Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Ted Cruz uses his kids as political props - Cartoon Cartoonist Ann Teleas - Washington Post

Ted Cruz uses his kids as political props - Ann Telnaes - Political cartoon, Washington Post @anntelnaes 
UPDATE: 12/25/2015: And now Ted Cruz is making sure to post photo after photo, video after video of only his girls on his campaign pages. Ted Cruz is such an ass besides a shitty dad and husband.

Another cartoonist steps up to the issue. Clay Bennett editorial cartoonist for the Chattanooga Times Free Press. I wish I thought up this cartoon because it's perfect. Exactly!

Clay Bennett political cartoon ted cruz "leave my daughters out of this" Editorial Cartoonist for the Chattanooga Times Free Press,
UPDATE: 12/24/15: Ted Cruz is upset saying Ann made fun of his kids by calling them "monkeys." Ann never called his kids "monkeys." She did infer that Ted Cruz is an organ grinder who uses his kids in his campaign. I bet Ted Cruz writes off their matching dresses, haircuts, travel, food...as a campaign expense. Hypocritical hypocrite Ted Cruz is actually the one who calls his kid "Monkey." It's her nickname which Ted gave to Caroline. Below is the video which Ted Cruz gave to the public. This bit used under the fair use of copyright act.

UPDATE: 12/23/15: Ted Cruz is now using the political cartoon in an email to raise funds. He's using the cartoon of himself as an organ grinder with leashed monkeys to act like an organ grinder with leashed monkeys. So many levels of irony and hypocrisy. I'm sure Ted Cruz is delighted as hell about the cartoon. I bet he'll frame it and put it in his office if he still has a job as senator when he loses his run for the presidency. From the email,

“But now, the liberal media has hit a new low with a tasteless attack on my children — a blatant exposure of the left’s double standard towards anything and anyone with whom they disagree.

“I’m emailing you now because I need your help to send a message to the liberal media: Stick with attacking me. My daughters are not FAIR GAME!”

He also includes a link to the cartoon, along with links for an “emergency” donation."

The artist will be writing an article about this experience. I'll post a link to it when she publishes it. I will agree that the cartoon hit a nerve but that's the point. Anyone with half a brain can clearly see the artist made fun of Ted Cruz and not his kids.

UPDATE: Ted Cruz is sharing the political cartoon! It's since been deleted so it's missing in this share but you can see the link to the cartoonist's Twitter page. If Ted Cruz thought the cartoon made fun of his kids, why did he share it far and wide on his Twitter account? Does that mean Ted Cruz supports making fun of his kids? Is Ted Cruz making fun of his own kids? Again, the cartoon is about Ted Cruz and not his kids.

Ted Cruz uses his kids as political props Cartoon Ann Teleas Washington Post

UPDATE: Gawker posted some of Ted Cruz' videos. You see the multiple takes, behind the scene, camera people telling Ted Cruz and his relatives what to say. The director tells the relative to hug Ted longer. They do a closeup of Ted's dad and his eyes are darting all over the place. The comments on the video are priceless! Most paraphrased were "the wife and kids look like they are being held hostage," "Director tells mom to hug him longer," "WTF! This is a like a 100 on the CringeOmeter. Very creepy!," "he looks like a serial killer," "How could anyone marry this bufoon," "Creepy, weird, cringe ,frightening, eerie, disturbing, sinister, weird, hair-raising, menacing etc =Ted cruz."

You even see Ted Cruz in his daughters' bed with them in their nighties rolling their eyes and yawning. Here is a still of Ted Cruz using his kids as political props.

Ted Cruz uses his kids as political props, Ted Cruz and daughters in bed
At 7:51 in this video you see the younger daughter crying, telling mommy to leave her alone, the older girl gets dragged by the dog down the street, Ted and his wife just smiling away, pointing at and waving at nothing while their kids are miserable. Ted Cruz as Daddy Dearest. They take multiple takes without sound of just walking down a sidewalk. The older girl is a hoot! She has no problem showing how much she hates being an organ grinder monkey. At 13 min you see eye rolls, long exasperated sighs, putting her head on the table, making faces... 



Award winning political cartoonist Ann Teleas made a political cartoon about 2016 GOP candidate Ted Cruz using his kids as political props. The cartoon pokes fun at Ted Cruz and not his kids.  In the cartoon Ted Cruz is the organ grinder of ole cranking out songs while making cute little monkeys he has on a leash perform and beg for money. This is exactly how Ted Cruz uses his kids and wife in his campaign. Ted Cruz is the one who decided to actively uses his cute little kids in his campaign.

Since the cartoon was posted it was removed from the Washington Post by the editor. Most newspapers do not include minor children of celebrities in the magazine UNLESS the parents actively involve them. In this case Ted Cruz and his wife actively involved his kids in his campaign. Ted Cruz posted 15 hours of home videos of his kids staged and not staged telling everyone they are free to use the videos (in super pac ads). I agree with the cartoonist that Ted Cruz was indeed using his kids like an organ grinder of old to raise money. Ann Teleas did not make fun of his cute kids.

Ted Cruz actively featured his wife and kids in his SNL commercial. Ted Cruz paid to have his kids filmed. He paid to have that ad shown during SNL and on the internet. I remember seeing the video and seeing one kid over act. I thought it was hilarious because she is clearly making fun of her dad. Kudos, kid! Below is a frame from the commercial used under the fair use of copyright act.

Ted Cruz 2016 gop campaign daughters kids political props
Ted Cruz loaded up 15 hours of scripted, unscripted video of him with his wife and daughters.  to his YouTube channel. The author of the article believes it's for the sole purpose for a superpac to use it to run ads for him. Look at the comments and everyone agrees. I think this is exactly what Ann Teleas was trying to show in her cartoon. Ted Cruz is intentionally using his kids, family to get campaign donations, media attention, help his image and to try to sell himself as a family man. This video instead shows a man who only cares about his political aspirations who doesn't care about his wife and kids. His wife and kids come across only a prop.

Here is a campaign pic Ted Cruz staged and took for his campaign. His daughters are not happy. I remember being that age and being forced to wear matching dresses with my sister, hair ribbons and those same uncomfortable shoes for family events and photos. Hated it! No kid wants to do that. To force them for your political benefit is not a good parent. Notice most celebs keep their kids away from cameras but Ted forces them to act like organ grinder monkeys in the political cartoon.

Back in October I called out Ted Cruz on intentionally using his daughters as a prop. Below is the photo I was referencing and my reply.

Ted Cruz GOP politician 2016 uses his kids as political props
I personally don't feel politicians should use their kids to drum up votes media coverage

Ted Cruz uses daughters as political campaign props Washington Post Ann Teleas

Here is a pic of Ted Cruz using his daughters as props for the 13,454th time in the last few years for his last few runs for office.  Daughters are not happy. They look like unhappy leashed organ grinder monkeys holding and waving a flag for no reason they can possibly understand. I doubt his wife is happy either. She had some issues when she had to move for Ted Cruz' job. I don't blame her. She's a beautiful woman, extremely intelligent, charismatic who had to give up her career to be a political prop for a nasty woman hating Texas politician. She had to sell her daughters into political prop slavery. I bet Ted Cruz took them out of school to campaign for him.

