Thursday, September 16, 1976

Mary Cummins in LA Times, swim, run, swim in San Diego

September 16, 1976

Los Angeles Times
Mary Cummins in LA Times, swim, run, swim

"IN TRAINING - Mary Cummins, 10, left, runs along beach in Santa Monica training for annual Swim-Run-Swim at Pacific Beach in San Diego on Sunday, Sept. 19. She will represent the Culver City Swim Club. Running with her are her sister and coach, Juliette, 12 and their dog Charlie. Contest consists of a 1/2-mile swim around the pier, a 3 1/2 mile run on the beach and a return swim around the pier. The ages of those who have entered race range from 9 to 68."

This was Tug's Tavern annual swim-run-swim. Even though Tug's closed in 1985 they have a Facebook page. Tugs Tavern's owner Tom Warren won the Ironman Triathlon in 1979. His appearance on Johnny Carson and in Sports Illustrated was a big part of the popularity for the sport of Triathlon.

Tug's Tavern 2nd annual swim-run-swim September 19, 1976. 
I just found the results. I came in 8th for girls 14 and under. The article also ran in the Beverly Hills Independent newspaper and the Beverly Hills Courier. 

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

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