Sunday, April 30, 2017

Who is Donna Hylton, Donna Patricia Hylton convicted murderer, kidnapper? Birth date, family... by Mary Cummins

Donna Hylton, Donna Patricia Hylton, bronx, new york, murder, sodomy, kidnapping, ransom note, usa, jamaica, from light to light, a little piece of light, convicted criminal, raped 62 year old man with 3 foot steel pole


02/03/2022 Donna Hylton released a book and started a non-profit "A Little Piece of Light." She continues to sell her false story about being the victim when she was actually convicted of murder, torture, kidnapping. The facts are all below. So many people keep believing this person who has clearly been telling stories almost her entire life. Her family has told the truth about this person as has the court record. 

08/24/2020 I was wondering why this article was getting so many hits. I just heard Donna Hylton was in the DNC video. How did these people not Google her? When I saw Donald Trump was going to have her speak at the White House on prison reform I contacted them with the truth and they uninvited her. I had no heads up about the DNC video. 

This woman lies and says she wasn't involved in the crime.Yes, she was. She confessed and there were witnesses and lots of physical evidence. Prosecutors thought she got off light. Scroll down and read about the torture, murder, kidnapping...

07/20/2019 Since 1977 the "Son of Sam" law prevents convicted criminals such as Donna Hylton from profiting off the stories or shows about their crimes. It was signed into law in 1977 in New York. Donna Hylton cannot profit off her book or any upcoming movie if it mentions her crimes. Her book mentions her crimes. Any movie would include it otherwise there's nothing newsworthy about Donna Hylton.

"Son of Sam laws prohibit criminals from profiting from writings or shows about their crimes. The first such law was hastily enacted in 1977 after serial killer David Berkowitz, also known as the "Son of Sam," sold his exclusive story rights."

07/20/2018 Liar, convicted felon Donna Hylton just keeps making up stories. She of course claims she's innocent. She says she "was linked as an accessory to murder she had nothing to do with."

She goes on to say she was beaten to confess to a crime she didn't commit. "I was beaten into confessing something that it was obvious I didn’t have anything to do with. I didn’t know Mr. V. (her nickname for the man that was killed) How can I want to kidnap someone for money who I didn’t know? It didn’t make any sense, and that’s why they should have looked deeper to find the root causes."

The truth is someone offered her $8,000 to help them kidnap, hold and torture a man (pliers on his testicals, metal rod shoved up his anus...) who ended up dying. Even though Hylton knew the man was dead she still dropped off the ransom note. Almost everyone involved instantly confessed to everything. There was no beating to force her to confess. She gladly confessed. Joshua Dudley did a horrible job of research for his interview of this con lady. "A little piece of light" is a fairy tale.

06/14/2018 Donna Hylton is now trying to reach out to Kim Kardashian. She now calls herself a "non-violent accessory." They put a metal rod up a man's ass. They use pliers on his testicles. Non-violent accessory?! Donna confessed to doing this, "squeezed the victim's testicles with a pair of pliers, beat him, burned him." Donna confessed that she knew he was dead when she delivered the ransom note. Donna said she did the crime for $8,000 which she wanted to use to break into modeling. Read this for what she actually did. She was no "non-violent accessory." She was sentenced to 25 years and the detectives thought she got off light. She keeps changing her story.

06/04/2018 Donna Hylton has released her book "A little piece of light." It's clearly a work of fiction. The one mention of it is in the entertainment section. Read below for actual facts about her life. She knowingly agreed to commit a crime for money. She admitted it. She's no victim. The victim is the man she helped kill. They were torturing the man before killing him. "Victim" Donna admitted they put a metal rod up the man's ass. She talks about it like it was no big deal.

Per the Son of Sam Law Donna Hylton cannot profit from a book, movie or anything else based on her story about her crime. 

05/19/2018 Guess who was uninvited to the White House for a talk about prison reform? Yep, Donna Hylton. I can tell you why she was uninvited. When I heard she was invited I sent an email to the White House about her actual past. She was not a "victim." She was involved in an intentional murder. She was involved in his torture. She had the opportunity to have a good life with a good family in a good neighborhood. Donna chose the other path.

UPDATE: 04/12/2018 Author Kristine Gasbarre co-authored a book with Donna Hylton. It will be released June 5, 2018. I was told the Judge had stated that none of the defendants can profit off their story. It'll be interesting to see how this pans out.

"Her latest co-authored book, with Donna Hylton, is coming out June 5.  It is ‘A Little Piece of Light – A Memoir of Hope, Prison and a Life Unbound.’ Gasbarre described in detail how the book evolved from a woman’s traumatic childhood and eventual 27- year incarceration for murder. As the one who takes all the facts and research and weaves them into a story, she said, she often feels like an “emotional surrogate.”

UPDATE: 04/29/2017 I just found Donna Hylton's family. Her story is bogus. She was raised in a good neighborhood, family and was given everything. She ran away from home then got pregnant by her boyfriend. Her baby daddy didn't rape her. She ran away with him. Her father didn't abuse her. Her mom and dad just about still live in the same place as when they adopted the siblings. Donna's real mother didn't sell her. She was adopted. Donna's sister came forward with some info. Her sister is educated and an upstanding citizen.

Per the court order Donna cannot write a book about her case. There can never be a movie about her and her case. Someone needs to tell the producers. People also need to know that this person is a fraud. I believe Donna originally made up those stories to try to beat the murder, kidnapping charges by playing the victim. It didn't even help. People say their dad abused them as a reason to kill the dad not some random stranger. Donna confessed to her crime in great detail. Now she's saying maybe she was involved in the kidnapping but not the murder. She lied and said she didn't know he died until after she was arrested. She later messed up that story and admitted she knew he died before she delivered the ransom note. It wasn't just a ransom note. There were photos of the victim naked and tied to a bed spread eagle. There was a note and an audio cassette of the victim telling his biz partner to pay the ransom. Body hair from the female defendants were found on the bedding which they used to wrap up the body. Evidence showed the female defendant's body hair was on the bed sheet where the victim was tied to the bed. That could be perceived as evidence they had sex, attempted to have sex...

If you look at Donna's history per Donna, she kept saying her "beauty" caused her to be raped by almost every relative, neighbor, teacher, mentor...of either sex. I think this shows her insecurity about her looks.

