Sunday, February 18, 2018

Omar Navarro running for 43rd District of Congress is a bankrupt, convicted criminal, domestic violence

Omar Navarro, donald trump, joe arpaio, convicted criminal, 43rd district, congress, forced to resign, doesn't have a job, lies, fake news, traffic commission, two bankruptcies, no job, domestic violence, restraining order
07/10/2020 Omar Navarro just got out of jail. He was in for six months for violating a restraining order against an ex-girlfriend. And he's still running for office. He won't get the GOP, Trump supporter support he received previously as Trump is not doing that well politically.

12/12/2019 Omar Navarro taken into custody with no bail because of violating restraining orders. Next court date January 29, 2020. You can find this info here.

NAVARRO OMAR 31 695659 2019-00677072 COUNTY JAIL 5 NO BOND December 12, 2019 4:49 pm January 29, 2020 9:00 am Dept M12
Docket Number  Attempt Statute  Charge Description  Sched. Release Date  Charge Disposition
19019210 646.9(a) PC/F STALKING

omar navarro, arrest booking photo mugshot, jail prison san francisco california stalking, crazy, domestic violence, restraining order, proud boy, racist, sentenced, arrested, 

12/09/2019 Someone contacted me about something juicy about Omar Navarro two weeks ago but I was super swamped. I assume this is it. He is clearly mentally unstable and needs to be locked up.

"A MAGA-movement Congressional candidate known for his failed attempts to unseat Maxine Waters was arrested Sunday for allegedly stalking his ex-girlfriend.

Republican Omar Navarro, 30, was picked up around 2 a.m. in San Francisco’s Outer Sunset neighborhood and booked on suspicion of violating a restraining order, extortion, stalking and criminal threats, police confirmed to the Daily News.

The ex-girlfriend, conservative commentator DeAnna Lorraine Tesoriero, told The News she called the cops on Navarro after he threatened her life in a series of messages and was spotted pacing outside her window wearing a black hoodie.

She claimed Navarro has continued to send her disturbing messages after he posted bail and was released from custody."

According to the San Francisco Sheriff Department website, Navarro was arrested for stalking, making criminal threats, violating a domestic relations court order, and attempted extortion. The charges range from a misdemeanor to felonies. He was released on bail Sunday morning for  $75,000.

The arrest occurred a day after the LAGOP officially endorsed Republican candidate Joe Collins for congress. Collins is also running against Waters.

DeAnna Lorraine, a congressional candidate running against Speaker Nancy Pelosi, told the California Globe Sunday afternoon, “I was granted a five-year restraining order from Omar on August 1.”

Lorraine confirmed Navarro was arrested for violating the restraining order she had in place."

Turns out Navarro also turned on the Proud Boys at a Mens Event. Crazy crazy.

12/05/2018 Omar is in trouble again. While you can pay yourself a salary it can't be more than what you earned the previous year. Omar was unemployed making almost nothing the previous year. Then he gave himself a salary of $4,000/month.

11/06/2018 Omar Navarro was crushed by Maxine Waters in the polls. I'm shocked anyone would vote for Omar Navarro an unemployed convicted criminal who has gone bankrupt twice. All Omar Navarro did was make up huge ridiculous lies about Waters and personally attack her. Omar even attacked her looks. Omar is totally classless.

Maxine Waters* (D) 97,911 75.8%
Omar Navarro (R) 31,188 24.2%

08/29/2018 Omar Navarro has a meeting with the FBI over the forged letter he tweeted. In the Times article linked below he states, "Navarro said a person he does not know, and has not had contact with since, sent the letter to his campaign. He did not vet it before putting the letter online, and has told The Times he assumed his followers would let him know if it was fake. “I don’t know if it’s real or not, so I put it out there,” he said in December. Navarro has not deleted the tweet with the fake letter and it continues to be circulated."

That's a lie. I told him it was a forgery twice.

03/17/2018: Omar Navarro is now stumping with criminal Michael Flynn. Two criminals, partners in crime saying nasty childish things about Maxine Waters and lying to the public. Guess what Michael Flynn and Omar Navarro both have in common? They both don't have a job. Omar's Navarro's wife was the one who brought home the bacon. Michael Flynn is a traitor to our nation and Omar Navarro wants to hang out with him. Michael Flynn was paid to go to Russia and meet Vladimir Putin. Next Sheriff Clarke will show up to stump for convicted criminal Omar Navarro.

