Friday, January 22, 2016

Larry Flynt makes an offer on the Playboy Mansion subject to an appraisal. I ran some comps for quick valuation

Larry Flynt has reportedly made an offer on the Playboy Mansion for $40,000,000. He then reportedly doubled that offer to $80,000,000 on the condition Hugh Hefner leaves the property. Based on both of their strong personalities I don't see that deal going through. If Larry Flynt really wants the property he'll have to use a straw man so Hef doesn't know he's buying it. A development company or LLC might be the best idea.

Larry's offer is contingent upon the property appraising. I decided to run some comps.

MLS CMA comparable sales. Living area 10,000 to 50,000, lot size 2 to 8 acres, sold within the last three years within a four mile radius. The best comp is 384 Delfern for $59,000,000 which is superior based on home, lot size. 100 N Carolwood also a good comp but inferior location on Sunset with all walls facing the street sold for $18,000,000 when the market was slower. Another good comp is property directly next door 2.5 acres for $32,000,000 10281 CHARING CROSS RD
LOS ANGELES CA 90024. It also has a large home on the property.

All sales including MLS and private sales. Not all sales are real sales.

Based on all these sales and knowledge of the area if this property weren't the Playboy Mansion I think Larry Flynt's first offer of $40,000,000 would have been fair but low. Because it is the Playboy Mansion, is located away from Sunset, abuts the golf course, I think $80,000,000 was more than fair.

The real issue here is the huge loans on the property. There is a loan for $110,000,000 done in 2014. I think Playboy Inc may have taken the loan on the property to pay for bills. This is also why Hef wants to sell the property. If that $100M loan is real, not cross collateralized, they'd have to do a short to sell,

A year or so ago when Hef was engaged to his wife there was a prenup agreement. That agreement included his fiance getting a house in Hollywood Hills. The purpose of that house was for Hef and/or her to live there "when" they sell the mansion. Hef has obviously seen this coming for years. Playboy is not doing as well as it once did because there is so much free and cheap hardcore porn on the Internet. I think Larry did a better job transitioning toward the Internet now that print media is doing so poorly.

Here is my last article on the mansion.

I will update these articles if there is indeed a sale.

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, real estate, appraiser, appraisal, instructor, teacher, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Pasadena, Brentwood, Bel Air, California, licensed, permitted, single family, condo, pud, hud, fannie mae, freddie mac, uspap, certified, residential, certified resident, apartment building, multi-family, commercial, industrial, expert witness, civil, criminal, orea, dre, insurance, bonded, experienced, bilingual, spanish, english, form, 1004, 2055, land, raw, acreage, vacant, insurance, cost, income approach, market analysis, comparative, theory, appraisal theory, cost approach, sales, matched pairs, plot, plat, map, diagram, photo, photographs, photography, rear, front, street, subject, comparable, sold, listed, active, pending, expired, cancelled, listing, mls, multiple listing service, claw, themls,

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

How to get Black, Mexican, Asian ... actors, directors, movies nominated and win Oscars from Academy of Motion Pictures

How black people can be nominated for and win academy award Oscars, voting, nominated, black, white, male, female, actor, producer, director, los angeles, california
UPDATE January 22, 2016 - Academy states it is taking action to make the awards more diverse. It seems one of the problems was that there is a lot of older white men who aren't really active who are voting. The Academy is trying to get younger active members. I will say one of my neighbors was 80 and a little bit out of it. He voted. I would drive him to the Directors guild for movie nights then we'd have dinner down the street.

I see a lot of Black, Mexican, Asian actors, producers, directors complaining that they aren't winning Oscars. Some said they will boycott the award show. I highly doubt that will help any of them get nominated or win an Oscar. I have a much better idea how they can get nominated and win Oscars. It's just a matter of knowing the rules of the game and playing to win.

Here is how the Academy nominates, votes for movies, actors ...for Oscars. You must be a member of the Academy of Motion Pictures to vote. You must join, be sponsored by two members, meet strict requirements, pay dues, be active in movie industry... Here is how to join. 

Last I looked you had to have lines in a movie and be in the credits to join as an actor. This means producers, directors should give lines to actors they want in the academy to vote. You also have to be sponsored by two members. Black members, any member, sponsor new black or like minded members to get more votes. The deadline to vote next year is March 2016. Hurry up and get new members. 

