Friday, June 28, 2019

Who is Kamala Harris Democratic candidate for President? Biography, ancestry, history by Mary Cummins

kamala harris, kamala devi harris, senator, democrat, president, oakland, california, prosecutor, jamaica india, born 1964, mother, father, ancestry, heritage, dna, family tree, mary cummins, husband, douglas emhoff, maya harris, lawyer, attorney, shyamaa gopalan iyer, gopalan, donald harris, brown, harris, finnegan, 
UPDATE: 08/02/2024 Trump said Kamala didn't pass the California state bar exam to become a lawyer. She did in 1990.

08/12/2020 Joe Biden announced Kamala Harris is his running mate. While I wrote this article I fully support Joe Biden and his running mate. While Kamala Harris is not perfect neither is any other Dem candidate. 

06/28/2019 I can't believe I have to post this. Yes, Kamala Harris was really born in California. Here is her birth certificate information and her birth certificate. She was born here making her a natural citizen. Her father was born in Jamaica. Her mother was born in India. The city of Oakland is in Alameda County, California.

Kamala Harris birth certificate, kamala devi harris, alameda county, california, october 20 1964, president, democrat, candidate, donald trump, donald jasper harris, shyamala gopalan
Here is the actual birth certificate amended. Her middle name is listed as "Iyer" after a name of her mother. It was amended to just "D" for "Devi." They have the mother's name wrong, first name switched with last name.

Kamala Harris birth certificate, kamala devi harris, alameda county, california, october 20 1964, president, democrat, candidate, donald trump, donald jasper harris, shyamala gopalan
My birth certificate looks exactly like the one above. I was born in California 1965. That is an authentic birth certificate.

Now they are saying Kamala Harris is not "black" or "African American" but a "Jamaican" which would make her dad British which he was, is. Kamala Harris' father is Donald Jasper Harris. He likes to say he is not a descendant of Africans but he is. I don't know why he likes saying his ancestors were "slave owners." Mine unfortunately were. That's why there are so many black people with the last name "Cummins." The ancestors which he says are his were white people from Ireland who came to Jamaica to farm sugar cane with black slaves. See the link below for "Hamilton Brown." There is even a list of his slaves. Some think maybe Kamala Harris' father's grandmother Chrishy Brown could be the granddaughter of Hamilton Brown with one of his slaves. Colonel Hamilton Brown had a son Hamilton Brown Jr who married a white woman. Others in Brown's Town stated that many people took on the last name Brown. I so far haven't found any direct records.

The original inhabitants of Jamaica came from South America. They were wiped out by the Spanish through war, slavery and disease. For this reason the Spanish imported many black slaves from West Africa. The ratio was 20 black slaves per white person in Jamaica. After slavery was no longer legal or allowed they imported "slaves" and indentured servants from West Indies. Kamala Harris is 50% mixed African and 50% Indian from India.

Some are saying that Donald Jasper Harris is a "white man." In some photos he looks lighter than he is. Same with Kamala's mother. Below are some pics of Donald Harris. Keep in mind people fade as they get older.

Kamala Harris, Donald J Harris

Donald J Harris, Kamala Harris

Donald J Harris, Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris, Donald J Harris
Below is a visa for him to go to Puerto Rico. He is a British citizen born in Jamaica.

Kamala Harris father Donald Harris, Donald Jasper Harris, born in jamaica, british citizen

Here is a pic of Kamala, her mother and her paternal grandfather Oscar Joseph Harris. Everyone looks lighter here than they are. People also fade as they get older.

ORIGINAL: Kamala Devi Harris was born October 20, 1964 to Donald Jasper Harris and Shyamala Gopalan. Kamala has a younger sister Maya Lakshmi Harris born January 30, 1967. Maya Harris went to an expensive private Catholic high school called O'Dowd High School in 1984 which today costs $20,000/year. As both parents were PhD's they weren't poor. For Kamala to state she wouldn't be where she is today without being bused is a bit disingenuous. Both parents were well educated PhDs. Busing was actually a failure in terms of segregation. Plus Shyamala sent her own child Maya to a private school. She didn't want her daughter to go to the local public high school even though it was integrated at that time.