I contacted Donna asking for comment, clarification on all of these issues. She did not reply or contest anything. She received the email. I know because she blocked me on Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram. I can still see her profiles.

Someone made a short about her crime and prison time. I thought this was not allowed per the court order? I'll try to get the court order.

Donna Hylton mugshot criminal murder kidnapping

Donna changed her story yet again. Now she says  they were going to blackmail  the man they killed. She said she was supposed to watch a girl have sex with him. Then they would blackmail him. She said she knew it was wrong but she didn't care. She just wanted to find a way out of her "abusive" situation. Now she says she was kidnapped and abused. She was burned. She said she was 17. This is when she ran away with her boyfriend. You can tell by her body language, eyes, voice that she's lying. She said she went to the police to tell them about her own kidnapping and ... guess what? ... the police officer raped her!

Her warden says there needs to be reform to reduce number who go to prison. Then she said maybe not with the level of Donna's crime but with lesser criminals. Warden said 90% of jail costs is security and not programs.

Donna says her "crime" was just a "situation." She blames it all on her "abuse" by everyone. She also blames it on her sex and color. She again says she was abused because she was so pretty and smart.

Donna is begging for money on gofundme. I wonder if she used that money to buy those expensive Dolce and Gabbana sunglasses she wears.

She started a "From Life to Life LLC." It's for profit and not a non-profit.

FROM LIFE TO LIFE LLC is corporation filed with the New York State Department of State (NYSDOS). The DOS ID is 4486519. The business entity is incorporated in Kings County. The entity type is DOMESTIC LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. The initial DOS filing date is 11/13/2013. The address is 7014 13th Avenue Suite 202, Brooklyn, New York 11228. The city is Brooklyn, New York. The zip code is 11238.

“If I weren’t a woman I wouldn’t have been raped as many times as I have. I would have been a handsome man instead of pretty woman who was objectified and abused.” – Donna Hylton

I'm a woman. I haven't been raped. I realize there are times when a woman can not get away from being raped. I still make sure I don't hang out with sleazy people, criminals. I don't get drunk. take drugs, stay out late at night clubs. I don't go to a stranger's house by myself in the middle of the night. I know how to defend myself.

Seems Donna Hylton is the poster person for New York's "Work for Success" program. We have one here in California. Someone called me up and asked me if I would hire an ex-inmate. They give a tax incentive. I'm not looking for help now but I probably would depending upon the crime and person. Would I hire Donna? No.

donna hylton convicted kidnapper murderer torture, work for success, role model? new york

UPDATE: 05/02/2017 Donna Hylton stated in her LinkedIn that she got Bachelor's and Master's degrees from Mercy College. She said she got her Bachelor's degree in Behavioral Sciences 1990 - 2003. She got her  Master's in English Language and Literature with a 3.73 GPA in 2003. I saved copies of her page in case she edits it. The photo below on the left is what Donna posted. Notice the logo on the gown. To the right is the logo of the City College of San Francisco which matches the one on the gown. Notice the cap color does not match the gown. The photo below right show the real colors, cap, gown, tassels of Mercy College. They are completely different. The tassel in her "graduation photo" has a date of 2014. Not only that but the photo is more recent from after she got out of prison in 2012. It's not 2003. I asked Donna about her education and she didn't reply. I did notice the next time she posted her "graduation photo" that she cropped out the logo of City College of San Francisco. CCSF does not give full degrees online. You have to go to class in San Francisco. If anyone has some clarification, send it along. Was this just some online certification program? It seems they formed a group to talk about improving conditions for inmates. They asked some ex-prisoners to be in the group to advise. Hylton was one of a few prisoners. She never states she graduated from CCSF. I see a pic of her on the campus for a meeting wearing a CCSF tshirt. On her resume she says she worked there as a Community Health Worker. Just a few years ago she said she only got a BA from Mercy College and was working on a Masters at another college.

Donna hylton fake graduation photo. She cropped the logo in this version but she left the tassel that says 2014.
Below is the logo of Mercy College so there can be no confusion

donna hylton, mercy college, graduation photo @mercycollege


I came across an article about Donna Hylton giving a speech about the horrors of the prison system. Donna Hylton talked about how she was discriminated against because she was black. Donna Hylton never stated why she was sent to prison. A student at the presentation asked her about being convicted of murder, kidnapping and torture. The school told the student she was being rude for asking the question. Huge red flag which means ... it's research time!

Donna Patricia Hylton was born October 29, 1964 in Jamaica. This birth date is confirmed with her criminal records. April 16, 1975 Donna Patricia Hylton at the age of nine signed her order of petition to become a naturalized citizen in Bronx, New York. Her address was listed as 820 Boynton Ave, Bronx, NY. Below is that record.

Donna Hylton, Donna Patricia Hylton, convicted criminal, murder, kidnapping, torture, bronx, new york, naturalization papers, citizen
I looked up the address. It's a very nice upscale building complex. It was built in 1965 so it was less than ten years old then. Below is a description and a photo.

"When you decide to call Lafayette Estates home, you will encounter first hand that most elusive of concepts: true peace of mind. Surrounded by lush parkland in the Soundview section of the Bronx, it is just 10 minutes by car from the Bronx-Manhattan-Queens bridges. City subways and buses are nearby, as are shopping and dining.

Lafayette Estates takes its name from the famed French Marquis, and its four residential towers are named after quaint French towns. This is a rare opportunity to invest in a singular residential development that combines the romance of nearby waterside living with excellent family amenities and the best of New York City."

Donna Hylton stated she was a good student and a track star in high school with a scholarship. I'm searching but haven't found anything yet. This woman lied to police, reporters, many people so it's very hard to believe what she says. Turns out she dropped out of school after junior prom. She didn't graduate.

On March 20, 1985 Donna Hylton and six co-defendants kidnapped, tortured and killed 62-year-old Thomas Vigliarolo a balding real estate broker and con man. On March 12, 1986 after a jury trial Donna Hylton was convicted of second degree murder and two counts of first degree kidnapping. Donna Hylton was sentenced to concurrent indeterminate prison terms of 25 years to life. The case is People v Hylton, 564 N.Y.S. 2d 746 (lst Dep't 1991).

"New York Penal Law § 135.25: Kidnapping in the first degree. Kidnapping is one of the most serious crimes in the New York criminal code. It involves restraining and holding a person in a concealed location without that person's consent."