Omar Navarro, Michael Flynn

02/21/2018: I emailed Omar asking for proof that his family came here legally with papers. I specifically asked him to prove that his mother came from Mexico legally and his grandfather came from Cuba legally. He received and read the email but did not reply. His grandfather died but he's not in the social security death index. That would mean he had no social security number. His dad came legally from Cuba but I see no documents for his mother.

In the meantime a friend of Omar who helps on his campaign replied to this blog post by stating "No evidence of domestic violence. Just a jealous husband who placed a tracking device on his cheating wife’s vehicle. Why do men allow sluts, hookers and strippers drag them into the gutter." Then the guy called me obscene names. I think that may have been Omar. He's known for pretending to be other people.

ORIGINAL: Who is Omar Navarro? He's a convicted criminal who has filed for chapter 7 bankruptcy twice, his wife got a domestic violence restraining order against him, she filed for divorce and he has no job. He ran for office a few times yet has never won. He's lost against Waters the last time 76% to 24%. Why did this guy with a record like that run for office? All the skeletons getting dragged out of the closet.

February 14, 2016, Valentine's day, Omar put a tracking device on his wife's car and was caught. Someone has jealousy and major anger management issues. This was filed in Orange County, California.

02/14/2016 637.7(a) PC M Unlawful use of electronic tracking device GUILTY 09/14/2016

He was sentenced to one day in jail, anger management classes and 18 months of probation on September 14, 2016. That probation is up March 13, 2018. In the meantime he violated his probation and it was revoked April 12, 2017. It was then re-activated. Below is the case detail for this case.

Two days after Omar Novarro was caught putting a tracking device on his wife's car Torey Marie MacDonald Navarro filed for a domestic violence restraining order and received it case 16V000319 in Orange County. From the court,

NAVARRO                  OMAR                                    RESPONDING PARTY - PROTECTIVE                  16V000319                  DOMESTIC VIOLENCE WITHOUT CHILD                  Feb 16, 2016

Omar Navarro, donald trump, joe arpaio, convicted criminal, 43rd district, congress, forced to resign, doesn't have a job, lies, fake news, traffic commission, two bankruptcies, no job, domestic violence, restraining order
Below is the case detail for the domestiv violence case.

Omar must have apologized, swore to her he wouldn't do it again and Torey MacDonald requested it to be dismissed June 23, 2016. Girlfriend, run don't walk from Omar! It will continue ... and it did.

Omar Navarro's wife Torey Maria MacDonald Navarro filed for divorce October 18, 2017 case #17D008539 Orange County. She filed as indigent i.e. she has no money saying she didn't have the $435 to file. Her fee waiver was denied. Torey filed a property declaration for community and separate property. This was when the Daily Breeze article came out. Her Facebook page currently says "separated." Omar probably begged her not to continue the divorce until after he loses the election. He posts pics of her on his campaign page as if they were still together.

Omar Navarro, donald trump, joe arpaio, convicted criminal, 43rd district, congress, forced to resign, doesn't have a job, lies, fake news, traffic commission, two bankruptcies, no job, domestic violence, restraining order

Omar Navarro, donald trump, joe arpaio, convicted criminal, 43rd district, congress, forced to resign, doesn't have a job, lies, fake news, traffic commission, two bankruptcies, no job, domestic violence, restraining order
02/21/2018 I posted this link on Facebook. A good friend of Omar who is working on his campaign posted this in response. This is how he defends his friend.

"No evidence of domestic violence. Just a jealous husband who placed a tracking device on his cheating wife’s vehicle. Why do men allow sluts, hookers and strippers drag them into the gutter."

This person calls Omar's wife a "slut, hooker, stripper." That's some defense. If you look at her Facebook page she is a very religious Christian. I find men call women that when they are rejected. I wonder if the person who posted this on my page is actually Omar himself. It's believed that Omar faked a press release from his wife saying the tracking device and restraining order were all a misunderstanding ;-)

March 25, 2016 Omar filed to divorce his wife in LA County case YD068220
OMAR NAVARRO VS. TOREY MACDONALD. Omar filed it as indigent and was granted. This means he admitted that he makes less than $1,500 a month. And again Torey dismissed it. What a stormy relationship. Run, GIRRRRRL! Go to Put in the civil case numbers to see the summary. You can also order all these documents. Family law cases must be ordered in person.