In fact her mother admits that her child was not an "impoverished girl from the rough side of town" but "a privileged child of foreign graduate students whose academic pursuits led them to UC Berkeley. Harris' mother, the daughter of a high-ranking Indian government official, would earn a doctorate in biological sciences and become a well-published breast cancer researcher. She is now based at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratories and lives in a spacious condominium in a historic building (492 Staten Ave 801, Oakland, CA, 2 bed, 2 bath, built 1929, $1.4M value today, Maya and Kamala sold for $710K in 2012) overlooking Oakland's Lake Merriff. Harris' father, Donald, earned his doctorate in economics, joined the faculty of Stanford University and advised the Jamaican government on economic issues." "Growing up Shyamala gave her daughters a worldly education, traveling frequently to visit family in India, the Caribbean and Europe. Harris attended high school in Montreal." Los Angeles Times, Oct 24, 2004, pg 108. The data came from Kamala and her mother.

I just got email where people said they didn't believe this. Here is the clipping from the LA Times. Kamala and her mother admit they weren't poor but rich and privileged. Kamala was not a poor black child bused to combat segregation. I was born in 1965. I also got bused and hated it as you had to wake up early and travel for long periods of time. Here Kamala and her mother admit they were wealthy and privileged. Now all of a sudden Kamala is a poor black child in Oakland.

Kamala Harris is rich and privileged. 
I'm really against Dems attacking Dems. Attack GOP and Trump but not each other. What really gets me in this case is Obama and Biden have supported Harris in her many campaigns. In fact in one campaign Obama is the one who called her the "prettiest" or "most beautiful" candidate. It wasn't Biden. Obama apologized but Harris said it wasn't necessary. If Biden had said that ....!

Also, without Biden, Obama wouldn't have been elected. People would not have elected blackish Obama without Biden. Obama needed an older conservative white Dem male on his ticket to win. Ifffff Harris is the candidate, which I'm doubting at this point, she will also need someone on her ticket. She could also really use the support of Biden who has the old white conservative Dem support. Harris needs to think about these things. The most important thing is to vote out Trump. I will vote for whoever is the Dem candidate but please, stop hurting Dems.

Shyamala owned the home at 3945 Turnley Ave, Oakland, CA in 1982. It was 3 bed, 2 bath, 1,500 sf home. She sold it in 1999 for $262,000.

Donald J Harris owned a house at 868 RICHARDSON CT, PALO ALTO CA 94303, 3 bed, 2 bath, 2,004 sf which he sold in 2001 for $880,000. These people weren't poor. They were both Dr's pulling in pretty good salaries.

Kamala's father Donald Jasper Harris was born August 23, 1938 in Saint Anne's Bay, Kingston, Jamaica. Donald studied economics at UC Berkeley in 1963. That same year Donald was in a training program at the U.N financed by the Institute of International Studies. He later became a professor in economics at Stanford University in Stanford, California. Donald wrote "Reflections of a Jamaican Father" which chronicles his life in Jamaica and his ancestry. He claims to be descended from "Hamilton Brown who is on record as plantation and slave owner and founder of Brown’s Town." Hamilton Brown was a slave owner from Ireland. Donald married Shyamala Gopalan July 5, 1963 and divorced in December 1971 all in California. Below is the marriage info from the newspaper.

kamala harris, donald jasper harris, shyamala gopalan, marriage, wedding, california

Kamala's mother was Shyamala Gopalan Iyer 1938 - 2009. Below is Shyamala's obituary.

