Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Marie Juliette Cummins Schott Sponsel is a tax cheat

UPDATE: 177 hits on this post. That is the most of any other post. If you are thinking of turning her in for tax fraud, it seems someone already turned her in to the IRS.

After someone called me today about "my" house at 9170 Thrasher Ave, I did some research. My grandmother named Mary R. Cummins bought this house in 1965 for about $20,000. In 1975 she gave it to my mother in a living trust. That means when my grandmother died June 4, 1991, my mother got the property. At this time the tax basis should have changed to market value.

My biological mother born Marie Juliette Cummins September 1936 is a tax cheat. She did not record my grandmother's death. Instead in 1994 she said my grandmother "gifted" it to her for a nominal amount. It wasn't a "transfer." My mom then gifts it from her Schott name to her Cummins name in 1995. Then in 2002 after my grandmother has been dead over ten years my mother then forges yet another document and states my grandmother gifted it to her in 2002 for again a nominal amount.

She continues to transfer the property for nominal amounts. This way she doesn't have to pay a stepped up property tax or any other transfer taxes. All the while she keeps refinancing it. It was free and clear when she got it. She then took out a $2,000,000 loan on the property and it looks like it's in my grandmother's name. She finally transferred it into her current holding name of Cummins Gift Trust then takes out a $3.1M 1st. September 2013.

Her annual taxes are $3,900 when they should be $60,000. She's been saving $55,000 a year for 22 years not to mention transfer taxes for all the transfers. She's done 100x more fraud than this besides stealing from me, my sister, grandmother, government, other people... The document below shows a summary of some of the transfers.

Marie Juliette Cummins Schott Sponsel is a tax cheat.
My grandmother is dead. Here is proof.

Mary R. Cummins is dead. California death index.

Mary R. Cummins is dead. Social Security death index. 

And last but not least here is my grandmother's grave. My grandmother is dead. I can't believe my mother has been running around for the last 20 years pretending to be my dead grandmother. Actually, I can believe that.


And here is my grandmother's headstone. She is dead.

I just did some more research. My mother states in the MLS it's a 4 bedroom 5.75 bath home of 5,020 sf.  In tax records she states it's a 2,801 sf 3+3. I looked at the photos from the lease listing where she wanted $30,000 a month. It is indeed 5,020 sf. This means the additions she made were illegal and unpermitted. It also means she is not paying taxes on the illegal additions. She was reported to authorities for additions without permits. More property tax fraud.

I believe she kept transferring it every time there was at least $250K to $500K in appreciation. This way she can lie, state it was her primary residence then not have to pay capital gains. That's probably why she deeded it to her husband then to her husband and her as a couple. She saves paying tax on an extra $500K. She was not living in the house. She and her husband Clifford Sponsel live in Santa Barbara. That means she also lied when she filed an appeal of a permit approval. She stated she and my sister lived in the house when they do not.

Here is the agent detail of the MLS listing from 2005 when she tried to rent it. It's probably rented. I doubt she pays tax on that income.

9170 Thrasher Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90069

Growing up at 9170 Thrasher Avenue in Los Angeles, California - Mary Cummins

*Please, don't contact me asking for Ingaborg's contact info. I have received over 100 emails from real estate scammers trying to contact her. I will not give you the information. Leave Inga alone. Don't contact me either. You ought to be ashamed of yourselves for trying to scam her. She has no interest in selling. She is staying there for life.

ORIGINAL: I was born December 1965 in Long Beach, California. We lived in Lakewood at the time on the country club golf course at 4114 Lakewood. We moved to Doheny Estates aka Trousdale within two weeks of my birth to 9170 Thrasher Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90069. At that time it was a new perfectly rectangular two story white prefab home with three bedrooms and two bathrooms all on the second floor. I think my grandmother Mary R. Cummins paid about $20,000 for it. She liked the home because it was in the hills on a cul-de-sac which she thought would be safer for two little kids.

Back in 1965 it was a three bedroom, two bath 1,865 sf home on a 5,313 sf lot. It had a two car built in carport and another two car carport on the other side. We also used to use the lot next to us for a dollhouse and more parking.