All members vote for best picture, actor, actress, supporting... Sub-committees made up of producers, directors, writers, animators nominate and vote for specialized categories like animation, documentary... Be sure to get new members into these sub-committees so they can vote for these categories. This means hire black directors, producers, costumers... 

94% of all Academy voters are white. 76% are male. US population is 77% white, 50/50 male/female. The academy obviously doesn't reflect the US population. If Black, Mexican, Asian... actors, producers want Oscars, they need to get as many like minded people to join the academy so they can vote for those people and movies. My sis who stared in horror films voted, so did my ex-husband who was a bit actor. These groups should start recruiting people to join the academy so they have a better chance of winning next year. 

Most importantly, black people should make more films with black actors, makeup, directors... Even more importantly make really great movies with great actors and crew. After a few years the voters and voting should be more balanced. Start today as the new membership acceptance deadline is March 2016. Check their website for the exact date. 

A last note. You must campaign for the movie. Social media is free and powerful. Get black, like minded celebs to help promote it. Studios have huge budgets to campaign for the film. While the members get to view the movies for free, they don't see all of them. My sis and ex never had the time to see them all. Neither did I. People will only see the most promoted with best teasers, trailers. 

*I didn't see any of the nominated films or any films this past year so I don't know who deserves what award. I'm just speaking in general terms. 

Good article on the makeup of Academy

Rules and regulations for nominating and voting for actors, movies...straight from the Academy

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, real estate, appraiser, appraisal, instructor, teacher, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Pasadena, Brentwood, Bel Air, California, licensed, permitted, single family, condo, pud, hud, fannie mae, freddie mac, uspap, certified, residential, certified resident, apartment building, multi-family, commercial, industrial, expert witness, civil, criminal, orea, dre, insurance, bonded, experienced, bilingual, spanish, english, form, 1004, 2055, land, raw, acreage, vacant, insurance, cost, income approach, market analysis, comparative, theory, appraisal theory, cost approach, sales, matched pairs, plot, plat, map, diagram, photo, photographs, photography, rear, front, street, subject, comparable, sold, listed, active, pending, expired, cancelled, listing, mls, multiple listing service, claw, themls,

Monday, January 18, 2016

Mike Gatto's AB 139 passes, real estate may be transferred w/o trust or probate with a one page form - Mary Cummins real estate appraiser

Revocable transfer on death deed, pdf, doc, form, probate 5642, trust, deed, transfer, real estate, form ab  139, mike gatto, california, los angeles, 

California Assemblyman Mike Gatto is behind the bill AB 139. The bill makes it possible to transfer real estate w/o expensive trust or probably. This one page form can be filled out and filed easily with the county recorder's office.

"The new form, which already is popping up on county websites, is one page. You write down the parcel number and the name of the owner (grantor) and the people who inherit the property and their relationship to the owner. It must be signed by a notary. The law includes provisions to deal with the potential for coercion. For instance, it provides a means to challenge a questionable transfer. The deed can be revoked at any time. Twenty-five other states have similar laws, with few obvious problems arising from them.

The new law “will be of particular benefit to senior citizens whose estate consists primarily – or even exclusively – of the family home,” wrote the Conference of California Bar Associations, in a letter of support last year. “There are thousands of elderly people throughout the state who are barely getting by, but whose home, purchased long ago and paid off, may be worth several hundreds of thousands of dollars. … Existing law offers these individuals no good options.”

Now, they can save thousands of dollars and make it easy on their loved ones. The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, the defenders of Proposition 13, championed this as one of the most important bills for property owners after that 1978 tax limitation measure.

“I think, rightfully so, most members of the public view Sacramento as a place that just passes into law new restrictions, new bureaucracy, new red tape,” Gatto said, in an interview. “We rarely take steps to make people’s lives easier. So I made it my mission, when I got elected, that I was going to focus on the opposite, which is helping make people’s lives easier.”