"Despite her 5-ft stature, hers was a commanding presence characterized by a sharp wit, keen sense of humor and endless depth of knowledge. She embodied an independent, confident and curious spirit that led her to travel alone to the U.S. as a teen; forge a career as a brilliant breast cancer researcher; join the Civil Rights Movement; introduce a generation of students of color to careers in science; and, through it all, raise two remarkable young women, by herself. That same, triumphant spirit was present when Dr. Shyamala G. Harris, after a courageous battle with cancer, passed away on Feb 11, 2009. She was 70. Born in south India, Shyamala's childhood was rich with music, culture, art and travel. As a young girl, she won a national gold medal for singing classical Indian music. The daughter of Rajam and P.V. Gopalan, Shyamala's father served as a diplomat in the Indian government. Through his travels, Shyamala developed a deep appreciation for cultural diversity and egalitarianism. Precocious and determined, she started school as a toddler and received her undergraduate degree at Delhi Univ. when she was just 19. She left home to study abroad at UC Berkeley, earning her Ph.D. in nutrition and endocrinology at age 25. Known by her colleagues as innovative, insightful, generous and loyal, Shyamala spent her early career conducting research at Berkeley's Dept of Zoology and Cancer Research Lab. She returned to the U.C. campus for the last decade of her work at the Lawrence Berkeley Lab. Her talent as a breast cancer researcher took her to universities around the world, from the Univ. of Illinois and Univ. of Wisconsin, to France, Italy, and a 16-year tenure at the Lady Davis Institute for Med Research at the Jewish General Hosp and the Dept of Med at McGill Univ. in Montreal. She made substantial contributions to the field of hormones and breast cancer, publishing her research in countless journals and receiving numerous honors. A frequent National Institure of Health peer reviewer and Federal Advisory Committee site visit team member, Shyamala's distinction led to her service on the President's Special Comm'n on Breast Cancer. One of her greatest contributions was her seminal work in isolating and characterizing the progesterone receptor gene in a mouse which was a momentous finding that transformed our understanding of the hormone-responsiveness of breast tissue. Her discovery sparked a plethora of advancements regarding the role of progesterone and its cellular receptor in breast biology and cancer. Perhaps Shyamala's most enduring legacy in science stemmed from her efforts as a teacher. Dozens of students populated her lab through the years. Often of color and the first in their families to pursue careers in science, these students eagerly sought Shyamala's mentorship, which often stretched beyond the lab to encompass lessons in life. Whether helping a student negotiate the UC bureaucracy, find an affordable apartment, or enjoy a home cooked meal, Shyamala was there. She took tremendous pride in their love of learning and later successes, as many grew to take on leadership positions in medicine and science. And then there were the quiet acts of kindness she performed without fanfare or notoriety, such as counseling and comforting African-American women battling breast cancer. Her passion for science was augmented by a fervent commitment to social justice. While a student at Berkeley in the '60s, she became fully engaged in the Civil Rights Movement, leading to a lifelong fight against injustice, racial discrimination and intolerance. She instilled these values in her daughters, who in turn have dedicated their lives to the pursuit of justice and equality - one as the first female elected District Attorney of SF and the other as vice president of Peace and Social Justice at the Ford Foundation in NY. But for all she accomplished in her life and career, the roles Shyamala cherished most were of "Mommy" and "Grandma." She relished every moment she spent with her daughters and her self-described "greatest gift," her granddaughter. The void Shyamala leaves is deep. Missed and loved by those she left behind, her spirit lives on in her daughters, Kamala and Maya; son-in-law, Tony; granddaughter, Meena; mother, Rajam; brother, Balachandran; sisters, Sarala and Mahalakshmi; niece, Sharada; and many extended family members and friends."

kamala harris, kamala devi harris, senator, democrat, president, oakland, california, prosecutor, jamaica india, born 1964, mother, father, ancestry, heritage, dna, family tree, mary cummins, husband, douglas emhoff, maya harris, lawyer, attorney, shyamaa gopalan iyer, gopalan, donald harris, brown, harris, finnegan,

I've updated the family tree and added Kamala Harris' husband's side. I'm related through Kamala's husband's first wife though not closely.

Kamala Harris' paternal grandparents were "Maas" Oscar Joseph Harris 1914-1976 Brown's Town, Jamaica and Miss Beryl Finegan. I haven't been able to find much about them via records. The pic I have is over exposed.

Kamala Harris' maternal grandparents were P.V. Gopalan a high ranking Indian government diplomat and Rajam. P.V. Gopalan died February 16, 2011 in India. He was able to send his daughters to college then graduate school in the states.