Ted Cruz uses daughters as political campaign props gop 2016 
Another pic showing the kids as miserable while Heidi does a great big fake smile. Both kids look like "I don't like this. Why are we here, mommy? I wanna go home!"

Ted Cruz uses daughters as political campaign props gop 2016
Below Ted Cruz prays at a campaign stop. Wife goes along with Ted's shit. Daughters don't close their eyes and bow their head. I don't fricking blame them! One daughter is like "this shit gives me such a headache."

Ted Cruz uses daughters as political campaign props gop 2016
Based on what Ted Cruz says he believes about women, their bodies, fetuses, rape, rape rape, religion, Texan male chauvinist crap, his wife is in hell. She was forced to drag her daughters into that same life long hell. I can't tell you how happy I am my family got the hell out of Texas. I have not met more corrupt politicians, judges or lawyers in my life. I really thought the worst politicians, judges, lawyers would be in New York, Los Angeles, maybe Florida. Nope, I was wrong. It's definitely Texas. When I see Heidi like this I feel for her like I felt for Tom Cruise's ex-wife Katie Holmes. Katie was at least strong enough to leave Scientology nut Tom Cruise to save her daughter. Poor Cruz wife and kids will be forced to live a life of GOP slavery ... like organ grinder monkeys.

I predict this political cartoon will win awards BECAUSE it was yanked by politicians trying to use it for their gain. You go, Ann Teleas!

People are saying the press and others never went after Malia or Sasha. That is not true. Here a state employee is ragging the girls about their dresses and facial expressions. This is a direct attack on the teenagers.


Here a congressman is attacking Sasha and Malia for vacationing in Mexico and the Bahamas.


Here are some political cartoons with Sasha and Malia in them. There are actually a lot more. There are also cartoons and pics attacking the daughters. You can easily find them on your own.

I made a political image few weeks ago which some people didn't like. The image rings true to what is happening with Governors who proclaim to be "good" Christians and Catholics. They refuse refugees yet support nativity scenes in their state capitols. The irony was too much for me to ignore. Here's my image.

Merry Christmas to all Christian Catholic Governors who refused to help Syrian refugees

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, real estate, appraiser, appraisal, instructor, teacher, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Pasadena, Brentwood, Bel Air, California, licensed, permitted, single family, condo, pud, hud, fannie mae, freddie mac, uspap, certified, residential, certified resident, apartment building, multi-family, commercial, industrial, expert witness, civil, criminal, orea, dre, insurance, bonded, experienced, bilingual, spanish, english, form, 1004, 2055, land, raw, acreage, vacant, insurance, cost, income approach, market analysis, comparative, theory, appraisal theory, cost approach, sales, matched pairs, plot, plat, map, diagram, photo, photographs, photography, rear, front, street, subject, comparable, sold, listed, active, pending, expired, cancelled, listing, mls, multiple listing service, claw, themls,

Monday, December 21, 2015

A few crazy things Ted Cruz actually said - If you or I said these things, we'd be locked up #gop 2016

Ted Cruz, Rafael Edward Cruz, republican, 2016, gop, candidate, stupid, crazy, things said by ted cruz, quotes

Here are but a few of the crazy, insane, false things Ted Cruz has said. Some I heard first hand. The others I collected. Every single major magazine and newspaper has called Ted Cruz one of the craziest presidential candidates of all time. Seriously, if you or I were to say these things, we'd be locked up.

He said during a speech in Iowa on Dec. 5 that "we will utterly destroy ISIS. We will carpet bomb them into oblivion. I don't know if sand can glow in the dark, but we're going to find out."
To carpet bomb is to indiscriminately flatten a certain large area. Cruz meant to target ISIS members only.

October 2015 Des Moines campaign stop via Des Moines Register when questioned about the Supreme Court Justices.

“One more liberal justice and our right to keep and bear arms is taken away from us by an activist court." “One more liberal justice and they begin sandblasting and bulldozing veterans memorials throughout this country,” Cruz said according to the Des Moines Register. “One more liberal justice and we lose our sovereignty to the United Nations and the World Court.”

November 10, 2014 Tweet
"Net Neutrality" is Obamacare for the Internet; the Internet should not operate at the speed of government."

“We have never had a president who over and over again openly, aggressively defies the law. If he doesn’t like the law, he refuses to enforce it, or he simply proclaims it changed.”

“But a Camel’s hair brush is made of squirrel fur, and it makes you wonder the squirrels apparently have a very bad marketing department.”


“Twenty years from now if there is some obscure trivial pursuit question, I am confident I will be the answer.”


“I will credit my father, he invented … green eggs and ham. He did it two ways. The easy way was he would put green food coloring in … But if you take spinach and mix it into the eggs, the eggs turn green … I do not like green eggs and ham. I do not like them, Sam I am.”

“The moon might be as intimidating as Obamacare.”


Ted Cruz launched his fake filibuster against Obamacare by claiming that failing to fight the implementation of Obamacare was akin to appeasing Adolf Hitler, and anyone who didn’t support his plans to stop health care reform were like Neville Chamberlain.

Cruz once told a group of conservatives, “You no longer have a president,” because Barack Obama had implemented health care reform in a “lawless” way.

Cruz told ABC’s Jonathan Karl that he believed the GOP could repeal Obamacare with Obama still in office.

When he was running for the Senate, Cruz said that Texas should let the uninsured get health care from emergency rooms.

Cruz promised to “uphold the sacrament of marriage” as president.

Cruz claimed that court rulings in favor of same-sex marriage are “a real threat to our liberty.”

Cruz claimed that Houston pastors may soon be “hauled off to jail for a hate crime,” due to the city’s anti-discrimination ordinance.

Cruz’ father, Rafael Cruz, may be as much of an asset to his son’s campaign as a thorn in its side. The senior Cruz has a record of staying things so outrageous that Ted Cruz at one time denied his father spoke for him, even was his aide was booking dad’s gigs.

Cruz claimed that legislation to protect access to abortion services is “a manifestation of the war on women.”

Cruz said the Democrats seeking to amend the constitution to give Congress the power to regulate campaign financing were really out to “expressly repeal the free-speech protections of the First Amendment.”

Cruz also derided “Farenheit 451 Democrats,” claiming that a proposed campaign finance amendment shows that liberals wanted to ban and burn books.

Cruz claimed the amendment to get money out of politics would “censor” Saturday Night Live, and “Lorne Michaels (of Saturday Night Live) could be put in jail under this amendment for making fun of any politician.”

Cruz also claimed that the amendment to repeal Citizens United would “muzzle” pastors.

Cruz called the standoff between the Bureau of Land Management and supporters of scofflaw and racist rancher Cliven Bundy, the “unfortunate and tragic culmination of the path that President Obama has set the federal government upon.”

