Ted Cruz, Rafael Cruz, Eleanor Cruz, Eleanor Darragh, Michael Wilson, Alan Wilson, son, birth certificate, death certificate, london, england, american, citizen |
UPDATE 04/17/2016: I will be releasing my full research on Rafael Bienvenido Cruz Diaz within the next couple of days. I first had to track down some documents including where they were found. Some people are going into the archives and editing the names, dates so documents cannot be found. They are flipping names and birth dates. Here is but one example. The thumbnails link to the full size documents so you can look at them in detail.
Below is the entry information for a Rafael B Cruz Diaz. Someone changed the birth date. If you look at the doc you see "22/marz/3*" That is how they would have written the date, day/month/year.
Name: Rafael B Cruz Diaz
Age: 37 (incorrect)
Nationality: Cuban
Birth Date: 3 Mar 1922 (the date he was using was March 22, 1939)
Arrival Date: 15 Sep 19
Port of Arrival: Key West, Florida, USA
Airline: Q
Here is the actual document. "F" status is student. The Texas address is the "University of Texas" which is what is written. "Aballi" is the name of the owner of one of the plantations. The street may be named after him.
Rafael B Cruz Diaz student visa Cuba Key West, Florida USA |
This is where the document was found. I am going to correct this document so it contains the real information so it can be found. It actually originally had the corrected information then someone edited it. A friend added the correct information back to the document. Let's see how long it stays here.
Rafael B Cruz Diaz student visa cuba key west florida usa |
This is the legal citation to the document.
Source Citation
The National Archives at Washington, D.C.; Washington, D.C.; Series Title: Passenger & Crew Manifests of Airplanes Arriving at Key West, Florida; NAI Number: 2790556; Record Group Title: Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, 1787 - 2004; Record Group Number: 85
Source Information
Ancestry.com. Florida Passenger Lists, 1898-1963 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2006.
This is the passenger list of that ferry voyage. Thumbnail links to full size document for easy viewing. Here he is listed in "tourist" class. Arrival August 21, 1957 from Havana, Cuba to Key West Florida.
Rafael B Cruz Diaz Cuban 28871 passport number |
EXCLUSIVE! I sent my Ted Cruz ancestry research to a few reporters in 2015. I was hoping they could find Ted Cruz' father's naturalization papers, passport information. Rafael Cruz offered to give the press that information but never did. I even asked Ted Cruz and his campaign twice with no response. I only got one question and a "thank you" so I didn't realize the reporters used my data. Since then the reporters contacted the first husband of Eleanor Darragh which is Alan Wilson. Alan Wilson stated that he was not the father of Eleanor's baby who was born and died in 1966. I was going off Ted Cruz' book which stated Alan was the father. Not only was Alan not the father but he'd been separated, divorced from Eleanor since 1963 three years before the baby was born. Eleanor asked him if she could put his name on the birth certificate. I was born at this exact time. Being an unwed mother at that time was a huge no no in the US especially if you were Christian or Catholic. Alan was a nice guy and said yes even though he'd never even met the baby.
This morning I found the child's birth certificate. He was Michael Darragh Wilson born 1966. I only have a US account as I can't afford to pay extra for data outside of the US. If you hover over a non-US doc you see this pop-up. It doesn't show the specifics but it's good enough for this purpose. Sorry, but I have no money. If you want me to research for you, pay for an ancestry international account and I will research all you like.
Ted Cruz, Rafael Cruz, Michael Darragh Wilson, birth, death, crib death, bronchitis, texas, london, divorced, separated, gop, republican |
I just now found his death certificate. He died December 7, 1966 as an American citizen in a hospital in London at the age of five months from acute bronchitis. He did not die in his sleep at home from crib death. Eleanor probably made up some of the story and I don't blame her. If she told Ted Cruz the truth, he probably would have hid it anyway. Previously Ted Cruz called the mother of one of his friend's for having a baby out of wedlock a "whore." Eleanor did not tell Ted this made up story until after he and his father Rafael got very religious.
Information from the "Report of the death of an American Citizen."
American Embassy, London, England. October 2, 1967.
Michael Wilson, born in the UK June 17, 1966. Died December 7, 1966 at five months of age at Hospital of St. John & St. Elizabeth, St. Marylebone, London. Certified by G. Thurston, Coroner for Inner West London, to be: Acute bronchitis. After post mortem without inquest. (w/o inquest means no investigation into the death)
Notice was sent to Mrs. Eleanor D. Wilson 1/o Caroline Jackson, 3219 46th St., Meterie, La. and Mr. Alan Wilson 38 Courtfield Gardens, S.W. 5. Father, London. Deceased included in mother's passport Z598584 issued in London 10/3/66. (That is invalid passport number as they changed the system years ago).