Kamala Harris' paternal great grandparents were allegedly Joseph Alexander Harris 1874-1939 and Chrishy Christiana Brown. I base this on what Kamala's father stated. If that's the case they both appear to be descended from the same Colonel Hamilton Brown family. Kamala Harris' father stated the same. I'm not so sure of this as Hamilton Brown was white and Irish. His wives were white. Other children were white. Not only that but the original inhabitants of Jamaica were the Arawak tribe who came from South America. They were enslaved by the Spanish. They were basically wiped out by disease and war. That is why Spain imported many West African slaves to Jamaica. At one point slaves outnumbered others by 20 to one. Kamala's father claims his heritage is not from Africa.

Col. Hamilton Brown was born in Ireland 1775. He went to Jamaica to become a plantation owner growing sugar cane. At the time there was slave labor in Jamaica and Hamilton Brown was a slave owner. I see lists of slaves that he owned. They are all listed as either "Creole" or "African" but they are all "negro" with two "mulatto" females. Here are the names he gave to his slaves, i.e. males, March, Richmond, Hercules, Andrimaque, Sunday, Welcome, Jackson Dublin, Quashie, Gilblas, Goodluck, September, Fox, Caeson, Charles, Profit, Industry, Frank, Louisiana, females, Emmy, Matilda, Charlotte. He had 177 slaves as of 1832. Below is the "Former British Colonial Dependencies, Slave Registers, 1813-1834."

Kamala Harris, slaves owned by Hamilton Brown in Jamaica 1832

Ireland was against slave ownership at the time. Hamilton Brown told people in Ireland not to interfere in his slaves as they were better taken care of than poor people in Ireland or England at the time. There are mentions of slaves being whipped and beaten to force them to work.

When slavery ended in Jamaica in 1834 and slaves were freed the Brown's urged Irish people to come to Jamaica promising work. These newly arrived Irish basically became slaves due to low pay. Many also died from tropical diseases. The Irish was government was against this. At that time they also brought indentured servants, slaves from India to Jamaica. This is why Jamaica is a multi-cultural nation.

After slavery was abolished in the United States and slaves were set free they were able to choose their own last name. Many chose the last name of their owner. Others chose the last name of famous slave owners such as Hamilton, Brown, Washington and Smith. This is why these names are so popular. Perhaps that is what happened in this case in Jamaica. I don't know why else Kamala's father would brag that he is descended from slave owners and is not African. Whatever the case this is the data I found so far. The generations go from fully white English, Irish to the next generation being black. Check back as I'm sure I'll be updating it when I figure this out. I'm basing this on what the father said which could be, appears to be wrong. Based on what I'm seeing Kamala Harris is half African American with heritage via Jamaica. There is an outspoken African American who says she is not African American. Maybe this is a GOP plant just to attack Kamala. Her ancestry on her mother's side is correct.

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, real estate, appraiser, appraisal, instructor, teacher, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Pasadena, Brentwood, Bel Air, California, licensed, permitted, single family, condo, pud, hud, fannie mae, freddie mac, uspap, certified, residential, certified resident, apartment building, multi-family, commercial, industrial, expert witness, civil, criminal, orea, dre, insurance, bonded, experienced, bilingual, spanish, english, form, 1004, 2055, land, raw, acreage, vacant, insurance, cost, income approach, market analysis, comparative, theory, appraisal theory, cost approach, sales, matched pairs, plot, plat, map, diagram, photo, photographs, photography, rear, front, street, subject, comparable, sold, listed, active, pending, expired, cancelled, listing, mls, multiple listing service, claw, themls,

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Flop houses in shitty areas sold, rehabbed and re-rented as "luxury" rooms in Los Angeles - cause of rise in homeless

1409 1411 w 25th st, los angeles, california, 90007 duplex, slum, dangerous, usc, rental, sale, mary cummins, real estate appraiser, flop house, half way house, homeless, tripalink, high crime area, murder, stabbings, death, shootings, the zoe, tripalink

A flop house owned by "Second Chance" at 1409-1411 W 25th St, Los Angeles, CA 90007 sold late 2018 for $749,000. Months before that it sold for $485K. It was originally owned by a woman who is now elderly or dead. It's located off an alley and behind an auto store right off Vermont across from a Jack in the Box and a liquor store. It was sold as a two unit with four beds, two baths each. It was broken down into eight rooms rented separately to near homeless people. They would panhandle across the street at the Jack in the Box or in the Ralphs parking lot. People were frequently passed out in front of the building or they were smoking pot, doing drugs on the porch. It was built in 1904 and is in a Historic Preservation Overlay Zone. It was a total fixer. Below are some pics of it before. It was boarded up to keep the ex-tenants and homeless out.