Cruz claimed that the United Nations/George Soros “Agenda 21” would “abolish ‘unsustainable’ environments, including golf courses, grazing pastures, and paved roads.”


1. On Obama’s plot to kidnap him: “So this afternoon President Obama has invited the Senate Republicans to the White House. So after leaving here, I’m going to be going to the White House. I will make a request. if I’m never seen again, please send a search and rescue team. I very much hope by tomorrow morning I don’t wake up amidst the Syrian rebels.”

2. On the press: “The media wants America to give up and allow this country to keep sliding off the edge of the cliff.”

3. On the Constitution: “This is an administration that seems bound and determine to violate every single one of our bill of rights. I don’t know that they have yet violated the Third Amendment, but I expect them to start quartering soldiers in peoples’ homes soon.”

4. On the hecklers who interrupted his speech: “Is anybody left at OFA headquarters? I’m actually glad that the president’s whole political staff is here instead of actually doing mischief in the country

5. On hecklers, again: “It would seem that President Obama’s paid political operatives are out in force. The men and women in this room scare the living daylights out of them.”

6. On hecklers, a third time: “How scared is the President? What a statement of fear, what a statement of fear. Oh, they don’t want the truth to be heard. They definitely don’t want the truth to be heard.”

7. On the Cold War: “Our foreign policy is detente, which I’m pretty sure is French for surrender.”

8. On Vice President Biden: “You don’t need a punchline. You just say his name, people laugh.”


10. He recently publicly pushed for the repeal of a federal law that doesn’t exist.

9. While trying to bash President Obama and Hillary Clinton, he managed to not only point out just how terrible George W. Bush’s policies were for our economy, but he essentially proved that trickle-down economics is disastrous for our economy.

8. During the net neutrality debate, Cruz was proud to show off the fact that he clearly has no idea what the term actually means.

7. As the Ebola “scare” raged on last year, Cruz publicly denounced the information the CDC was giving Americans about the virus (information that turned out to be 100 percent correct)… because it was too complex for him to understand.

6. We can’t forget the time he was booed off stage at a Christian event.

5. After building a large part of his political career on opposing the Affordable Care Act, he was asked what his alternative would be if the law were to be repealed – then proceeded to look like a fool trying to dodge the question, never once offering any sort of alternative.

4. During a recent speech his fear-mongering was so ridiculous that it startled a poor little girl in the audience, whose mother then lied to her to ease her fears.

3. Just a few weeks after our government shutdown ended, Cruz tried to claim at an event that he never wanted a shutdown – and the audience erupted into laughter.

2. A couple of weeks ago he gave one of his usual speeches loaded with “applause points” – that were met with absolute silence.

1. He proudly proclaimed that we needed “100 more senators like Jesse Helms” – a racist who opposed the Civil Rights Act; supported apartheid in South Africa; frequently tried to block the appointment of African-American judges; and used a filibuster to try to prevent naming a federal holiday after Martin Luther King.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention his infamous moment on the Senate floor when he twisted the meaning of Dr. Seuss’s classic Green Eggs and Ham to suit his anti-Obamacare agenda – that embarrassing moment stands in a league of its own.


1. “‘Net neutrality’ is Obamacare for the Internet”
In November of last year, after President Barack Obama announced his support for “net neutrality,” Cruz had no choice but to come out against it, tweeting “Net Neutrality’ is Obamacare for the Internet; the Internet should not operate at the speed of government.”

2. “Instead of nominating a health professional, he nominated someone who is an anti-gun activist”
In an interview with Candy Crowley, Cruz claimed that the president’s pick for surgeon general, Vivek Murthy, wasn’t qualified because of statements he had made about the Second Amendment.

3. Obama just a “social worker” who wants to put ISIS “on expanded Medicaid”
In an appearance on Fox News’ Hannity, Cruz complained that United States military leaders were taking too many cues from the president. “It’s not our job,” he said, “to be social workers in Iraq and put them all on expanded Medicaid. It is our job to kill terrorists who have declared war on America and who have demonstrated the intention and capability to murder innocent Americans.”

4. “It is the job of a chaplain to be insensitive to atheists”
Speaking at a home schooling convention, Cruz said that “we have never seen an administration with such hostility to religious faith. Last year, there was a chaplain in the Air Force up in Alaska who wrote in a blog post the phrase ‘There are no atheists in fox holes.’ He was ordered by his supervising officer to take it down. I guess it was deemed insensitive to atheists. I kind of thought it was the job of a chaplain to be insensitive to atheists.”

5. “I didn’t threaten to shut down the government”
After leading the GOP charge to shut down the government, Cruz repeatedly claimed that he had nothing to do with the GOP shutting down the government.

6. “I will renounce any Canadian citizenship”
After speaking to Donald Trump about a possible run for the White House, Cruz admitted that he was born in Calgary, Canada. However, he told The Dallas Morning News that “I will renounce any Canadian citizenship. Nothing against Canada, but I’m an American by birth and as a US senator I believe I should be only an American.”

7. “I expect them to start quartering soldiers in people’s homes soon”
At the 2013 Values Voter Summit, Cruz said Obama was intent on violating the entire Bill of Rights. “You look at our Constitution, you look at our Bill of Rights, this is an administration that seems bound and determined to violate every single one of our Bill or Rights,” he said, adding “I don’t know that they’ve yet violated the Third Amendment, but I expect them to start quartering soldiers in people’s homes soon.”

8. “Gay marriage” leads to Christianity becoming “hate speech”
In an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network, Cruz said that “if you look at other nations that have gone down the road towards gay marriage, that’s the next step of where it gets enforced. It gets enforced against Christian pastors who decline to perform gay marriages, who speak out and preach biblical truths on marriage, that has been defined elsewhere as hate speech, as inconsistent with the enlightened view of government.”

9. “I am a very, very proud wacko bird”
Responding to a statement by Senator John McCain that his opposition to immigration reform made him a “wacko bird,” Cruz to CBS News that “if standing for liberty and standing for the Constitution makes you a wacko bird then I am a very, very proud wacko bird.”

10. “I have never seen a Hispanic panhandler”
On Fox News Sunday in 2012, Cruz told host Chris Wallace that, “in my life, I have never once seen an Hispanic panhandler. In our community, it would be viewed as shameful to be out on the street begging.”

11. “Your world is on fire!”
At an event in New Hampshire last week, Cruz said “the Obama-Clinton foreign policy of leading from behind — the whole world is on fire.” When a little girl replied, “the world is on fire?” Cruz responded by saying, “Yes! Your world is on fire!”

12. “Green Eggs and Ham”
During his “filibuster” of the Affordable Care Act, Cruz took time out to read his daughters a bedtime story. “I don’t get to read it that often because I tell them, ‘Go pick the books you want to read and I read it to them,’” Cruz said on the Senate floor. “But since tonight, girls, you aren’t here, you don’t get to pick the book, so I get to pick Green Eggs and Ham.”





Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, real estate, appraiser, appraisal, instructor, teacher, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Pasadena, Brentwood, Bel Air, California, licensed, permitted, single family, condo, pud, hud, fannie mae, freddie mac, uspap, certified, residential, certified resident, apartment building, multi-family, commercial, industrial, expert witness, civil, criminal, orea, dre, insurance, bonded, experienced, bilingual, spanish, english, form, 1004, 2055, land, raw, acreage, vacant, insurance, cost, income approach, market analysis, comparative, theory, appraisal theory, cost approach, sales, matched pairs, plot, plat, map, diagram, photo, photographs, photography, rear, front, street, subject, comparable, sold, listed, active, pending, expired, cancelled, listing, mls, multiple listing service, claw, themls,

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Bill Cosby, William Henry Cosby sues women who claimed he allegedly assaulted them for defamation in Massachusetts,

Bill Cosby, William H Cosby, William Henry Cosby, Tamara Green, defamation, rape, drugs, date rape, counterclaim, countersuit, massachusetts, 3:14-cv-30211, mgm, december 2015, filed, district court, 
Below is copy/paste of Bill Cosby, William H Cosby's counterclaim against the women who sued him for defamation Case 3:14-cv-30211-MGM Document 121 Filed 12/14/15 Page 1 of 89. The case is in Massachusetts because Bill Cosby lives there. That state has jurisdiction.

I'm only reporting on this case. I am not a party or witness in this case. I personally feel that Bill Cosby probably did do something untoward. There are just so many identical claims. Why else would someone bring up something so horrible years after statute of limitations to file a lawsuit? I have no proof either way. If Cosby did do these things he is accused of, he is a horrible person.

My only interest in this case is it parallels my defamation case. I reported someone for animal cruelty. They were investigated and found guilty of causing animals "pain, suffering and death" which is definition of animal cruelty. In retaliation they sued me for defamation stating my reports were "defamation."

I argued my reports to government agencies were fair and privileged. They can never be defamation. In order to show people why I was sued for defamation I posted my exact reports, photos and videographic evidence online. The appeals court ruled the reports were fair and privileged but once posted online, even though 100% the truth backed by tons of evidence and federal experts, they automatically become "defamation." They further ruled "defamation is assumed. It does not have to be proven." The entire case is just Texas good ole boy "justice" in action.

In my reply, petition for rehearing, besides bringing up the fact the judge grossly misquoted the record on most important item, I noted that if the ruling stood, people would report people for rape then get sued for defamation. Sure enough, it happened.

As I see it there will be some issues in the case. Here are but a few.

1. Statute of limitations for defamation is two years. The statute has run on some of the statements.

2. If the person defamed is a public figure, malice must be proven. One must prove the statement was defamatory and made knowing it was false for sole purpose to harm someone.

3. The statement must be something that can be proven false or true.

4. The evidence in the case also has a limitation as to time. Some evidence may be too old.



Plaintiffs, v.


Case No.: 3:14-cv-30211-MGM

Counterclaim Plaintiff, v.

Counterclaim Defendants.


(I omitted Cosby's answer and affirmative defenses. Old news. He basically admitted to the basics and denied everything else)


Counterclaim Plaintiff, William H. Cosby, Jr., by and through his undersigned counsel and in accordance with Rule 13 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, brings these counterclaims against Counterclaim Defendants Tamara Green, Therese Serignese, Linda Traitz, Louisa Moritz, Barbara Bowman, Joan Tarshis, and Angela Leslie for their malicious, opportunistic, and false and defamatory accusations of sexual misconduct against Mr. Cosby.

1. Mr. Cosby is an internationally known American comedian, actor, and philanthropist. Beginning with his novel television work as a young African American actor on I Spy, the transformative cultural impact of The Cosby Show, and continuing throughout the past half-century as a philanthropist dedicated to promoting social justice issues with his involvement and contributions to causes from education to sickle cell anemia, Mr. Cosby prides himself in the legacy and reputation he has earned throughout his life, particularly as an entertainer and philanthropist. Mr. Cosby is an Emmy Award winner, a 1998 Kennedy Center Honors recipient, and in 2002 Mr. Cosby was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

2. The honorable legacy and reputation that Mr. Cosby has long cultivated, however, has been tarnished. Relying solely on unsubstantiated accusations, Counterclaim Defendants have engaged in a campaign to assassinate Mr. Cosby’s reputation and character by willfully, maliciously, and falsely accusing Mr. Cosby of multi-decade-old purported sexual misconduct. Counterclaim Defendants’ campaign is nothing more than an opportunistic attempt to extract financial gain from him.

3. Despite the recent barrage of unsubstantiated accusations, Mr. Cosby has never been criminally charged nor found liable by any Court for any sexual misconduct. And, despite that the Counterclaim Defendants’ purported events supposedly took place over multiple decades Case 3:14-cv-30211-MGM Document 121 Filed 12/14/15 Page 77 of 89 -78- ago, by their own admissions none of them filed a report with law enforcement regarding their stories nor have any of them asserted any civil claims for relief based on their own stories of sexual misconduct.

4. Instead, Counterclaim Defendants did not file any claims against Mr. Cosby until after he was set to make a return to television by starring in a new family comedy television series on the National Broadcasting Company (“NBC”). Once news of Mr. Cosby’s television resurgence became well publicized, in 2014, each Counterclaim Defendant repeatedly and maliciously published their unsubstantiated stories through multiple interviews and posts on social media platforms.

5. Then, once Martin Singer defended Mr. Cosby by denying certain false accusations of sexual misconduct volleyed against him, Counterclaim Defendants filed a defamation lawsuit against Mr. Cosby to silence his defenses and monetize their false accusations.

6. Mr. Cosby brings these counterclaims to redress the injury and damages caused by Counterclaim Defendants’ malicious and unlawful conduct. JURISDICTION AND VENUE

7. This Court has diversity jurisdiction over these counterclaims pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1332 because diversity of citizenship exists and the amount in controversy exceeds $75,000, exclusive of interest and costs. This Court has supplemental jurisdiction over these counterclaims pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1367.

8. Venue is proper in this Court pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1391 because a substantial part of the events giving rise to Mr. Cosby’s counterclaims occurred in this District. Case 3:14-cv-30211-MGM Document 121 Filed 12/14/15 Page 78 of 89 -79- PARTIES

9. Counterclaim Plaintiff William H. Cosby, Jr. is an internationally known American comedian, actor, and philanthropist. Mr. Cosby resides within this District.