Fillable Revocable Transfer on Death Deed

Common questions

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, real estate, appraiser, appraisal, instructor, teacher, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Pasadena, Brentwood, Bel Air, California, licensed, permitted, single family, condo, pud, hud, fannie mae, freddie mac, uspap, certified, residential, certified resident, apartment building, multi-family, commercial, industrial, expert witness, civil, criminal, orea, dre, insurance, bonded, experienced, bilingual, spanish, english, form, 1004, 2055, land, raw, acreage, vacant, insurance, cost, income approach, market analysis, comparative, theory, appraisal theory, cost approach, sales, matched pairs, plot, plat, map, diagram, photo, photographs, photography, rear, front, street, subject, comparable, sold, listed, active, pending, expired, cancelled, listing, mls, multiple listing service, claw, themls,

Sunday, January 17, 2016

22nd Anniversary of the 6.7 Northridge earthquake - Mary Cummins, real estate appraiser Los Angeles, California

22nd anniversary of the 6.7 Northridge earthquake January 17, 1994

January 13, 2014 at 11:29am
5 to 14 freeway collapse5 to 14 freeway collapse
The Northridge quake struck at 4:31 a.m. January 17, 1994. It instantly knocked out power and phone service across most of Los Angeles plunging the area into total darkness. The sun would not rise for another two and a half hours as people tried to access the damage. Only when the sun came up did people finally realize the massive destruction.

I grew up in Los Angeles and lived through the 6.6 magnitude 1971 San Fernando/Sylmar and the 6.9 1989 Loma Prieta earthquakes. I was six when the '71 quake hit and remember toys falling off shelves. I actually thought that quake was fun. My Nana who raised me did not. She grabbed her makeup and wig case, ran to her Lincoln Continental and refused to come back into the house until the next day.

When the '89 quake hit I was living in a house in the flats of West Hollywood near the Pacific Design Center. The epicenter of that quake was San Francisco. Even though it was far away it was still a violent quake in LA. The pool had huge tsunamis which tossed 1/3 of the water out of the pool and into my neighbor's driveway. The illegal unpermitted addition cracked off the main house and I could see the sky. Some ugly glass knick knacks I'd received as gifts from family members fell and broke on the floor. Oh well.

Then the '94 quake hit Los Angeles. I lived in a condo at 906 N Doheny Dr in West Hollywood just south of Sunset Blvd at the time. I was dead asleep in bed with my two cats when there was an instant jolt then everything started shaking from side to side. While it was only a 6.7 magnitude it was the "fastest" quake on record and very shallow making it feel stronger and causing more damage.

Eskimos have many different words for types of snow. Californians have many different words for types of earthquakes. This quake wasn't a slow deep easy rolling quake like most. It was a violent shallow boom then hard side to side shaking. Instantly pictures flew off walls, glasses walked off the shelves in the bar, cabinet doors flung open, book cases toppled over. I knew the building I was in survived the two previous big quakes so I wasn't worried. I got up mid quake to close the bedroom door so the cats wouldn't run into the living room and step on all the broken glass.

West Hollywood is made up of many people from other parts of the country who are drawn to the area for its gay lifestyle. Yes, many gay men who'd never experienced a quake before were screaming like little girls and hugging each other in the hallways and courtyard. As a native who grew up with earthquakes it is amusing to see non-natives scream during moderate quakes. My terrified neighbors ended up camping in the center courtyard for three days refusing to go back into their condos.

I had appraisals planned for the next day but the phones were out so I couldn't confirm. I didn't know how bad the quake was as I had no radio, TV, internet or cell phone. I got dressed and drove to my first appointment. Driving through Beverly Hills walls were knocked down, chimneys toppled, front facades of commercial buildings fell onto Sunset Blvd and power was still out as were all the street and traffic lights.

I arrived at my first appointment in the hills of Bel Air. That house would later be red tagged. The pool cracked dumping its contents on the neighbor below. The main bearing and exterior walls had major cracks and had shifted. I told the owner that his home was totaled. I wouldn't do the appraisal and would not charge him. He decided to have an impromptu "my home was just destroyed by an earthquake" party with neighbors who broke out the bar at 8:30 a.m. I went to my next appointment.

My next appointment was another totaled home. After five minutes I told them I wouldn't appraise the property or charge them. I told them they should probably start gathering their pets, important personal property to put in their car away from their home in case it collapses. It later collapsed. I hope they listened to my advice.

There were many, many aftershocks. Every time the building started shaking the neighbors would scream hysterically and hug each other in the courtyard. I would just roll my eyes and laugh under my breath in amusement as we weren't in any danger.