"Murder in the second degree (New York Penal Law 125.25): A person is guilty of murder in the second degree when:
1. With intent to cause the death of another person, he causes the death of such person or of a third person; except that in any prosecution under this subdivision, it is an affirmative defense that:
(a) The defendant acted under the influence of extreme emotional disturbance for which there was a reasonable explanation or excuse, the reasonableness of which is to be determined from the viewpoint of a person in the defendant’s situation under the circumstances as the defendant believed them to be.  Nothing contained in this paragraph shall constitute a defense to a prosecution for, or preclude a conviction of, manslaughter in the first degree or any other crime; or
(b) The defendant’s conduct consisted of causing or aiding, without the use of duress or deception, another person to commit suicide.  Nothing contained in this paragraph shall constitute a defense to a prosecution for, or preclude a conviction of, manslaughter in the second degree or any other crime; or
2. Under circumstances evincing a depraved indifference to human life, he recklessly engages in conduct which creates a grave risk of death to another person, and thereby causes the death of another person; or
3. Acting either alone or with one or more other persons, he commits or attempts to commit robbery, burglary, kidnapping, arson, rape in the first degree, criminal sexual act in the first degree, sexual abuse in the first degree, aggravated sexual abuse, escape in the first degree, or escape in the second degree, and, in the course of and in furtherance of such crime or of immediate flight therefrom, he, or another participant, if there be any, causes the death of a person other than one of the participants;  except that in any prosecution under this subdivision, in which the defendant was not the only participant in the underlying crime, it is an affirmative defense that the defendant:
(a) Did not commit the homicidal act or in any way solicit, request, command, importune, cause or aid the commission thereof;  and
(b) Was not armed with a deadly weapon, or any instrument, article or substance readily capable of causing death or serious physical injury and of a sort not ordinarily carried in public places by law-abiding persons;  and
(c) Had no reasonable ground to believe that any other participant was armed with such a weapon, instrument, article or substance; and
(d) Had no reasonable ground to believe that any other participant intended to engage in conduct likely to result in death or serious physical injury; or
4. Under circumstances evincing a depraved indifference to human life, and being eighteen years old or more the defendant recklessly engages in conduct which creates a grave risk of serious physical injury or death to another person less than eleven years old and thereby causes the death of such person;  or
5. Being eighteen years old or more, while in the course of committing rape in the first, second or third degree, criminal sexual act in the first, second or third degree, sexual abuse in the first degree, aggravated sexual abuse in the first, second, third or fourth degree, or incest in the first, second or third degree, against a person less than fourteen years old, he or she intentionally causes the death of such person.
Murder in the second degree is a class A-I felony."

The Defendants are Louis Miranda the one who ordered the kidnapping, Woodie George Pace the tough guy, his girlfriend 500 lb Selma Price, Maria Talag, Donna Hylton and her friends Rita and Theresa.

From the 1985 NY Times article,

"Those charged were Selma Price, 46, of that address; Rita Peters, 20, and Donna Hilton, 20, both of the Bronx; Maria Talag, 24, of Queens, and Woodie George Pace, 40, Louis Miranda, 64, and Angeles Marlano, 62, all of Manhattan."

Donna Hylton likes to say she just watched the victim and delivered the ransom note. Not true. Per the Psychology Today article and court documents Donna Hylton admitted to squeezing the victim's testicles with a pair of pliers, beating him, burning him... The Detectives thought their prison sentences were actually light. Donna Hylton said she did not realize the victim had died when she delivered the ranson note. Later she admitted she knew before she delivered the note.

Reading the Psychology Today article where she basically states that almost all of her family members, mentors, neighbors ... molested her and I find it hard to believe. Everyone molested her? She reminds me of Anna Storelli who also stated everyone molested her including celebrities.

There's a discrepancy in the Psychology Today article. The woman who inserted the three foot metal rod up the anus of the victim said "he was a homo." That makes no sense. If he were a homosexual, how were three women able to lure him away with the offer of heterosexual sex?

Just found a post supposedly from her sister. Name, birth date, naturalization dates match. This is her older sister. This sounds believable. I believe Donna Hylton is a lying fraud.

"I am happy to see such an articulate summarisation of Donna and her crime.
2) Her memories are fragmented bits of lies
3) What she is doing is making herself THE VICTIM
4) Judge Torres as a part of his sentencing stipulated that “no movies, books, or documentaries were to be made about this heinous crime because he did not want any of the murderers to benefit from the murder, torture, kidnap of the Victim. He was burned, clothed on in diapers and was given kool aid when they felt like feeding him.
7) My mother NEVER threw her in the air and watched her drop to the ground
8) Donna was a Spoiled child that was GIVEN EVERYTHING SHE WANTED.. Had the best of everything my parents made sure of that.
9) She ran away from home of her own accord.
10) Her daughters father did not rape her.. How do you rape someone who willingly ran away from home one week after Junior High prom?
11) I am her Blood sister, we have the same mother and we were both adopted by the HYLTONS.
12) She is a Sociopathic, PATHOLIGICAL Liar…Shows no empathy, remorse or sympathy to anyone she hurts.
13) If she thinks she will benefit from you she will lay on the BABY VOICE CHARM, caress your hands and look you straight in the eye and LIE…
14) The only reason they were not given the death sentence was because NYC had banned it when the crime was committed.

I'm starting to doubt that Donna Hylton graduated from Mercy College with Bachelor and Masters degrees. She posts one photo of her in a cap and gown by herself next to a tree. Why not the photo they give you of you accepting your degree? The cap and gown in the photo is not the cap and gown for the school. All students must only buy Mercy College cap and gown for their specific degrees. Donna posted a pic of her in a cap, gown June 2016. She got out of prison in 2012. Bachelor degree is four years. Masters is another two to four depending upon study. First she'd have to get her GED or actually finish high school. Maybe she did that in prison. There still is not enough time for a Bachelor and Masters degrees in only four years. Below is a pic which Donna posted when she said she graduated in September 2016. She posted the same again February 2017. That is not the cap, gown, colors or tassle of Mercy College. If you zoom in on the "2014" or whatever it says, I see photoshopping. Also I think it says "City College of San Francisco" on the gown on those two patches. Those aren't even the school colors. I think Donna maybe bought some used cap and gown from a thrift store, put it on, took a pic of herself next to a tree and called it a day. People want to believe criminals and liars can change but they can't.