It was listed originally at $92,000 in 1964. It was a spec house which was never finished. They slashed list price to $49,000 in 1965. The downstairs was totally unfinished like an unfinished attic. Over the years my mother added to it without permits. Here is one of the ads in the LA Times.

9170 Thrasher Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90069

Ingeborg Burke lived at 9171 Thrasher almost across the street. We also had one neighbor across the street at 9151 Thrasher Leland and Marjorie Rowsell who had a daughter named Missy who was older than us. They're both dead now. There was a home north of them at 9117 owned by a single man and an older couple that lived at 9105 on the corner of Thrasher and Oriole. Those were the only homes on the street at that time. These were older smaller homes.

I used to ride my bike up and down the street. I ended up breaking my nose and knocking out my two front teeth riding my tricycle down the street when I was four. I used to hike around these hills with my friend Valerie Delapp who lived off Doheny on Warbler Place and went to my same Catholic school Beverly Hills Catholic School. I also hung out with Wendy Ward whose dad Russell Ward lived on Sierra Mar who owned a gravel business in Southgate. My mom used to date her dad and they all hung out at Scandia or the Cock 'n Bull bars on Sunset near Doheny.

Leland bought the vacant lots at the end of the street. He eventually sold them off and they built two homes at the very end and another almost at the end. Someone else built another home across from us and north. By now every lot on the street was built with huge homes. Dolly Parton bought a peach painted home at the end of the street with a fantastic view. Ricardo Montalban ended up buying the vacant lot left over from a tear down at the corner of Oriole and Thrasher. He built a very nice home with a pool directly north of us. He went to our same church St. Victor's. I used to skateboard in the old pool on the vacant lot with Valerie.

Bob Hope lived on Oriole at the time. He later gave the home to his daughter who had a toddler. The toddler Andrew used to walk down our street with the maid and we'd leave candy for him in our mail box. I was about eight at the time. He had a Korean nanny who would call my neighbor's cats named Harley and Suzuki aka "Suki" "meow meow" which is Korean for "cat" I was told.

My Nana used to throw big birthday parties for me and my sister in May. My bday is December 17. My sister's is May 4. Because my bday was during Christmas break we celebrated around my sister's birthday instead. We'd have races in the street and always had a pinata. My grandmother was born in Mexico so pinatas were a big thing.

Madonna ended up buying Bob Hope's daughter's house and totally redid it. This was 1984 or so. I'd see her jogging up the hills with her personal trainer. Cheryl Ladd lived on Oriole in a smaller home. She had a few dogs who would climb on her roof and bark at people. Her dogs escaped many times and we'd always bring them back. David Niven Jr lived on Oriole at Blue Jay Way. He was dating Cheryl in the 1980's. Moe Howard of the three stooges also lived on Oriole. When I was seven I knocked on his door to say "hello" because I was a huge fan. He was very nice and even told me a few jokes.

We moved to the flats of Beverly Hills 1978 when we went to El Rodeo school in Beverly HIlls. At that time my mother rented it out to one person.

9170 Thrasher Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90069 1984. My mother stucco'd the house in pinkish stucco. Neighbors hated it. So did I. My mother has no taste and did the god awfullest remodel. The house was originally a white stucco square home, nice and plain. The Rosewell's lived in the house on the right. It was cantilevered. 

Around 1990 when my grandmother who owned the home was 90 my mother and sister offered to care for her in the home on Thrasher. I did not think my grandmother would get proper care so I was against this. Plus, the place had stairs and my grandmother had broken her hip in 1986. My grandmother moved there and not only kept paying all the bills for the house but she paid my mother and sister to care for her. They did not give her proper care.

My grandmother called up crying one day so I went and got my grandmother and brought her to my place. I tried to go back and get my grandmother's clothes and personal effects the next day but my mother would not let me in. My grandmother only had her night gown, bathrobe and slippers! My mother refused to give her, her clothes or anything else stating "she'll just give them to charity when she dies." These were worthless clothes.

In 1975 my grandmother put the home in a living trust for my mother. This means my mother would get the home when she died. My grandmother died June 3, 1991 at the age of 90. My mother left the property in my grandmother's name until just a few years ago so she wouldn't have to pay a stepped up property tax. I think she also used my grandmother's credit to refinance it a few times. My grandmother supposedly gave it to my mother as a gift in 2004 but my grandmother died in 1991, 13 years earlier so of course that is impossible. My mother had fake IDs in my name, my sisters, my grandmother's and other names. She left her wallet in my car one day and I saw all the fake IDs.