Omar and his wife Torey filed for bankruptcy May 5, 2015. I removed their social security numbers. In 2015 Omar Navarro claimed he had no job. He also claimed that his parents gave him $250/month to help him out. His wife was the bread winner. He stated he was fired from his job but was thinking about suing for unlawful termination. They rented their home for $1,000 a month. Their expenses were higher than their incomes. Omar Navarro claimed he made $10,000 in 2013 when he had a job for 11 months. He made $900/month? He made $1,000 in 2015. He was living off unemployment and his wife.  His 2014 Chevy Cruz was repossessed January 2015. 2008 to 2013 she, they lived in Huntington Beach. Is that in the 43rd District? 2013 to 2014 they lived in Torrance. Almost all of his debt is credit card debt such as Target, Weisfield Jewelers, Sears, SCE, Macy's, Discover, Citibank, Chase, Capital One, Bank of America, California Republic Bank, CBNA. Omar I assume owns a collection of autographs of known wrestlers which he says is worth $1,500. They had $400 cash when they filed. I won't post this public bankruptcy filing for the sake of the wife. For the life of me why would Omar run for government with all these very public criminal records and a bankruptcy?

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Central District of California (Los Angeles)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 2:15-bk-17563-WB
Omar Navarro
Torey M McaDonald
23038 Arlington Avenue
Torrance, CA 90501
SSN / ITIN: xxx-xx-****

That wasn't the first time Omar Navarro filed for bankruptcy. He previously filed while he was still living with his dad in August 2011 at the age of 22. How do you amass debt at the age of 22 while you are still living at home? These were both Chapter 7 bankruptcies. He's almost as bad as Trump.

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Central District of California (Los Angeles)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 2:11-bk-46251-EC
Omar Navarro
11977 Freeman Ave.
Hawthorne, CA 90250
SSN / ITIN: xxx-xx-****

But wait, there's more. The below is from the fantastic Daily Breeze article below.

"He finished last in a 16-candidate field in the 2014 municipal election, receiving less than 1 percent of the vote. Navarro attracted fewer votes than a candidate who often campaigned wearing a chicken suit and another who did no campaigning."

From that city council race. At a city council meeting Omar said he went to USC. Notice he just got some certificates. That's not an undergraduate or graduate degree.

"Omar Navarro Click here for more information about this candidate 634 votes 0.95%
Occupation: Car Salesman
Marketing Consultant
Technology Consultant
Bachelors of Science in Criminal Justice
Certificate In Loss Prevention - USC
Certificate In Information Security - USC
Pension Reform
Infrastructure Investment
Public Safety"

"Navarro, who has never held elected office, is an ardent supporter of President Donald Trump who was trounced by Waters in 2016 in her heavily Democratic 43rd Congressional District that stretches from Westchester to Torrance and inland to South Los Angeles. Waters has become something of a liberal hero for her outspoken criticism of Trump.
Navarro, who resigned from his volunteer post on the Torrance Traffic Commission earlier this year when faced with censure or removal for his political activities in various Los Angeles County cities, served as second vice president of the rogue Beach Cities Republican Club until July. The county’s GOP leadership revoked the charter of the club earlier this year for attacking members of its executive committee and violating its bylaws."
Navarro was forced to resign over this incident and others. While Navarro did not personally pepper spray children he was clearly involved in the event even laughing after the people were pepper sprayed by his friend. Omar Navarro is clearly unhinged.

On top of all of this Omar Navarro is a Trump supporter and a bud of ex Sheriff convicted criminal Joe Arpaio. Omar and Joe are two self-hating descendants of immigrants. As I'm Latino I have seen Latinos attack Latinos. It really is self hate and I don't get it. Maybe they think if they attack Latinos the whites will let them be in their club. Nope.

A little more from the Daily Breeze. You should read their entire article linked below!

“Omar continues to think he is above the law, ” said Jeff Benson, a former spokesman for Navarro’s 2014 Torrance City Council and 2016 congressional campaigns. “He recently suggested that I should track down his wife. As his closest adviser for over four years, I always condemned anyone who engages in risky behavior like that, so now he has a private investigator do it for him. He is a real hot head and persistent.”