My neighbors camped in sleeping bags in the courtyard. Power was also out for three days. We were instructed not to drink the water without boiling it but we had no way to boil it. If you were outside when an aftershock hit, a huge cloud of dust would rise from the ground. Fortunately I gave earthquake kits to all my clients the previous year and still had a few left in my closet which I gave to neighbors and used myself.

I drove my car out of our subterranean parking structure and parked it on the street, just in case. Then I listened to my car radio to try to find out what happened. I read, did yoga, played with the cats, ate the food in my frig. Later I ate the thawed food from my freezer. Fortunately I always have enough cat food and litter to last through any emergency because I'm anal about emergency preparedness.

Not much to do with no power or phone. I decided to go to the gym even though I couldn't call them on the phone to see if they were open. I drove to the Sports Club Los Angeles and the parking gate arm was up. I drove in and there weren't many cars there just some trucks. I went to the door and it was open. Seems the center stairway collapsed and the gym was closed. It was actually closed for three months for repairs. They gave us free passes to go to other gyms in the area.

Finally day three there is limited cell phone service. My friends call to see if I'm still alive and I laugh. It was only a 6.7 and the epicenter was in the valley. It wasn't the "big one." Power is back and I can finally turn on the TV and see the massive destruction. Holy crap! While the freeway collapse was visually epic there was other damage which was not as obvious.

Medical building accordionedMedical building accordioned

A medical building on Olympic accordioned. I think the third or fourth floor just collapsed yet the building still stood. No one was ever allowed back to retrieve anything not even medical records. They demolished it with all contents intact. That is how dangerous it was. Trained people were later allowed to sift through the demolished remains to look for documents.

Hospital collapseHospital collapse

A hotel on Ventura Blvd also sandwiched and lost an entire floor besides part of the front facade falling into the street. Many apartment buildings in the valley just collapsed especially the older ones with open parking under the units. They were poorly designed and built directly on top of an unknown fault line.

Apartments collapsed on carsApartments collapsed on cars

There was major damage to the Los Angeles freeway system which would take months to repair. The 5 to the 14 interchange collapsed in what is the most dramatic evidence of quake damage (see top photo). A motorcycle cop responding to the quake drove off the freeway not realizing it had collapsed because it was dark. He of course died on impact. His dead body is covered by a blue sheet in the top photo. His motorcycle is to the right.

The overpass of the 10 freeway at La Cienega/Venice collapsed. The 118 at Balboa partially collapsed. The 91 to the 405 interchange had damage. In total six bridges collapsed, four others needed to be replaced and there was damage to many other freeways. Most of the damaged bridges were built pre-1971 before they had to be earthquake proof.

After the quake I quake-proofed my picture frames, strapped furniture, altered open shelves and better secured cabinets. The quake seemed to have slightly tipped our condo building down the hill. Doors and windows swung open on the north side but couldn't open on the south side. I had to re-level two doors that wouldn't open, adjust three windows that wouldn't close and putty a lot of cosmetic cracks in the walls. Fortunately I didn't suffer any serious damage though others did not fare as well.

Earthquake maps and building codes would be changed once again as they do after every quake. More retrofitting of older buildings. More regulations for new construction. Liquefaction zones would be better mapped. Earthquake insurance would change forever becoming almost impossible for anyone to find or afford. I would be doing earthquake inspections on every property which was in escrow when the quake hit.

I did a lot of education about earthquake preparedness after this quake. I was shocked that so many people were just not prepared to go a few days without food or water. Below is more information about this quake and some preparedness tips. We will continue to have earthquakes in California. Based on research we are due for the "big one" during the next 100 years. Everyone here in California needs to be quake aware and ready for the next earthquake. It's just a matter of time.