1409 1411 w 25th st, los angeles, california, 90007 duplex, slum, dangerous, usc, rental, sale, mary cummins, real estate appraiser, flop house, half way house, homeless, tripalink, high crime area, murder, stabbings, death, shootings, the zoe, tripalink

1409 1411 w 25th st, los angeles, california, 90007 duplex, slum, dangerous, usc, rental, sale, mary cummins, real estate appraiser, flop house, half way house, homeless, tripalink, high crime area, murder, stabbings, death, shootings, the zoe, tripalink

1409 1411 w 25th st, los angeles, california, 90007 duplex, slum, dangerous, usc, rental, sale, mary cummins, real estate appraiser, flop house, half way house, homeless, tripalink, high crime area, murder, stabbings, death, shootings, the zoe, tripalink

They renovated the place and it's already listed for rent. Here's the ad listing. Mind you it's in a very, very dangerous area where people have been murdered. Someone was murdered at the Jack in the Box across the street. Another person murdered a block up. Within last six months someone murdered two blocks away. A USC couple murdered two blocks to the west. Cars are broken into every night. People steal mail. It's within 500 feet of the 10 freeway which is dangerous for your health. It's also located next to a very, very busy intersection. The air pollution, sound, constant police sirens, police helicopters, people fighting, yelling... The address of the owner is a Marcus & Millichap office. The people who were evicted from there now live on the parkway and still hang out there as they are now homeless. The spelling errors below are not mine. The site seems to be run by Chinese people as it's also in Chinese.

"Enjoy private relaxation and high-quility living experience in this luxury house close to USC and DTLA. This duplex is located in UPC Patrol Areas (DPS patrols) which provides safe and private space for every resident. Situated in a convenient location, surrounding by multiple restaurants, 3 minutes’ walk to Ralphs and 4 minutes to USC by riding. This duplex is equipped with all the amenities needed to feel right at home. Brand new mattress, beddings, and solid wood furniture will be provided to giving you a place for the most comfortable rest and study.With a cozy living room on second floor including sofa, coffee table and carpet."

It's already for re-sale for $1,200,000. It's allegedly master leased to a student housing group. It's actually illegal to rent out the rooms separately as this is not zoned for a boarding house. I wonder if leasing  to a corporation who subleases to individuals gets it out of rent control? The master lease includes 3% increase in rent per year which is Los Angeles City rent control. Do the sublessees have tenant rights since they aren't the main tenant? Maybe this is how they are getting the units out of LA City rent control. Per rent control even if you rent a room in a boarding house for 30 days plus you are covered by rent control. By July 2019 the landlord can increase your rent by 4%.

They said they added heat and cooling, new copper plumbing, electrical. They say there are two units with four beds and four baths each. I think only two baths are legal. Everything else was done without permits. They state it was built in 1907. It was built 1904 and moved in 1907.

I pity anyone who rents a room there for $1,400/month. There are eight rooms. You have to rent for 12 months so it's not student housing. The site advertises itself as communal living. It's now called "The Zoe." I bet they paint over graffiti every morning and roll homeless people off the grass. Whoever cleaned out the building just dumped everything on the sidewalk and parkway across the street in front of Jack in the Box. The homeless people didn't do that. The contractor did. This is where all the trash and dumping is coming from. When you evict a poor person they can't afford to rent another place, move, pay for storage so they have to leave everything. Landlord, contractor dumps it on the street and blames the tenants. The tenants wouldn't dump their stuff on the street. They'd just leave it. I've appraised properties like this with evicted poor tenants. They leave almost everything because they can't afford to move it and have no place to move it to.