As per Ted Cruz' book "A Time for Truth" (oh, the irony!) the story is a little different. I have found Ted Cruz' book is far, far from the truth just based on ancestry alone.
"In 1960, they moved to London, and five years later my mom gave birth to a son, named Michael. For my mother, 1965 was a year of celebration and tragedy. My mom loved Michael and rejoiced in
motherhood, but that December she awoke one cold morning to find that he had died in his sleep.
Losing Michael to crib death broke my mother’s heart, and had a profound effect on her, so much so that I never even knew that I had had a brother until I was a teenager, when my mom finally told me the story."
Acute bronchitis is generally caused by a cold or flu. It's generally not life threatening unless it's not treated. It can become pneumonia if the baby does not get treatment. Pneumonia can be fatal if the baby does not get treatment immediately. I'm not a doctor though I was an EMT.
Here is the death certificate and burial site for Michael Darragh Wilson. I will give the baby a proper obit with the mother's info only on his findagrave site. He shouldn't be an unknown child in a graveyard a continent away from his only known family. I'm sure his mother loved him deeply. Here is the current link to his findagrave site
http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=157934727&ref=acom I have been writing anon obits and ancestry information for people who have died without relatives who acknowledged them or even knew they were dead for over 30 years.
Ted Cruz, Rafael Cruz, Michael Darragh Wilson, birth, death, crib death, bronchitis, texas, london, divorced, separated, gop, republican |
Ted Cruz, Rafael Cruz, Michael Darragh Wilson, birth, death, crib death, bronchitis, texas, london, divorced, separated, gop, republican |
Texas marriage certificates aren't available online for Texas pre 1966. I have no money to buy documents. Generally I email to see if they exist. They reply and cite document info. I just use that because I can't afford to buy the certified doc which I don't need anyway.
Marriage announcement for Eleanor Elizabeth Darragh in Texas. They were married in the church. Divorce is unrecognized and a major sin for Catholic or Christian. You cannot receive the host or get remarried in the church unless you are a widow or annul the marriage. She can't annul if there is a baby involved. I realize it wasn't her ex-husband's and the baby is dead but still. She'd have to annul the marriage through the church. I personally have no problem with unwed mothers, divorce, abortion.... This just makes Rafael and Ted Cruz raging hypocrites and sinners for covering this up. It also makes Ted a bastard child in the eyes of the Lord. The church would not recognize the second marriage as she was already married. Ted is a baby born out of lawful wedlock. In the past he would have been an outcast of society.
I think the best thing Eleanor ever did was leave Rafael. Rafael Cruz is also a major sinner as he divorced after having two kids with another woman. He also could never remarry in the church or receive the host. Then he becomes a preacher! The irony of the hate of the men in this family.
Ted Cruz, Rafael Cruz, Michael Darragh Wilson, birth, death, crib death, bronchitis, texas, london, divorced, separated, gop, republican |
Ted Cruz, Rafael Cruz, Michael Darragh Wilson, birth, death, crib death, bronchitis, texas, london, divorced, separated, gop, republican |
I have a feeling that Eleanor really wanted a baby. She was married for five years and didn't have a baby. Maybe that is why she moved on, so she could find a guy who could make a baby. Her ex had no hard feelings and wished her well. He was married twice more and never had kids.
Here is legal citation, source for the death document if you need to include in a media article.
*Source Citation
National Archives and Records Administration (NARA); Washington, D.C.; General Records of the Department of State; Record Group: RG59-Entry 5166; Box Number: 49; Box Description: 1967 SU - Z
Source Information
Ancestry.com. Reports of Deaths of American Citizens Abroad, 1835-1974 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2010.
Original data:
Reports of the Deaths of American Citizens, compiled 01/1835- 12/1974. Publication A1 5166. NAI: 6138 57. Record Group 59. National Archives at College Park, Maryland, U.S.A.
Record of Death Notices of U.S. Citizens Aboard, 1835-1855. Publication A1 848, NAI: 122 7672. Records of District Courts of the United States, Record Group 21. The National Archives at College Park, Maryland, U.S.A.
Notices of Deaths of U.S. Citizens Abroad, 1857-1922. Publication A1 849, NAI: 122 7673. Records of District Courts of the United States, Record Group 21. The National Archives at College Park, Maryland, U.S.A.
This data collection contains death reports submitted by American Consuls abroad for the years 1835 through 1974. The intent of the compilation is to provide satisfactory proof of an American death. It does not include the deaths of active military personnel or of individuals whose citizenship status was unknown. Information that can be obtained from this database includes name of the deceased, place and date of record, occupation, nativity, last known address in the U.S., date of death, and other related information."
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Mary Cummins of
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California Department of Fish and Game.
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