10. Counterclaim Defendant Tamara Green is an adult individual residing and domiciled in California.

11. Counterclaim Defendant Therese Serignese is an adult individual residing and domiciled in Florida.

12. Counterclaim Defendant Linda Traitz is an adult individual residing and domiciled in Florida.

13. Counterclaim Defendant Louisa Moritz is an adult individual residing and domiciled in California.

14. Counterclaim Defendant Barbara Bowman is an adult individual residing and domiciled in Arizona.

15. Counterclaim Defendant Joan Tarshis is an adult individual residing and domiciled in New York.

16. Counterclaim Defendant Angela Leslie is an adult individual residing and domiciled in Michigan. FACTUAL ALLEGATIONS

17. At or around the beginning of 2014, Mr. Cosby entered into an agreement with NBC to star in a new family comedy television series. Once news of Mr. Cosby’s television resurgence became well publicized, in 2014, upon information and belief, each Counterclaim Defendant engaged in a campaign to assassinate Mr. Cosby’s reputation and character by Case 3:14-cv-30211-MGM Document 121 Filed 12/14/15 Page 79 of 89 -80- willfully, maliciously, and falsely accusing Mr. Cosby of multi-decade-old purported sexual misconduct in an opportunistic attempt to extract financial gain from their allegations.

18. Counterclaim Defendant Green has maliciously and knowingly published multiple false accusations that Mr. Cosby sexually assaulted her. For example, on at least two occasions in 2014, at least once in an interview with Newsweek, Ms. Green participated in interviews where she claimed that Mr. Cosby drugged and sexually assaulted her over 40 years ago.

19. Mr. Cosby neither drugged nor sexually assaulted Ms. Green. Aside from Ms. Green’s bare allegations, her claims of a sexual assault that purportedly occurred over 40 years ago remain unsubstantiated. Ms. Green admits that she never filed a report with law enforcement regarding her story nor has she asserted any civil claim for relief based on Mr. Cosby’s alleged sexual misconduct. Instead, upon information and belief, Ms. Green made these false statements in an effort to cause damage to Mr. Cosby’s reputation and to extract financial gains by means of them.

20. Counterclaim Defendant Serignese has also published false accusations that Mr. Cosby sexually assaulted her. For example, in or around November 2014, Ms. Serignese reached out to the Huffington Post and falsely asserted that Mr. Cosby drugged and raped her over 38 years ago, purportedly in 1976.

21. According to Ms. Serignese’s November 2014 story, she purportedly called Mr. Cosby after the alleged incident at her mother’s encouragement that “maybe [Mr. Cosby]’ll take care of you.” She subsequently accepted housing from Mr. Cosby at a Hilton penthouse for three weeks. Then, according to Ms. Serignese, in 1985 she contacted Mr. Cosby again as she was going through a divorce and ended up engaging in another sexual encounter with him. In 1993, Case 3:14-cv-30211-MGM Document 121 Filed 12/14/15 Page 80 of 89 -81- Ms. Serignese claims, she again contacted Mr. Cosby to ask for and accept money from him after being involved in a traffic accident.

22. Mr. Cosby neither drugged nor sexually assaulted Ms. Serignese. Like the other Counterclaim Defendants, Ms. Serignese admits that she never filed a report with law enforcement regarding her story nor has she asserted any civil claim for relief based on her story of Mr. Cosby’s alleged sexual misconduct. Instead, upon information and belief, Ms. Serignese made these false statements in an effort to cause damage to Mr. Cosby’s reputation and to extract financial gains by means of them.

23. In or around November 2014, Counterclaim Defendant Traitz published at least three false statements and accusations that Mr. Cosby sexually assaulted her over 40 years ago. Like her other Counterclaim Defendants, Mr. Cosby did not sexually assault Ms. Traitz. Likewise, by Ms. Traitz’s own admission, she never filed a report with law enforcement regarding her story nor has she asserted any civil claim for relief based on her story of Mr. Cosby’s alleged sexual misconduct. Instead, upon information and belief, Ms. Traitz made these false statements in an effort to cause damage to Mr. Cosby’s reputation and to extract financial gains by means of them.

24. Counterclaim Defendant Moritz published false statements and accusations that Mr. Cosby sexually assaulted her through a public statement on or about November 20, 2014. Consistent with her other Counterclaim Defendants’ scheme, Ms. Moritz’s uncorroborated and bare assertions of sexual assault that purportedly occurred over 45 years ago remain unsubstantiated. Ms. Moritz’s fabrication is highlighted by the fact that, despite her repeated accounts that she was sexually assaulted by Mr. Cosby on set while waiting to make an appearance on “The Tonight Show,” Mr. Cosby was neither on the set of The Tonight Show nor Case 3:14-cv-30211-MGM Document 121 Filed 12/14/15 Page 81 of 89 -82- was he physically present at the location she alleges the assault took place. Instead, Mr. Cosby did not sexually assault Ms. Moritz. Likewise, by Ms. Moritz’s own admission, she never filed a report with law enforcement regarding her story nor has she asserted any civil claim for relief based on her story of Mr. Cosby’s alleged sexual misconduct. Instead, upon information and belief, Ms. Moritz made these false statements in an effort to cause damage to Mr. Cosby’s reputation and to extract financial gains by means of them.

25. Counterclaim Defendant Bowman published false, uncorroborated, and multidecade old allegations of sexual assault against Mr. Cosby at least twice in 2014. Once through an interview with the Daily Mail on or around October 27, 2014, and again through an article she authored that was published online on or around November 13, 2014. In her interview with the Daily Mail, Ms. Bowman admitted that her new allegations were meant to address her “fear [] that [Mr. Cosby] will actually hit the NBC airways again;” indeed she brags that “the timing couldn’t be better. It sickens me to think he’ll be on TV again.”

26. Counterclaim Defendant Tarshis published false, uncorroborated, and multidecade old allegations of sexual assault against Mr. Cosby by sending her “old friend” a written statement that was published online on or around November 16, 2014. Likewise, Counterclaim Defendant Leslie published false, uncorroborated, and multi-decade old allegations of sexual assault against Mr. Cosby by giving an interview to the New York Daily News on or around November 20, 2014.

27. Like all the other Counterclaim Defendants, however, Mr. Cosby did not sexually assault Ms. Bowman, Ms. Tarshis, nor Ms. Leslie. And, like all the other Counterclaim Defendants, by their own admissions, neither Ms. Bowman, Ms. Tarshis, nor Ms. Leslie filed a report with law enforcement regarding their stories nor have any of them asserted any civil claim Case 3:14-cv-30211-MGM Document 121 Filed 12/14/15 Page 82 of 89 -83- for relief based on their story of Mr. Cosby’s alleged sexual misconduct. Instead, upon information and belief, Ms. Bowman, Ms. Tarshis, and Ms. Leslie, along with their fellow Counterclaim Defendants, have made these false statements in an effort to cause damage to Mr. Cosby’s reputation and to extract financial gains by means of them.

28. Counterclaim Defendants’ intentional and malicious campaign to defame Mr. Cosby has caused him substantial injury. As a result of their false, opportunistic, and malicious allegations, Mr. Cosby’s reputation has been irretrievably damaged and his planned reemergence to network television destroyed as they intended. FIRST CLAIM FOR RELIEF (Defamation Per Se Against All Counterclaim Defendants)

29. Mr. Cosby repeats and re-alleges, as if fully set forth herein, the responses, affirmative defenses, and allegations of all of the preceding paragraphs.