1409 1411 w 25th st, los angeles, california, 90007 duplex, slum, dangerous, usc, rental, sale, mary cummins, real estate appraiser, flop house, half way house, homeless, tripalink, high crime area, murder, stabbings, death, shootings, the zoe, tripalink
And this is why there was a huge increase in homeless. Investors are buying slum buildings cheap, renovating and re-renting for market rent. This is the real estate cycle of revitalization though some call it gentrification. It's good for the community and city bringing jobs, money, taxes, business but it displaces a few of the poorest people in the city.

I'll post a few more of these that I've seen. Chinese investors are buying up a lot of slum homes, apartments to turn into individual room rentals. When you ask them what are their plans for the building they lie and tell you they are going to move into it ;-)

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, real estate, appraiser, appraisal, instructor, teacher, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Pasadena, Brentwood, Bel Air, California, licensed, permitted, single family, condo, pud, hud, fannie mae, freddie mac, uspap, certified, residential, certified resident, apartment building, multi-family, commercial, industrial, expert witness, civil, criminal, orea, dre, insurance, bonded, experienced, bilingual, spanish, english, form, 1004, 2055, land, raw, acreage, vacant, insurance, cost, income approach, market analysis, comparative, theory, appraisal theory, cost approach, sales, matched pairs, plot, plat, map, diagram, photo, photographs, photography, rear, front, street, subject, comparable, sold, listed, active, pending, expired, cancelled, listing, mls, multiple listing service, claw, themls,

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Who is Virginia shooter DeWayne Antonio Craddock, Hamilton? Family, history, ancestry by Mary Cummins

Dewayne Craddock, Dewayne Hamilton, Dewayne Antonio Craddock, father Winfred Hamilton, mother Vestere Ollison Hamilton Craddock, James H Craddock, North Carolina, Virginia Beach, Virginia, shooter, gunman, murderer, 
This is a breaking story. Check back for updates.

ORIGINAL: DeWayne Antonio Craddock was born DeWayne Antonio Hamilton October 15, 1978 in Pamlico, North Carolina. His father Winfred Earl Hamilton born 1956 married his mother Vestere Ollison born 1959 on the very same day he was born October 15, 1978 in Pamlico, North Carolina. They divorced June 25, 1984 in Craven, North Carolina. DeWayne has one or more siblings who may be Denzel James Craddock.

DeWayne's mother was a real estate agent for Realty Consultants in Newport News and also a bank teller at Sun Trust. She also volunteers with her church First Baptist Church Denbigh. She worked with James Hugh Craddock who became the guardian of DeWayne per a newspaper article. Currently Vestere goes by Vestere Craddock. I can't find any marriage documents but Vestere has the same address as James Craddock so I assume they're a couple. Below is a pic of Vestere from 1995.

Vestere Ollison Hamilton Craddock, mother, Dewayne Craddock, Virginia

DeWayne married a woman February 14, 2008 in Virginia Beach, Virginia. They separated/divorced in 2017. They had no children.

DeWayne's paternal grandparents are Joseph Earl Hamilton born 1932 and Sabra Lee Midyette born 1931. I believe Dewayne's maternal grandfather is Herbert Oliver Ollison but I'm not absolutely positive.

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, real estate, appraiser, appraisal, instructor, teacher, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Pasadena, Brentwood, Bel Air, California, licensed, permitted, single family, condo, pud, hud, fannie mae, freddie mac, uspap, certified, residential, certified resident, apartment building, multi-family, commercial, industrial, expert witness, civil, criminal, orea, dre, insurance, bonded, experienced, bilingual, spanish, english, form, 1004, 2055, land, raw, acreage, vacant, insurance, cost, income approach, market analysis, comparative, theory, appraisal theory, cost approach, sales, matched pairs, plot, plat, map, diagram, photo, photographs, photography, rear, front, street, subject, comparable, sold, listed, active, pending, expired, cancelled, listing, mls, multiple listing service, claw, themls,

LA Art Show at Los Angeles Convention Center by Mary Cummins

mary cummins, la art show, la convention center, los angeles, california, art show, artists, robert vargas, mural, muralist Los Angeles LA A...