It does say "City College of San Francisco." It's their logo. She has never lived in San Francisco. Here's their logo. It says "The truth shall make you free" on it!
city college of san francisco, donna hylton is a lying fraud

This is the cap and gown for Mercy College from Mercy College website.

Here it is up close.

Below is her prison record. May 19, 1986 she went to prison for 25 years to life. April 5, 2010 was her earliest parole hearing. She was released two years later January 2012. She was involved in some bad behavior in prison. She was on probation until December 2016.

Inmate Information

Inmate Information Data Definitions are provided for most of the elements listed below. When a detailed definition is available for a specific element, you may click on the element's label to view it.
Identifying and Location Information
As of 04/30/17
DIN (Department Identification Number)86G0206  
Inmate NameHYLTON, DONNA  
Date of Birth10/29/1964  
Race / EthnicityBLACK  
Custody StatusRELEASED  
Housing / Releasing FacilityBEDFORD HILLS  
Date Received (Original)05/19/1986  
Date Received (Current)05/19/1986  
Admission Type
County of CommitmentNEW YORK  
Latest Release Date / Type (Released Inmates Only)01/17/12 PAROLE DIV OF PAROLE  
Crimes of Conviction
If all 4 crime fields contain data, there may be additional crimes not shown here. In this case, the crimes shown here are those with the longest sentences.
As of 04/30/17
Sentence Terms and Release Dates
Under certain circumstances, an inmate may be released prior to serving his or her minimum term and before the earliest release date shown for the inmate.
As of 04/30/17
Aggregate Minimum Sentence0025 Years, 00 Months, 00 Days
Aggregate Maximum SentenceLIFE Years, 99 Months, 99 Days
Earliest Release Date
Earliest Release Type
Parole Hearing Date06/2012  
Parole Eligibility Date04/05/2010  
Conditional Release DateNONE  
Maximum Expiration DateLIFE  
Maximum Expiration Date for Parole Supervision
Post Release Supervision Maximum Expiration Date
Parole Board Discharge Date12/22/2016  

Donna Hylton appealed the case. "On direct appeal. Petitioner challenged her conviction on the grounds that the trial court erred (1) in admitting Petitioner's statements to the police; (2) in failing to grant Petitioner a separate trial; (3) in admitting co-defendants' statements implicating Petitioner in violation of her constitutional right to confrontation; (4) by giving improper instructions to the jury on her defense of duress; and (5) by permitting the prosecution to engage in misconduct. Lastly, Petitioner argued that her sentence was excessive."

"The Appellate Division, First Department, affirmed the conviction and sentence on January 29, 1991, stating:

"Under the circumstances of this case, joinder was proper. Similarly, considering that Hylton made her own elaborate confession, which was corroborated by ample evidence irrespective of the statements of her co-defendants, we cannot conclude that reversible error occurred with introduction of the statements of those codefendants. Defendant's challenges to the trial court's instruction on duress are unpreserved as a matter of law; nor do we find reversible error in the prosecutor's comments which referred to defendant's failure to establish this defense. With respect to other comments by the prosecutor in summation, defendant's arguments are either unpreserved or unpersuasive. We have examined defendant's remaining contentions and find them to be meritless. Hylton, 564 N.Y.S.2d at 746-47."

Donna Hylton filed another appeal on the same grounds and lost again. Fifteen years later, in February 2006 Donna Hylton moved to vacate her conviction on similar grounds and was denied. April 17, 2007 Donna Hylton filed a writ of habeas corpus and was denied.

This conviction has now been affirmed four more times. And again, Donna Hylton gave a long and elaborate confession of everything she did. Her appeal basically stated she should not have been allowed to confess. The Judge stated that even without her confession there was enough physical evidence to convict her.

I found a few court records. She filed an appeal many years after confessing to the crime. It was denied as untimely. Here's the docket of the proceedings. It mentions the previous cases in detail.

Here's the nine page court order denying the appeal.

Here it is in text format, much easier.

In 1989 Donna Hylton was involved as a defendant in a case about inappropriate behavior in prison.

It seems that case relates to this case. Lord was also a prisoner. In this case Donna Hylton is a defendant. It's for prisoner civil rights.

It seems Donna Hylton kept getting in trouble in prison. That's probably why she was in prison for 27 years when she was sentenced to 25. "The ruling barring enforcement of the OMH policy and the rulings ordering expungement of the records of the disciplinary hearings of Hylton, Cannon, Pointer, and Scott are reversed, and the case is remanded for further proceedings consistent with this opinion."

Here's an article from the New York Times about the murder.

Below was her prison address and number.

Donna Hylton
Bedford Hills Correctional Facility
P.O. Box 1000
247 Harris Road
Bedford Hills, NY 10507

Below is her mailing address

donna hylton 521 St. Marks Avenue 3B Brooklyn New York 11238
Her email is

This 1995 "Crime and Punishment" interview Psychology Today did with Donna Hylton in prison is a real eye opener. All of the defendants immediately confessed to their crimes. People were shocked that Donna Hylton unemotionally admitted to the horribly cruel things she'd done.

Below are newspaper clippings of the case. For some reason her name was never mentioned in the newspaper articles. It is now.

Click to see it full size, Donna Hylton convicted of kidnap torture murder 1986
Donna Hylton convicted of kidnap torture murder 1985

Donna Hylton convicted of kidnap torture murder 1985
Donna Hylton convicted of kidnap torture murder 1985

Below is a summary of her autobiography which will be turned into a movie. I'm trying to verify her statements but so far I haven't been able to.

"According to the story that will be used for the feature film: Growing up in Jamaica, Hylton’s mother first sold her to an American couple in New York. She was 7 years old. Thinking that she was going to Disneyland, she ended up in a very different reality: Hylton would find out that her adoptive father was a pedophile. To get away from him, she would hide in the closet, and when she saw a little piece of light coming through the room, she knew he was on his way to get her.

Hylton, whose beauty became her curse in a life of sexual abuse, was later arrested at age 19 when she was a high school track star as a result of her participation in the kidnapping and murder of a Rikers Island real estate agent. She was sentenced to 25 years to life in prison and was put in solitary confinement where she, once again, would see that little piece of light. This time, however, it grew to mean something very different.