30. At all relevant times, Mr. Cosby enjoyed the respect, confidence and esteem of his neighbors, as well as others in the community.

31. In or around February 2014 and November 2014, and at various times continuing through the present day, Ms. Green published to one or more third parties false and defamatory statements concerning Mr. Cosby as set forth above.

32. In or around November 2014, and at various times continuing through the present day, Ms. Serignese published to one or more third parties false and defamatory statements concerning Mr. Cosby as set forth above.

33. In or around November 2014, and at various times continuing through the present day, Ms. Traitz published to one or more third parties at least three false and defamatory statements concerning Mr. Cosby as set forth above. Case 3:14-cv-30211-MGM Document 121 Filed 12/14/15 Page 83 of 89 -84-

34. In or around November 2014, and at various times continuing through the present day, Ms. Moritz published to one or more third parties at least three false and defamatory statements concerning Mr. Cosby as set forth above.

35. In or around October and November 2014, and at various times continuing through the present day, Ms. Bowman published to one or more third parties at least three false and defamatory statements concerning Mr. Cosby as set forth above.

36. In or around November 2014, and at various times continuing through the present day, Ms. Tarshis published to one or more third parties at least three false and defamatory statements concerning Mr. Cosby as set forth above.

37. In or around November 2014, and at various times continuing through the present day, Ms. Leslie published to one or more third parties at least three false and defamatory statements concerning Mr. Cosby as set forth above.

38. Each Counterclaim Defendant intentionally made and published the false and defamatory statements with actual malice, knowledge of, and reckless disregard as to the falsity of those statements because each Counterclaim Defendant knew that Mr. Cosby neither drugged nor sexually assaulted them.

39. Counterclaim Defendants’ false statements were defamatory because they held Mr. Cosby up to hatred, distrust, contempt, disgrace, scorn, and ridicule among considerable and respectable segments of the community, including from the media coverage and public reaction to Counterclaim Defendants’ false and defamatory statements.

40. Counterclaim Defendants’ false statements were defamatory per se because they falsely impute that Mr. Cosby engaged in criminal conduct. Case 3:14-cv-30211-MGM Document 121 Filed 12/14/15 Page 84 of 89 -85-

41. Counterclaim Defendants’ false and defamatory statements have proximately caused and continue to cause Mr. Cosby to suffer substantial injuries and damages including, but not limited to, tarnish of reputation and public image, delay and/or cancellation of pending contracts, shame, mortification, hurt feelings, damages to property, business, trade, profession, and occupation. SECOND CLAIM FOR RELIEF (Defamation Against All Counterclaim Defendants)

42. Mr. Cosby repeats and re-alleges, as if fully set forth herein, the responses, affirmative defenses, and allegations of all of the preceding paragraphs.

43. At all relevant times, Mr. Cosby enjoyed the respect, confidence and esteem of his neighbors, as well as others in the community.

44. Tamara Green, Therese Serignese, Linda Traitz, Louisa Moritz, Barbara Bowman, Joan Tarshis, and Angela Leslie have each published to one or more third parties false and defamatory statements concerning Mr. Cosby as set forth above.

45. Each Counterclaim Defendant intentionally made and published the false and defamatory statements with actual malice, knowledge of, and reckless disregard as to the falsity of those statements because each Counterclaim Defendant knew that Mr. Cosby neither drugged nor sexually assaulted them.

46. Counterclaim Defendants’ false statements were defamatory because they held Mr. Cosby up to hatred, distrust, contempt, disgrace, scorn, and ridicule among considerable and respectable segments of the community, including from the media coverage and public reaction to Counterclaim Defendants’ false and defamatory statements. Case 3:14-cv-30211-MGM Document 121 Filed 12/14/15 Page 85 of 89 -86-

47. Counterclaim Defendants’ false and defamatory statements have proximately caused and continue to cause Mr. Cosby to suffer substantial injuries and damages including, but not limited to, tarnish of reputation and public image, delay and/or cancellation of pending contracts, shame, mortification, hurt feelings, damages to property, business, trade, profession, and occupation. THIRD CLAIM FOR RELIEF (Tortious Interference Against All Counterclaim Defendants)

48. Mr. Cosby repeats and re-alleges, as if fully set forth herein, the responses, affirmative defenses, and allegations of all of the preceding paragraphs.

49. At or before the beginning of 2014, Mr. Cosby had an existing contract or an expectation of a contract to feature in a new family comedy series on NBC. Mr. Cosby also had existing contracts or an expectation of contract with Netflix at that time.

50. Each Counterclaim Defendant knew of Mr. Cosby’s existing or pending 2014 contracts with NBC and Netflix because, among other things, Mr. Cosby’s television resurgence became well publicized in the media.

51. Each Counterclaim Defendant induced both NBC and Netflix to postpone or cancel their contracts with Mr. Cosby by engaging in a campaign to assassinate Mr. Cosby’s reputation and character by willfully, maliciously, and falsely accusing Mr. Cosby of multidecade-old purported sexual misconduct in an opportunistic attempt to extract financial gain from their allegations.

52. Counterclaim Defendants’ unlawful conduct has proximately caused and continues to cause Mr. Cosby to suffer substantial injuries and damages including, but not Case 3:14-cv-30211-MGM Document 121 Filed 12/14/15 Page 86 of 89 -87- limited to, tarnish of reputation and public image, delay and/or cancellation of pending contracts, shame, mortification, hurt feelings, damages to property, business, trade, profession, and occupation. FOURTH CLAIM FOR RELIEF (Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress Against All Counterclaim Defendants)

53. Mr. Cosby repeats and re-alleges, as if fully set forth herein, the responses, affirmative defenses, and allegations of all of the preceding paragraphs.

54. Each Counterclaim Defendant intentionally engaged in a campaign to assassinate Mr. Cosby’s reputation and character by willfully, maliciously, and falsely accusing Mr. Cosby of engaging in sexual misconduct in an opportunistic attempt to extract financial gain from their allegations.

55. Counterclaim Defendants’ conduct was extreme and outrageous and beyond all possible bounds of decency because, among other things, falsely accusing another of sexual assault is morally repugnant and subjected Mr. Cosby to severe emotional distress from public ridicule, shame, and contempt of such a nature that no reasonable person could be expected to endure it.

56. As a result of Counterclaim Defendants’ intentional, extreme, outrageous, and morally repugnant conduct, Mr. Cosby has suffered and continues to suffer from severe emotional distress including, but not limited to, tarnish of reputation and public image, shame, mortification, hurt feelings, and shock and harm to his peace of mind by Counterclaim Defendants’ intentional invasion of Mr. Cosby’s mental and emotional tranquility. Case 3:14-cv-30211-MGM Document 121 Filed 12/14/15 Page 87 of 89 -88- WHEREFORE, Counterclaim Plaintiff William H. Cosby, Jr. respectfully requests that the Court enter judgment in his favor and against Counterclaim Defendants Tamara Green, Therese Serignese, Linda Traitz, Louisa Moritz, Barbara Bowman, Joan Tarshis, and Angela Leslie (collectively “Counterclaim Defendants”) as follows: A. An award for compensatory damages to the maximum extent permitted by law; E. An award for punitive damages to the maximum extent permitted by law; B. A permanent injunction enjoining Counterclaim Defendants from continuing to publish its defamatory statements; C. An injunction requiring Counterclaim Defendants to publically issue a statement and press release retracting and correcting its defamatory statements; D. An award of all costs and fees in this action, including attorneys’ fees and preand post-judgment interest; and E. All other such relief as this Court deems just and proper.