In the meantime my mother tripled the size of the home. I'm assuming this was from money her second husband Frank Anton Schott left to me and my sister which she took. I also think her new husband Clifford Sponsel also gave her money. For a short time the property was in his name. He is 102 years old now and looks half out of it. He probably doesn't even know what's happening. UPDATE: He died 12/29/2014.

I got an email and phone call about "my" property today asking me why I was against the new construction. I told the person they had the wrong person. Then I pulled up city docs and saw everything that was happening. They sold the house behind us for $36,000,000. They are building a new home where our dollhouse and parking was for $25,000,000. I then pulled up our old house and saw all the new additions. This area used to be a place for quiet people who wanted to live in a little house in the hills. Now it's just mega-mansions for entertainers. I'm sure they bought the properties because it's at the top of the mountain with great views so I don't blame them.

Here is the house today. They are building some huge thing next door. That home is on Oriole the street behind Thrasher. I hope they grow a lot of plants over that cement.
Map of who lived where on Thrasher. The "A" is where we lived.
And the home today for rent at $75,000/month just reduced to $37,000, such a deal!

9170 Thrasher Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90069

I dug up the permits. The home was built in 1962. It didn't have an occupancy certificate until 1963. The owner had to build two retaining walls after the home was built. My grandmother had to redo two of the retaining walls. This was a pre-fab home not regular construction. It was a two story plain white modern box.

9170 Thrasher Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90069 Mary Cummins bird land home house lease rent sale MLS realtor

9170 Thrasher Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90069 Mary Cummins bird land home house lease rent sale MLS realtor

9170 Thrasher Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90069 Mary Cummins bird land home house lease rent sale MLS realtor
Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Mary Cummins of Cummins Real Estate Services wins award

Mary Cummins, Cummins Real Estate Services, Los Angeles, California
Mary Cummins of Cummins Real Estate Services has won the Los Angeles award program award. The Los Angeles Award Program is an annual awards program honoring the achievements and accomplishments of local businesses throughout the Los Angeles area. Recognition is given to those companies that have shown the ability to use their best practices and implemented programs to generate competitive advantages and long-term value.

Each year, the Los Angeles Award Program identifies companies such as Cummins Real Estate Services that we believe have achieved exceptional marketing success in their local community and business category. These are local companies that enhance the positive image of small business through service to their customers and our community. These exceptional companies help make the Los Angeles area a great place to live, work and play.

The Los Angeles Award Program was established to recognize the best of local businesses in our community. Our organization works exclusively with local business owners, trade groups, professional associations and other business advertising and marketing groups. Our mission is to recognize the small business community's contributions to the U.S. economy.

D&B listed, Active member of the US Chamber of Commerce.

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Mary Cummins graduated from El Rodeo school in Beverly Hills, California

Found my elementary school diploma in a photo album. I graduated from El Rodeo elementary school in Beverly Hills, California in 1979. Here in California that is the completion of 8th grade. Our high school is 9th to 12th. We don't have junior or senior high. 

Mary Cummins El Rodeo school in Beverly Hills, California

During high school and the summer before I went to the University of Southern California I went to Santa Monica City College and took some classes just for fun. I took a couple of photography classes, math class and another class. Straight "A's." 

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates, Real Estate Wiki page

Mary Cummins

Mary Cummins
Mary Cummins was born December 17, 1965 in Long Beach, California. Cummins is a real estate expert, freedom of speech advocate, animal rights activist and a licensed wildlife rehabilitator.



Early life and education

Cummins was born in Long Beach, California. The family soon after moved to Beverly Hills, California. She was raised mainly by her grandmother Mary R. Cummins also known as Maria Rivera. Her grandmother was born in Tacubaya in the Federal District of Mexico in 1899. Her grandfather is Robert Cummins who died in WWII. She has an older sister who is an actress named Juliette Cummins who is most well known for acting in horror movies. Her mother is Marie Juliette Cummins who is now Juliette Sponsel living in Santa Barbara married to Clifford Sponsel.
She attended St. Victor's Catholic School then Beverly Hills Catholic School now called Good Shepherd Catholic School in Beverly Hills. She then attended El Rodeo public school in Beverly Hills for 7th and 8th grades and Beverly Hills High School. She later attended the University of Southern California on scholarship as a biology/psychology major. She was on the Dean's list in high school and college.
Growing up she was on the Beverly Hills YMCA swim team, Culver City Roadrunners Swim Team, Beverly Hills High School swim and water polo teams and University of Southern California swim team. She was a top ten swimmer in the United States.