More on the 1994 earthquake

Some earthquake preparedness tips

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, real estate, appraiser, appraisal, instructor, teacher, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Pasadena, Brentwood, Bel Air, California, licensed, permitted, single family, condo, pud, hud, fannie mae, freddie mac, uspap, certified, residential, certified resident, apartment building, multi-family, commercial, industrial, expert witness, civil, criminal, orea, dre, insurance, bonded, experienced, bilingual, spanish, english, form, 1004, 2055, land, raw, acreage, vacant, insurance, cost, income approach, market analysis, comparative, theory, appraisal theory, cost approach, sales, matched pairs, plot, plat, map, diagram, photo, photographs, photography, rear, front, street, subject, comparable, sold, listed, active, pending, expired, cancelled, listing, mls, multiple listing service, claw, themls,

Monday, January 11, 2016

Playboy Mansion at 10236 Charing Cross Road, Los Angeles 90024 listed for $200 million - Mary Cummins real estate appraiser

Hugh Hefner Playboy Mansion 10236 charing cross, los angeles, california 90024, for sale, sell, real estate, usa

Hilton and Hyland offers the mansion for $200,000,000. It is supposedly on the MLS but they listed a fake MLS number.

from the agents.

"The crown jewel of L.A.’s “Platinum Triangle” situated on 5 picturesque acres in Holmby Hills, The Playboy Mansion is a nearly 20,000 square foot residence that is both an ultra-private retreat and the ultimate setting for large-scale entertaining. The Mansion features 29 rooms and every amenity imaginable, including a catering kitchen, wine cellar, home theater, separate game house, gym, tennis court and freeform swimming pool with a large, cave-like grotto. The property also features a four-bedroom guest house. In addition, the Playboy Mansion is one of a select few private residences in L.A. with a zoo license."

Hugh Hefner Playboy Mansion 10236 charing cross, los angeles, california 90024, for sale, sell, real estate, usa
Hugh Hefner Playboy Mansion 10236 charing cross, los angeles, california 90024, for sale, sell, real estate, usa

Hugh Hefner Playboy Mansion 10236 charing cross, los angeles, california 90024, for sale, sell, real estate, usa

Hugh Hefner Playboy Mansion 10236 charing cross, los angeles, california 90024, for sale, sell, real estate, usa

Hugh Hefner Playboy Mansion 10236 charing cross, los angeles, california 90024, for sale, sell, real estate, usa

Hugh Hefner Playboy Mansion 10236 charing cross, los angeles, california 90024, for sale, sell, real estate, usa

Hugh Hefner Playboy Mansion 10236 charing cross, los angeles, california 90024, for sale, sell, real estate, usa

History of the Playboy Mansion

"Additionally, several members of the Letts and Janss families chose to construct their
own homes near each other in Little Holmby on land overlooking the Los Angeles
Country Club, which lent added caché to the neighborhood. Of the five homes originally
constructed for the Janss and Letts families, three residences remain today; perhaps the
most well-known estate is the residence constructed for Arthur Letts, Jr. at 10236
Charing Cross. Designed by Arthur Kelly and completed in 1927, the home was later
purchased by Hugh Hefner in 1971 and is now best known as the Playboy Mansion."

Hugh Hefner Playboy Mansion 10236 charing cross, los angeles, california 90024, for sale, sell, real estate, usa

More history,

"The 21,987-square-foot (2,042.7 m2) house is described as in the "Gothic-Tudor" style by Forbes magazine, and sits on 5.3 acres (2.1 ha). It was designed by Arthur R. Kelly in 1927 for Arthur Letts, Jr., son of the Broadway department store founder Arthur Letts and acquired by Playboy from Louis D. Statham (1908–1983), an engineer, inventor and chess aficionado, in 1971 for $1.1 million.[1] In early 2011, it was valued at $54 million.[2] It sits close to the northwestern corner of the Los Angeles Country Club, near University of California, Los Angeles and the Bel-Air Country Club. $15 million has been invested in renovation and expansion.

The mansion has 22 rooms including a wine cellar (with a Prohibition-era secret door), a screening room with built-in pipe organ, a game room, three zoo/aviary buildings (and related pet cemetery), a tennis/basketball court, a waterfall and a swimming pool area (including a patio and barbecue area, a grotto, a basement gym with sauna below the bathhouse). Landscaping includes a large koi pond with artificial stream, a small citrus orchard and two well-established forests of tree ferns and redwoods. The west wing (originally servants wing) houses the Editorial offices of Playboy. The main Aviary building is the original greenhouse, with four guestrooms adjoining. The Master's suite occupies several rooms on the second and third floors, and is the most heavily renovated area of the Mansion proper, with an extensive carved-oak decor dating to the 1970s. Otherwise, the Mansion proper is maintained in its original Gothic-revival furnishings for the most part. The pipe organ was extensively restored in the last decade. There is also an outdoor kitchen to serve party events. These features and others have been shown on television.

