police asked if I had a description of the guy who threw the documents at me. I even have a photo. I'm 5'8" so he's 5" taller than me and is 6'2", heavy set, white guy with lighter colored hair born March 10, 1965, 50 years old. Why a guy bigger than me would hit me with documents is really beyond me. I'm sure ***had to pay extra for that. Amazing she's wasting *** funds on hiring a guy to assault me half way across the country. A sick individual. Never would I have ever thought of doing something like this to her.
Robert Henry Young, R.H. Young Inc, process server, private investigator
February 19, 2013: The thug ***hired is named Robert Henry Young, a licensed private investigator (License 23001) and process server (Process Server License 1911) born March 10, 1965. I had to gather this information for the police report. You would think he would know the law. He lives in Anaheim at 4107 E Alderdale Ave, Anaheim, CA 92807. He was able to retain this house even after he and his wife went bankrupt in 2000 stating they had no assets. Looks like they lied if they didn't report this home they've owned since 1994. Adult daughter is Ashley 24. Their social security numbers are listed on their bankruptcy docs. Seems he was sued for violating someone's civil rights, also had a little run in with the law. *** seems to find some real low lifes, first Randy Turner then Eric Shupps and now Robert Young. I wonder how much of *** money did *** pay to the guy to harass and assault me? Her board of directors is liable for her behavior as they voted her president. They have the power to vote her out completely if they like. That is what California Wildlife Center did to Amanda's friend Rebecca Dmytryk when she was destroying the group and causing volunteers to leave.
February 18, 2013: Yesterday I believe *** hired some thug to pretend to serve me a legal document at the Mayoral convention. Instead of handing me the documents or dropping it on the ground which would be legal service, he threw the folded document at me with force hitting me with it. I just looked more closely at the document. It's the sister state filing from 11/09/12. They did not serve it within 60 days. That means they have to refile and reserve me. This is not legal service as this document is void. I bet *** did this just to harass me. I just asked Hotel security to save their security video for the police. This shows you how low petty, juvenile, nasty *** will go just to be mean.
Robert Henry Young, R.H. Young Inc, private investigator, process server, california, 28532 new technologies investigative services
He is now calling himself R.H.Young Inc. He also changed his PI license. Perhaps he lost his last one. His new license is 28532. I just looked this up. It's new in 2013. He got it right after I reported him and made this page.

It appears he wanted to get his name off of his license number probably so people wouldn't see his bankruptcy documents. Just found out why he changed his business name. He has a lot of very bad reviews. He charges people a lot of money then rips them off.

Review 3/22/2011
The owner of this company cheated me out of my money: $1000. He did absolutely nothing! He is a crook and a liar!!

So far none of his corporations are legal corporations. He calls himself R.H.Young Inc. He's not incorporated as far as I can tell. 

License Type: Private Investigator
License Number: 23001
License Status: CLEAR Definition
Expiration Date: May 31, 2016
Issue Date: May 10, 2002
County: ORANGE
Actions: No
Business Owners


He and his wife went bankrupt 2000. His social security number, his wife's are online. He wears an illegal hidden camera in his sunglasses. I x'd out their social security numbers here. Chapter seven bankruptcy is no asset, no income, no job, nada, nothing.

Robert Henry Young, bankrupt, bankruptcy, california, process server, private investigator, assault, battery, police report, complaint, march 1965, anaheim, hidden camera

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, real estate, appraiser, appraisal, instructor, teacher, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Pasadena, Brentwood, Bel Air, California, licensed, permitted, single family, condo, pud, hud, fannie mae, freddie mac, uspap, certified, residential, certified resident, apartment building, multi-family, commercial, industrial, expert witness, civil, criminal, orea, dre, insurance, bonded, experienced, bilingual, spanish, english, form, 1004, 2055, land, raw, acreage, vacant, insurance, cost, income approach, market analysis, comparative, theory, appraisal theory, cost approach, sales, matched pairs, plot, plat, map, diagram, photo, photographs, photography, rear, front, street, subject, comparable, sold, listed, active, pending, expired, cancelled, listing, mls, multiple listing service, claw, themls,

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