Real Estate

Cummins received her California real estate sales license in 1984. She became a full broker in 1986. She received her California real estate appraiser licensein 1994 when they were first mandatory. Cummins has been a real estate expert in both civil and criminal trial cases in California. She was one of the appraisers of the Ambassador Hotel in the eminent domain case in the 1990's. She's also done appraisals for eminent domain cases for the Los Angeles Metro and pro bono work for local non-profits. Besides teaching real estate appraisal theory classes she's also written many articles on all aspects of real estate appraisal and sales. To date she has done over 20,000 real estate appraisals for AMC's, brokers, lawyers, accountants, government agencies and private individuals. She has worked for Merrill Lynch, Westside Properties, the Apartment Owners Association (AOA) and Forensis Group.

Freedom of Speech

Cummins is an advocate on freedom of speech issues. In the past 20 years she has written reports on securities fraud and animal cruelty cases. In two of these cases she was sued for defamation in retaliation for posting her reports on the Internet and filing complaints with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)and authorities.
"Fredric Rittereiser, Ashton Technology vs Mary Cummins", 2000. In this case the CEO of Ashton Technology Fredric Rittereiser and the company sued Cummins for defamation and tortious interference. Cummins represented herself pro se and won this case in November 2001.
"Kathy Knight-McConnell vs Mary Cummins", July 2003. In this case company paid stock promoter Kathy Knight-McConnell sued Cummins for defamation, trademark infringement and securities claims. Cummins represented herself pro se and won in 2004. This case set case law precedence as this was the beginning of internet law.

Animal Activism

Cummins has always been a strong proponent for animal rights. She has rescued animals since she was a small child rescue a fawn, bunny and squirrels at the age of six. Cummins started her own non-profit Animal Advocates in 2002. She is licensed with the California Department of Fish & Game and the USDA to rescue and rehabilitate wildlife including coyotesbobcatsfoxesraccoonsskunksopossumssquirrels, all the way down to bats. Mary Cummins speaks to local community groups and students about respecting wildlife and humane wildlife control. Mary Cummins is also a Wildlife Control Operator. Mary Cummins has written manuals on small mammal rehabilitation besides numerous articles.
Cummins also lobbies and speaks out for animal rights. She worked with other animal rights groups to help pass the West Hollywood fur ban. She also worked with Dr. Jennifer Conrad of the Paw Project to help ban the declawing of domestic cats, large cats and wild animals. In 2004 she was able to change the wildlife policy for the City of Los Angeles. She also made an amendment to zoning in Los Angeles County to allow wildlife rehabilitation. She's also lobbied for many new bills such as SB 1229. Cummins went through the Rio Hondo Police Academy and the Humane Academy to become a Humane Officer. Cummins also worked for American Humane and the Found Animals Foundation. She was also outspoken about the tainted and rancid puppy and kitten formulas made by Petag.

Personal life

Cummins is divorced with no children. She currently lives in Bel Air, California which is also home to her wildlife sanctuary and wildlife rehabilitation facility. Her hobbies are motorcycling, skiing, scuba diving, hiking, cooking and reading. She is a "green" Vegan doing what she can to help the environment, people and animals.