"Navarro’s conduct came under scrutiny last summer when activists came to Torrance to complain to the City Council about the “intimidating” behavior of him, fellow Torrance activist Arthur Schaper and others who attended council meetings in other communities where the sanctuary city movement was being debated. They said Navarro and other members of his group wore T-shirts with the slogan “Straight Outta Torrance” and had engaged in unsavory behavior."

Here's more from that video. Omar lied and said he went to USC. I don't think so unless he was just there to watch football.

Omar Navarro was then forced to resign.

"Navarro’s resignation came shortly after the Torrance City Council, by a 5 to 2 vote, took the initial step to remove him from office. Based on that vote, the Council was slated to officially determine his fate at an upcoming meeting.

Mayor Furey had embraced Navarro’s critics and publicly denounced him at a recent meeting. Furey followed that action by announcing on Facebook last Friday that he had sent an official letter to all LA County mayors apologizing for any disruptive behavior caused by Navarro or other activists identifying themselves as residents of Torrance."

Very recently Omar Navarro posted a forged government letter which attacks Maxine Waters. Maxine Waters asked the FBI to look into it as it amounts to impersonating a government official. It's also a horrible forgery with spelling errors. The letter states that Waters wants to bring in 41,000 Somali refugees to live in "new condos" in South LA. It includes committees which don't even exist. That sounds like Alex Jones or Roger Stone forgery crap. LA Times wrote an article about it.

I previously wrote an article about Omar Navarro lying and stating Maxine Waters owns and lives in a mansion. Maxine Waters doesn't own the home. It's her husband's separate property which he alone bought. Here is that article.  She also does not have to live in her District. She lived most of her life in her district. She represents her District. Any fool who thinks a Latino hating GOP convicted criminal wife beater bankrupt unemployed guy who is buds with Trump, Arpaio, Stone and Jones could beat Waters is truly insane! Below is a pic of Latino sell-out Marco Gutierrez of Latinos for Trump and Joe Arpaio racist convicted criminal besides self-hating Omar Navarro. What do all three of these men have in common? They all hate Latinos, immigrants and Mexicans.

After I wrote the article about Maxine Water's home I decided to dig into Omar Navarro's story about his family coming from Cuba and Mexico. Here we go.

Omar Navarro was born January 9, 1989 in Los Angeles County, California. His father is Omar Blanco Navarro born November 23, 1962 in Havana, Ciego de Avila, Cuba. Father added the middle name "Blanco" when he came here. His mother is Dora Calderon born March 31, 1964. She states she was born in Pasadena, California. I see no naturalization papers for her in that name with that birth date. Either she wasn't born in Mexico, she has no papers or she lied about her name and birth date.

Omar has an older sister Vanessa born in LA in 1985 who is married to Justin Peloian with children. She seems nice and sane. Omar married Torey Marie MacDonald born October 2, 1989. They have no kids THANK GOD.

Omar's mother divorced his father January 13 1997 in Los Angeles County case YD027170
NAVARRO, DORA VS NAVARRO, OMAR. His mother requested and got a TRO on his father in 2002. Like father like son. She then married Hamid Reza Ashgari who seems like an upstanding and successful person. Omar's father now lives in a trailer park Los Ranchos in Apple Valley, California. I believe Omar Sr's father is Octavio Navarro born August 10, 1926 and died before 2013. He is supposedly from Cuba but I see no papers. It's possible the grandfather, mother lied to Omar about their legal status or I just haven't yet found the documents. If I find them, I will update this article. I will also ask Omar's campaign for the documents. If anyone has them, please, send them to me.

FTR my grandmother Maria Rivera Cummins came here legally from Mexico in 1905 at the age of six. She was a naturalized citizen.

I don't have a middle name for Omar. I don't think he has one. I think some of these cases are Omar.

01/27/2012 Torrance Courthouse Omar Navarro 2SY00782 Guilty/convicted of California Penal Code 415 (2) Second, 415(2) identifies “unreasonable noise” as willfully and maliciously disturbing the peace when the noise annoys or disturbs another person.