Once out of prison in 2012, she would look for that little piece of light in others. And eventually found her calling — she began fighting for the rights of women alongside her mother figure and women’s rights activist, author Eve Ensler (The Vagina Monologues)."

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, real estate, appraiser, appraisal, instructor, teacher, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Pasadena, Brentwood, Bel Air, California, licensed, permitted, single family, condo, pud, hud, fannie mae, freddie mac, uspap, certified, residential, certified resident, apartment building, multi-family, commercial, industrial, expert witness, civil, criminal, orea, dre, insurance, bonded, experienced, bilingual, spanish, english, form, 1004, 2055, land, raw, acreage, vacant, insurance, cost, income approach, market analysis, comparative, theory, appraisal theory, cost approach, sales, matched pairs, plot, plat, map, diagram, photo, photographs, photography, rear, front, street, subject, comparable, sold, listed, active, pending, expired, cancelled, listing, mls, multiple listing service, claw, themls,

Remembering the 1992 Rodney King Los Angeles Riots - Mary Cummins

1992 Rodney King Los Angeles riots, excessive use of force, arson, murder, looting, mary cummins, real estate, appraiser, california
April 29, 1992 a trial jury acquitted four officers of the Los Angeles Police Department of the use of excessive force in the videotaped arrest and beating of Rodney King. I was watching the Rodney King trial results live. Everyone knew there'd be trouble when the jury said "not guilty." None of us knew just how bad it would be.

Immediately there were riots in South Los Angeles. People were looting stores, assaulting people, starting fires and even killing people. The riots lasted six days and spread to other areas of Los Angeles. In the end 55 people were killed and many more were severely injured. One such unlucky person was Reginald Denny a white construction worker who was pulled out of his truck and almost beaten to death by some black men. Denny's beating which was broadcast live on TV by a helicopter hovering directly over the intersection became a pivotal point of the riots. That beating caused LAPD to call in the California Army National Guard, the 7th Infantry Division and the 1st Marine Division to try to stop the violence. When it was all over there was over $1 billion in property damage. I know first hand as I appraised some of the looted buildings for insurance companies.

I watched the first day of rioting on TV safely north of the riots in West Hollywood. The next day I had plans to go to the Kentucky Derby as I was invited by a client. No, I no longer go to horse races. I realize how cruel they are. When I was going to LAX for my flight I heard on the radio that the airport was closed due to poor visibility caused by the smoke from the fires. My client had a private jet. His pilot ignored the warning and we left for Kentucky the last plane out of LAX.

While I was in Kentucky my cat was at my veterinarian's office. I would usually board him at the Holiday Hotel for Cats but he was on antibiotics for a cut. I thought he'd get proper vet care being boarded for treatment at my vet. Every day I called to see how he was doing. They said he was fine.
The day that I left LA the city was put on sunset to sunrise curfew to try to stop the violence. I came back from the Kentucky Derby at night. I was lucky to find a taxi. I was driven home up the 405 and across the 10 freeways to a deserted city. I was the only car on the freeways! It felt like one of those "end of the world" nightmares.  It was surreal.

The next day I called my vet so I could pick up my cat. They said he was in surgery. Oh, BTW he was a black cat which I stupidly named "Lucky." Don't ever name a pet "Lucky." The vet told me Lucky was in surgery to remove his two front legs. It seemed the veterinarians did not go to the VCA Animal Hospital during the six day riots even though the hospital was in West Hollywood miles north of the rioting. Lucky got gangrene from infection. They said if they removed his two front legs, they still didn't have enough skin to close him up. I told them to euthanize him. My cat an unlucky victim of the riots.

There were many victims of the riots. Big stores, franchises, markets did not want to reopen or open anew in the riot areas deeming them too risky. The poor people in those areas lost many much needed grocery stores. Even though redlining is illegal banks did not want to loan on property in the area. I know because the banks would tell the borrow that my appraisal came in low when it didn't just so they could deny them. Many people were too frightened to do any business in the area and closed shop.

Because I speak Spanish I appraise in the area. I have to admit after the riots I would only do appraisals at certain times. I took freeway routes, not side streets. Seeing a big group of people while driving in that area made me very nervous. I thought because I have white skin like Reginald Denny that I could get dragged out of my car and severely beaten or killed. I always drive with the doors locked.

Over time tensions eased. Some stores agreed to open in those areas. There was some new development as a result of the riots. There were many community meetings to try to solve some of the issues which caused the rioting and looting. Most of the rioters, looters were poor younger people. I remember watching TV and a young black man had three boxes of tennis shoes which he just looted from a Payless Shoes store. He looked into the videocamera of the news media holding up a shoe saying "This is for you, Rodney!" How did he know what size shoe Rodney wore?

It's now 25 years after the riots. I had thought rioting was behind us. LA must have matured beyond rioting as a response to an unjust court ruling or other event. Now we have riots because of Donald Trump and his White Supremacist supporters and their opponents. Besides the fear of riots and looting we now have to fear Trump starting a nuclear war with North Korea. We are again in tumultuous times.

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, real estate, appraiser, appraisal, instructor, teacher, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Pasadena, Brentwood, Bel Air, California, licensed, permitted, single family, condo, pud, hud, fannie mae, freddie mac, uspap, certified, residential, certified resident, apartment building, multi-family, commercial, industrial, expert witness, civil, criminal, orea, dre, insurance, bonded, experienced, bilingual, spanish, english, form, 1004, 2055, land, raw, acreage, vacant, insurance, cost, income approach, market analysis, comparative, theory, appraisal theory, cost approach, sales, matched pairs, plot, plat, map, diagram, photo, photographs, photography, rear, front, street, subject, comparable, sold, listed, active, pending, expired, cancelled, listing, mls, multiple listing service, claw, themls,

Friday, April 28, 2017

Who is Morgan Joyce Varn charged with kidnapping, armed robbery, with black eyes? Family, history

Morgan Joyce Varn, black eyes, lancaster county, south carolina, robbery, kidnapping, animal abuse, drugs, marijuana, hash, armed robbery, 1993, Jonathan Mikael Robinson


Morgan Joyce Varn was born January 3,1993 in Bexar, Texas. Her parents are Guy Morrell Varn 1961 who graduated from Clemson University and Katherine Maria Labrador born 1961 who went to Anderson College 1981. She has a sister Perry Katherine Varn born 1995 in North Carolina. The rest of her family looks normal. This must be due to drugs. Here is her criminal record just in Lancaster County, South Carolina. She was born in 1993. She's been charged with the five following charges,

0659-Drugs / Possession of 28g (1 oz) or less of marijuana or 10g or less of hash - 1st offense
0139-Robbery / Armed Robbery, robbery while armed or allegedly armed with a deadly weapon
0095-Kidnapping / Kidnapping
3415-Malicious / Malicious Injury to animals, personal property, injury value $2,000 or less
29101145125-Ordinance / County Paraphernalia Ordinance

Below are the cases.