Dated: December 14, 2015
Respectfully submitted,
 By: s/ John J. Egan Christopher Tayback Marshall M. Searcy III
865 South Figueroa Street,
10th Floor Los Angeles, California 90017-2543
(213) 443 3000
John J. Egan
67 Market Street PO Box 9035 Springfield, MA 01102-9035

Here is link to original case against Bill Cosby

Here is link to Bill Cosby's counterclaim

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, real estate, appraiser, appraisal, instructor, teacher, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Pasadena, Brentwood, Bel Air, California, licensed, permitted, single family, condo, pud, hud, fannie mae, freddie mac, uspap, certified, residential, certified resident, apartment building, multi-family, commercial, industrial, expert witness, civil, criminal, orea, dre, insurance, bonded, experienced, bilingual, spanish, english, form, 1004, 2055, land, raw, acreage, vacant, insurance, cost, income approach, market analysis, comparative, theory, appraisal theory, cost approach, sales, matched pairs, plot, plat, map, diagram, photo, photographs, photography, rear, front, street, subject, comparable, sold, listed, active, pending, expired, cancelled, listing, mls, multiple listing service, claw, themls,

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Religious head coverings among Christians, Jews and Muslims

Religious head covering, jihab, veil, mantilla, christian, muslim, jewish
People are upset about Muslim women covering their head in the US and UK. A lot of people don't realize that many religions request women to cover their head. Islam, Christianity and Judaism are all based on the same ancient scrolls. Islam, Christianity and Judaism used the same scrolls in their Koran, Bible and Torah. They have very similar instructions about women covering their head.

Growing up Roman Catholic we wore head scarfs, veils to church. We wore them on Sunday to show respect for God in the house of our Lord. I no longer practice but I still went through eight years of Catholic School.

If you look at the pic above Mary the alleged Mother of God is wearing a head covering and flowing loose robes. Mary is always painted in this manner. Why then are people upset about women wearing hijab or head covering while in public?

Below is an image of the head covering of many different religions. Up until 1959 all Catholics were instructed to wear head coverings. It wasn't until the Pope stated that we need to take Catholicism out of the dark ages and bring it into the modern world that slowly nuns and regular people started shedding the veil.

Women head covering muslim jewish catholic christian 
If you look at the dress of Catholic, Christian nuns they all wore head coverings and loose robes with a type of chest cover. The hair line can't even be seen. The idea behind this is that nuns must be chaste because they are married to Jesus Christ. While it's a sin to have sex outside a marriage it's also a sin to tempt others. That is why they cover their hair, chest area and wear very loose robes.

Below are some photos of moderm Islamic dress. They have head covering and some loose dresses or big loose tops. Here in the US you can dress any way you like just about. I don't find these outfits offensive in the least.

Most Muslims do not cover their entire face and body. Only 2% in Saudia Arabia and Pakistan fully cover their face and body.

Muslims, Christians and Jews have very similar religions based on the same old scrolls. Our dress standards for women are also similar. People who wear full Burka, Niqab are part of a very small percentage of Muslims. 

Now if people are forced to wear a head covering, that is a different issue. I'm against forcing people to wear a head, face, body covering. If they freely choose to do so, fine by me.

There is a small minority of people who have twisted the message of the bible, Torah and Koran into hate and violence. If you read the bible there are some really violent stories in there talking about murdering your children. That does not mean Catholics should go out there and kill their children. There are groups like the Westboro Baptist Church who have twisted the bible just so they can attack homosexuals and Muslims. We will always have crazy radicals in every religion, every walk of life. That does not mean that those crazy few represent their entire religion. Radical Islamist jihadist terrorists don't represent all Muslims. We need to pay more attention to the similarities of our religions and way of life so we can get along better in this world.

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, real estate, appraiser, appraisal, instructor, teacher, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Pasadena, Brentwood, Bel Air, California, licensed, permitted, single family, condo, pud, hud, fannie mae, freddie mac, uspap, certified, residential, certified resident, apartment building, multi-family, commercial, industrial, expert witness, civil, criminal, orea, dre, insurance, bonded, experienced, bilingual, spanish, english, form, 1004, 2055, land, raw, acreage, vacant, insurance, cost, income approach, market analysis, comparative, theory, appraisal theory, cost approach, sales, matched pairs, plot, plat, map, diagram, photo, photographs, photography, rear, front, street, subject, comparable, sold, listed, active, pending, expired, cancelled, listing, mls, multiple listing service, claw, themls,

Sunday, December 13, 2015

EB-5 Program Renewal Changes - Mary Cummins real estate appraiser Los Angeles, California

EB-5 investor program, green card visa, $500,000 foreign investment renewal changes

"Developers love the EB-5 visa program as a cheap source of capital, but it’s under attack—and up for a questionable renewal on Dec. 11—prompting developers to pour money into lobbying to ensure it stays on the books.

EB-5 offers foreigners a green card in exchange for a $500k minimum investment in the US economy, and has consistently provided developers with cheap capital. However, some politicians criticize it for circumventing the immigration process. “EB-5 has been a tremendous help for us because it allowed us to put in early infrastructure before construction,” said Related Cos CEO Jeff Blau. And Related is paying to keep that help around. This year it shelled out at least $730k in lobbying fees supporting EB-5, only a tiny fraction of what it raised in EB-5 funds for its $600M Hudson Yards development.

Related isn’t alone. CIM Group spent $480k this year lobbying for EB-5, and Forest City Ratner threw $140k into the pot after more than 1,100 foreign investors injected $577M into Pacific Park Brooklyn (a JV between Forest City Ratner and Greenland USA). Silverstein Properties also joined the fight, paying out $20k in EB-5 lobbying after raising more than $250M from foreign investors on 30 Park Place and hoping to raise more than $500M from EB-5 for 2 World Trade Center."