The game room (game house) is a separate building on the north side. From the fountain in front of the main entrance, there are two sidewalks, running past a wishing-well. That on the right leads to the game house and runs past a duplicate Hollywood Star of Hefner. Its front entrance opens to a game room with a pool table in the center. This room has vintage and modern arcade games, pinball machines, player piano, jukebox, television, stereo, and couch. The game house has two wings. Left is a room with a soft cushioned floor, mirrors all around, television. There is a restroom with a shower. The right wing of the game house has a smaller restroom, and entrance to a bedroom. This bedroom is connected to another, which has an exit to the rear backyard of the game house. The game house has a backyard with lounge chairs, and gates on either side.

In 2010, Hugh Hefner's former girlfriend Izabella St. James wrote in her memoir Bunny Tales that the house was in need of renovation: "Everything in the Mansion felt old and stale, and Archie the house dog would regularly relieve himself on the hallway curtains, adding a powerful whiff of urine to the general scent of decay."[3]

The house next door is a mirror image of the Mansion layout, only smaller. Hefner purchased the neighboring building in 1996. It is home to his separated wife Kimberley Conrad and their children together. Hefner and Conrad married in 1989 and separated in 1998. Hefner and his wife announced in March 2009 that they were listing Mrs. Hefner's home for sale at US$28 million.[4]

In 2002, Hefner purchased a house across and down the street from the mansion for use by Playmates and other guests who would prefer to stay further from the busy activity of the Mansion proper. This house is commonly referred to as the 'Bunny House'.

It has been reported that the mansion is up for sale for $200 million, with the only added clause being Hefner can stay there until his death.[1]"

Hugh Hefner Playboy Mansion 10236 charing cross, los angeles, california 90024, for sale, sell, real estate, usa

Hugh Hefner Playboy Mansion 10236 charing cross, los angeles, california 90024, for sale, sell, real estate, usa

Hugh Hefner Playboy Mansion 10236 charing cross, los angeles, california 90024, for sale, sell, real estate, usa

Hugh Hefner Playboy Mansion 10236 charing cross, los angeles, california 90024, for sale, sell, real estate, usa

Hugh Hefner Playboy Mansion 10236 charing cross, los angeles, california 90024, for sale, sell, real estate, usa

Hugh Hefner Playboy Mansion 10236 charing cross, los angeles, california 90024, for sale, sell, real estate, usa
"According to Playboy Enterprises' SEC filings, Hefner pays Playboy rent for "that portion of the Playboy Mansion used exclusively for him and his personal guests' residence as well as the per-unit value of non-business meals, beverages and other benefits received by him and his personal guests". This amount was $US1.3 million in 2002, $US1.4 million in 2003, and $US1.3 million in 2004.

Playboy pays for the Mansion's operating expenses (including depreciation and taxes), which were $US3.6 million in 2002, $US2.3 million in 2003, and $US3.0 million in 2004, net of rent received from Hefner.[9]"

Details of the Playboy Mansion at 10236 Charing Cross Road.
Playboy Mansion 10236 charing cross, los angeles, california 90024, beverly hills, bel air, holmby hills, hugh hefner, hef, sale, sell, plat
Life estate in real estate. "In common law and statutory law, a life estate is the ownership of land for the duration of a person's life. In legal terms it is an estate in real property that ends at death when ownership of the property may revert to the original owner, or it may pass to another person. The owner of a life estate is called a "life tenant"."

In this situation the property would be sold to the new owner with Hef holding a life estate. This means he can live in the property until he dies. Then the new owner can take occupancy with full ownership rights.

Plat map for Playboy Mansion at 10236 Charing Cross Road. It was originally two lots which were combined into one.

Playboy Mansion 10236 charing cross, los angeles, california 90024, beverly hills, bel air, holmby hills, hugh hefner, hef, sale, sell, plat
Link to Google map of mansion

Here are all building and safety reports for the property. The original permits are missing. I see nothing before 1971 when Hef bought it and started remodeling it. Search by address 10236 Charing Cross.

