Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Mary Cummins, Animal Advocates, Mary Cummins, Mary, Cummins

Animal Advocates year end report and thank you

by Mary Cummins on Wednesday, December 29, 2010 at 1:06pm
Animal Advocates 2010 year end report

Here are a few things we've accomplished in the last year. Mary Cummins

Wild animals we rescued
  • 125 Fox Tree Squirrels
  • 122 Opossums
  • 27 Raccoons
  • 18 California Ground Squirrels
  • 5 Gophers
  • 7 Striped Skunks
  • 7 Pigeons
  • 4 Wild bunnies
  • 3 Coyotes
  • 1 Stick Insect
  • 1 Praying Mantis
  • 1 Spotted Skunk
321 with a 95% release rate (3% euthanized, 2% died)

Domestic animals we rescued - Mary Cummins
  • 1 Dog: Buddy
  • 1 House Bunny: Beaux
  • 1 Guinea Pig
  • 1 Emu: Mumu
  • 3 Cats: Mac, Beauty Queen, Hattie
  • 1 red eared slider
  • 1 Wolfdog: Sirhan

9 (6 were re-homed, 2 are still here, 1 died)

Other activities - Mary Cummins
  • Paid to spayneuter 18 animals owned by others
  • Received our coyote rider so we can rescue coyotes
  • Built new coyote enclosure
  • Added two more large enclosures
  • Gave wildlife presentations at two public events
  • Became a full YouTube partner
  • Uploaded 117 new videos to YouTube
  • Now have over 2,000 YouTube subscribers
  • Now have almost 3,000,000 video views on YouTube
  • Posted viral video "Baby bunny noms a flower" on YouTube for 920,000 hits
  • Became top three pet channel on YouTube for a week because of bunny video
  • Videos/photos picked up by over 21,000 websites
  • Uploaded 847 photos of animals rescued to Facebook
  • Helped out at a cockfighting raid on HSUS NDART team with over 1,500 birds
  • Rescued a human bicyclist with a broken collar bone and wrist
  • Protested the sale of whale meat and animals in the circus
  • Attended Ratfest and recruited a new volunteer
  • Attended bat research techniques seminar at Desert Research Center
  • Taught a class with Dr. Jennifer Conrad at the Ecostation
  • Helped Dr. Conrad with her documentary on cat declawing
  • Fed baby bats from 7 a.m. to past midnight for a week straight
  • 7,500 new fans of Animal Advocates Facebook page
  • Responded to over 1,200 emails asking for animal advice/help
  • Responded to over 1,500 phone calls asking for animal advice/help
  • Attended the Zoo & Wildlife Veterinary conference in Spain
  • 600 new MySpace friends
  • 300 new Twitter followers
  • 300 Flickr animal photos/videos with 7,500 views
  • 500,000 hits on our website Animal
  • 2,100,000  hits on our website Squirrel 
  • Rescued animals were featured on Cuteoverload three times
  • Rescued animals were featured on LA Times "morning adorable" twice
  • Glue trap gopher featured on Martha Stewart's "Daily Wag" by Pia Salk
  • FDA released final results of Petag investigation showing formula was tainted
  • Strangled a bull fighter in Spain (not for real but it was still fun)
  • Got a tattoo of a coyote paw on my hand
With all positive news also comes some sad news. The sad passing of animal friends Peach the educational opossum, Daisy the head injured squirrel, coma squirrel boy, paralyzed girl squirrel, Mac the cat and stick bug. Also the sad passing of human friends Dr. Frank Ryan a great animal lover, Andrew Sacks a  much loved High School friend and Bill Tobin an irreverent man with a razor sharp wit. Mary Cummins.

With every year there are also many thanks. Many thanks to the people who adopted animals especially Buddy the dog, Mumu the emu, and Sirhan the wolfdog. Thanks to Dr. Kenneth Jones and his wife Suzann for all their amazing help. Thanks to Ha of Rescue Helper for all the dog food, treats, formula and cat milk. Thanks to bunny rescue for the 450 lbs of rodent blocks, caging, blankies and toys. Thanks to all who made money donations. Thanks to people who helped transport animals. And of course, thanks to Vice President MaryEllen Schoeman and all the volunteers. Thanks everyone for all the love and support. And a special thanks to anyone I accidentally left off the list. Mary Cummins

Animal Advocates has many more things planned for 2011.
  • We're looking for a new house with more land that backs up to city or state parkland.
  • We'll be rewriting our wildlife rehabilitation manuals and finishing a book.
  • We'll be redoing the websites.
  • We expect to get our wildlife rescue numbers back up. No more dog fostering.
If you're doing some  year end tax planning, keep in mind that Animal Advocates is a 501 3c non-profit corporation recognized by the IRS and California Attorney General. All donations are tax deductible. Our PayPal button is on our website or you can always send a check to Animal Advocates, 645 W. 9th St. #110-140, Los Angeles, CA 90015. That's a p.o. box so don't deliver animals there. If you want your donation to go toward MaryEllen's rescues, put her name on the bottom of the check or in the PayPal comment box. 

Thanks from everyone at Animal Advocates for caring about animals. We wish you a happy and wonderful New Year!

Mary Cummins
Animal Advocates

Mary Cummins, Animal Advocates, Mary Cummins, Cummins Real Estate Services, Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Los Angeles, Mary Cummins, 

1 comment:

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