10/10/2013 Torrance Courthouse Omar Novarro 3SY06406 Guilty/convicted of California Penal code Vehicle Code 12500(a) VC reads: "A person may not drive a motor vehicle upon a highway, unless the person then holds a valid driver's license issued under this code, except those persons who are expressly exempted under this code."

08/23/2007 Torrance Courthouse Omar Novarro 7SY07156  Another 12500(a) He would have been 18.


Restraining order, criminal case, divorce

Bankruptcy documents

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, real estate, appraiser, appraisal, instructor, teacher, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Pasadena, Brentwood, Bel Air, California, licensed, permitted, single family, condo, pud, hud, fannie mae, freddie mac, uspap, certified, residential, certified resident, apartment building, multi-family, commercial, industrial, expert witness, civil, criminal, orea, dre, insurance, bonded, experienced, bilingual, spanish, english, form, 1004, 2055, land, raw, acreage, vacant, insurance, cost, income approach, market analysis, comparative, theory, appraisal theory, cost approach, sales, matched pairs, plot, plat, map, diagram, photo, photographs, photography, rear, front, street, subject, comparable, sold, listed, active, pending, expired, cancelled, listing, mls, multiple listing service, claw, themls,

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Who is 19 year old Nikolas Cruz who killed 17 students today in Florida? Family, birth date ... - Mary Cummins

Nikolas Cruz, florida, murder, 19, broward county, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, dollar store, student, murder, shooter, killer, 

UPDATE: 03/09/2018 Cruz changes his plea from "not guilty" to "mute." From his public defender.

“Pleading ‘not guilty,’ even though it is form and process kicking off the legal process, just seemed wrong in this case, a legal fiction that could bring unnecessary pain to the victims’ families,” Finkelstein continued. “Standing mute maintains our only position: He [Cruz] did it and he will plead guilty immediately to 34 consecutive life sentences without parole.”

I hope they accept his plea bargain so as to spare all the families the pain and grief of going to trial.


This is what happened since the last updated. He is being represented by a public defender. Doesn't he have an $800,000 or so trust fund? He is listed as owning no automobiles or real estate. He tried to recuse the judge because she's a mother. Denied. I can only see the first page of these docs. They have been putting items under seal.

03/01/2018 File Notice Of Filing NOTICE OF HEARING DATED FEBRUARY 16,2018
03/01/2018 Order RE: CANCELED HEARING
02/28/2018 File Defense Exhibit Exhibit 'A" to Amended Defense Motion to Disqualify
02/27/2018 File Defendants Response Amended
02/27/2018 File Defense Exhibit
02/26/2018 File Order Denying Def Motion AMENDED MOTION TO DISQUALIFY
02/26/2018 File States Motion To Issue Subpoena Duces Tecum
02/26/2018 File Notice Of Filing NEWS MEDIA MOTION TO INTERVENE, E-FILED 2/20/2018
02/26/2018 File Stipulation Agreed Upon Stipulation to Obtain Evidence Samples of Defendant
02/26/2018 File Defense Motion For Recusal/Disqualify Judge AMENDED
02/26/2018 File Notice Of Filing LETTER FROM EDWARD ANSEL,PH.D.
02/24/2018 File Defense Notice Of Intent Exercising Miranda
02/23/2018 File States Motion To Issue Subpoena Duces Tecum
02/23/2018 File States Motion To Issue Subpoena Duces Tecum
02/23/2018 File States Motion To Issue Subpoena Duces Tecum
02/23/2018 File States Motion To Issue Subpoena Duces Tecum
02/23/2018 File States Motion To Issue Subpoena Duces Tecum
02/23/2018 File States Motion To Issue Subpoena Duces Tecum
02/23/2018 Notice of Public Defender Fees $50.00