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, real estate, appraiser, appraisal, instructor, teacher, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Pasadena, Brentwood, Bel Air, California, licensed, permitted, single family, condo, pud, hud, fannie mae, freddie mac, uspap, certified, residential, certified resident, apartment building, multi-family, commercial, industrial, expert witness, civil, criminal, orea, dre, insurance, bonded, experienced, bilingual, spanish, english, form, 1004, 2055, land, raw, acreage, vacant, insurance, cost, income approach, market analysis, comparative, theory, appraisal theory, cost approach, sales, matched pairs, plot, plat, map, diagram, photo, photographs, photography, rear, front, street, subject, comparable, sold, listed, active, pending, expired, cancelled, listing, mls, multiple listing service, claw, themls,

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Carl James Dial arrested for suspected arson of Masjid Ibrahim mosque in Coachella, California, hate crime, Facebook page

Carl James Dial Jr, Carl Dial, arson, hate crime, mosque, palm desert country club, california, arrested, mugshot

Carl James Dial Jr, Carl Dial, arson, hate crime, mosque, palm desert country club, california, arrested, mugshot
Carl James Dial Jr born December 10, 1992 in San Diego County to father Charles John Dial b 1960 and mother Donna Teague b 1964 was arrested for alleged arson, hate crime, burning of the Masjid Ibrahim Mosque in Coachella. He is named after his deceased uncle Carl James Dial Jr b 1955 d 2010 and deceased grandfather Carl James Dial Sr b 1929 d 1986. He has an older brother Jonathan "Jono" who is married with a kid. He was living with his brother also a gamer at the time of his arrest.

Anyone with info please call 760 863-8990. The fire took place about 12:11 p.m. at the Islamic Society of Palm Springs in the 84600 block of Avenue 49 on Friday, officials of the mosque said they saw someone throw a Molotov cocktail at the front of the structure. Service was to start at 1:00 pm but worshippers had already arrived. Was he trying to kill people or just send a stupid uneducated xenophobic message? Based on this guy's history it's a good thing he couldn't afford to buy guns.

The kid lived 20 minutes away. I think he hit this mosque as it was the closest to where he was living. The last post he made on Facebook before he left to allegedly toss a molotov cocktail was a link to this music video/lyrics "Korn" "Spike in my veins." His mom supported him, kissed his ass and liked the post. If his parents didn't ignore and/or support his delusions maybe this wouldn't have happened.

Carl James Dial Jr, John Dial, Donna Teague-Dial, arson, mosque, hate crime, thermal, california, coachella, 
UPDATE: Found his Facebook page. Here are some photos. His profile pic is that of a character from a violent video game with the colors of France overlaid. The fictional game character is "Big Boss" from Metal Gear Solid. Obviously little Carl feels he is the "Big Boss," "a US soldier, mercenary, hero and a madman." Carl was living in an imaginary world out of a dusty, run down, trailer in Thermal, California in the armpit of the outskirts of Coachella Valley.  This totally fictional character is described as follows,

""We have no nation, no philosophy, no ideology. We go where we're needed, fighting not for country, not for government, but for ourselves. We need no reason to fight. We fight because we are needed. We will be the deterrent for those with no other recourse. We are soldiers without borders, our purpose defined by the era we live in."
―Big Boss[src]

Big Boss, real name John,[3] also known as Jack, and formerly known as Naked Snake, Vic Boss[4] , Ishmael, or simply Snake, was a renowned special forces operative and mercenary commander. He founded U.S. Army Special Forces Unit FOXHOUND, along with the mercenary company Militaires Sans Frontières, and was one of the founding members of the Patriots. Big Boss later established the military states of Outer Heaven and Zanzibar Land as bases for his companies, in order to realize his ambitions of creating a nation for soldiers. Considered by some as "The Greatest Warrior of the 20th Century," he earned such monikers as "the Legendary Soldier"[5] and "the Legendary Mercenary,"[6] feared in combat by both friend and foe as a hero and a madman.[7]"

I assume this means he is against ISIS and maybe Muslims. That would be some mentally ill incentive to burn a Muslim Mosque. He got all upset stating Muslims are trying to end Octoberfest. He didn't realize it was a false petition. This kid is very stupid and gullible besides mentally ill. His brother thinks the same thing so I blame the father. He stupidly thinks all Muslims are terrorists.  FTR I don't support arsonists, terrorists, people who commit crime or are racist, xenophobes. I'm just reporting about this person.

Carl James Dial, Jono Dial, John Dial oktoberfest, muslim, refugee

He appears to be a loner, against religion, enjoys fires and explosions. He likes to watch ISIS execution videos, North Korean propaganda and calls people "faggots." He's interested in serial killers and watching his neighbors mobile home go up in flames when he lived with parents at 28 Panorama in Desert Shores, Thermal, California November 25, 2014. He's in school I take it college at his age. Interested in violent video games. I would bet he's a virgin the way he talks poorly about women and Kyle Jenner. He says women only want perfect men whereas men will take almost any women. He sounds like Eliot Rodger but much less intelligent and educated when he states the male desire for women is only chemical. What is disturbing is his family supporting all of his stupid thoughts and ideas. Oh, he got his drivers license 12/2014 at the age of 22. I got mine at 15 though 16 is normal. Obviously something wrong with this kid. He got his "new truck" 11/2014 so maybe he lost his license, wrecked his last car? Checked records. I see no civil or criminal cases in Riverside besides this case. If you saw the video of his parents they are severely lacking which is why they live in a trailer home in Thermal, California.

Carl James Dial Jr, Carl Dial, arson, terrorist, mosque, palm desert, mental illness, california

Carl James Dial Jr, Carl Dial, arson, terrorist, mosque, palm desert, mental illness, california

"Mah new truck" Carl James Dial Jr, Carl Dial, arson, terrorist, mosque, palm desert, mental illness, california

Laptop selfie, Carl James Dial Jr, Carl Dial, arson, terrorist, mosque, palm desert, mental illness, california
Carl James Dial, Carl Dial, profile pic, for Paris victims? This looks like violent video game character


Dial’s father said his son struggled socially. Carl Dial’s demeanor took an anti-social turn around 2000, and his father said if his son committed the arson he believes some type of psychiatric ailment might be to blame. Carl Dial had seen mental health professionals while younger, he said. “He was caught up in social media. Social media has produced people like my son, without person-to-person contact,” John Dial said. “I believe he was lacking in social skills.”"We have no plans to bail him out. He's an adult," Carl Dial's father, John Dial, said in an interview with NBC on Saturday. "We both said right there, we said to him, I hope you like reading books, because you're in it for the long haul. He's a man."

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, real estate, appraiser, appraisal, instructor, teacher, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Pasadena, Brentwood, Bel Air, California, licensed, permitted, single family, condo, pud, hud, fannie mae, freddie mac, uspap, certified, residential, certified resident, apartment building, multi-family, commercial, industrial, expert witness, civil, criminal, orea, dre, insurance, bonded, experienced, bilingual, spanish, english, form, 1004, 2055, land, raw, acreage, vacant, insurance, cost, income approach, market analysis, comparative, theory, appraisal theory, cost approach, sales, matched pairs, plot, plat, map, diagram, photo, photographs, photography, rear, front, street, subject, comparable, sold, listed, active, pending, expired, cancelled, listing, mls, multiple listing service, claw, themls,

LA Art Show at Los Angeles Convention Center by Mary Cummins

mary cummins, la art show, la convention center, los angeles, california, art show, artists, robert vargas, mural, muralist Los Angeles LA A...