Name Party Type Case Number Filed Date Case Status Disposition Date Type Subtype Judgment # Court Agency
Varn, Morgan Joyce Defendant 2017A2910100814 04/27/2017 Pending/Initial Appearance Criminal-Clerk General Sessions
Varn, Morgan Joyce Defendant 2017A2910100815 04/27/2017 Pending/Initial Appearance Criminal-Clerk General Sessions
Varn, Morgan Joyce Defendant 2017A2910100816 04/25/2017 Pending Criminal Lancaster County Magistrate
Varn, Morgan Joyce Defendant 4102P0377265 04/27/2017 Pending Criminal Lancaster County Magistrate
Varn, Morgan Joyce Defendant 4102P0377266 04/27/2017 Pending Criminal Lancaster County Magistrat

From the Lancaster County Sheriff office.

"Armed Robbery

Two people were arrested in connection with the report of an armed robbery Monday night, April 24, 2017. Deputies of the Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office were dispatched to a town home on Sandal Brook Road in Indian Land at about 11:20 p. m. The town home is just down the street from the sheriff’s office Indian Land Substation. Deputies found the 25-year-old male victim outside. He reported that he knew Morgan Joyce Varn, age 24, who lived in the town home. She invited him over. Also present inside the town home were Jonathan Mikael Robinson, age 23, of Charlotte, another adult female with Robinson, and two other adult males. According to the victim, Robinson was armed with a handgun. Varn demanded the victim’s cell phone and money, and he gave them to her. Varn smashed the screen on the phone. Varn also threatened the victim with an ashtray. The victim left the town home, and someone threw his phone out behind him. The phone was inoperable, so the victim went to a neighboring home to call 911.

The three deputies on the scene attempted to call the occupants out of the home. The two other adult males did come out, leaving Robinson, Varn, and the other adult female inside. An investigator arrived and made telephone contact with Varn, who said they would come out. They did not, and Varn would no longer answer her phone. Other officers, investigators, a crisis negotiator, and the SWAT team arrived. A search warrant was obtained. Neighbors were moved to safety. The crisis negotiator unsuccessfully called out to the occupants for several hours over a patrol car public address system. The decision was made for the SWAT team to toss a telephone into the town home as a final attempt to communicate with the occupants. When the door was opened, Varn and the other adult female were brought out and detained. Robinson did not answer the phone and continued to refuse to come out. After several minutes, the SWAT team entered the home and took Robinson into custody. The home was searched, and a pistol and ammunition were found. The pistol had been reported stolen in an Indian Land carbreaking in July of last year. A substantial amount of cash was found on Robinson when he was booked into the Lancaster County Detention Center. Robinson is charged with Armed Robbery, Kidnapping, Possession of a Firearm During the Commission of a Violent Crime, and Possession of a Stolen Pistol. Varn is charged with Armed Robbery, Kidnapping, and Malicious Injury to Personal Property. Varn signed a personal recognizance bond on the property damage charge, but bond was denied for Robinson and Varn on all the other charges. Attached are photographs of Robinson and Varn.

Sheriff Barry Faile said, “We had three people and a pistol inside that home and for hours did everything we could to get them to come out. When they didn’t, we had to go in and get them. Fortunately, no weapons were discharged and nobody was hurt. That is the outcome we always want.”

Anyone with information about this or any other case should call the Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office at 803-283-3388 or Crimestoppers at 888-CRIME-SC (888-274-6372) or email"

Officers helped Morgan Joyce Varn give birth in 2015. Here she is with her baby daddy and baby.

morgan joyce varn, baby, lancaster, south carolina

She was living at 1915 Sandal Brook Rd,, Indian Land, SC 29707, 2 beds 2 baths 865 sqft townhome.

Case Number: 2017A2910100814 Court Agency: General Sessions Filed Date: 04/27/2017
Case Type: Criminal-Clerk Case Sub Type:
Status: Pending/Initial Appearance Assigned Judge: Clerk Of Court C P, G S, And Family Court Disposition Judge:
Disposition Date: Date Received: 04/27/2017 Arrest Date: 04/25/2017
Law Enf. Case: 2017-20973 True Bill Date: No Bill Date:
Prosecutor Case: Indictment Number: 0000GS29 Waiver Date:
Probation Case:

Case PartiesChargesSentencingAssociated CasesActionsFinancialsBonds
Click the Show Associated Parties icon to show associated parties.
Name Address Race Sex Year Of Birth Party Type Party Status Last Updated
Rumbaugh, Jennifer J 1520 Pageland Hwy Lancaster SC 29720 Officer 04/27/2017
Varn, Morgan Joyce 1915 Sandal Brook Rd Indian Land SC 29707 White F 1993 Defendant 04/27/2017

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, real estate, appraiser, appraisal, instructor, teacher, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Pasadena, Brentwood, Bel Air, California, licensed, permitted, single family, condo, pud, hud, fannie mae, freddie mac, uspap, certified, residential, certified resident, apartment building, multi-family, commercial, industrial, expert witness, civil, criminal, orea, dre, insurance, bonded, experienced, bilingual, spanish, english, form, 1004, 2055, land, raw, acreage, vacant, insurance, cost, income approach, market analysis, comparative, theory, appraisal theory, cost approach, sales, matched pairs, plot, plat, map, diagram, photo, photographs, photography, rear, front, street, subject, comparable, sold, listed, active, pending, expired, cancelled, listing, mls, multiple listing service, claw, themls,

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Who is Sebastian Gorka, Sebastian Lukacs Gorka married to Katharine Cornell? A fraud, that's who.