Amount: $50.00
02/23/2018 File Defense Exhibit
02/23/2018 File Defense Exhibit
02/23/2018 File Defense Motion For Recusal/Disqualify Judge
02/22/2018 File Notice/Assistant PD Assignment
02/22/2018 File Defendants Response to Order Requiring Response and New's Media M/to Intervene for the Limited Purpose of Opposng Reques
s to Limit Public Access
02/22/2018 File Exhibit List
02/22/2018 File Defense Written Plea Of Not Guilty
02/21/2018 File States Motion Amended Notice to obtain sample of defendant
02/21/2018 File States Response to Order of 2/20/18
02/21/2018 File Order Requiring Division State Atty To Respond A response by both the State and the Defense is necessary..
02/21/2018 File States Notice Of Hearing
02/20/2018 File Defense Motion For Indigency
02/20/2018 File States Motion to Obtain Samples of the Defendant
02/20/2018 File Motion News Media/M/to intervenefor the limited purpose of opposing requests to limit public access
02/19/2018 File Waiver Of Appearance from All Pretrial Conference
02/19/2018 Order Deft Shall be Brought to Court and May Not Refuse
02/19/2018 Hearing Held On Status Hearing (D)Ct rept D. Davis
02/19/2018 Review of Motor Vehicles - Property Records
02/15/2018 Electronic Case
02/15/2018 Hrg Held / Magistrate Findings/Order - Probable Cause Found

UPDATE 02/28/2018 Nikolas' brother Nachary's Facebook page has come back alive. He posted pics of them as children. They are half brothers, same mother.

Turns out their birth mom was a drug addict, criminal, went to jail, gave birth to Zachary in jail.

02/17/2018 Nikolas made many, many death threats to others. There were so many red flags, over and over. Scroll to the bottom of this link to see image captures of the messages.

Nikolas' brother Zachary was just taken to a mental institution for a 12 hour hold.  His Facebook page made him seem okay but after what his brother did I'm sure he's very upset.

Nikolas Cruz, florida, murder, 19, broward county, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, dollar store, student, murder, shooter, killer,

02/16/2018 Case now shows up in the court system. There is a defense hearing February 19, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. Farther below are probable cause hearing, arrest report and court order appointing legal counsel.

7 page booking document


Order to appoint counsel

Broward County Case Number:  18001958CF10A State Reporting Number:  062018CF001958A88810 Court Type:  Capital Homicide Case Type:  Capital Homicide - Report Purposes
Filing Date:  02/15/2018 Case Status:  Pending Court Location:  Central Courthouse Judge ID / Name:  Scherer - FJ, Elizabeth Magistrate Id / Name:  N/A BCCN:  0893407

State State of Florida
Defendant Cruz, Nikolas Jacob

Gender: Male
Race: White
Complexion: Light
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 131
Eye: Hazel
Hair: Brown
DOB: 09/24/1998
Birth City: Margate
Birth State: FL
8442 Lakeview Trail
Parkland, FL 33076

02/15/2018 Electronic Case
02/15/2018 Hrg Held / Magistrate Findings/Order - Probable Cause Found
02/15/2018 Arrest Paperwork
02/15/2018 Order appointing counsel on interim basis

02/19/2018 Hearing Defense Motion Hearing Time: 10:30 AM
Judicial Officer(s): Scherer - FJ, Elizabeth
Location: Room 7750
Defense Motion(s) DK 2/16

Arrest Number 201800014 Arrest Date02/14/2018 Arresting Agency
RaceW SexM DOB09/24/1998
Height507 Weight131 HairBRO EyesHAZ
LocationMain Jail Visitation3   View Schedule
Expected Release Date

There are so far 17 charges of premeditated murder.

Charge Number 1 Case Number
Statute 782.04-1a1 Description MURDER PREMEDITATED
Charge Comments
Charge Status PENDING TRIAL Bond Type NB Bond Amount $0.00
DispositionProjected Sent End Date

Should the NRA be giving grants to public schools for them to shoot guns?

"Records show that the Stoneman Douglas JROTC program received $10,827 in non-cash assistance from the NRA’s fundraising and charitable arm in 2016, when Cruz was on the squad. The school’s program publicly thanked the NRA Foundation on its Twitter feed."

ORIGINAL: Nikolas Cruz, Nikolas Jacob Cruz of Parkland, Florida shot and killed 17 people today at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. His adoptive mother Lynda Marie Kumbatovich Seda Cruz, died Nov. 1, 2017 after an unspecified illness from pneumonia. She was 68 born September 25, 1949. Her previous husband married 1968 was Robert Seda. Nikolas was depressed and had autism. Her husband Roger died years earlier. They adopted Nikolas and his younger brother Zachary. Nikolas was in Jr ROTC. Maybe that wasn't the best idea. His younger brother is on Facebook and appears to be normal.

Below is his family tree. I realize he's adopted. It just helps sort out who is who. Thanks to the person who gave me the tip about Lynda's maiden name.