Playboy Mansion 10236 charing cross, los angeles, california 90024, beverly hills, bel air, holmby hills, hugh hefner, hef, sale, sell, plat

Playboy Mansion 10236 charing cross, los angeles, california 90024, beverly hills, bel air, holmby hills, hugh hefner, hef, sale, sell, plat

Playboy Mansion 10236 charing cross, los angeles, california 90024, beverly hills, bel air, holmby hills, hugh hefner, hef, sale, sell, plat

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, real estate, appraiser, appraisal, instructor, teacher, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Pasadena, Brentwood, Bel Air, California, licensed, permitted, single family, condo, pud, hud, fannie mae, freddie mac, uspap, certified, residential, certified resident, apartment building, multi-family, commercial, industrial, expert witness, civil, criminal, orea, dre, insurance, bonded, experienced, bilingual, spanish, english, form, 1004, 2055, land, raw, acreage, vacant, insurance, cost, income approach, market analysis, comparative, theory, appraisal theory, cost approach, sales, matched pairs, plot, plat, map, diagram, photo, photographs, photography, rear, front, street, subject, comparable, sold, listed, active, pending, expired, cancelled, listing, mls, multiple listing service, claw, themls,

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Ted Cruz's mother's birth certificate Eleanor Darragh, Eleanor Elizabeth Darragh November 23, 1934

Ted Cruz mother Eleanor Darragh birth certificate eleanor elizabeth darragh november 23 1934 delaware
Here's a better copy

Eleanor Elizabeth Darragh Wilson Cruz birth certificate New Castle Delaware, November 23, 1934, Ted Cruz mother, wife Rafael Cruz

Ted Cruz's mother's birth certificate Eleanor Darragh, Eleanor Elizabeth Darragh November 23, 1934. Edward Darragh was her father.
Ted Cruz's mother's birth certificate Eleanor Darragh, Eleanor Elizabeth Darragh November 23, 1934

Here is her family tree, genealogy, ancestry.

Ted Cruz's mother's birth certificate Eleanor Darragh, Eleanor Elizabeth Darragh November 23, 1934
Eleanor Darragh 1940 Census Delaware line 77 - 80. Eleanor Darragh

Addresses for Eleanor Darragh, Name Eleanor E Cruz
Birth Date 23 Nov 1934
Address 2906 Chiswell St, Houston, 77025-3222 (1994), TX
Eleanor owned this home with her brother who died. Then she owned it with Rafael Cruz. Then she sold it.

Eleanor changed her name from Cruz to Darragh in 1997 when she divorced Cruz. Eleanor re-registered to vote in 1997 under name Darragh. This is at her townhome which is public record. This is high rise security townhome. Nobody go bother her. Her son may be a horrible person but she seems like a nice lady.

Eleanor Elizabeth Darragh Cruz Wilson, Ted Cruz, Rafael Cruz, Houston, Texas, mother, citizen

3333 Allen Pkwy Unit 2606, Houston Texas

Eleanor Darragh Cruz owes money to Texas. Looks like unpaid tax bill on home she sold years ago.

Rafael B Cruz, Rafael Bienvenido Cruz vote registred carrollton texas 

Rafael B Cruz owes the IRS money and has a tax lien

ted cruz, rafael cruz, irs, tax lien, owes money citizen? cuba

Name Eleanor Cruz
Birth Date 23 Nov 1934
Address 10063 Timberoak Dr, Houston, TX - 77080-7010

9301 Fairland Dr, Houston Texas

339 Falworth Dr, Houston Texas

1952 graduated from St Joseph Academy 

1956 graduated from Rice University

Here is a new timeline file

Here is birth certificate of Eleanor's first husband Alan Boon Wilson born in Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas October 10, 1928. Male, legitimate. Father is Joseph Alan Wilson, age 37 who was born in Mechensville, Pennsylvania and is in advertising. Mother is Burness Elizabeth Elliston, age 37 (pretty old), from Fort Worth, Texas, housewife. Born at St Joseph's Infirmary which is now gone.  

Alan Boon Wilson birth certificate, born 

Keep in mind I still don't have an international account. I don't have the money to pay for one. If you want international records, someone will have to upgrade my account as a gift. 

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

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LA Art Show at Los Angeles Convention Center by Mary Cummins

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