Sebastian Gorka, Sebastian Lukacs Gorka, Katharine Cornell, Katharine Fairfax Cornell, Julia Gorka, Paul Gorka, Pal Gorka, Zsuzsa Gorka, Zsuzsa Biro, Susan Gorka, Paul V Gorka, hungary, white house, donald trump, fraud, liar, london, isis, terrorists
Check back as I'll be updating this article as I confirm new leads.

UPDATE: 01182018

Warrant for Gorka's arrest in Hungary on a gun charge. He was charged trying to carry a gun through the airport in the US. Now he has a gun charge in Hungary.

08/25/2017 Gorka resigns, gets fired, leaves again. Let's see if it sticks this time.

08/20/2017 Gorka is supposedly again leaving the White House. We shall see.

08/18/2017 Gorka is still working for Trump and/or the White House after they said he would be gone. After the Charlottesville, Virginia white supremacist violence he should definitely not have anything to do with our government. Again, he was confirmed as a member of Vitezi Rend which is a Hungarian hate group. In the photo above taken at Trump's inauguration he's wearing "a black braided jacket known as a “bocskai” adorned with two medals that some Hungarian news outlets and scholars identified with Miklós Horthy, the anti-Semitic World War II-era leader whose regime witnessed the murder of some 600,000 Hungarian Jews." Hungarians were the first to state what the jacket and medals mean. It wasn't "leftie libtards" as Gorka and his ilk like to state.

Please, read below. Gorka didn't pass a security clearance in Hungary so he couldn't work for the Hungarian government. Hungarian press stated that's why he left Hungary. He couldn't get a job. He came to the US with made up credentials. How is he working with our government if he couldn't even pass security clearance to work with the Hungarian government?

06/21/2017 Gorka fired from FBI because of intense Islamaphobia and the spewing of hate speech. I don't know how the FBI could have ever contracted with him to give his ridiculous speeches. Didn't they see his crazy website?

04/30/2017 Sebastian Gorka is leaving the White House. "He will be departing in the summer for other endeavors. His job was just temporary." Read that, "Fired because he's a Nazi loving anti-Semitic fraud who lied about his past!"

UPDATE: 04/27/2017 I just searched and a few ways. Gorka is not mentioned in there as an employee. I only see an article about the Senators asking for an investigation. I read earlier that he is not on the security council, does not have a security clearance. What does he do for Trump? Is he an outside independent consultant? Was he just a regular person who signed up to go to the inauguration? Did he just ask Trump to take a pic of him which he uses as his FB profile pic?

I was reading Hungarian media articles about Gorka via Google translate. People in the know were asked who was Gorka. Media experts stated he wrote some articles then tried to be a consultant for the Hungarian government. He didn't get a security clearance so he was denied. He tried to start a political party to oppose the then current leader but that failed. Gorka wrote that the current leader would never win the election then he did. At that point the few people who knew anything about him said he went to the US to "try his luck there." All the Hungarian experts stated that he was a fake and a fraud who pretended to be an expert to get cozy with people. He was considered a hanger on.

I was just told that the "V" in the place of Sebastian Gorka's father's name is not his middle initial. It is meant to show that he is a life long member of anti-semitic group "Vitézi Rend" in Hungary. In the past Sebastian has also used a "V." Democratic senators Durbin, Blumenthal and Cardin have called for Sebastian Gorka to be investigated for lying on his naturalization papers if they exist. Vitezi Rend is considered a hate group. Membership in this group would bar someone from becoming a citizen. The current leader of Vitezi Rend stated that Sebastian Gorka is a member of the group. 

It seems Sebastian Gorka and his altright friends such as Breitbart where Gorka worked are sending out fake news stating that all articles doubting his history are actually "fake news" from liberal lefties, Dems, Obama, Clinton... He's calling it a smear job. In turn he is smearing everyone who dares to say these things including politicians who demanded an investigation. The first people to doubt Sebastian Gorka's credentials and to out his military uniform and antisemitic medal were Hungarians in Hungary. It wasn't the US "lefties." What did Gorka expect after wearing the military uniform of the Vitezi Rend and that medal to Donald Trump's inauguration? Gorka is not just a fraud but also an idiot who committed political suicide.


I'll first start with basic irrefutable facts. Sebastian Gorka, Sebastian Lukacs Gorka was born in Hammersmith, Greater London October 22, 1970 (England and Wales, Civil Registration Birth Index, 1916-2005). The variation of his name is Sebestyén Lukács Gorka. His father is Pal "Paul" V Gorka born 1930 in Hungary. His mother is Margit Zsuzsa "Susan" Biro Gorka born in Hungary. Paul and Susan were married Jul-Sep 1958 in Westminster, Middlesex, England (England & Wales, Civil Registration Marriage Index, 1916-2005).

Gorka married Katharine "Katie" Fairfax Cornell born July 6, 1960, Boston, Massachusetts in Sopron, Hungary at St. Michael's Roman Catholic Church in Sopron July 6, 1996. Katharine graduated from the University of North Carolina. Katharine's parents are Milton Keen Cornell 1936-2001 and Sandra Lipson Ryon Cornell. The Cornell family owns Cornell Iron Works. Katharine Cornell's siblings are Christopher Slocum, Eleanor Cornell, James Cornell, Ellie Cornell and Andrew Cornell. Together Gorka and Cornell have two children, Julia Gorka and Paul Gorka.

I can't find any naturalization or immigration records for Sebastian Gorka. At times he stated he was very recently made a naturalized citizen of the US while other times he denied being a citizen.

I searched from 1970 to 2015. There are only two mentions of him. In 2010 Gorka stated he worked for "Department of Defense U.S. Special Operations Command." I found no evidence that he did. In 2013 Gorka said he worked for "Foundation for the Defense of Democracies." He also stated he worked for "U.S. Special Operation's Command's Joint Special Operations University" training Yemeni soldiers. Again, no evidence. After 2015 there are mentions of him on altright news sites such as Breitbart stating the same things.

Many writers have pointed out that he lied about his education. He had no secondary education in 2002. In 2008 he allegedly got a degree. Again, very flimsy evidence of a thesis which he alone provided. The thesis even contains allegedly plagiarized parts of his wife's writings. His wife does have a degree. The thesis was reviewed by two people who didn't have a PhD. The third reviewer was a friend of Gorka's.