Nikolas Cruz, florida, murder, 19, broward county, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, dollar store, student, murder, shooter, killer,

I thought it had something to do with Valentine's day. "Mr. Gard said that several students told him that Mr. Cruz was taken with a girl at Stoneman Douglas High School “to the point of stalking her.” " Nikolas was kicked out of school last year as a Junior. "Mr. Minoff said, telling him that he had been kicked out of two private schools, had been held back twice and aspired to join the military." He didn't have any friends.

His father was Roger Paul Cruz June 14, 1937 New York August 11, 2004 Pompano Beach, Broward, Florida. He was an accountant. They couldn't have children so they adopted children when they were older. The mother took Nikolas in for counseling, treatment.

Their address was or is 6166 NW 80Th Terrace, Pompano Beach, Florida.

He had two Instagram accounts which are now down. Here are some photos I saved from them.

Nikolas Cruz, florida, murder, 19, broward county, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, dollar store, student, murder, shooter, killer

Nikolas Cruz, florida, murder, 19, broward county, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, dollar store, student, murder, shooter, killer

Nikolas Cruz, florida, murder, 19, broward county, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, dollar store, student, murder, shooter, killer
He was previously expelled from school for making threats. How in the world does a 19 year old afford all these guns and ammo while working at a Dollar store? Gifts from parents? Yes, money gifts from mother. This reminds me of the Sandy Hook killing where the mom got her son interested in guns.

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, real estate, appraiser, appraisal, instructor, teacher, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Pasadena, Brentwood, Bel Air, California, licensed, permitted, single family, condo, pud, hud, fannie mae, freddie mac, uspap, certified, residential, certified resident, apartment building, multi-family, commercial, industrial, expert witness, civil, criminal, orea, dre, insurance, bonded, experienced, bilingual, spanish, english, form, 1004, 2055, land, raw, acreage, vacant, insurance, cost, income approach, market analysis, comparative, theory, appraisal theory, cost approach, sales, matched pairs, plot, plat, map, diagram, photo, photographs, photography, rear, front, street, subject, comparable, sold, listed, active, pending, expired, cancelled, listing, mls, multiple listing service, claw, themls,

Congress woman Maxine Waters does not own a multi-million dollar mansion. Mary Cummins, Los Angeles

Maxine Waters congress woman home 539 Lucerne, Los Angeles, CA 90020, Sidney Williams, NFL, football player, 43rd district
Below is the deed when Maxine Water's husband Sidney Williams bought the home in 2004. You can clearly see he owns it as his sole property as a married man. To make things even more clear Sidney Williams had Maxine Waters sign a quit claim stating she has no interest in the home. I made my ex-husband do the same. It's standard real estate protocol.

Maxine Waters, home, house 549 Lucerne, Los Angeles CA 

The property where Maxine Waters lives is 549 Lucerne, Los Angeles, CA. Her husband a successful ex NFL football player bought it himself in 2004 as his separate property as a married man. "WILLIAMS, SIDNEY Vesting: Married Man As His Sole And Separate Property." He paid about $2,000,000 for it. It was a fixer on the inside and sold as is. This is from the MLS, "Grande dame in Windsor Square! Large scale rooms. Perfect for gracious entertaining. Stunning entry with dramatic staircase. Lovely pecan paneling in family room. Guest house too! See agents for exclusions. Trust sale. No court confirmation." He bought it at a good price before the last run up. The Real AVM value is $2,936,910 - $4,593,628. While I am an appraiser with over 30 years of experience, I won't give a ball park number as I haven't seen the inside.

Below is the quit claim deed from Maxine Waters to Sidney Williams. This is standard when one spouse buys and owns the property.

Below is a map of where she lives. She is east of Highland near Crenshaw. This is not the best part of Los Angeles. I know as I appraise property in this area.

Maxine Waters neighborhood, los angeles california

Maxine Waters lives five miles north of the 43rd District. Members of Congress don't have to live in their district. Maxine Waters grew up and lived most of her life in the District. She knows and represents the District. So many shady politicians slamming Maxine Waters using fake facts and forged documents. The racism and misogyny against Maxine is revolting.