Awards and Honors

  • Member of the California Council for Wildlife Rehabilitators
  • Member of the National Wildlife Rehabilitation Association
  • Member of the International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council
  • Member of the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) National Disaster Animal Rescue Team (NDART)
  • Certificate of appreciation from the City of Los Angeles for many years of service in 2003
  • Certificate of appreciation from EARS for assisting with wildlife in the California fires
  • Certificate of appreciation from the Los Angeles Department of Animal Services 2009

External Links

Publications and Articles

  • 2002 "What to do when you find a baby squirrel"
  • 2002 "What to do when you find an injured squirrel"
  • 2003 "How to reunite squirrels babies with their mothers"
  • 2003 "How to trim trees with wildlife in mind"
  • 2003 "How to properly care for un-releasable squirrels"
  • 2003 "How to build proper caging for wildlife"
  • 2003 Cat Fancy Magazine, "Mama Mia"
  • 2003 "How to humanely deal with coyotes"
  • 2004 "Rehabilitation of tree squirrels" manual.
  • 2004 "Rehabilitation of ground squirrels" manual.
  • 2004 "Rehabilitation of skunks" manual.
  • 2004 "Treatment of Malocclusion in Squirrels," Co-author Dr. Bill Ridgeway
  • 2004 "How to trim rodent teeth"
  • 2004 "How to make pet squirrels wild again"
  • 2004 "How to set up a wildlife referral system in animal shelters"
  • 2005 IWRC, "Journal of Wildlife Rehabilitation," "Raising baby tree squirrels from weaning to release"

Selected Media

  • 2003 Animal Planet "Beverly Hills Vet, Squirrel Rehabilitation"
  • 2003 CADFG "Scrawl of the Wild"
  • 2003 LA Times "Rodent poisoning project angers animal activists"
  • 2004 Cable television show "Wildlife Rescue," six episodes, Doggy TV
  • 2004 Gardena Valley News "Helping furry friends survive urban jungle"
  • 2004 KROQ radio interview with Scott Mason
  • 2005 Discovery Channel "The Undetectables, Squirrel Care"
  • 2005 LA Weekly "A Billionaire's Bark"
  • 2005 KROQ radio interview with Scott Mason
  • 2005 Thousand Oaks Acorn "Public outcry over slain tiger loud but not universal"
  • 2005 LA Times "Urban remedies: Dealing with new arrivals"
  • 2005 Thousand Oaks Acorn "Public outcry over slain tiger loud but not universal"
  • 2005 LA City Beat "Welcome to the jungle"
  • 2006 Daily News "Stuckey stays on as $50,000 City consultant"
  • 2006 Book "Squirrels: The Animal Answer Guide"
  • 2006 Daily News "County relaxes restrictions on llamas, animal rehab"
  • 2006 Daily News "Council hears Stuckey critics"
  • 2006 LA Times "Fired City Official's appeal in limbo"
  • 2007 LA Times "Opossums: your garden's evening clean-up crew"
  • 2009 LA Times "Your morning adorable, baby skunks and the handstand dance"
  • 2010 Martha Stewart "A gopher named Charlie"
  • 2010 Martha Stewart "A second chance for Charlie"
  • 2010 LA Times "Your morning adorable: rescued rabbit enjoys a meal"
  • 2010 LA Times "Your morning adorable: rub a dub dub, raccoons in a tub"
  • 2010 Top YouTube pets video channel in March
  • 2011 Ventura County Star "City says bats remain at Moorpark home"
  • 2011 CBS Los Angeles "Moorpark Says Homeowners Not Doing Enough To Fight Bats"
  • 2011 NBC "WeHo one step closer to fur ban"
  • 2012 Santa Monica Patch "Wild Animal in Town? Call on Us, Vet Says"
  • 2012 Santa Monica Daily Press "Groups want policy change after mountain lion death"
  • 2012 ABC "IDA Rally held in Santa Monica in protest of fatal shooting of mountain lion"
  • 2012 NBC "Animal-Rights Group Protests Santa Monica Mountain Lion Shooting"
Real Estate
  • 1985 LA Times "People in Westside Real Estate" Cummins joins Merrill Lynch
  • 1990 LA Times "People in Westside Real Estate" Cummins joins Westside Properties
  • 2002 LA Times "Suggestions for the bidder whose offers are rejected"
  • 2007 LA Times "Historical homes, not for everyone"
  • 2009 LA Weekly "Jimmy Nasralla finds a lawyer"
  • 2009 LA Weekly "Is LA City Attorney Trutanich screwing over the little guy?"
  • 2009 LA Weekly "Jimmy on the edge of town"

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

LA Art Show at Los Angeles Convention Center by Mary Cummins

mary cummins, la art show, la convention center, los angeles, california, art show, artists, robert vargas, mural, muralist Los Angeles LA A...