Many writers have also pointed out that he has altright ties to organizations linked to Nazis. The fact that he'd wear "a black braided jacket known as a “bocskai” adorned with two medals that some Hungarian news outlets and scholars identified with Miklós Horthy, the anti-Semitic World War II-era leader whose regime witnessed the murder of some 600,000 Hungarian Jews" in the above photo to Donald Trump's inauguration is really mind blowing. What is really troubling is that while in Hungary he was denied a security clearance. He was denied in Hungary but now has a security clearance as the Deputy Assistant of President Trump on the National Security Advisory Staff in relation to counter terrorism. Gorka has access to highly classified information yet absolutely no background check was done on this person. Again Trump appoints the absolute worst person for each position.

Sebastian Gorka has had some run ins with the law. The worst violation was carrying a gun at an airport. "Gorka was arrested Jan. 31, 2016 for bringing a handgun through security at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport in Arlington and faced up to 12 months in jail and a fine of $2,500 for the class one misdemeanor." He was able to ultimately get the charge dismissed through an appeal and plea bargain. The court cases confirm his birth date as 10/22. He also has multiple driving violations in Virginia since 1999 that I could find. I searched here.

He lives in Mc Lean, Virginia. Here's a photo of his house. This was taken in May. It was not taken on July 4. He has lots of flags all over the place. Pretty odd especially considering he might not even be a citizen. Here's video of his house online. He really knows a lot about "security." 4 bed, 3 bath, 2008 sq. ft. house located at 1207 BUCHANAN St, MCLEAN, VA 22101 sold for $842000 on Jul 9, 2015. MLS# FX9008608. This was his address for his court case. He bought the home July 2015. He also uses it for holding companies such as Threat Knowledge Group. He made this address public when he could have used a p.o. box. He charges cities to give "classes." I can't believe no one checked out this guy's references or lack thereof. Here's another speeding ticket. Charge 1: 85/70 Rd Charging County: Spotsylvania General District Court, VA Charge Date: 02/23/2016. Donald Trump for President gave him $8,000 for consulting. in 2015.

Sebastian Gorka home, house, McLean Virginia flags

"*Sebastian Gorka, *a deputy assistant to Mr. Trump and a former editor at Breitbart News, reported consulting fees of $38,200 from Breitbart. He also reported royalties of $50,000 to $100,000 for his book “Defeating jihad: The Winnable War” — and also said that he signed a contract for a second book."

This article translated into English states he is wearing the military uniform of the altright of Hungary and a medal showing he supports the anti-semitic organization.

Check out the original versions of his Wikipedia page. Delusional delusions! Scroll to bottom then click "oldest." Then click "prev" to see each version. His story changes and changes. I bet he made his Wiki page.

Also check out his website which he shut down just nine days ago. Here's a version from 2015. I've saved copies. Only the first page has been swapped out. The website is still there and searchable in Google cache. It was built with WordPress. Gorka has lots to say about Jews. His site is mainly propaganda, anti-Clinton, anti-Obama. He intentionally shared and posted all those false things about Clinton. He is actively inciting ISIS with his website and speaking. He reminds me of John Westergaard who said the sky will fall at the stroke of midnight 1999 because computers won't be able to read code. Then he offered a cassette, pamphlet which you would buy for $29 to save yourself and the world.

Most recent one.

Here's the most recent functional version from November 2016.

Someone asked for his criminal record. I'll start posting the cases here.

Case Number : GC16000565-00 Filed Date : 02/03/2016 Locality : COMMONWEALTH OF VA
Name : GORKA, SEBASTIAN L Status : Released On Summons Defense Attorney : CHRISTOPHER G.OPRISON, ESQ
Address : MCLEAN, VA 22101 AKA1 : AKA2 :
Gender : Male Race : White Caucasian(Non-Hispanic) DOB : 10/22/****
Charge Information
Code Section : 18.2-287.01 Case Type : Misdemeanor Class :
Offense Date : 01/31/2016 Arrest Date : Complainant : LUNA, J
Amended Charge : Amended Code : Amended Case Type :
Hearing Information
Date Time Result Hearing Type Courtroom Plea Continuance Code
02/10/2016 02:00 PM Continued Arraignment 3B
04/20/2016 09:30 AM Continued Adjudicatory 3B Commonwealth
06/08/2016 09:30 AM Finalized Adjudicatory 3B Guilty

Case Number : GT11043885-00 Filed Date : 09/30/2011 Locality : ARLINGTON
Name : GORKA, SEBASTIAN LUKACS Status : Defense Attorney :
Address : MCLEAN, VA 22101 AKA1 : AKA2 :
Gender : Male Race : White Caucasian(Non-Hispanic) DOB : 10/22/****
Charge Information
Charge : 50/30 SP
Code Section : C.46.2-878 Case Type : Infraction Class :
Offense Date : 09/29/2011 Arrest Date : Complainant : NUCELLI, A
Amended Charge : Amended Code : Amended Case Type :
Hearing Information
Date Time Result Hearing Type Courtroom Plea Continuance Code
11/14/2011 09:00 AM Waived 3C
Disposition Information
Final Disposition :  Prepaid
Sentence Time : 00Months 000Days 00Hours Sentence Suspended Time : 00Months 000Days 00Hours
Probation Type : Probation Time : 00Years 00Months 000Days Probation Starts :
Operator License Suspension Time : 00Years 00Months 000Days Restriction Effective Date :
Operator License Restriction Codes :
Fine : $120.00 Costs : $61.00 Fine/Costs Due :
Fine/Costs Paid : Paid Fine/Costs Paid Date : 11/07/2011

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, real estate, appraiser, appraisal, instructor, teacher, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Pasadena, Brentwood, Bel Air, California, licensed, permitted, single family, condo, pud, hud, fannie mae, freddie mac, uspap, certified, residential, certified resident, apartment building, multi-family, commercial, industrial, expert witness, civil, criminal, orea, dre, insurance, bonded, experienced, bilingual, spanish, english, form, 1004, 2055, land, raw, acreage, vacant, insurance, cost, income approach, market analysis, comparative, theory, appraisal theory, cost approach, sales, matched pairs, plot, plat, map, diagram, photo, photographs, photography, rear, front, street, subject, comparable, sold, listed, active, pending, expired, cancelled, listing, mls, multiple listing service, claw, themls,

LA Art Show at Los Angeles Convention Center by Mary Cummins

mary cummins, la art show, la convention center, los angeles, california, art show, artists, robert vargas, mural, muralist Los Angeles LA A...