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, real estate, appraiser, appraisal, instructor, teacher, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Pasadena, Brentwood, Bel Air, California, licensed, permitted, single family, condo, pud, hud, fannie mae, freddie mac, uspap, certified, residential, certified resident, apartment building, multi-family, commercial, industrial, expert witness, civil, criminal, orea, dre, insurance, bonded, experienced, bilingual, spanish, english, form, 1004, 2055, land, raw, acreage, vacant, insurance, cost, income approach, market analysis, comparative, theory, appraisal theory, cost approach, sales, matched pairs, plot, plat, map, diagram, photo, photographs, photography, rear, front, street, subject, comparable, sold, listed, active, pending, expired, cancelled, listing, mls, multiple listing service, claw, themls,

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Who is Patrick Soon-Shiong the billionaire who just bought the LA Times? Born in South Africa

patrick soon-shiong, michele b chan, nika yellie soon-shiong, luke harold soon-shiong, los angeles times, la times, mary cummis, california, billionaire, forbes

Patrick Soon-Shiong was born in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa on July 29, 1952. His parents were Moon Soon-Shiong (1898-1974) and Young Moi Hok Kiang Soon-Shiong (1913-2017). His parents fled China to South Africa during WWII during the Japanese invasion. He attended the then Chinese High School in Port Elizabeth. He has ten siblings with one sister. His living siblings are Terrence (Shirley) of London, England, Dr. Gregory Soon-Shiong an orthopedic surgeon in Toronto, Canada, Lawrence (Edie) of Johannesburg, Roger of Toronto, Kenny of Johannesburg, Errol (Bernie) of Toronto, and Clive (Marion) of Toronto. His deceased siblings are Victor Fook Shiong (1925-1989), Clarence Pak (1934-2014), Sheila Ho (1941-1999) and Melvern.

Below is his family tree. Patrick's father had two wives. His first wife was Foot Moi. Patrick has two half sibings, Chin Liang Soon-Shiong and Sheen Soon-Shiong.

Patrick Soon-Shiong, Michele B Chan, family tree, ancestry, brothers, sister, Lawrence, George, Clive, Victor Fook Shiong, Wong Soon-shiong, young moi soon-shiong, Kenny Errol, Sheila, Melvern

In 1977 Patrick Soon-Shiong married Michele B Chan. She was born in 1959 in East London, Eastern Cape, South Africa. I think her middle name is Bernice as her nickname is Bernie. Both her parents were born in South Africa. Her grandparents were born in China. Patrick and his wife moved to Canada after they married. In 1983 Patrick and Michele immigrated to Los Angeles, California and became a professor at UCLA.

Patrick and Michele have two children. They are daughter Nika Yellie Soon-Shiong born February 26, 1993 and son Luke Harold Soon-Shiong born July 17, 1995 in Los Angeles, California. Each child has two birth certificates, i.e. Nika Yellie Soon, Nika Yellie Shiong, Luke Harold Soon, Luke Harold Shiong. I have a hyphenated birth name but only have one birth certificate. I was also born in LA County.

Patrick is the wealthiest doctor in the US and the wealthiest person in Los Angeles. He lives at 11755 Chenault St, Los Angeles, 90049. The home is 25,157 sf on a 30,408 sf lot. It has five bedrooms and ten bathrooms and was built in 2012. This is his main home in his sprawling compound. He's bought over $50,000,000 in land in the immediate area. He houses his relatives, friends, employees and conducts some business there.

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, real estate, appraiser, appraisal, instructor, teacher, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Pasadena, Brentwood, Bel Air, California, licensed, permitted, single family, condo, pud, hud, fannie mae, freddie mac, uspap, certified, residential, certified resident, apartment building, multi-family, commercial, industrial, expert witness, civil, criminal, orea, dre, insurance, bonded, experienced, bilingual, spanish, english, form, 1004, 2055, land, raw, acreage, vacant, insurance, cost, income approach, market analysis, comparative, theory, appraisal theory, cost approach, sales, matched pairs, plot, plat, map, diagram, photo, photographs, photography, rear, front, street, subject, comparable, sold, listed, active, pending, expired, cancelled, listing, mls, multiple listing service, claw, themls,

LA Art Show at Los Angeles Convention Center by Mary Cummins

mary cummins, la art show, la convention center, los angeles, california, art show, artists, robert vargas, mural, muralist Los Angeles LA A...